Start with hooves

Chapter 104 The Gift of Nature

Chapter 104 The Gift of Nature
In order to stop the running miniature horse just now, everyone was so tired that they were out of breath.

Little Rock wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to Suri:

"The two of them had a lot of fun, maybe you should order a saddle, so you don't have to worry about your cat being thrown away when you run. I've seen wild cats jump straight from the roof and land gracefully at the end, but this one The pet cat is too fat, its body is not flexible enough, and its neck can no longer be seen, so it is easy to get injured if it falls."

Little Rock stretched out his hand to touch Big Orange's head, but was stopped by the vengeful it stretched out its claws.

As Daju stomped his feet, the brown and white miniature horse continued to trot forward, and other miniature horses who were watching from the sidelines followed closely behind, all of them looked like Daju's little brother, shouting forward embrace.

Since being transported to live in the ranch on the lanai, whether it's a miniature horse, a miniature donkey, or a miniature highland cattle, they've all been kept as ornamental pets.

They are free-range on the pasture on weekdays, and gradually regained some of their nature, appearing very lively.

In front of him was a large expanse of grass, dazzlingly green under the sun.

Daju squatted on the horse's back and ran tens of meters away. Seeing this, Su Rui couldn't help laughing:

"There should be a saddle for children on the Internet. I think its riding skills are better than mine. Let Daju play by himself. Say hello to each other. If you meet in the wild, help me take care of it. Also, Zach How is the foal that Berg gave me?"

Little Rock replied:

"It's great, the daily food cost is higher than mine, even a full-grown quarter horse is afraid to mess with it. A trainer came to the stable last week, just the way I like it, a chance to be my last love .”

"Who's going to be your last love, the trainer or the owner's horse? To be fair, you don't deserve either, even though Lady Madeleine is ten years older than you."

Little Rock's best friend Bennett finished speaking, and then explained to Suri:

"I asked before that the expensive foal cannot be ridden until it is four years old. It seems that Arabian horses mature late, and being overburdened will affect their growth."

Little Rock strangled Bennett's neck, still yelling:

"You are so evil! How can I be interested in horses? I have advised you to stop reading weird things on the Internet. You were so pure before, how did you become what you are now!"

They are still young, they have been playing together since they were young, they are quite noisy when they get along, and they dare to say anything.

Suri knew who Madeleine was and had read her profile.

Secretary Amanda hired a horse training consultant from an equestrian club in Oahu through a headhunting company at a high price. Now her only job is to take care of the pony Zuckerberg sent.

I didn't know that purebred Arabian horses are so delicate that they can't be ridden until they are four years old.

Su Rui laughed dumbfounded after hearing this, and told:

"It seems that before it grows up, I have to buy another horse. I can't ride a miniature horse to accompany Daju for a walk. I will be sued by animal protection organizations for cruelty to animals."

The voice just fell.

He accidentally found a big bird in the sky in the distance.

Su Rui subconsciously thought it was a relatively common black-backed albatross, and was watching with relish. He saw the bird swooping down quickly, flying towards the big oranges, and finally saw the bird's appearance clearly.

He was so excited that he blurted out: "Fuck! Eagle!?"

Bennett also saw this scene, and ran in the direction of Daju, and shouted: "Hawaiian hawk (Kuang) is here again!"

Hawaiian hawk.

A carnivorous bird of prey that lives in Hawaii. It mainly eats rodents, and also eats snakes, hares, lizards, frogs, etc. Its body length is more than 40 centimeters and its weight is less than a catty.

Rats and hares will panic when they encounter it, but this Hawaiian buzzard was unlucky today, and it actually set its sights on Daju.

as a cat.

Although Daju doesn't like to move, his reaction is quite quick.

It was having fun when it suddenly noticed something rushing towards it and stretched out its sharp claws.

I saw Daju sitting firmly on the back of the miniature horse. When the Hawaiian buzzard approached, he jumped up about five centimeters. With the help of the height of the miniature horse, he successfully counterattacked the big bird and pressed it to the grass.

With a full weight of 24 pounds, the two sides are like boxers hanging kindergarten children.

The moment it landed, the Hawaiian buzzard had to bear the weight it shouldn't have to bear, and the winner was decided directly. Before it could make a sound with its mouth open, its wings began to twitch, and it rolled its eyes and passed out.

With a little curiosity.

Daju pulled its two paws, with an elegant and round posture, and left from the body of the Hawaiian buzzard.

The reflex arc was a bit long, and it suddenly reminded me of grilled chicken, and Daju was instantly ecstatic, thanking the gift of nature.

It was also thinking about the black-backed albatross cubs it met last time. At this time, it held the Hawaiian hawk with its paws, probed for directions, and waved frantically at Su Rui, for fear that the ingredients that were delivered to the door would run away.

It happened to be downhill.

Su Rui saw Daju's movements tens of meters away, twitched the corners of his mouth, and trotted all the way to it.

The Hawaiian hawk was still alive, but it looked like it was dying, with its head drooping, its wings seemed to be broken, and its feathers were stained with blood.

Compared with external injuries, I am afraid that internal injuries are more serious.

After picking up the big orange for inspection, Su Rui ignored its smacking action, and asked in a surprised tone:

"Are there any birds like this in the area? I've seen albatrosses and Hawaiian geese, and I thought it was just these two big birds."

"Occasionally, we can encounter Hawaiian hawks, but they don't live on Lanai Island. This bird doesn't seem to have all grown hair yet, so it should have flown over from Maui to hunt."

Bennett finished.

Little Rock said with emotion:

"It's so stupid. There are so many wild cats on Lanai, but it chose the most difficult one. Its wings were crushed to the point of fracture, and it probably won't survive."

Half dead, this is not a ready-made test subject.

Suri found a reason and said:
"You can't leave it here. If it is accidentally stepped on by a cow, it will really die. Take it away for observation for a while, and if it doesn't work, bury it."

Little Rock has a shadow about this. The last time he was disturbed by the black-backed albatross cub, he couldn't sleep.

With the idea that a dead fellow Taoist would not die a poor Taoist, he immediately pointed to Bennett and suggested:
"Let Bennett take care of it. He is more careful in his work. He used to like to rescue wild cats. Later, he was scratched and went to the clinic for several injections."

Bennett didn't refuse.

Su Rui spoke first:

"It's okay, I'll take care of it myself. I used to think it was cool for herdsmen to raise eagles, and they were very interested in this kind of animal. Moreover, there are disinfectant and gauze in the hospital, and Talia can help with bandaging, so as not to splinter the bones." Crooked."

Little Rock looked at him thoughtfully.

Subconsciously, he felt that taking the opportunity to get close to Talia was Su Rui's real purpose. He felt that he had learned some skills and could not let go of any chance to make a move.

Of course they also saw the news about the photos on the beach.

Recently, in private, there has been a lot of speculation about whether Talia has something to do with Suri. Some people even went to ask Aunt Karna, but they only got a negative answer.

After hearing this, Daju was rather dissatisfied.

I missed the albatross baby bird last time, but this time I can't eat it, and its saliva is about to flow out.

Arched and arched his head in Su Rui's arms, and hammered his chest with small fists.
(Emm...Although I have expected it, but the first order is more than 700, which is only a quarter of the previous book, and my brain is buzzing. I will try my best to write it well, but let me wait a few days before writing more, adjust Check the status, come on ( ̄(工) ̄))
(End of this chapter)

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