Start with hooves

Chapter 112 Depressed to Internal Injury

Chapter 112 Depressed to Internal Injury

Su Rui just returned to the hotel.

Manager Kona couldn't wait to find him, holding a thin kraft paper bag in his hand, and told him that he had asked a friend to help him complete the test and everything was normal.

The hot pot at night has settled down.

Su Rui went to greet the Chinese chef himself.

The other party suggested that, like mutton, cut venison into thin slices and cook in a clear soup hot pot. In addition, stew some meaty bones in the soup base, which is more nourishing and nourishing.

Thinking that D'Addario will be back in a few days, it is necessary to make up for it in advance and make thorough preparations, so Su Rui gave up the Sichuan spicy pot bottom and asked the chef to chop some scorpion bones first, and stew the deer bone soup base, Also prepare some dipping sauce.

I went back to my room and took a shower, feeling refreshed.

When he came out of the shower, he happened to meet Secretary Amanda who was hurrying.

She seemed to have a date later, with delicate heavy makeup on her face, and a shiny dress on her body, she handed a bunch of documents to Su Rui, said "I'll contact you tomorrow if I have something to do", and immediately ran away with her bag.

Su Rui took the time to look at this pile of information and found that the U.S. stock market rose sharply again today, and the newly recruited "The Walking Dead" screenwriter team created some background information on the characters.

For example, for Daddario's heroine, the fictional name is "Tina Grace".

Before the disaster, she worked as an intern in the emergency department of the hospital and witnessed her fiancé die in the hospital bed. She grew up in the countryside and was good at using bows, crossbows and shotguns.

It can both fight and save people. This background is in the play, and it is easy to get more shots. It is obviously a cheat.

There are also some character cards. For example, the most important actor is a Los Angeles police detective in his 30s who has been married for many years and lost his wife and son.

Like many American dramas, he is upright, brave, and loves his family.

Just made up some character cards, and the outline of the script has not yet been written. Su Rui had a rough look at it, and first picked out a few suitable images, including old people, bullies, black followers and so on.

In the end, I specially chose a supporting role of Chinese descent, who is a Los Angeles actor who specializes in fighting scenes and has practiced a lot of fighting skills.

After writing a few episodes of the script and preparing the crew and actors, maybe within two or three months, the trial broadcast will start on the network TV platform of Netflix Entertainment.

After looking through these materials with relish, I recalled and thought about the plot, and wrote down some highlights that I could remember on paper.

In the blink of an eye, it was 06:30 in the evening, and Daju was so hungry that he meowed.

Only then did Su Rui remember her hot pot, and called Yuko Hoshino. The hotel waiter helped prepare a small portable stove, plus some side dishes such as kelp and mushrooms.

Put flowers next to it, light candles, and the grade will go up all of a sudden.

When Yuko Hoshino came to his suite, she saw the roses in the vase, her eyes were wary, and she asked, "You prepared this? Two people eating, cut so much meat?"

Su Rui was exhausted today, slumped on a chair, spread his hands and said:

"It's not my fault. I wanted to ask my secretary to have dinner with me, but she seems to have a date tonight. What did you do in the afternoon? I wanted to ask you to go surfing. The wind and waves are very strong in the north of the island, and the drop is five or six meters. Shot into the sea several times."

"...It seems that you are not the kind of person who likes outdoor sports. Wearing formal clothes to participate in high-end parties is almost the same, and the complexion is too white. Those who like surfing have tanned faces. You are photographed in the sea. I don’t think so at all. It's weird."

After finishing speaking, Yuko Hoshino sat across from him and added:
"The director who made the MV asked me to say hello to you, and I will shoot a section with me at around nine o'clock tomorrow morning. The location is next to Hulop Beach. Thank you for preparing such a big meal, but I can't eat too much, so as not to be swollen tomorrow morning , won’t it look pretty on camera.”

Su Rui rolled her eyes and said, "It's a big deal to change it to the afternoon, you're already so thin, no matter how swollen you are, how can you get swollen?"

Yuko Hoshino replied:
"It's because it's so hard to maintain a perfect body, so you have to be more restrained. You still have three songs in the album, right? Can you play it to me first? If it's so bad that no one wants to buy the album, then the MV doesn't matter. , not many people will see it anyway.”


The small soup pot began to tumbling, Su Rui first took a bowl to fill some soup, and said in his mouth:
"Then you will definitely be disappointed. There are many people who want to see me fail. Who has really succeeded? Confucius once said that your father will always be your father, which means that some people are born powerful and destined to be looked up to. For example I."

"...You're talking nonsense, right? I mean that sentence. But some people's childhood takes a lifetime to heal, and some people's childhood can be cured for a lifetime. You are indeed very lucky. Except for Huaxin, everything else is normal. "

After listening to Yuko Hoshino, Su Rui chatted while eating:

"You have to think about the good. If I'm not that kind of person, you have no chance of deceiving me. Everyone has their own troubles, such as me. Success comes too easily, and I have no special pursuit. If you don't be more affectionate, How empty and boring the days must be."

Hoshino Yuko thought about it seriously, took chopsticks to cook venison, and teased him: "Although you are a jerk, but I can understand your thoughts, why don't you try to donate all your wealth, including this amazingly valuable Lanai Island, so that you Your life will definitely be very fulfilling.”

"I'm not a fool. What's more, it doesn't matter if I donate. As long as I want money, I can earn it back soon."

This is true.

There is still a lot of money from his parents, and he can just post short videos, smart phones, etc., and he can take off in place while lying down.

Although the relationship with Su Rui has directly developed to a home run, they are actually not that familiar with each other.

Chatting while eating tonight made Yuko Hoshino feel very good.

It's a pity that this guy was honest for a while, and directly asked if there were no other activities at night, then he would start to burn the garlic leaves.

Hoshino Yuko couldn't understand what he meant, and took a deep breath.

Leaving aside the sentence, even if you eat garlic directly, it has nothing to do with you. She is busy helping Daju boil the meat and put it in the rice bowl specially prepared for it.

Most of the cooked venison was piled up in front of Daju.

When it got colder, the chubby cat opened its mouth as wide as possible, and ate several slices in one bite, chewing it deliciously.


Eat and drink well.

At around eight o'clock in the evening, Hoshino Yuko returned to her room.

She originally planned to wash up directly and find a movie to lie on the bed to pass the time, but when she stood in front of the mirror, she gave up the idea of ​​taking off her makeup now.

There was a vague expectation in my heart, thinking that Su Rui would probably contact me again, go drink or something else, so as not to be in a hurry and not be able to maintain the best state.

As the minutes passed, it was approaching ten o'clock without knowing it.

There was no sound on the phone for a long time, and Su Rui didn't knock on her door.

This made Hoshino Yuko very depressed. She complained that this guy was only talking loudly, but he didn't show any real performance for two consecutive nights.

Obviously, if you take the initiative again, there may be a story, anyway, there is no special reason to resist.

With the thought that we might meet by chance.

When Yuko Hoshino went out to finish watching, she was almost depressed to the point of internal injury.

I saw that Su Rui really hadn't rested yet, and was feeding the eagles in the hotel lobby and helping the rescued Hawaiian hawk change gauze.

Hoshino Yuko suddenly had an idea in her head, wondering if this eagle is more fun than herself?
It's not as good as a beast...


(End of this chapter)

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