Chapter 136 Am I a Hero?embarrassing...

Not only did they understand Su Ming's actions, some people even started to promote Su Ming's goodness.

"How low-key is Su Ming? He doesn't intend to participate in the Jianghu affairs at all. He just hides in the backward areas around Tianshuang City. He never thought of becoming a king. If it wasn't for saving Tianshuang City, the Dongfang family and the Mi family. Qianjin, he won't even come out."

"After the key person was born, he was also very low-key... Look at how many people insulted him and pointed at him at that time, but he didn't take it to heart. For a character like him, he can still be talked about and not commit murder , already considered very educated!"

"That's right, when he first appeared in Tianshuang City, people knew that Tian Boguang, a flower picker, was doing all kinds of evil, and even took action to suppress and kill Tian Boguang, a villain. After the key people wiped out the evil in Jianghu, they didn't publicize everywhere, saying how awesome they are, Just retreat quietly."

"Later, the Jianghu alliance besieged Mingzhuang. To be honest, Mingzhuang was quite helpless. They didn't do anything heinous. Some people wanted to be famous, and more people were bewitched by Hu Qingniu. They felt uncomfortable and insisted on going to Mingzhuang to beat others. ..."

Having said that, everyone really thinks that Su Ming is quite low-key.

Never cause trouble.

It was others who provoked him.

"You said that he released the evil sword manual..."

"Everyone is criticizing what he did wrong. He made this evil practice known to the world. How many people lost their husbands, how many people lost their sons, and how many bloody storms they caused... and forced Jianghu to involuntarily."

"I said it was just farting!"

"This is the reason why those inherently strong people came up with the reason to criticize Su Ming."

"Why didn't they say that before the release of the evil sword manual, the world was full of blood and rain, and the world was full of intrigues?"

"Before that, some people lost their husbands and some lost their sons... The difference is that the lost husbands and sons were all killed by others, so who are they going to blame?"

"They don't want the Evil Resisting Sword Manual to be published to the world, because the Evil Resisting Sword Manual has created many strong people, making those who are used to being superior, feel uncomfortable... They found that many small people caught up with them and surpassed them...they Realizing that my status is not high anymore, I can't enslave others, and I can't give advice from above, so I feel extremely unbalanced, and I want to discredit Su Ming and take my anger out on Su Ming!"

"Yeah... before the release of the evil sword manual, how many low-level martial arts people could only struggle? They were wronged all day long, how many people were powerless when they were wiped out by powerful people, how many people were robbed of their wives, robbed I can’t do anything about leaving the family’s female relatives…”

"After the release of the Evil Resisting Sword Manual, everyone has the power to speak out and the ability to defend themselves. Many people have the ability to protect their families, and many people have the power to revenge! So some people... can't get used to it."

Many people in Jianghu began to describe the difference before and after the release of the evil sword manual.

Indeed...too many people have been reborn because of the release of the Evil Resisting Sword Manual.

The emergence of the Evil Resisting Sword Manual has helped many people.

"Some people don't want to see the Evil Resisting Sword Manual be published, because they have vested interests in the world. If a master appears, their interests will be damaged and they will lose a lot of things. Therefore...they continue to criticize Su Ming and try their best Make him the opposite of Jianghu."

"It's rumored that Su Ming has a sword manual that can be used without his own palace."

"Why can Su Ming have a way to restore the glory of the people who have left the palace?"

"Anything that announces the evil sword manual is a sinner in the Jianghu..."

"Everything is bullshit!"

"Whether the evil sword manual is good or not, can we not know?"

"Whether the evil sword manual is fake or not, can we not know?"

"If you want me to say...he is the God of Medicine!"

"The god of medicine that heals the sickness in the world!"

As soon as this kind of remarks came out, many swordsmen who had practiced the evil sword manual immediately resonated.

No matter which world you are in, being weak is the norm, and there are only a few who are superior.

Being bullied and being wronged is the norm, and doing whatever they want... There are only a few controllers who can guide the country.

What's unfair is the norm, what's rare.

Therefore, many people who practiced the Evil Resisting Sword Manual recalled their past.


sour eyes...

In the past, it was so unbearable.

Fortunately, after practicing the Evil Resisting Sword Manual, I finally have the right to speak.

The evil sword manual is like a gun in one's own hand. Only when one has a gun in one's hand can one feel safe.

Only those who are superior will listen to your reasoning.

At this moment, many people's gratitude to Su Ming was beyond words.

"It is said that the great chivalrous man is for the country and the people..."

"It is said that resisting foreigners is extremely difficult..."

"But... from ancient times to the present, I haven't seen anyone share their peerless martial arts."

"For example, Guo Jing, he has always called himself a hero, he has always talked about being a hero, and he guarded Xiangyang with a benevolent and righteous look, and fought against the Mongolian army, but... if he uses the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, if He announced the powerful martial arts on his body, after everyone in the world learned the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, the mere Mongolian iron cavalry is nothing, but he...has he announced it?"

"Yeah, even if you don't announce just pick some trustworthy ones, teach them the eighteen palms of the dragon, and form an army of the eighteen palms of the dragon. Mongolian cavalry can stop an army that uses all the eighteen dragons Palm's army?"

Everyone couldn't help but compare Su Ming with the heroes of the world.

"In the world, is there any hero who will announce his peerless martial arts?"

Never had.

Except Su Ming...

"Everyone, how many people rose up because of the evil sword manual, and how many people have the dignity of being a human being because of Su Ming?"

"If we don't know how to be grateful, and even go to find trouble with Su Ming...what's the difference between that and smashing the pot after eating?"

"Not only can we not trouble the hero Su Ming, but we also need to protect him!"

"The world... whoever is against him is against me..."

All of a sudden, Su Ming's reputation as a hero resounded throughout the world.

The evil sword masters gathered outside Tianshuang City one after another, forming a defensive network spontaneously.

Murong Bo's siege of Tianshuang City and Hu Qingniu's siege of Mingzhuang must never happen again.

Su Ming didn't even know when he became a hero.

To be honest, when he heard the news, he was quite ashamed... and quite embarrassed.

Because...someone Su wants to reiterate again...I really didn't publish the Evil Resisting Sword Manual.

Also... don't call me a hero, I don't have the spirit to serve the country and the people, I'm just an ordinary person.

The biggest wish is to get the wife at home.

Let them give me some big fat boys.

Somebody Su felt that he had really done nothing for Jianghu.

To be honest, I'm quite embarrassed.

But in fact, there are many people who are embarrassed at this moment, and whose faces are more embarrassing than him.

It's... those sons of destiny in the Jianghu, those... heroes!
Such as Guo Jing...such as Linghu Chong...such as Yang Guo and so on.



(End of this chapter)

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