Chapter 212

The end of Shen.

Chen Chu returned to the front yard and casually asked his eldest son, "Who is on duty tonight?"

"Me and Mao Dan." The eldest son Weng said.

"Just right."

After drinking at noon, Chen Chu felt a little tired, before he could rest, Cao Xiaojian came.

"Yo, Neiguan Cao thinks of me. I've come to your land. I haven't seen you for a few days. You don't even treat me to a good wine."

As soon as they met, Chen Chu said with a smile.

After getting along with each other for a long time, Cao Xiaojian knew that Chen Chu had a good temper, so he couldn't help laughing and said, "If Dutong wants to drink, let's go right now. You can choose any restaurant in Tokyo. However, there will be a big event in a few days. Are you all willing to take a look at it?"

Cao Xiaojian carefully took out an invitation card and handed it over.

Unity time.

After seeing off Cao Xiaojian, Chen Chu waited for Chen Jingan in the dining room, and put the invitation he had just received on the table, "Mr. Liu Chuan, what will this flower court be?"


Chen Jing'an, who was eating porridge with his head down, showed a strange smile when he heard the words, put down the spoon in his hand, wiped his mouth with a handkerchief slowly, then picked up the invitation card and glanced at ten lines, and then said: "The Huachaohui is an annual event in Beijing. The selection of the first row is hosted by Helelou"

"A beauty pageant? They invited me to be a warrior?" Chen Chu asked in surprise.

"The people invited by the Huachao Club have always been complicated. There are literati, merchants, and imperial relatives. It is not uncommon to invite the same warrior. However, I am afraid that Dutong does not know who is the proprietor behind this Hele Building."

"I really don't know, Mr. Yanagawa, don't let it go."

"Hehe, the proprietor of Helelou is the younger brother of Concubine Xiang."

"Sir, explain in detail." Chen Chu heard something.

Chen Jing'an pondered for a while, as if thinking about where to start, and then said: "I told Dutong before that the party is powerful now."

The Queen's Party is powerful, apart from the faction of Uncle Qian Yinian all over the court, the greatest confidence is the generals headed by the Jingnan Army Jiedushi and General Shan Ninggui.

Even the false emperor Liu Yu was constrained by the queen party everywhere.

Last year, there were riots in Wang Yan, Hebei Road, and Guiyi Army, Shandong Road.

Liu Lin, the eldest son of the emperor, and Liu Ni, the second son, led Dan Ninggui, Jing Chao, Wang Tong and other queen party backbones to fight the rebellion, but they failed to stop the war for more than a year.

Although the official residence newspaper claims that the officers and soldiers have won many battles and victories, those who are familiar with the situation know that during the Wangyan Rebellion on Hebei Road, the officers and soldiers lost two consecutive battles last year and lost more than [-] troops.

The chain reaction brought about by the defeat was to greatly damage the deterrent power of the queen party in the court.

The eldest son of the emperor, who has been heavily invested by the queen party, is both the legitimate son and the eldest son. He should be the undoubted candidate for the crown prince.

However, due to being suppressed by the queen party for a long time, Liu Yu's attitude is very subtle. Although Liu Lin was appointed as an important task, he has not been formally canonized for a long time.

Almost all the prime ministers who are opposed to the Queen's Party are appointed by the Kingdom of Jin, and the right to speak in the court is not inferior to the Queen's Party, and they are also ambiguous about the matter of establishing an heir.

The Queen's Party wanted Liu Lin to lead an army to counter the rebellion to gain prestige, but did not want the war to be disadvantageous, but instead shook Liu Lin's already unstable foundation.

After analyzing the current court situation for Chen Chu in detail, Chen Jingan said again: "If I guess right, all of you will go to the appointment, maybe you will 'coincidentally' meet Liu Zhi, the third son of the imperial concubine Xiang Guifei."

"What do you mean, sir, that Liu Chi has the intention to seize the heir?" Chen Chu said in a low voice.

Chen Jing'an was noncommittal, but said: "In short, without the acquiescence of the emperor and Prime Minister Li, I think Liu Chi would not dare to make friends with generals easily."

"Sir, didn't you say before that Cao Xiaojian came from Princess Roujia's palace? Why did you help Liu Zhi?" Chen Chu asked suspiciously.

"Princess Roujia lost her mother when she was young, so what if she is a princess? Otherwise, she would not have chosen a palace servant from her palace to take up the troublesome errand to Tongshan. Now Cao Xiaojian has become the governor of Caizhou by chance. Ruo San It's normal for the prince to show his favor, so he changes his family."

Chen Jingan explained.

When Chen Chu heard the words, after pondering for a while, he said, "Wouldn't Liu Lin and Liu Chi be in trouble as brothers if this continues?"

"The Tian family." Chen Jingan glanced at Chen Chu, "There is no family relationship in the Tian family."

Speaking of this, even Chen Jingan, who is used to frankness, lowered his voice, "Since the emperor ascended the throne and the empress has been in charge of the harem for nine years, five concubines have drowned in the palace, hanged themselves and threw themselves into wells. A newborn prince can live past his first birthday. Tell me, is this all a coincidence?"

"So ruthless!" Chen Chu said in surprise.

Chen Jing'an sighed, and said again: "Li Xiang was worried that the Queen's family would dominate, so he secretly united with Xiang Guifei's natal family behind the scenes. Otherwise, Xiang Guifei might not be able to live today. In today's world, if there is no soldier in hand, it is The emperor is also aggrieved."

The last sentence seems to mean something.

Chen Chu said, "Sir, then the Huachaohui, should I go or not?"

Chen Jing'an shook his head, and said firmly: "I won't go! Today, Dutong is able to win their favor, precisely because Dutong has no inclinations. If it is really clear, not only will it be easy to be regarded as a pawn in the river, but it will definitely recruit the other side. Jealousy. If Dutong doesn’t want to be someone else’s pawn, it will take a few years to run Caizhou well.”

"Build walls high, accumulate grain widely, and call slowly. Hehe." Chen Chu said halfway, and laughed. If Cai Yuan was in person, he would not shy away from saying the word 'king', but Chen Jingan...
Although Chen Chu and him almost knew each other, but the latter wanted to go home wholeheartedly, so they couldn't be intimate after all.

For example, he sent Guo Liang to secretly contact Wang Yan as early as last year.
Chen Jing'an acted as if he hadn't guessed what Chen Chu wanted to say, picked up the invitation card and looked at it again, and said: "The Hua Dynasty will be held on February [-]th, and the generals will face the emperor on the [-]th day. After the face-to-face, generals from other places are not allowed to stay in the capital for no reason. , Du Tong used this as an excuse, and returned immediately after meeting the saint.

If the officers and soldiers on Hebei Road are defeated again, the issue of establishing an heir may come to the fore, and it would be better for us to leave as soon as possible."

After talking about this matter, Chen Chu suddenly remembered that when he had a drink with Ying, Shou, and Su prefectures at noon today, it was difficult to address him because he had no words, "Mr. Help me get a word."


This unexpected proposal made Chen Jingan stunned for a moment.

Those who "give the word" must respect the elders and teachers.

Although Chen Jingan was more than ten years older than Chen Chu, because of Chen Jingyan's relationship, he was not inferior to Chen Chu.

"For more than half a year, Mr. has helped me a lot and taught me a lot. Mr. and I are both teachers and friends, unless Mr. thinks I'm a warrior"

"What did Du Tong say? It's just that I'm a white man. The matter of choosing characters is not a trivial matter. I'm afraid it will delay Du Tong's future."

Chen Jing'an's words were not entirely polite, Chen Chu was young, so the choice of characters was such an elegant matter, even if the latter went to a certain minister or prime minister, he would readily agree.

"Sir, in the eyes of a certain gentleman, it is not as good as a finger from Mr."

Chen Chu patted a slightly nasty flattery.

In fact, it was also true that Chen Jing'an had acquaintances all over the world, and had a wide range of sources of information. If it weren't for his analysis for Chen Chu, Chen Chu's eyes on the situation in the court could be said to be black.

Furthermore, Chen Jing'an is not a nerd, he can possess himself to do trivial and trivial things such as sorting out paperwork, and is willing to save his face to give gifts as a lobbyist.
Chen Chu really didn't want to let such a person go.

The words have come to this point, Chen Jing'an can't shirk anymore, pondered for a moment, and said to himself: "Beginners are the beginning of all things. Those who are the same as Yuan Zhang, are actually a chapter. Beginning with Yuan and ending with chapters, this is a beginning and an end. How about Yuanzhang as characters?"


This expression says mighty is not powerful enough, and it is not enough to be sassy.
For example, Meng De, who sounds reminiscent of a wife.

No matter how bad it is, Bohu is also good, with a smooth and delicate texture.

After repeating it twice, Chen Chu was shocked. Hey, why does this word sound so familiar!
Isn't this a homonym with the old Zhu's family!

Chen Chu suddenly felt that this ID was quite compelling.
With the feeling of choosing words, there seemed to be some kind of sublimation between Chen Jingan and Chen Chu.

Seeing that the time away from Beijing is not far away, Chen Chu couldn't help persuading him again: "Caizhou's affairs are complicated at the moment, and we really cannot do without Mr.'s support."

Chen Jing'an subconsciously wanted to evade with 'we have something to say first', but Chen Chu jumped ahead and said, "Sir, I have many concerns, and I can guess one or two. If you are concerned about uncle, I will send someone to pick you up. You can choose any house inside or outside the city." Choose; if Mr. wants to continue to open a school, land and funds, just ask.”


Chen Jing'an was silent for a moment, and finally said: "Dutong, let's discuss this matter later, let's talk about it after leaving Beijing first."

At any rate, he didn't refuse directly, Chen Chu couldn't help laughing and said, "Since Mr. has helped me get the name of the watch, you can call me the name of the watch from now on."


"It's three o'clock in the middle of the night, nothing happened"


The vicissitudes and penetrating shouts of the watchman in the deep alley spread into the house.

In the dark boudoir, Chen Jinyu lay on the table with her head propped up, drowsy.

The sound of calling for a watch made her wake up suddenly, rubbed her eyes, got up and walked to the window, and opened a gap.

Looking through the window, my uncle came as promised.

Before she took out the rope prepared in advance and was connected with bed sheets, and threw the other end down, Chen Jinyu seemed to be able to hear her own heartbeat like a drum beating in the quiet room.


Standing in the shadow of the wall, Chen Chu looked at the sheets that had been rolled down bit by bit in the window, feeling a little dazed.

This is to let yourself climb up?

Tan's bedroom is next door to Chen Jinyu, which is too exciting
Without waiting for Chen Chu to make a decision, in the night, a steel pointing gun with a gloomy orchid light, like a poisonous snake spitting out a message, stopped quickly and silently half an inch before the throat.

The hairs all over Chen Chu's body stood on end, before he could speak, he heard a female voice lowered his voice, "Where did you come from!"

". Tie Dan, it's me."

"Ah? Why did you come here in the middle of the night?"

Tie Dan hastily retracted his gun, and the eldest son and Mao Dan, who were standing guard by the three-entry vertical flower gate, sensed something was wrong and ran over in a hurry.

Chen Chu suddenly remembered that he had overlooked one thing. Although the eldest son and Maodan were on duty tonight, Brother Tiedan didn't know that he was visiting in the middle of the night.
But Chen Xiaolang couldn't answer her question.

"Hehe, it's been a long night, and I don't want to sleep. I thought I was the only one who couldn't sleep. It turns out that brother Tie Dan didn't sleep either."

"I heard the commotion in the courtyard, and thought that a flower picker broke in."

The honest Tie Dan spoke the truth. When speaking, he couldn't help but look up at the window of Chen Jinyu's bedroom on the second floor.

Due to the angle, the window on the second floor was reflected in the moonlight, and it happened that the window was half open, and a rope of bed sheets was hanging down.

Tie Dan's line of sight extended down the bed sheet, and finally saw clearly the other end hanging beside Chen Chu.


The baby's face was a little confused at first, and then suddenly realized. I, I seem to have accidentally broken the adultery!
Upstairs, Chen Jinyu couldn't wait for the movement below, so she couldn't help opening the window to visit.


The sound of the window hinges was particularly loud in the silent courtyard.

Several people below looked up at the same time. Chen Jinyu above had a real eye contact with everyone.

The moon is bright.
In the middle of the night, a girl who hadn't left the pavilion left a window climbing rope for the nephew.

Chen Jinyu felt like getting an electric shock, and hurriedly withdrew her body, but because she was too flustered, she accidentally brought down the flower pouch next to the table in the window.


The sound of porcelain falling to the ground resounded throughout the courtyard.

Immediately afterwards, candles were lit in the room next door to Chen Jinyu, and the next room next door.

"Boss, bullshit!"

"Brother Chu, run!"

The eldest son, who was usually slow to react, pulled Chen Chu's arm and ran away in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, Tie Dan was faster than them, turned around, and sneaked into the bedroom on the first floor like the wind.

What is she panicking about?It's not that she has adultery
In the blink of an eye, there was no one in the courtyard anymore.

After a while, Mrs. Tan and Mrs. Zhang walked outside Chen Jinyu's bedroom holding candlesticks, "Ayu, Ayu? What's wrong in your room?"

After a few breaths, I heard a lazy, slightly hoarse voice that seemed to be just waking up from the room, "Mother, it's all right."

"Open the door first."


Inside the dark window opening, the sheets were pulled back bit by bit, and the window sash was quietly closed.

Afterwards, the door opened, and Chen Jinyu stood inside the door rubbing her sleepy eyes, "Mother, it's okay, a mouse may have entered the room and knocked down the flower sac"

Holding a candle, Mrs. Tan went in, and felt relieved when she saw that her daughter was fine. Then she looked at the debris all over the floor, and said in amazement, "How big a mouse does it have to be to knock down the flower sac?"

"Maybe. Maybe it's a big mouse."

Chen Jinyu lowered her head and argued uncomfortably.

 Oops, it’s so uncomfortable to change the map
  Originally, this paragraph was about [-] words long, and it was too uncomfortable to write, and I didn't express my emotions.

  The detailed outline is compressed, and the foreshadowing of the introduction is simply buried, and this paragraph is quickly ended.
  There is probably one more chapter left, so go home right away.

  I saw that some readers really don't want to see Little Goldfish. It's my fault that I didn't portray it well, but I can't delete all her scenes until now.
(End of this chapter)

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