What to do when the devil's wife comes to the door

182. Talk about time travel and some thoughts

Talk about time travel and some thoughts

Today I saw a video on Douyin, which is about time travel. In fact, this is not the first time I have seen it, so I wanted to share my opinion.

The video is about Hawking inviting people from the future to have dinner, but no one came to the appointment, so she believed that there is no time travel, and it also shattered many people's illusions about time travel.

There are many people discussing in the comment area. Some people think that there is no time travel at all, because time does not exist at all, and we humans define time.

Some also think that there must be time travel, but they don't want to be like Hawking.

Some people also believe that the earth has a strong ability to restore bugs, and someone who travels through the earth will activate the repair function to eliminate bugs.

And I think, if there is time travel... it should be as follows.

Is it possible that crossing actually requires an anchor point signal? Only when the anchor point is established can the time to travel to the anchor point be similar to the starting point and end point of the transmission signal. Only when the crossing point is established (similar to a signal tower) can the time from The reason why we cannot travel to the present when we travel to the signal tower time in the future is because there is no landing anchor point established in this time period. When we have a time machine, we can only travel to where the time machine is invented, because only time can be invented. Only then did we know that only by establishing an anchor point can we travel through, and only at that time can we establish an anchor point to travel through time [cover face].

Just like, if you want to travel from tomorrow to today, you have to build a crossing anchor point today, something similar to a signal tower. Only by building this signal tower and communicating with future time travel machines can you travel to today's time node (that is, crossing to the signal tower).

Where there is an initial output point, there should be a terminal acceptance point.

The reason why no one can travel to our time node now is that the terminal receiving point, that is, the landing anchor point, has not been established.

When the time anchor point is established and the signal point is received, people in the future can travel to the present.

However, this estimate is also impossible.

Because you can't expect the people of the Qin Dynasty to build a space station, right? You can't expect them to build a spaceship... According to the level of technology at that time, it was impossible at all, and it is impossible for us to build one at the current level of technology. Time anchor, so... even if people in the future have the ability to travel, they cannot travel to the present.


That's what I just guessed.

It's hard to imagine that a harem novice writer would think about these things.

And the reason for thinking this way is that I want to record the time of my conjecture, maybe this thing will come true in the future, and I will be the first person to put forward this point of view, so that I can go down in history?
Ha ha…

In fact, I also thought about another esoteric question.

That is, what is our world like.

To be honest, to let the world develop on its own is still driven by a big hand somewhere...

If it develops freely, it will fend for itself...then why sometimes there are many unreasonable places.

I don’t know if you have that kind of experience, that is, dreams can predict the future. When I was a child, I dreamed and predicted the future many times, but they were all trivial things, such as who I would meet in class, what things... who I would meet on the street I even dreamed about the subject of the final exam paper, one subject of English, but the exam paper was exactly the same as what I dreamed about, no surprise... I got 20 points in the exam and secretly told everyone that in fact, my English is the worst, and the college entrance examination is the worst. More than 30 or more than [-], forgot... Anyway, it is very low.

I grew up and never dreamed of it again.

This is my experience, it’s all small things... My sister is different, she dreams more than me. When she was in high school, she dreamed of a TV series one night. She watched all the TV series and woke up. At first I thought it was just a dream, but about a year or two later, the TV series she dreamed about was actually released, and the characters and plots were exactly the same.

The world is so magical.

Sometimes, I feel that this world is quite magical.

If there are no gods and ghosts in the world, is it possible that the world is... similar to virtual, pre-set.

And our role, in fact, has been set from the beginning.

And the reason why we can see the future is that we see the things set in the future when the program is running...

When I had this idea in my mind, I thought it was ridiculous, but then something changed my mind.

it's talent...

Instinctive talent of the human body.

When I was in junior high school, I couldn't forget it for a while.

The TV dramas and movies I have watched, as long as I watch them once, I can remember the lines in them, every picture, every frame of the picture... It seems to be downloaded directly in my mind. At that time, I thought it was amazing. After a while, it disappeared directly...

Another time, when I was in high school, because I liked to play basketball, I often played basketball, but my shooting was so-so, and one day... I suddenly felt a kind of shooting skill, that day, I hit every shot, it was really the kind of shot, One has never been lost, no matter where it is still, it seems that... it is not sure that it will not enter, it will definitely enter... it is empowered.

But this skill disappeared when I woke up the next day.

I began to wonder... Is it true that we are all programmed to only display strength and talent equal to our own, and if sometimes we accidentally break through the limits of the human body, then the behind-the-scenes man who set us up will automatically repair the mode, Take our talents away...

This idea was born, and it has been echoing strongly in my mind.

Why, sometimes when we are about to make a fortune, we suddenly fail for some reason, why when we suddenly have some shocking performance, those talents will suddenly disappear...

Is it because of our own positioning, that is, ordinary?
Everything is set up?
We are not allowed to break through?
like a prison...

However, if we are programmed to be ordinary beings from birth, what is the point of our existence, as a foil to some protagonists?Or something else... I can't figure it out!
As for the universe, human beings, and the earth.

The stars of the universe may be the cells of some huge creature, and we are parasites on the cells. I actually thought about it when I was in high school.

Recently, I saw this kind of conjecture again. In fact, I was quite surprised. I didn't expect that there were people who thought the same as me.


Well, actually I have a lot more to say.

But I’m afraid you’ll think your lovely author is crazy, so I won’t say more and just go to sleep.



8.15.4:34 sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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