Chapter 233
In the first ten days of July, it was rumored in Caizhou City that Zhao Ling's natal uncle and profiteers linked up to sell fake medicines to victims and soldiers.

Even the "Caizhou Five-Day Talk" also reported.

Just as the old lady guessed, after the clean and tidy handling, not only did this incident not have a negative impact on the cat, but it also gained a reputation of being impartial and fair.

Today, the decision of the case depends entirely on the rule of man.

The counterfeit medicine incident did not cause any casualties. Whether to give a light punishment or a heavy sentence is entirely up to the lord of the government office.

Zhao Kaiyuan of the Zhao family is dead, which is equivalent to making a template for the Caizhou government. Naturally, the Zuo Zhifu and Chen Tongzhi will not let the Wen family go lightly.

After a few days of interrogation, on the tenth day of the seventh month, the government issued a verdict: Wen Yuren was sentenced to beheaded, and Qiu made a decision; Wen Changfu moved thousands of miles.
This case, which had been rumored in the city for several days, was finally settled.

Today's Mao'er is in charge of Sihai Commercial Bank, Luliuwei Farming, and many workshops and Zhuangzi in the south of Caizhou City. The daily turnover of these institutions in raw material procurement, organization of production, and sales of finished products is more than tens of millions.

The Wen family was not the only ones who wanted to find a way out of her relatives, but after Zhao Kaiyuan and Wen Yuren's case, it not only sounded the alarm for the managers and relatives everywhere, but also temporarily put down some businessmen who wanted to take shortcuts. .

July [-]th.

Chen Chu received Chen Jingyan's handwritten letter at Daying in Xinxi County, which described in detail the interrogation process and the results of the case.

Although he didn't say it explicitly, he implicitly asked whether Chen Chu was satisfied.

A few days ago, Chen Chu already knew about this matter.

In his mind, they must be punished severely this time, they dare to tamper with the medicinal materials transported to the military camp, if they don't kill the chickens to make an example to the monkeys, they dare to sell Chen Chu in the future.

However, Chen Chu was still surprised by the courage of the old lady and the cat, and directly dealt with Zhao Kaiyuan.

Their grandparents have become villains, so Chen Chu doesn't have to be a villain
What Cai Wei said is right, if the Zhao family does not move Zhao Kaiyuan, waiting for Chen Chu to make a move may cause speculation from the outside world.

But Cai Wei didn't expect that the old lady deliberately made this incident known to the whole city, as if she used her family to help Chen Chu give his subordinates an example of "anti-corruption".

This incident caused a storm in Caizhou, but in the front camp, the focus is still on the issue of "sending troops"
Early July.

The rebellious army retreated to the east. Among them, the relatively complete Jin Taiping Department of the original Guangxiao Army retreated to Yingzhou, where it was broken up into pieces and collected supplies and food everywhere.

Because most of the rebel army's horses were concentrated in Jin Taiping's department, this group of rebel troops came and went like the wind, making them the most difficult to deal with.

The people of Yingzhou Mansion either fled westward to Caizhou, or hid in Zhuangzi with village walls and polder walls everywhere to protect themselves in groups.

Fucheng was frightened several times a day, and dared not open the door during the day.

Another bandit army was led by a bandit leader named Li Kui, and fled into his hometown of Shouzhou.

In just over ten days, more than ten thousand rebels were regrouped.

On July [-]th, Li Kui, who could not find any food in the territory of Shouzhou, desperately stormed the camp of Liqiong Taining Army outside Shouzhou.

The Taining army suffered a small defeat. In order to preserve its strength, Li Qiong ordered to retreat north overnight and stationed in Guoyang City again.

In the panic, he left behind a thousand stones of military rations.
Fan Gongzhi and Zhang Chunxiao who stayed in Chen Chuying, after learning that Li Qiong was "sending charcoal in the snow" to the rebel army who had already run out of food, couldn't help but extend their cordial and warm greetings to the eighteenth generation of Li Qiong's ancestors.

Shouzhou has become a dead area. After Li Kui got the food, he went east again.

On July [-]th, Li Kui's department and Jin Taiping's department joined forces in North Taihe County, Yingzhou.

For a while, the power of thieves soared.

Because the rebel army was defeated by Caizhou's left-behind division at the end of June, it suddenly looked like it was dying again
It has been more than two months since the rebellion started, and the only one in Huaibei who has fought against them and won the victory is Caizhou Left Behind Division.

At this point, the two adults, Fan and Zhang, no longer have the intention to bargain.

"Never mind that the living and the people are suffering, the country will fall, the general will send troops quickly!" Zhang Chunxiao's eyes were filled with tears.

"Master Zhang, what about mobilizing the powers of the generals?" Chen Chu once again talked about the last condition.

Zhang Chunxiao has no right to self-discipline, so he can only look at Fan Gongzhi with pleading eyes. That means, Mr. Fan, please agree. Even if he has more power, he will still be an official of our Daqi. He is better than Ying and Shou. Have been occupied by thieves!

"Yes!" Fan Gongzhi finally nodded.

"Then the right to appoint and remove generals?"


"The right to kill when necessary?"


"Then I have one more request."

Seeing that Lao Fan agreed so readily, Chen Chu felt a little embarrassed.

"Speaking of it." Fan Gongzhi was a little numb.

"Lord Fan, you are aware of the severe floods at this time, please take pity on the people of the six prefectures and counties in Caizhou, and exempt this year's summer and autumn taxes."

"General Chen, the matter of taxation is not Master Fan's job!" Zhang Chunxiao saw that the conversation was almost over, Chen Chu made another unreasonable request, and hurriedly explained for Fan Gongzhi.

Chen Chu didn't say anything, just stared at Fan Gongzhi.

Lao Fan finally sighed, "I can help Caizhou to make a statement on this matter, but it may not be sure."

"Do your best. Finally, I will thank the two adults on behalf of the folks in Caizhou."

Chen Chu's price was really not random. The flood and subsequent expeditions would cost a lot of money and food.

The people in the city donated food and materials, participated in pancakes, and all contributed.

Chen Chu helped everyone get some tax-free benefits, which is reasonable
As for the power to deploy troops, appoint and dismiss military officers, and kill people, it is equivalent to the de facto Jiedushi.

July fifteenth.

Yang Dalang and Liu Erhu returned to Caizhou to escort the army rations.

Most of the food and grass consumed by the soldiers left behind come from the high-yielding wheat planted in Langshan County last year.

Cai Yuan had already transported the grain and grass to the east of Caizhou City in advance, which is not far from the camp where the disaster victims from the foreign government are temporarily housed.

Looking over, I saw burning paper everywhere in the camp, everyone wearing mourning
Today is the Hungry Ghost Festival, the day to pay homage to the dead.

The whole camp is empty, and many family members of the disaster victims died in this natural disaster and subsequent man-made disasters.

Maoer also stayed in the camp with the porridge team to calm the emotions of the victims.

Da Lang saw the cat from a distance, and walked over, and the two exchanged a few words through the wooden fence.

"Sister-in-law, my parents are not in Caizhou. Now my wife is pregnant and she is soft-tempered. My sister-in-law is troubled, please take care of her."

"Brother Yang, cough cough. Aren't you going home?"

"It's too late. The military situation is urgent. After counting the food and grass, we need to return to the camp immediately."

The cat was startled when he heard the words, but he knew it was inappropriate, so he asked, "Are you...going to fight?"

Yang Dalang smiled and said nothing.

Seeing this, Mao'er already knew in her heart that the general's family members were destined for this, even if she was worried, there was nothing she could do.

Mao'er lowered his eyes and pondered for a moment, then said: "Brother, just rest assured, ahem, with Mao'er here, I will take good care of you."

"Okay, I'm relieved to have a sister-in-law. I'm leaving"

Da Lang was about to turn around after speaking, but he was stopped by a soft voice, and when he turned around, he saw the cat clutching the wooden fence with both hands, with a trace of nervousness that could not be concealed, "Brother, my family's officials are not good at coughing, coughing, punching and kicking, swords and guns on the battlefield No eyes, elder brother will take care of him."

Both of them had people they cared about, and each asked the other to take care of them.

"Don't worry, even if I die, Brother Chu won't be in trouble."

"Bah, bah, brother, don't say unlucky things, cough cough"

"Sister-in-law, are you sick and coughing all the time?"

"It's okay, maybe it's because of the wind and cold."

After parting with Yang Dalang, Mao'er was a little absent-minded.

Bai Lu felt that the eldest lady was tired, and she could tell that since the incident with Zhao Kaiyuan, the eldest lady had been working as hard as she could.

It's heartbreaking to use such a stupid method to make up for one's own mistakes.

Apply in the afternoon.

Mao'er rarely finished work early, and was accompanied by Bai Lu and Li Zhaodi to Qingyun Temple in the north of the city.

She is also an acquaintance of Qingyunguan, and she comes to pray for officials and younger sisters almost once a month.

However, this time she made a fuss about Chen Chu.

"Good luck with water, good luck, happiness on the brows"

The Taoists of Qingyun Temple get the "Qian Gua", which fits the vigorous and upright, and the hexagram is named Henry Zhen.

Mao'er didn't quite understand it, but the Taoist said that this was an excellent Shangshang hexagram, so Mao'er was satisfied with offering incense money and transferred to Sanqing Hall.

"The Patriarch of the Sanqing is here, I hope the Patriarch will protect my family and officials from fire and water during this trip, and to avoid swords and guns. If there is any hardship, I will add my concubine."

In the hall, Cat knelt on the futon, clenched his fists in front of his chest, closed his eyes, and had a serious and delicate face.

Bai Lu stood quietly on one side, looking at the devout lady, she couldn't help but be moved. Even such a powerful woman is willing to protect a man from disasters. Is this the love between men and women?

July seventeenth.

Chen Chu led [-] sergeants and [-] civilians into Yingzhou from Xinxi County, Caizhou.

There are many floods in the Huai River, and the people have always had the habit of building dike walls. The dike walls are built around the village, which can be waterproof and prevent thieves.

When the rebel army entered the boundary of Yingzhou last month, the local people had already heard about what the bandits had done in Shouzhou, so they were more or less prepared.

The rebel army was short of food, but Zhuangzi was still guarded by people, which undoubtedly meant that there was food in the village.

After Jin Taiping and Li Kui merged, they dispatched several grain hunting teams to wait for the opportunity to break through the village to collect grain.

July eighteenth, Si time.


The vanguard of the Zhenhuai Army, Wu Kui, was in the west of Yingzhou forty miles, and collided head-on with a group of rebels who were besieging Zhuangzi.

During the battle of Xiaojialing last month, Wu Kui was given the task of guarding the village, but he was so sad that he didn't get the chance to fight.

This time, they managed to catch the rebellious army and charged straight away.

Seeing this menacing official army coming out of nowhere, the opponent quickly withdrew his attacking troops after a little panic, and managed to complete the formation before Wu Kui entered the main formation.

The response has been swift.

As soon as the two parties came into contact, they were taken aback.

Back then at Xiaojialing, when Wu Kui saw friendly soldiers chopping melons and cutting vegetables on the wall of the stronghold to hide and kill them all the way, he couldn't help but underestimate the fighting power of the rebel army.

But it was only when they really fought against each other that they realized that this chaotic army was very tenacious.

This chaotic army is the main force of Xu Tong under Jin Taiping's command, he is also surprised.

It has been more than two months since the uprising. Where are there any established officers and soldiers in Shou and Ying who dare to fight with them in the wild?
Looking at this group of officers and soldiers coming from the west, could it be Caizhou soldiers?

For Xu Tong, who had personally experienced the Battle of Xiaojialing, he was a little dissatisfied. He believed that the defeat was all due to the incompetence of the leader Wu Kaiyin, and the leaders did not obey orders and disrespect orders. undefeated?Surrounded by Guang Xiaojun, he could only flee in embarrassment.

If he was commanded by his own superior, Jin Taiping, he would never have come to this point.

At this moment, Yuanjia Road is narrow, and the strength of the two sides is almost the same, Xu Tong also felt ashamed.

On the unsheltered plain below Lijiapo, two waves of human flesh coming towards each other collided violently, and a bloody wave suddenly arose above the front line.

There is no peerless general sweeping thousands of troops, and there are no heavenly soldiers flying around the enemy's head.

Some are just soldiers lined up in a wall mechanically stabbing, drawing guns, and rushing forward, with every move and style, simple and unpretentious.

Among them, there were many who were frightened and stupid for the first time on the battlefield. They stood there dumbfounded and let the opponent's swords and guns pierce their bodies before they let out a scream.

"Boss Zhou Zhou. Me."

Standing in the fourth row of the queue, Fan Guanghan was holding the gun tightly with his white hands, and his legs were shaking.

"Don't panic, hold on! Just treat it as a normal training."

Zhou Zongfa, who was standing at the head of the row, shouted loudly.

Not only shouting to Fan Guanghan, but also shouting to all Pao Ze.

At that time, Fan Guanghan, as a young and strong defender of the city, had participated in the defense of Tongshan, but he had never killed anyone.

However, Zhou Zongfa participated in the tunnel ambush outside the city, so he saw blood at least.

On the other hand, the Guangxiao army on the opposite side has had lives in their hands since they were bandits, and they have gone through five or six battles all the way. A lot of practical experience.

Seeing that everyone was stiff and their eyes were dull, Zhou Zongfa couldn't help but think of what the instructor said during the recruit training: If a person is too nervous, he will have the strength to stab seventy or eighty times, and after seven or eight stabs, he will lose his strength and go to the battlefield , the first is to listen to orders, and the second is to relax.
Thinking of this, Zhou Zongfa suddenly said loudly: "Brothers, if you are afraid or nervous, you can yell if you want to, urinate as much as you want, and you are not ashamed to urinate in your pants. Liu Erhu, deputy commander Liu, everyone knows that the first time he talked to Du I was so scared that I peed my pants when I was doing things."


"Deputy Commander Liu still has such embarrassing things? Hahaha"


Liu Erhu, that's Commander Yang's deputy, the tenant of the former owner's family, the famous diamond king Laowu, the light of Luliuxu, the dream of Tongshan girls
The first time he did something, he was scared to diaper his pants?

Hahaha, it's not as good as me, at least, I can still hold my urine now!
fifty miles away.

Liu Erhu, who was in charge of transporting grain and grass, sneezed out of nowhere, and couldn't help but look up at the white sun. It's not cold, why did he sneez? Could it be that some villain is speaking ill of me behind my back?
Down the Li family slope.

Seeing the stalemate in the battle, Wu Kui was about to go to the battle himself when he was in a hurry, but he was pulled back by Liu Siliang, who was temporarily transferred to his partner after he recovered from his injury, "Wu Yuhou, this is not the time to show off your personal bravery, don't let brothers They are making unnecessary sacrifices, quickly recruit reinforcements."

"Go and light the flare, I'll bring someone up!"

Wu Kui was not so easy to persuade, he yelled, and rushed to the battlefield with more than fifty riders.

The Kuizi battalion was an infantry battalion, and there were only battalion scouts, messengers, and personal soldiers with horses in the battalion. Wu Kui gathered all these people together and prepared to use them as a decisive mobile force.

But Xu Tong was from the army after all, so it was impossible for him to be completely unprepared. Seeing the opponent's knights move, he brought dozens of knights to meet him.

The battle gradually heated up.

Liu Siliang ignored Wu Kui for the time being, and rushed to take a few soldiers to a slope.

Several flares were fired one after another.
Signal flares have long been the standard equipment of the Zhenhuai and Wuwei armies. What color represents which arm, and how many signal flares represent the number of enemies, are clearly recorded in the officer's necessary manual.

In a short while, five green signal bombs exploded one after another after they were rapidly lifted into the air.

It can be heard clearly within a few miles.

Chen Chu, who was leading the Chinese army in the fifth mile west of Lijiapo, Xiang Jing and Liu Baishun, who were searching for the advance in the third mile east, and Peng Er, who was in the second mile north, all raised their heads.

"Eldest son, Tie Dan, quickly bring the cavalry from the headquarters to support."

When Chen Chu gave the order, the eldest son bowed first to accept the order, and said, "Brother Chu, let me take the headquarters and let Tie Dan follow you. Da Lang specifically told me that there must be cavalry by Brother Chu's side. Protect."

"You stay, I'll go!"

Tie Dan gave his eldest son a cool look, and without waiting for the eldest son to argue, he raised his gun, got on his horse, and left the camp.

On the horse's back, Tie Dan clasped his thumb and forefinger, put it into the mouth of the sandalwood, and only heard a whistle, and the fleeing households from eight mountains and nine villages in the distance quickly followed.

Whoops, the long-legged iron gallant can also play hooligan whistles.

Really cool and unrestrained.

"Hey, why are you so unreasonable!" The eldest son, who was robbed of his job, yelled at Tie Dan's back.

Tie Dan ignored his eldest son and walked away, leaving behind a trail of smoke and dust.

"Even fighting with our men, no wonder you can't get married." The depressed eldest son turned into a resentful gossip
Tie Dan was not the only one who suddenly acted.

But the first to arrive at the battlefield was Zhou Liang's Uganda Camp.
A moment ago.

Leading by a black flag, hundreds of infantry trotted forward with tight and neat steps.

From this point of view, it can be seen that they have experience in facing the enemy, no matter how urgent the battle is, they can't run wildly, otherwise they will be exhausted after running to the front, and it will be a chicken fight.

Speaking of which, Zhou Liang's department is really the one with the most combat experience in the Zhenhuai Army.

Back then, they were the main force when Qingfengzhai wiped out the 'Ren Tu'. Later, they were the ones who wiped out the officials and gangsters, and they were the ones who helped Ma Bangde occupy Wufeng Mountain.

Already faintly have the feeling that the Zhenhuai Army is a leader.

With the aid of the Uzbekistan Battalion, the situation on the battlefield changed immediately.

Seeing that the momentum was wrong, Xu Tong wanted to withdraw his troops, but Wu Kui would not let him do what he wanted, so he became more and more entangled.

While the two were fighting, suddenly another group of cavalry came from the side.

The water-polished phoenix-winged helmet is white, and the embroidered unicorn battle coat is blue.
From the corner of Wu Kui's eyes, he only caught a glimpse of a figure in a white helmet and a green robe, and the people who came had picked Xu Tong off his horse like a thousand catties.

Wu Kui and Xu Tong fought dozens of times, they were equal, but they killed him as if they were passing by.

The old Wu who serves as a foil is very useless, especially when the other party is a woman.
"Tiedan! How dare you rob me and kill me!"

Wu Kui shouted helplessly
"It counts as your military merits." Tie Dan said lightly, and drove his horse away gracefully.

"I mean that!"

Wu Kui, who felt that his self-esteem was ravaged by Tie Dan, shouted injustice.

Coincidentally, Zhou Liang, who was hacking all the way, also rushed to Wu Kui's side, he laughed and said, "Brother Kui, I'm here to help you!"

"Who asked you to help! These thieves dared to fight back against me instead of surrendering and running away when they saw the officers and soldiers coming."

Angry Wu Kui glanced back at the black flag under the sun, and attacked indiscriminately: "Grandma, what's the word Wuhe? You don't feel ashamed to carry this flag all day long."

"Hey, you idiot, have you eaten gunpowder? Wuhe is not a good word, but the whole army is up and down, only our battalion's flag is sewn by my sister-in-law. I'm so mad at you, you old turtle who is afraid of mother-in-law. "

"." Wu Kui.

After Zhou Liang finished outputting, he felt relieved, and led his brothers in the headquarters to continue the pursuit.

Wu Kui, who had eaten two deflated one after another, looked at Tie Dan's back that was getting farther and farther away, and then at the black banner that was proudly hoisted, and couldn't help muttering, "What's so amazing, after this battle, I will also I beg my sister-in-law to sew a flag for me.”

(End of this chapter)

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