lady, please calm down

Chapter 250 Madman!Outlaws!

Chapter 250 Madman!Outlaws!
August twenty.

Last night and this morning and afternoon, the cat coughed up blood twice, but he was in good spirits.

Under Cai Hua's strong intervention, Mao'er was finally deprived of his right to work.

During the day, the cat takes medicine and rests in bed.

Even at dinner time in the evening, I ate half a bowl more porridge than usual.

Unexpectedly, a fever suddenly broke out that night.

Cai Hua, who was sleeping with Mao'er, noticed something was wrong and called Dr. Wang late at night.

Since the flood, the cat has stayed in the flooded area for more than a month. After returning, he often coughs and occasionally has a low fever.

But this time was different from any other time. The fever not only came quickly, but also came fiercely.

In the middle of the night, Mao'er's body was so hot that he was already talking nonsense. One moment he shouted into the air, "My lord, Mao'er is feeling uncomfortable." Then he grabbed Cai Hua's hand tightly and shouted, "Mother, where are you going?" Oh, Hutou and I miss you so much.'

Doctor Wang tried every means, first applying wet towels on the cat's forehead, wrists, and calves, but her body temperature did not drop at all.

Later, acupuncture was applied to Shangyang point and Shaoshang point respectively, but still had no effect.

Finally, I had to peel off the cat's inner clothes, turn the cat over, and scrape down the Dazhui point with an ox horn board.

This is the last resort to get rid of the critical evil heat.

Doctor Wang was very harsh, and within a short time, Cat's thin back was covered with purple and black scratches.

Mao'er couldn't bear the pain and couldn't help but struggle. Bai Lu and others held down Mao'er's hands and feet with tears in her eyes to prevent her from moving.

Unconscious, the cat's behavior followed the guidance of the subconscious. In pain, he held Cai Hua's hand and cried, "Mom, mother, please come back to my official family quickly, someone is bullying me."

At this time, Mao'er no longer had the dignified demeanor of the past. She was no different from those little girls who cried when they were bullied. When something happened, she no longer forced herself to find a way to solve it, but only wanted to be helped by her own officials. Support yourself.

In the past, Cai Hua always wanted to take off the disguise from Mao'er. Just like this, the crying appearance is closer to her true character.
However, Mrs. Cai Sanniang was not happy at all.

After tossing all night, until the sky was slightly cooler, the cat was probably tired from the tossing and finally fell into a drowsy sleep.

Cai Hua thought her condition was getting better, but Dr. Wang said with a solemn face: "Ms. Cai, the evil heat has entered the body. Whether she can survive this depends on her luck. The family needs to make some preparations."

Do some preparations?

Have you reached this point yet?
"She was still alive and kicking yesterday! She's well prepared!"

For some reason, Cai Hua suddenly became very angry, but when she saw Dr. Wang lowering her eyebrows and lowering her eyes as if she was trying her best, she couldn't help but feel a sense of fear. She squeezed out a fake smile and asked, "Little wild cat, what are you doing?" No matter how serious the illness is, it's not as dangerous as Nie Ronger's last night, right? Madam Wang can even save Nie Ronger, so naturally the little wild cat can also be saved."

But Dr. Wang said in a low voice: "Zhao Ren's evil heat has entered his lungs, but it is even more dangerous than Mrs. Yang."

Hearing this, Cai Hua's raw smile froze on her charming face, as if she wanted to think about what to do, and slowly sat down.

However, in his turbulent mood, he didn't pay attention to the distance between himself and the chair. He sat empty-handed and fell over.

It was a funny scene, but no one in the room laughed out loud, only sobbing softly.

Ru'er hurriedly came to help Cai Hua, but the latter sat on the ground and ordered: "Get a pen and paper, I will write a letter, please go and hand it to the front man! Give it to the left-behind department and have someone 'fly it immediately' to send it to Shouzhou." Chen Dutong"

Ru'er ran all the way and got a pen and paper. Cai Hua didn't get up. She just lay on the ground and wrote only a few words before handing it to Ru'er.

After Ru'er ran out, Cai Hua sat there for a while, then stood up slowly holding on to the chair.

Just now, it wasn't that she didn't want to get up, it was just that her legs were weak and she couldn't get up.

In the house, Cuiyuan, Bailu, Xiaoman and others who came after hearing the news surrounded Maoer's big rosewood bed and wept mournfully. Hutou was crying loudly.

The desperate atmosphere in the room immediately made Cai Hua angry, "Why are you crying! The little wild cat is not dead yet! Hutou, go to school for me, don't cause trouble here! Bailu, follow the method of Mrs. Wang last night, cook it in the house Jealousy! Xiaoman, go and keep an eye on the decoction! Cuiyuan, go to the village outside the city and ask the old lady to come over."

The confused people seemed to have been awakened by the rude scolding, and then dispersed to perform their duties.

Yes, there is no point in just crying here.
Yunong is pregnant and is inconvenient to take charge of the affairs; Maoer is like this again.

Cai Hua, who is not from the Chen family, has become the backbone of everyone.
Only Hutou glanced at Cai Hua with fearful, aggrieved and disobedient eyes, but refused to leave Sister's bedside.

Cai Hua no longer chased her away. Instead, she casually pulled out a thin "Diamond Sutra" from the bookshelf and threw it on the desk. "Don't cry. Your sister is upset because of the quarrel. I am also upset. If you don't When you go to school, stay in your room and copy scriptures, just to pray for the little wild cat."

The words "Pray for my sister" moved Hu Tou's heart, and he immediately walked over, sat upright in front of the writing desk, and started copying word by word.

Seeing that the house was no longer as messy as before, Cai Hua was going to go downstairs to find Qin's mother, and asked her not to tell Yu Nong about the cat for the time being, lest the latter would be frightened and worried about the fetal force.

"Cauliflower snake, where are you going!"

But as soon as Cai Hua walked to the door, she heard the anxious voice of Hu Tou behind her.

Cai Hua turned around and stared blankly, not bothering to argue with the child, and just said: "What's wrong?"

Hutou realized that he just called someone's nickname casually, and he would not apologize, but he lowered his eyes and said in a negotiating tone: "You, please don't leave, okay?"

Oh, this little tiger head is also afraid that the cat is seriously ill and his brother-in-law is not here. Tiger head subconsciously feels that it is safer to have Caihua at home.

Naturally, Cai Hua could see her thoughts from Hu Tou's subtle expression, and couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth and smile, "Okay, I won't leave, but I've been running around for two nights and my whole body aches from exhaustion. Come over and give me a shoulder massage." , I won’t leave.”



After three groups of more than [-] people in total stepped up repairs, the landslide in the south of the city has been largely repaired.

All four gates in the city are under the control of the Caizhou Remaining Secretary.

Three days ago, after the Wuhe Battalion of Zhou Liang's troops stationed at the south gate of the Suppressing Huai Army, a sergeant from the first battalion of the Taining Army wanted to enter the city, but the Wuhe Battalion refused and the two sides clashed.

Even though they had a tacit understanding and did not use weapons, the Taining Army also suffered a big loss.

There is no other reason, only because there are many people in Caizhou.

There are two thousand strong people, all waiting for the opportunity to "make meritorious service" to join the army.

When they saw someone taking action from a distance, they all climbed down from the scaffolding and rushed over.

Afterwards, more than ten people from the Taining Army were seriously injured and more than 100 were slightly injured.

Li Qiong sent people to the left-behind department to protest as usual. Zhang Chunxiao, who met with the opponent, expressed regret for the fight and proposed that the two armies establish a high-level liaison mechanism to reasonably manage the differences between the two sides. He repeatedly emphasized that Shouzhou has been an inseparable part of Henan Road since ancient times. In part, any attempt to occupy Shouzhou will definitely fail.
With Sergeant Caizhou as his support, Zhang Chunxiao felt extremely relieved.

He no longer looked as pitiful as when he begged Li Qiong to go to Yingzhou to rescue the siege a few months ago.

The attitude of Henan Road officials became increasingly tough, and the Taining Army did not gain any advantage in several conflicts with the Caizhou Left-Behind Department.

After entering late August, the rebel Qi sergeants who had been dormant in the Pingyin area on the East and West Road of Shandong suddenly became active again and headed east towards Tai'an, the hometown of the Taining Army.

All the families of the Taining army officers and soldiers were here. When the news came, the morale of the army immediately fluctuated.

Li Qiong was in a dilemma. It was meaningless to continue spending time with Henan Lu Wenwu here.

If we just retreated like this, picking up the three melons and two dates behind the rebel army would not be enough to reward the entire army.

A large army eats horse chews and spends a lot of money and food in a few months. You, Henan Road, must show your appreciation.

But Zhang Chunxiao, who was angry in front of Li Qiong at the beginning, now has [-] sergeants and [-] civilians from the Caizhou Left Guards to support him, so he doesn't care about Li Qiong at all. The most I can give you is three hundred stones of food and grass. No matter how much you pay, you won’t get any points.
Three hundred stones is quite insulting.

On August 23, Zhang Chunxiao and Chen Chu entered Shouzhou City with officials and assistants at all levels.

Although nearly three months have passed since the massacre in Shouzhou, there is still a lingering stench in the city.

The bones on the street have been cleaned up, but one or two mutilated corpses can still be found in some corners from time to time.

After scrubbing the bluestones on the street several times, the thick black blood stains in the gaps still could not be washed away.

The doors of the shops on both sides of the street were wide open, the door panels were crooked, and the dark interiors were in a mess.

Under a shallow layer of dust, you can see burns, knife marks, and a black blood stain splashed diagonally on the wall somewhere.

As a group of people walked in the city, they could only hear the footsteps of people. There was no crowing of chickens, barking of dogs, or noise of humans and animals in the city. It was eerily quiet.

Even the autumn wind passing through Shouzhou Fucheng seemed to be silent.

This is a real empty city.
Until they stepped onto the south wall of the city, everyone let out a sigh of relief as if they were surfacing.

From a high vantage point, one could see that in the Taining Army camp three miles away, the sergeants were gathering tents and livestock carts filled with all kinds of sundries. It seemed that they couldn't stand it any longer and were preparing to withdraw.

The autumn air was crisp. Zhang Chunxiao stood in the wind and twirled his beard. He had never been this happy in many years. He couldn't help but smile and said: "General Chen, the rebel army that has been poisoning Huaibei for several months has finally been destroyed in the hands of the general. The general has made extraordinary achievements! I, the officer. I will definitely go to the court to ask for merit for the general!"

Chen Chu clasped his fists and said with emotion: "Sir, don't be anxious. If the leader of the thief, Jin Taiping, does not obey the law for one day, the suppression of the thief will not be considered a complete victory! This thief must continue to suppress it!"

"..., didn't the general say that Jin Taiping was in the Taining Army?" Zhang Chunxiao naturally knew what medicine Chen Chu bought from Hulu.

"But Li Jieshuai said that Jin Taiping is not in his camp!"

"Don't you believe it, General?"

"Later I thought about it carefully and believed it again. This Jin Taiping killed the commander of my Ningjiang army and horse. As a superior officer of Ma Maoxing, if I can't help him avenge this revenge, how can I convince the public? Mr. Zhang, you Say yes!"


This is obviously a rogue act.

If Chen Chu did not withdraw his troops for one day, the power of "Excellent Expertise" would always be in his hands.

At that time, we had no choice but to give him real power like a military governor. Now it seems that he doesn't want to give it back!

While he was thinking about it, he saw a sergeant of the Huai Army under the city galloping on his horse in the long deserted street, quickly approaching the city wall, jumping down before the horse could stand firm, and striding up the stairs to the city.

After the veteran sergeant climbed onto the city wall, he ran straight to Chen Chu, bowed and clasped his fists, and then took out a letter from his arms, "General, it's three hundred miles from Caizhou for urgent delivery. General, please read it quickly!"

The generals in Caizhou's left-behind department couldn't help but look at Chen Chu nervously.

Caizhou is everyone's hometown, and everyone's family members are in the city. Could it be that there was a major change in the city that prompted the express delivery of three hundred miles?
But no one dared to step forward to peek at the letter paper rashly, everyone couldn't help but looked at Chen Chu, hoping to see some clues from the latter's face.

The next moment, everyone's hearts skipped a beat.

Whether it was the eldest son, Wu Kui, Peng Er, brothers who started out with Chen Chu in the grasslands, or latecomers like Jiang Huaixiong and Chen Jingan who joined the gang halfway, they had never seen such a gloomy look on Chen Chu's face.

His handsome features were suddenly stunned, and beads of sweat broke out from his forehead at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wu Kui, who was closest to him, even saw Chen Chu's hand holding the letter shaking uncontrollably.

"Brother Chu, what's going on!" Wu Kui, who was closest to him, finally couldn't help but stepped forward and took a look, only to see that there were only six words scrawled on the letter: Mao'er is critically ill, come back soon!

"My God!"

Wu Kui couldn't help but let out an incredible exclamation.


A meeting that lasted only a quarter of an hour ended in a hurry.

Things in Shouzhou were not yet settled, so Chen Chu made simple arrangements, and the entire army was temporarily commanded by Jiang Huaixiong.

Originally, this matter should be entrusted to Yang Dalang.

Unfortunately, Yang Dalang also received a letter last night. It was said that there was a major change in his family, and Chen Chu asked him to rush back overnight.

The generals filed out of the camp. Chen Chu, who was traveling lightly and simply carrying only a strange-looking backpack, galloped away without even thinking of saying goodbye, followed by more than ten riders.

Outside the camp, Peng Er, Wu Kui, Zhou Liang, Liu Erhu and others looked at the smoke and dust in the distance, feeling an unspeakable aggrieved feeling in their hearts.

Brother Chu was away leading the troops, so to be able to send such an urgent letter from home, he must have thought that the cat was seriously ill.

Otherwise, with Mao'er's temperament, people would definitely not come to Brother Chu.

When they met Mao'er, Mao'er was still the little girl who didn't dare to speak loudly and always called them big brother softly.

Compared with others, in their hearts Mao'er was not only Chu's brother's wife and a person bestowed upon by the court, but she was also a considerate girl who would always take the initiative to help them solve various problems.

Now that I suddenly heard such bad news, how could I not feel uncomfortable in my heart.

"What a thief!" Wu Kui was furious and vented all his grievances to the unfair heaven.

"My sister-in-law is blessed with great fortune, she will definitely be able to pass this test!" Zhou Liang hypnotized himself.

Peng Er, however, glanced at the Taining Army sergeant who was lazily dangling in the distance, and said in a deep voice: "Fuck your mother, I've seen these turtles unhappy for a long time. If we want to fight again, who will go?"

This is Brother Peng's unique way of venting.

Everyone responded one after another, "Let's go! Kill these turtles!"

A few people just did what they said and rushed forward in a swarm.

"Stop! Stop!"

Jiang Huaixiong, who was not far away, realized something was wrong and hurriedly stopped him.

But if Chen Chu is not around, how will these killers listen to him?
However, Second Brother Peng and others were impulsive. There were only five or six of them, but there were dozens of people on the other side.

Seeing that Peng Er and others were at a disadvantage, Jiang Huaixiong cursed and removed his sword, rushed forward to pick up a Taining Army sergeant who was beating Wu Kui, and greeted him with his big fist.

"Hahaha, Commander Chiang was still blocking us just now, why did he come on stage again in person?" Wu Kui wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and laughed.

But Jiang Huaixion scolded: "You don't listen to the military orders, you make troubles, and how to punish them is up to you! But in a fight, we, the left-behind division of Caizhou, can't lose!"

"Hahaha, okay! Come on, brothers, shoulder to shoulder!"

Chen Jing'an, who was watching the battle from a distance, had little interaction with Mao'er, so naturally there was no relationship.

When he learned about this, the first thought that popped up in his mind was that if Yuanzhang's wife was beaten, he could choose one of his juniors to marry him.

However, in a hurry, I didn't expect that there was a daughter of about the same age who still had a maiden child.
From Shouzhou to Caizhou, it needs to cross three prefectures and eight counties, which is [-] miles.
Chen Chu, his eldest son, Tiedan and others set off at the end of the day without stopping all the way.

He ran for nearly three hundred miles for most of the day and the whole night, and arrived at the gate of Yingzhou City early the next morning.

Chen Chu felt that he had no problem continuing on his way, but the horses of the crowd couldn't hold on anymore.

As a last resort, several people went to the city to exchange horses.

At this time, the Caizhou Remaining Division's Jing'an Army was stationed in the city.

Zhu Da, the commander of the Jingan Army, was surprised when he saw Chen Chu. The latter's lips were chapped and his face was covered with dust. After sweating, the sweat made ravines in the dust on his face, as straight as a native's.

"Commander Zhu, please quickly select ten strong horses with me."

Chen Chu didn't care to say anything else, and directly ordered.

Zhu Da did not dare to neglect and hurriedly asked someone to go to the horse army camp to bring the horse over.

Chen Chu tried his best not to think about the messy things, and closed his eyes for a moment to rest his mind. Zhu Da hesitated for a moment, but he leaned over and whispered, "Dutong, someone from the Wu family is here."

The anxious Chen Chu couldn't remember anything about being homeless and having a family, and subconsciously asked: "Which Wu family?"

"It's the Wu family in Yingchuan where Wu Degao lost an arm to the imperial soldiers." Lest Chen Chu didn't realize the importance of this matter, Zhu Da added: "Wu Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice is the Wu family in Yingchuan. This time it is his nephew Wu Yijian."

"Let's talk about this later!"

Chen Chu interrupted Zhu Da, and now he had no time to think about these things.

A quarter of an hour later, more than ten strong horses with saddles were brought to the Yingzhou Left-behind Si Yamen. Chen Chu said, "Feed with good food" and temporarily handed over the little red and iron-galled green-maned horses to Zhu. Da.

Unexpectedly, when he left the left-behind Siguan Yamen, he saw a group of Yingzhou officials, big and small, and the proprietors of four grain stores including Wu and Yan blocked outside the Yamen.

When Chen Chu left Yingzhou, the proprietors of these grain stores were detained.

Now, they are all blocked here, but I don’t know who let them go.

Chen Chu scanned the crowd, looking for Fan Gongzhi, who was temporarily in charge, but found no one.

I think this old fox hid on purpose.

When everyone saw the rightful owner coming, they gathered around him one after another.

"General Chen, this villain is unjust! The general detained us innocently and took away my food rations. There must be an explanation!"

"That's right, there is only one word 'reason' in this world! We build bridges and roads and do good deeds to others on weekdays. We cannot bear this great humiliation for nothing!"

"General Chen! You allowed your subordinates to commit murder and broke an old man's arm! The murderer must be handed over!"

Wu Degao, who was standing in front of the horse, held on to the horse's rein with his remaining right hand and refused to let go. His hateful eyes did not dare to look at Chen Chu, but he stared at Baoxi who was accompanying Chen Chu for a moment.

This is the guy who cut off his own arm!He needs to pay with his life!

"Wu Degao, let go. If you don't let go, your right arm will be gone too."

Chen Chuqiang suppressed his emotions and didn't want to delay at this time, he just wanted to return to Caizhou as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, a hearty laughter suddenly sounded from the crowd, and then a young man wearing a blue brocade clothes stepped out.

"The general is so evil! In broad daylight, he opened his mouth and was about to kill someone. Is it true that the whole Yingzhou is controlled by the capital of Caizhou?"

The young man in blue walked slowly to Wu Degao's side and also stopped in front of Chen Chuma.

Even when he looked up at Chen Chu from the bottom up, he didn't show any timidity.

"Who are you?" Chen Chu said slowly.

"Haha, I'm not talented, Yingchuan Wu Yijian"

Wu Yijian opened the folding fan with a "clatter" sound and shook it lightly a few times.

No wonder this group of people suddenly felt so confident. It turned out that the people behind them were here.

Chen Chu took a deep breath and said in a low, slightly hoarse voice: "Come on, I have something urgent. I'll discuss your matters later. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Before Wu Yijian could speak, Wu Degao pulled the reins and shouted: "General, why are you so rude? I have broken my arm! Is it possible that you still dare to kill me?"


Among the people present, some seemed to hear Chen Chu snort slightly, while others later said they didn't hear it.

However, these are no longer important. Because he actually pulled out the knife, his movements were quick and agile, and he even skipped the process of scaring him after pulling out the knife.

Without any fancy, he just swung the knife across Wu Degao's neck.

Wu Degao didn't even react. When he felt he couldn't breathe, he hurriedly grasped his throat, and then large amounts of blood began to gush out from between his fingers.

It wasn't over yet. Chen Chu wiped Wu Degao's neck with a knife. Taking advantage of the force of the knife, Pu made a circle in the air and then struck at Wu Yijian.
This. This is the nephew of the current minister!
No one even had time to utter a exclamation. In the flash of lightning, they saw a man dressed as a servant suddenly draw his sword, and he came first. Just before Pu Dao was about to come, he swung Pu Dao away with one sword and pulled Wu Yijian away. He turned back and took advantage of the situation to take a step forward, with the intention of attacking.

But he didn't expect that one left and one right, one stab and one swing, would attack at the same time.

The pear-shaped steel spear stabbed was swift and silent, and it went straight to the door.

What was waved was a wrought iron rod, whistling with the sound of breaking wind.

The man turned sideways and barely dodged Tie Dan's spear, but because of this he couldn't dodge the eldest son's stick, so he had to cross his sword to try to block it.

But how can a steel sword be able to block the wrought iron rod that is like the top of Mount Tai? With a sound of 'ding', the steel sword suddenly broke into three pieces. He took another five or six steps back to stabilize his body.

One attack and one defense, the rabbit rises and the falcon falls, just in the blink of an eye.

Until this moment, Wu Degao, who was still standing on the spot, clutched his throat, with disbelief and unwillingness in his eyes, and fell to the ground.

The exclamations from the crowd came belatedly.

The dashing and handsome Wu Yijian seemed to be frightened. His feeling was most intuitive just now. If it weren't for the martial arts master brought from home to save him at the critical moment, the military leader would never have hesitated to strike with the sword.

I, I, I said I am Yingchuan Wu Yijian, doesn’t he know what this means?Doesn't he know that my uncle is a high-ranking official in the government?

Chen Chu glanced forward. This look was like hot soup splashing snow, and a path suddenly opened up in front of him.

Chen Chu then licked his chapped lips, looked at Wu Yijian and said, "You're wasting my time. If my wife is well, everything will be easy for us to talk about. If anything happens to my wife, we will fight to the death."

After saying this, there was a loud shout of "drive", and Chen Chu took the lead, followed by all the cavalry, and left the city.

It wasn't until no one could be seen at all, and he stayed in front of the Si Yamen, that Wu Yijian shouted angrily: "Carnage in the street in broad daylight! Madman! Madman!"

The grain merchants who were full of confidence and followed Wu Yijian to seek justice from Chen Chu were now shrinking their necks and thinking to themselves: Your loyal servant Wu Degao is dead, and I don't see you fighting for others!At this time, everyone has moved far away and cannot be heard, so it is useless to curse again.
The contemptuous eyes of the grain merchants inadvertently hurt Wu Yijian deeply, as if to prove himself, he shouted: "If I, Wu Yijian, can't get rid of this thief for the people, I won't be a son of man!"

 A chapter of more than 6000 words counts as two updates, right?

(End of this chapter)

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