Chapter 119

several days in a row.

Su Rui was busy searching for interesting scripts everywhere, and met with several screenwriters one after another.

They also sent people to various training classes specializing in acting to find some good seedlings with good conditions, and gave some "The Walking Dead" characters on the spot.

The commotion was relatively big, and the news quickly spread throughout Hollywood, and was treated as an after-dinner talk, talked about with great interest.

The new CEO of Netflix Entertainment, his name is Ricky Trenz.

Ricky Trentz, 33, graduated from Harvard Business School and served as senior vice president of Netflix's parent company.

Because of his IQ of 160, he was favored by Suri and Reed Hastings at the same time, so he changed jobs and came to Netflix Entertainment to help.

The CEO is not tall, with a relatively thin body. He is not a smooth-talking sycophant, but he is more reliable in his work.

It has only been two weeks since he joined Netflix Entertainment, and he has basically sorted out the internal structure, installed a group of capable employees, and handled official duties in an orderly manner.

This time, Netflix Entertainment has set up two major departments of operation management and film and television creation in Silicon Valley and Los Angeles respectively.

And the power of the creative department was taken away by Su Rui.

Therefore, Ricky Trenz is mainly responsible for supervising technology development, publicity and promotion, finance and legal affairs, etc. Recently, in addition to recruiting personnel, he is mainly busy splitting up with the parent company, and completely stripping the network TV business from Netflix's parent company.

November NO.14, Friday afternoon.

When Reed Hastings came to Los Angeles by car, he met Ricky Trentz at Netflix's headquarters in Century City, west of Beverly Hills, and asked acquaintedly:
"Hi, Trenz, today is your big day. I'm not worried about the opening ribbon-cutting. The party should be fine, right? The local company is holding back their energy and wants to give us a big shot. The news has even made the newspapers. Several famous directors Both the actor and the actors have publicly expressed their disinterest in us, it’s just a party, and it’s like choosing a team position, there’s something wrong with their brains.”

Ricky Trentz, who was Hastings' deputy at the parent company before, was a little embarrassed when he heard the words, and replied:

"Mr. Su didn't care much about inviting guests. He only added a few screenwriters to the list, and some actors who didn't have enough influence. I proposed to cancel the part of walking the red carpet, but he rejected it. Pay more attention to the preparation of new dramas, and plan to buy some overseas film sources."

Hastings was speechless, how could he control Suri.

The parent company of Netflix is ​​obviously the major shareholder. However, when the media mentions Netflix Entertainment, they always talk about Suri and are not interested in Reed Hastings at all, let alone Ricky Trentz. CEO.

Su Rui is already famous, not only as a super rich man, but also in charge of the film and television content creation department, it is indeed easier to get the attention of the outside world.

They are somewhat envious of this.

However, Su Rui can bring attention, which is beneficial to the development of Netflix Entertainment, and the parent company can also follow suit.

Since the cooperation, the stock price of Netflix's parent company listed on Nasdaq has risen by about 15%, and it has gained a lot of benefits.

The relationship between the two parties is in the honeymoon period, and Hastings only stated:

"You do what you should do. Young people like Su Rui are more thoughtful. Remember to pay more attention when getting along and try not to cause any conflicts. Since Hollywood is not going to sell us the right to broadcast online, buy it from abroad. Some film and television resources are also good, at least the price is relatively cheap..."


The so-called Hollywood Century City covers an area of ​​less than one square mile.

There are many high-rise buildings everywhere, and about 5 people come to work every day. It is called "a city within a city".

This time, Netflix Entertainment came to rent an independent commercial building with glass curtain walls. It is four floors high and has a usable office area of ​​more than 500 square meters, which is enough to be used as a studio.

There is nothing to say about the opening and ribbon cutting.

At around four o'clock in the evening, I asked some media to help me take pictures, and it ended after a cutscene. It was nothing more than announcing the official opening of Netflix Entertainment.

The party was arranged at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills. A hall was reserved tonight, and the red carpet and sign-in cards were carefully arranged at the entrance.

When Su Rui arrived at the Four Seasons Hotel by car, it was already dark, and the reporters set up long guns and short cannons in advance.

It's not up yet, so I'm not in a hurry to get out of the car. Secretary Amanda sat in the co-pilot seat, pointed to the interview cars of ABC TV and NBC TV, and taunted:
"Among these guys tonight, many of them clearly have no good intentions. As long as there is not enough excitement later, they will immediately write articles, mocking the boss's party that no one cares about."

Su Rui chewed gum carelessly, wearing a patterned black suit, young and fashionable, with a calm face, said:

"Isn't it all arranged? We Chinese have a saying that the dragon crosses the river. If you don't teach them a lesson tonight, you really think I am Hello Kitty, and I can't beat them?"

Daddario, who was wearing a backless evening dress and had an astonishingly good career line, was so nervous that he took a deep breath.

She and Su Rui were secretly photographed on the beach, and it was the first time she attended a formal occasion in public. She grabbed Su Rui's hand and smiled, saying:

"During this period of time, many friends who didn't contact me called me one after another, hoping to get my help and arrange filming opportunities for them. After tonight, there will be more people like this. Thank you. I used to dream of Walk the red carpet once."

Suri said to her:

"Don't be nervous, and don't step on my feet. If you are afraid of ugly photos, just smile. I will try to grab a headline for you."

Seeing that the time was almost up, Su Rui got out of the car, surrounded by bodyguards.

Stepping on the red carpet calmly, standing in the photo area with a smile, then took the marker pen and wrote his name in the signature area.

A professional outsourcing company was hired to plan the event, and Ashton Kutcher brought his elderly actress wife and soon came to take pictures and sign autographs.

As the host, Suri shook hands with them and asked Ashton to go to the party to rest first.

Ashton was not in a hurry, chatting with his wife.

I saw Mark Zuckerberg walking on the red carpet in a suit, and the flash lights suddenly lit up.

After Zuckerberg helped to finish the show, a middle-aged white man followed him and came to the photo area to wave.

Some entertainment reporters were at a loss, wondering who it was, and someone around told them: "Peter Thiel! A well-known investor in Silicon Valley, and a super rich man!"

Followed by.

A strong man with a bald head and beard appeared again, smiling so happily.

The one who spoke just now said again at this moment: "Mark Anderson, the founder of Netscape, is also here?"

"Super rich again?!"


"Brother, everyone is a reporter, why do you know so many people?"

"I used to be on the finance and economics page, and I couldn't even see them. Could it be changed to a meeting of the super rich club tonight?"

When Google's Larry Page and Sergey Brin got out of the car and walked on the red carpet leisurely, this time no one else needed to explain, many entertainment reporters on the scene were numb, and they could often see it from the rich list the two of them.


Only then did many people realize that Netflix Entertainment is not just a film and television company, but also a pure-blood Silicon Valley technology company.

Ashton, who was supporting Su Rui, was also numb, and asked in a resentful tone, "Isn't it a shame that I'm caught in the middle of you Silicon Valley tycoons?"

Su Rui patted him on the shoulder and replied with a smile:
"I arranged it on purpose. You didn't always want to go to Silicon Valley to develop. Today is just a chance. Help me entertain them..."

(End of this chapter)

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