lady, please calm down

Chapter 273 The world is in ruins, but luckily you are there

Chapter 273 The world is in ruins, but luckily you are there

October 25.

The Marquis Mansion in Sajin Lane has been given a new look after a thorough cleaning.

The corridors and hanging flower doors connecting each courtyard have been hung with red silk flowers. Grandma and Aunt Yan stayed in the master bedroom of Hanchun Hall, instructing Bai Lu and others to rearrange the decorations.

Candlesticks should be replaced with pairs, quilt tops should be replaced with mandarin ducks playing in the water, and pillow tops should be replaced with lily pads.
As the protagonist of the wedding, Maoer had nothing to do.

It was not until noon.

Although the sun in early winter is not warm enough, it is still brilliant.

People were coming and going in the yard, it was busy but not chaotic, and everyone looked happy.

"How does it feel?"

Cai Hua, who was walking side by side with Mao'er in the garden, suddenly asked after looking around.

Mao'er wanted to be reserved, but still couldn't help but pursed her lips and laughed, "It's pretty good. I also think it's a little strange."

Neither Chen Chu nor Mao'er had any living parents, so even if they had relatives to help support them, they still had to make decisions on many things.

It is indeed a bit strange to prepare your own wedding, and at the same time, it is also a bit regretful. Who doesn’t want to have their parents witness the important events in life?

Entering the second house from the front house, you will see Cuitang.

The flower hall on the first floor, which was originally quite large, was now packed with people.

Chen Chu sat at the head of the table, and Cai Yuan, brother Chen Jingyan, Ximen Gong and other colleagues sat on the left side of the table.

On the right side of the lower head are Uncle Yang, Uncle Yao, Uncle Liu and other elders of Luliuwei.

The younger ones couldn't even get a seat and could only stand in a few rows along the walls.

After discussing the trivial matters, Cai Yuan stood up and arranged them one by one: "On the 28th, there may not be enough people in the Lu'anhou Mansion. Governor Xu and Ximen Bureau Secretary, each of our three families will arrange for ten maids and four servants to come. The Hou Mansion is in charge. Brothers Delian and Shouqianxian need to worry about the reception at the front. Brothers Yang and Yao need to pay more attention to the purchase and maintenance of the kitchen."

Brother Chen Jingyan has a good family background and is either an official or a scholar. Let them help welcome the guests, and the guests of honor will have dignity.

Yang Youtian, Yao Sanbian and Chen Chu have a close relationship, so letting them keep an eye on the back kitchen is also a sign of trust.If there is a job that requires their participation, the elders who fled the household will not feel left out.

Several parties are very satisfied with Cai Yuan's arrangement.

At this time, Zhou Liang, who was standing in the crowd, shouted: "Mr. Cai, thousands of our brothers in the army are fine. Why do we need to borrow boys from you guys? Why don't we come?"

Zhou Liang's words immediately attracted the support of a group of soldiers.

Brother Chu's wedding means that his own brothers are getting married, so they have to do something to live up to the brotherhood. Cai Yuan was a little dissatisfied when he didn't arrange for them.

Chen Chu was about to speak when he heard Cai Yuan laugh loudly and said: "The boys from each family are doing the job of serving tea and pouring water. You are all good men who have shed blood and sweat for Huaibei, how can you do this kind of service? Something about?"

Let them serve others?You might have to start a fight with the guests.
But Cai Yuan's words made these rough guys talk very well. Seeing that Zhou Liang still had something to say, Cai Yuan was the first to say: "Marquis Zhou Yu, on the wedding day, how many of you should choose to accompany you?" The best man who married Marquis Lu An."

"I can!" Zhou Liang immediately recommended himself.

"You can't be married before." Cai Yuan smiled and shook his head.

The remaining generals immediately got together and argued about who was qualified to be the best minister.

Chen Chu couldn't help but look at Cai Yuan with a smile. He was mature and prudent. The father-in-law arranged things properly with just a few words, and took care of the psychology of everyone involved. With him here, it would be much easier to worry.

Not the end of time.

A crowd of people poured out of Jiancuitang. Yang Dalang and others who were walking in the front were still arguing over the choice of best man.

The eldest son thought he could do it, but Yang Dalang said he was too tall and would scare Mao'er's family.

The white-haired rat is not yet married, so he thinks he is quite suitable.

But they were scolded by several people in unison: "Look at how you look like a turtle grandson! It's more respectable to take care of Sangbiao than to take care of you and your eldest son!"

"Who is Sangbiao?"

"Sangbiao is a dog!"


After everyone left temporarily, Chen Jingan stayed and asked one thing.

"Yuan Zhang, on the 27th, the imperial envoy from Tokyo City is about to arrive."

"Well, I know about this."

Chen Chu had already received the news that Liu Yu would send some officials to show his kindness as a gift. The queen would also give a set of phoenix crowns and harems and a cat.

"Yuanzhang, do you still remember the dispute between the eldest son of the emperor Liu Lin and the third son of the emperor Liu Chi that I told you when we came to Beijing at the beginning of the year?" Chen Jingan asked again.

"Remember, sir said"

"It is said that the third son of the emperor Liu Chi will come with the internal officials this time."

Chen Jing'an stopped when he clicked, and he guessed that Chen Chu would understand what he meant. The queen gave her a phoenix crown and a harem, but the third son of the emperor who was born to the imperial concubine came to Caizhou in person.

Lu Anhou, who controls the three mansions in Huaibei, now has weight and is worthy of being won over by some people.

Chen Chu thought for a moment and said with a carefree smile: "We should have no less etiquette. Let's wait for the rest until we get married."

At the beginning of Youshi.

It was almost dusk.

The cat obviously didn't do anything, but he was very tired at the end of the day.

During dinner, she and Cai Hua avoided many relatives and friends and hid in Yunong's Wangxiang Garden to catch their breath and rest for a while.

Yunong was pregnant and already a month old, so no one dared to disturb her, so her place became the purest place in the Hou Mansion.

Seeing the two sisters arriving hand in hand, Yu Nong quickly asked Qin's mother to add dishes and chopsticks.

In a daze, the three sisters had not sat together and had a meal so quietly for several months.

The last time was before the floods in May.

"Sister, are you going to temporarily move to Zhuangzi in the south of the city tomorrow?"

Yu Nong's belly was shy, her arms were bent back to support her waist, and she was a little envious in her words.

Tomorrow is 26. There are only two days left before the wedding. Mao'er will first move to Zhaojiazhuang in the south of the city.

This Zhuangzi was also taken over by Chen Chu from Zheng Yi. It is now used to house the entire Zhao family, and the name of the village was changed.

On the wedding day, Chen Chu went from the Hou Mansion to Zhaojiazhuang to pick up the bride.

Although it was a bit troublesome, it was a process of parading through the city, which was not unceremonious.

"Yes. I originally advised the officials not to make it so complicated. But he refused to listen. He insisted on it."

Cat frowned slightly and gave a little Versailles gesture.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk~" Cai Hua, who was drinking soup, curled her lips, "Little wild cat, can we stop pretending? You are obviously so happy that you are jumping up and down, but you still have to pretend to be troublesome."

When Mao'er heard the words, he just pursed his lips and smiled and didn't refute.

Carrying a large sedan chair into the mansion is a privilege unique to her wife. With this confidence, why should she argue with Sister Cai?

Although Sister Cai looks calm on the outside, she must be feeling disgusted in her heart.
While he was thinking about it, he saw Hutou running in sweating profusely.

Children, they are all crazy, the house has been lively these past two days, Daya, Wu Sandra and other friends are also here. Hutou has finally regained his organization and turned back into the wild girl who couldn't rest for a moment.

The little girl's body was wrapped in the cold air outside, and she was sweating. As soon as she entered the door, she was warmed by the heat, and a ball of water vapor suddenly steamed above her head.

Threads and threads, like an enlightened immortal.

Yunong held her belly and giggled when she saw it.

Cai Hua couldn't help but smile and rolled her eyes, "Hey, little tiger head, what kind of skill are you practicing?"

After running around for a day, Hutou, who was starving, was about to sit down to eat, but Cai Hua's words "practice" brought up something.

I saw the tiger head suddenly looking at Sister, "Sister, please teach me how to practice!"

"Ah?" Mao'er looked confused, "Where does my sister know Kung Fu? If you want to practice kung fu, go to Sister Tidan."

"Hu Tou came to see Sister Tie Dan, but when Hu Tou mentioned this technique, Sister Tie Dan walked away with a red face and ignored me for two days!"

Hutou said aggrievedly.

"But sister really doesn't know kung fu," Mao'er explained bitterly.

Hutou didn't believe it, "The kind you practice with your brother! Don't you remember it, sister?"

The more Mao'er listened, the more confused she became, but Cai Hua keenly caught a clue, her sly fox eyes curved into beautiful crescent moons, "Little Tiger Head, tell me, how does your sister practice?"

"I didn't see it, but I heard it. Sister practiced very hard and kept shouting 'The cat is going to die' and 'The cat is going to ascend to heaven'."

In order to help Sister recall this incident, Hutou deliberately imitated Sister's suppressed joyful tone at that time, which was so lifelike.

"Yeah!" Mao'er finally understood what Hu Tou said, and immediately covered Hu Tou's mouth with his face like charcoal.

Yunong, who was taking a sip of soup, spurted out a mouthful of soup. He held his belly carefully, but his giggles couldn't stop.

Slutty cat, Cai Hua smiled and looked at the embarrassed cat who wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in, feeling satisfied.

Zhao Renren looks dignified and virtuous outside, but with Mrs. Cai Sanniang, her character has already collapsed many times.

October 28.God is good.

There are no clouds, the blue sky is like washing.

At dawn, Mao'er's aunt, Yan, brought Cuiyuan and Bailu to the Hou Mansion. They hung red curtains on the big bed in the master's bedroom of Hanchun Hall, laid out the dowry utensils, and then carefully selected Mao'er. The headgear and jewelry that came out were displayed.

This is called bunkhouse.


The main door of the Hou Mansion in Sajin Lane was wide open. Chen Chu, who was dressed in wedding clothes, led the way out of the house on horseback with many brothers leading the way. Everyone and the horse were hung with red flowers. Even the eldest son who personally led the horse for him was dressed in red. He kept grinning with his big mouth.

Behind the man, a cane sedan with flower eaves followed.

Behind him, there is a maid in new clothes, holding various utensils such as vases, candles, incense balls, gauze, bronze mirrors, photos, silver basins, makeup boxes, etc.

There were 500 men and women in the team, which stretched for one mile.

At this point, many people who wanted to join the wedding team have been driven back to the Hou Mansion by Yang Dalang for various reasons.

For example, the white-haired rat was kicked out of the wedding team because he was ugly.

After leaving the Hou Mansion, the trumpeters who had been prepared began to play.

The festive flavor suddenly became a little stronger.

The people along the street had learned about Marquis Lu An's wedding today a few days ago and had been waiting on the roadside for a long time.

When the wedding team passed by, they all raised their hands and shouted.

"Congratulations to the Marquis, congratulations to your Majesty."

"Master Hou, let me have a son as soon as possible, and we can grow old together!"

Chen Chu, who was sitting on Xiao Hong's back, smiled and thanked everyone. Dalang, Zhou Liang, Xiao Xin and others who were following behind the horse took out a lot of fructose from their backpacks and threw them into the crowd when they passed by a crowded place. .

It immediately caused a commotion of joy.

Sugar has always been a luxury item in the homes of ordinary people, not to mention the fruity hard candies produced by Sihai Trading Company.

This kind of candy cane sellers go to Lin'an in the south and sell it for up to a hundred yuan each.

Even the people of Caizhou who stay near the place of origin are rarely willing to buy it and try it out.

All the candies today are free of charge sponsored by the company for the wedding of the owner of the company. Mao'er doesn't need to ask, and the other major shareholders will not be stingy with these things.

Yang Erlang, Xu Xiaoyi, Wu Yanzu, Peng Yuyan and other boys in the team took incense heads and two kickers and went to find the place where the girls gathered.

When no one is prepared, he lights one behind the crowd.

After the sound of 'Bang~bang~', the little girls screamed in fright, and the few gangsters who had succeeded in their prank would shout happily, laugh a few times, and quickly escape from the scene of the crime.

At noon, the playing team left the south gate of Caizhou and headed straight for Zhaojiazhuang.

Zhaojiazhuang is equally lively.

In addition to the Zhao family, his uncle Qin Yongtai, and the craftsmen who were close relatives to him, many women who came from Tongshan also stayed in the village.

They knew that Mao'er's parents were no longer alive and were worried that the family would not be lively enough during the reception, so they came here specially to support Mao'er.

At noon, the team marched to Zhaojiazhuang.

The cat was placed in a two-story building in the inner house of a two-entry house.

Unexpectedly, a group of young men blocked the courtyard gate.

Yang Dalang winked at Erlang, Xiao Yi and others, and a few young men immediately stepped out from the crowd and asked: "Who are you and why are you blocking the door! My brother is getting married today, don't delay the auspicious time, hurry up Step aside!"

Blocking the door were brothers Zhao Congyi from the Maoer Zhao family, cousin Qin Shengwen from the uncle's family, cousin Qin Shengwu and other brothers.

Zhao Congyi and Qin Shengwen had just moved from Tokyo less than a year ago. Although their own girls were getting married today, they could definitely be more confident. However, Yang Erlang, a bunch of gangsters, stood in front of them with their waists held high and their chests held high, with a sense of ungenerousness. He was so energetic that the two of them didn't know what to say.

Cousin Qin Shengwu did not accept Yang Erlang's trick and immediately spoke out, "Why didn't I hear my brother-in-law say that he has so many younger brothers? I am a dear cousin! You can come in if you want, Use your money to buy money!"

After saying that, Qin Shengwu spread his hands and looked at the sky.

There is a strong momentum that you can't marry your cousin without giving her money.

This is a current custom, allowing children to make a scene and make it more lively.

Yang Erlang knew that he was not here for a fight today, so he gave Qin Shengwu an unconvinced look. He took out a handful of copper coins that Cai Yuan, the 'marriage manager', had prepared for him in advance and stuffed them into Qin Shengwu's hands.

It didn't matter. A bunch of children suddenly poured out of the courtyard, surrounding Yang Erlang and clamoring for money.

These children are smaller and mostly girls.

Yang Erlang, who was most afraid of dealing with female dolls, had no choice but to bear the pain and take out more money.
It wasn't until the money bag was completely empty that the wedding reception team entered the hospital.

Erlang, who originally wanted to take the opportunity to save some wedding money to line his own pocket, shook his money bag, but he didn't even pour it out, and he couldn't help but look frustrated.

Unexpectedly, there was a teacher whom the Zhao family found from nowhere blocking the doorway from the front yard to the back house.

Lu Anhou wrote a poem to encourage makeup
Chen Chuhui still has many poems, but memorizing the poem "The country is so beautiful, attracting countless heroes to bow down" is not suitable for the occasion.

Fortunately, he has a real poetry master beside him.

"Tanfu, come on!"

Xiao Xin, who loves to show off, was already eager to try it out. Hearing the words, he immediately jumped out of the crowd, pretended to think for a few breaths, and suddenly chanted loudly: "The golden chariot is afraid of the east wind when it wants to go up, and the clouds are cleared to see the moon and the drunken sky. Alone in the fairy posture, I half-vomit in embarrassment. , the ice porcelain is white and slightly red."

"it is good!"

"Xiao Xin, you're awesome!"

When the poem was completed, Chen Chu's side burst into cheers, as if he had won a battle.

"Jiang Tou'er, how good is this poem?" Qin Dachuan, the new Ningjiang Army Yuhou, clapped his hands red and asked the "well-informed" commander Jiang Shuquan in a low voice.

"Whether a poem is good or not depends mainly on the quality of the poem. As for the quality of the poem, a good poem is a poem with quality."

Jiang Shuquan clamped the steel door tightly and suppressed these few comments, but it did not affect Qin Dachuan's admiration, "Jiang Tou'er, you know so much!"

The second floor of the makeup building in the back house.

Grandma put some flowers on Mao'er's forehead with her own hands, and then carefully put on the slightly heavy phoenix crown.

The cat's face is very small, and wearing a phoenix crown with hanging gold beads and complicated patterns, it looks even smaller.

The human face is like a flower, and the peach blossom is shameful.

Mao'er looked at the bronze mirror, feeling dazed for a while, and felt that the scene in front of her seemed familiar.
It must be the first time for me to get married. Mao'er didn't know where this ridiculous feeling came from, so he couldn't help but smile and shake his head.

At this time, I heard footsteps rushing upstairs, and then Cuiyuan and Xu Waner ran upstairs, saying anxiously: "My lord, cover your head quickly, Lu Anhou and the others are already downstairs."

They are an old couple, and the man downstairs who came to marry her has been sleeping with her for many years.

Mao'er's heart, which was originally quite calm, suddenly became nervous for some reason because of Cui Yuan's call.

Xu Waner had already brought the red hijab, and at the last moment before covering her head, she suddenly heard a loud cheer from downstairs.

Several people were startled.

The cat was curious for a moment and secretly pushed open the window crack a few fingers wide.
But outside, there are a lot of guests and friends, and there is a lot of beauty.

The procession for welcoming the bride stretched for more than a hundred feet, and everyone was dressed in red.

Downstairs, Chen Chu, who was still blocked by the hanging flower door, seemed to feel something and suddenly raised his head.

Mao'er suddenly remembered why this scene was so familiar. In the early spring three years ago, she had dreamed of this scene in the shack in Qifengling.
The difference is that in the dream, she can't see the clear face.

At this time, Chen Chu's face was not only extremely clear, but Mao'er even knew every tiny scar on his body.
In the midst of the commotion, the two people met each other through the crack of the window, and their eyes seemed to travel across the entire world.

Snowy nights, ruined temples, climbing mountains, shacks, and clearing wasteland.
Scenes of scenes flashed through Mao'er's mind rapidly.

Mao'er thought of the short and happy years in Tokyo when she was young, the fear of mother and daughter fleeing south after the sudden change, and the fearful years in Shuanghe Village.

Until that cold early spring of the eighth year of Fuchang, Maoer picked up a strange man on the mountain road of Qifengling.

At that time, he said that his name was Chen Chu, from the Aolai Kingdom of Dongsheng Shenzhou.
At that time, she said, you ate half a liter of my corn, remember to ask your family to return it to me.
Somehow, the cat's nose suddenly became sore, and tears rolled down without warning.

"Oh! My dear grandson, you don't want to cry on your wedding day!"

"You can't cry! My makeup is all gone."

Mao'er rubbed his face with the back of his hand, and his delicate makeup suddenly turned into a painted face.

Chen Chu, who was downstairs, saw Mao'er crying through the crack in the window. He quickly raised his hands above his head, interlocking the thumbs and index fingers of his left and right hands, making a 'heart' shape towards her.


Mao'er's tears instantly turned into a smile, and she turned around and said calmly: "Cuiyuan, help me get a basin of water while I dress up again."

Downstairs, several people looked up because of Chen Chu's actions.

Mao'er stretched out her hand to close the window. Before closing the window, she opened her small mouth and gave Chen Chu the most radiant smile. At the same time, she did not forget to imitate Chen Chu's look and gave him a heartfelt gesture.

Suddenly there was a strange scream and booing downstairs.

Cat sat back in front of the bronze mirror, stared blankly at the little painted face in the mirror, and murmured in a sleepy voice: "This world is very bad, but fortunately Cat met you."

At noon, the head is covered with red silk, and the cat is getting married.
(End of this chapter)

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