Fruit fairy

Chapter 84

Chapter 84

At the moment when the blood dripped on the Token of Guizong, several faint red lights flashed past, as if several handwriting appeared.

Just when Li Can was watching carefully, he felt a sudden coldness all over his body, and a sharp chill immediately rose from his heart and spread all over his body in an instant.

The next moment, his whole body seemed to be frozen and he couldn't move, and the scene he saw suddenly changed, and he fell into a dark nothingness.

"No, it's a scam."

Li Can knew it later, but the scene in front of him suddenly changed. In the pitch-black emptiness, six light clusters the size of lanterns suddenly lit up, and the color was green like dancing will-o'-the-wisps.

And behind these six dark green light clusters, a figure as huge as an attic is slowly revealed in the void.

"This is."

Just when Li Can's heart was breaking out in cold sweat, the huge figure was finally fully revealed. It was a huge chicken-like monster with three heads and six eyes that appeared in front of him, looking down from a high position.

Those six lantern-sized dark green light clusters turned out to be only its eyes.

"quack quack"

When the huge dark red and sharp beaks of the three monsters opened slightly, weird laughter immediately filled the empty void space, and another mighty and tyrannical coercion came over like overwhelming mountains and seas.

That weird laughter had already shaken his heart and made him dizzy, but at this moment he was overwhelmed by the violent coercion, his heart was oppressed and his breath stagnated, his knees were so weak that he almost fell to the ground.

With such momentum, Li Can thought that the mentor who built the foundation was here, so he might have to back away and run away.

"Open your heart and worship me as Lord, and if you surrender to me, your life will be spared."

Amidst the weird and weird laughter, a voice came faintly to his ears.

At this moment, Li Can's face was red and his ears were red, his eyes were dizzy and his ears were ringing, his eyes were dizzy and his ears were ringing. There was a trace of blood slowly oozing out from his seven orifices.

But even so, he who has opened his mind can still maintain a trace of clarity, and secretly said in his heart:

"This monster is so powerful that I am far from being an opponent. If I really want to kill myself, why should I be so nonsense?"

"By the way, I obviously hid in the formation space inside the magic weapon to absorb the psychic liquid. I was deceived by the previous patriarch and dripped blood into the token of returning to the sect. Facing such a powerful enemy in space."

"In this way, all of this should be false. In other words, I have fallen into an illusion."

Thinking of this, Li Can suddenly realized in shock that the illusion was nothing more than the [Double Flowers Absolute Shadow Formation] in the City Lord's Mansion, which he himself hadn't experienced.

Since you are in an illusion, everything is an illusion.

"Seeing is illusion, ear hearing is illusion, seeing is illusion, ear hearing is illusion"

Li Can could not only assist his teacher in making the [Double Flowers Absolute Shadow Formation] array, but he also understood the truth behind it. At this time, he reminded himself, and slowly closed his eyes in front of the strange laughter and the stench .

The breath from the monster's mouth was extremely foul-smelling, and he could even feel the scorching breath brushing his hair and scratching his face, and everything was so real.

Despite this, Li Can still firmly believed in his own judgment. He calmly twiddled his fingers, raised his hand, and a cloud of blue water polo immediately appeared in his palm. In this way, he was completely enveloped in it, and the strange laughter and stench were immediately excluded.

"How dare you ignore my existence, then I have no choice but to refine you."

In the empty space, an angry roar suddenly sounded, and then Li Can only felt that the water polo shook suddenly, and a feeling of weightlessness came immediately, as if it was picked up and swallowed by that huge monster like an attic. middle.

Although Li Can didn't open his eyes to see it, he seemed to see it "clearly" with his own eyes. This feeling was extremely weird.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the water polo, and it turned out to be the Xian Patriarch whispering in surprise:

"I didn't expect my descendants of the Li family to have such ability to break through the illusion in such a short period of time. In this way, the old man can place high hopes on you."

"Seeing is illusion, hearing is illusion, all illusions are illusions, ghosts and monsters are illusions, fear and fear are all born from the heart, cannot be trusted, cannot be heard, and cannot be feared."

Li Can turned a deaf ear to this, and sat cross-legged in the water polo, still muttering to himself like an old monk chanting sutras.

Seeing Li Can's appearance, the voice continued with a chuckle:

"This monster was named 鹸鵌 before it was alive. It has three heads in the shape of a bird, six eyes and six tails, and is good at imitating human laughter. Wings can withstand the wind for thousands of miles."

Li Can's murmured voice obviously paused for a while, and then continued to sound: "Seeing is delusion, hearing is delusion first. Patriarch is a bastard!"

The remnant soul of the former patriarch didn't seem to hear what he said, but sighed:
"When I first entered this palace in the early years, I was trapped by its nightmare and illusion. I was frightened and couldn't resist for a while. I could only regard it as my master. It took away my body, and it swallowed most of my soul power."

"It is precisely because of this that I learned that this demon soul was the mount of the master of the temple, 'Que Yi', and fell into the dark world together due to the thunder calamity. And it was sealed within the boundary gate."

Hearing this, Li Can's whispering voice was so weak that it was almost inaudible, but after the voice paused slightly, Li Can's whispering voice immediately became louder again.

After the remnant soul of the former patriarch smiled, he pretended not to know and said:

"It's actually only one of the three poems of 鵸鵌, the other two souls are still sealed in the gate and have not developed spiritual wisdom. Although it can control the seal of this palace through the array of spirit beads, it dare not pass through the gate Going to the outside world to find land to rebuild is precisely because I am worried that the other two souls will absorb its original power."

"After all, they used to be three souls of the same origin, and they were easily devoured and assimilated by each other. In this way, the spiritual intelligence that it accidentally recovered by chance will return to chaos, and this is also its weakness. If we can capture it alive later, we can take advantage of it."

After the voice paused, Li Can's whispering voice did not sound immediately, but after a moment of contemplation, he slowly opened his eyes, stared intently at the return token in his hand, and said word by word:

"Do you think I'll still trust you?"

The patriarch Xian said with a slight smile: "Since you have been reminded during the blood test, why don't you believe it?"

Li Can nodded and raised his hand. The faint red light on the token in his palm is changing after absorbing the blood donation. The words "water polo body protection, prevent prying eyes" before have disappeared, but the latest words that appear are :

"By entering the belly of the soul, you can break through."

Li Can sighed softly and said: "It seems that your spirit has already been controlled by it, so you deliberately led me into its nightmare and illusion to be swallowed by it, I'm afraid there are other selfish motives."

"That's right," the Xian patriarch admitted without hesitation:

"When it devoured the power of my soul, it left behind in the dark, but through my soul to detect everything around, every word and deed is under its prying eyes, only hiding in the token will it be helpless to me .”

"And it did this just in case when it crosses the boundary gate in the future. It's not out of kindness that it spared my life. And when I was wrapped in your water ball just now, I couldn't feel its pain." Peeping with fascination, it can be seen that the ball of water you condensed is quite magical, you only need to use it to cover your whole body to isolate the erosion of phantoms."

"That's natural. This water ball is transformed by the essence of sunflower water, and the essence of sunflower water is one of the divine waters of Huangquan. The divine water of Huangquan is ranked fifth among the top ten divine waters in the world. Water, Sanguang Shenshui, Gonggong Shenshui (also known as Tianqingshenshui), Unitary Heavy Water, Wangchuan Water, Xiangliu Poison Water, Lapis Purifying Water, Son-Mother Shenshui and Babao Gongde Water."

Li Can said in his heart showing off.

At this time, the patriarch continued to say: "It has been swallowed by it at this time, and you only need to follow my instructions to destroy it, so that only the skeleton body remains."

"And I took the opportunity to get rid of its control and regain the body. In this way, I can help you take down this fang easily."

(End of this chapter)

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