lady, please calm down

Chapter 204 Non-Governmental Organizations

Chapter 204 Non-Governmental Organizations

The east wind is good for yang and peace, and every grass and every flower will be reported.

Early spring in February.

Both sides of Ximen Street are full of peach, plum and apricot trees.

At the time of the flower order, small red and white flower buds are dotted among the tender green buds of the fruit trees, making it a beautiful scene.

On the sixth day of February, at the end of noon.

Chen Chu and his party entered the city from Xinzheng Gate.

Before entering the city, they still yelled, "Tokyo is just bigger, can it be more prosperous than Tongshan?" 'Damn, shut up completely after entering the city.

There is only a Ximen Street with a width of more than ten feet, and the hairy boy dare not compare it with Tongshan.

Tokyo City spans thirteen north-south main streets and nine east-west main streets.

And this Ximen Avenue is just an ordinary one among them. It is said that Yujie Street is as wide as a hundred feet.

Tongshan is a small county town, and the "imposing" alone has been thrown away by the imperial capital by a thousand miles.

A group of bumpkins suddenly felt that their eyes were not enough.

As far as the eye can see, there are brothel painting pavilions, embroidered bead curtains.

On the street, the young lady is inlaid with gold and dots of green, shining brightly, and the sleeves of the embroidered and luxurious clothes of scholars and literati are fragrant.

In the depths of the streets and alleys, light songs and laughter resounded in the fireworks and willow alleys, and the sound of flute and piano was played in restaurants and teahouses.

It is completely different from the depression and dilapidated scenes that can be seen everywhere along the way when we came here.

That is to say, after the Qi Dynasty and the Zhou Dynasty, almost all the dignitaries of the entire dynasty were concentrated in this great city at that time. They were the most wealthy and luxurious group in Qi.

Supporting a city with half of the mountains and rivers, needless to say the prosperity here.

Even Chen Jinyu, who has been to Tokyo City several times, couldn't help sighing when he walked side by side with Chen Chu: "This Tokyo City is rich and charming."

A foot behind her, Tan couldn't help frowning. Her own daughter, who had been by Chen Chu's side since entering the city, finally said, "Ayu, come here."

"Mother, mother, Ayu is hungry and wants to eat Cao Ji's lotus cake"

Chen Jinyu turned around and took two steps back, holding Tan's arm and swaying, this little daughter-like coquettishness prevented the latter from uttering his criticism, and instead said repeatedly: "Okay, okay, I will arrange it later. It’s easy to buy. I know how to eat all day long.”

Weishi, Xinmen Wazi, Tokyo City, Zaoyuan Street.

When Shopkeeper Hu saw Chen Chu, he bowed to the bottom first, and said respectfully: "My lord, after receiving the letter a few days ago, I immediately ordered someone to tidy up a house. But the city of Tokyo is very expensive, and the house here is not as comfortable as home. Please forgive me, my lord."

"It's okay, let's lead the way."

Chen Chu laughed.

Shopkeeper Hu was originally the shopkeeper of Cai's silk and satin shop. After the establishment of Sihai Commercial Bank, Cai Yuan recruited him into the firm.

Last year, after the rebellion in Tongshan subsided, the firm expanded rapidly. Because of his outstanding ability and quick-wittedness, shopkeeper Hu was sent to Tokyo City, and jointly established the Tokyo Direct Store of Cosmopolitan Commercial Bank with the steward Fan Shangshu of the Ministry of War.
When Chen Chu came to Beijing, it was said that he should live in a post house, but firstly, Chen Chu had a large number of followers on his trip, and secondly, the conditions of the post house were poor, so Cai Yuan felt sorry for his son-in-law, so he wrote in advance to make arrangements.

The house prepared by shopkeeper Hu is indeed not big.

There are a total of more than a dozen houses in three, and the dozens of people living in Chen Chu seem a bit crowded, but they are all his own people inside and outside, so there is no danger of private rumors.

However, the name of the alley where this house is located is a bit strange.

"Zaoyuan Street, Nongyu Lane"

When entering the alley, Chen Chu looked at the name of the street and alley hanging on the gable wall, and read it aloud.

Chen Jinyu, who was coaxing her mother to be happy, was able to listen to all directions. Hearing Chen Chu chanting, she silently recited it a few times. For some reason, Xiuli's face suddenly turned red.

In the afternoon, Chen Chu took his eldest son and Da Baojian to the Ministry of War to report.

The clerk of the Ministry of War who received Chen Chu seemed to be very surprised when he saw Chen Chu took out the seal and ribbon and issued the certificate. After carefully looking at Chen Chu for a few times, he said with a playful smile: "It turns out that your Excellency is Chen Dutong, who has been admired for a long time."

'Jiu Yang' was originally an ordinary polite remark, but Chen Chu felt that there was something in the other party's words.

Unity time.

When Chen Chu returned to Nongyu Lane, the lights were already on.

For dinner, Tan's sister-in-law, daughter, Tie Dan and other female relatives were in the back house.

In the second entrance, only Chen Jing'an and Chen Chu, who had a detached status, sat at the same table.

Speaking of the scene when he reported to the Ministry of War, Chen Jingan smiled, and after the two of them finished eating and turned to the study, he took out something from his arms and handed it to Chen Chu.

""Daqi Qiyao Journal"."

Qiyao means one week, which translates to Daqi Weekly.

Chen Chu knew about this official newspaper.

It originated from Zheng Yi's chaos in Tongshan last year. Today's headline article turned the table and forced Zheng Yi to a situation where he had to fight.

Qi Guochaotang felt that public opinion was important, so he asked the Ministry of Rites to take the lead in launching this Qiyao Journal.

However, the literati recruited by the Ministry of Rites had no experience in running newspapers. In the beginning, apart from the official mansion newspaper, all the newspapers were fake and vain touting the integrity of the government and the harmony of the people.

Official literati found it new at first, but over time they lost interest.

Ordinary people are even less interested in exaggerated and ungrounded Qiyao magazines.

"I think there's ink in my ass" is their unified evaluation of Qiyao Magazine.

Seeing that the effect was not good, the circulation was shrinking day by day, and the Ministry of Rites gradually became impatient, and the funds allocated to Qiyao Magazine were cut and cut again, until the salary could not be paid out.

In Daqi right now, military turmoil, civil upheavals, and natural disasters are happening one after another, each of which is more important than running a newspaper.

Da Qi Chaotang, who was only on a whim at the time, immediately left Qiyao Magazine behind and ignored it.

Wang Jingrao, the editor-in-chief of Qiyao Magazine, saw that Qiyao Magazine could no longer survive, so he couldn't help but start to fabricate some interesting stories and scandals that people like to hear.

Hey, don't tell me, this trick is quite useful!

Qiyao Magazine's immediate circulation immediately ushered in an increase.

After tasting the sweetness, Wang Jingrao seems to have found the wealth code.

However, the anecdotes of ordinary people do not have that much appeal after all, and the world-famous officials and great Confucians are more eye-catching.

But this kind of people can't be provoked by Qiyao Magazine.

After thinking about it, those foreign military leaders are suitable targets for spreading rumors. Even if you have soldiers, so what, you are the capital of the Daqi Empire, and you can still bring people to call you?

After determining the target group, Chen Chu became one of the few people who were unfortunately singled out.

First of all, he is a young man who has risen to a high position, and the world is already curious about such a person.

Second, the process of his ascension to power was dangerous and bloody, which could satisfy the public's desire to spy.

Thirdly, it is impossible to express jealousy. Qiyao Magazine imitates Toutiao, but it does not have the circulation and appeal of Toutiao. It is not as good as Wang Jingrao of the local tabloid and others are naturally unhappy.

Chen Chu and Toutiao came out of Tongshan together, hitting the former was like hitting Toutiao.

The Qiyao magazine that Chen Jingan handed over at this time was the latest issue that was released four days ago. Wang Jingrao probably knew that there would be commanders from all over the country coming to Beijing to report on their duties in the near future, so he made a column in this issue, commenting on the leaders of the army.

"Guo Yutaoer, the governor of Yingzhou's left-behind department, named Degang, returned to Daqi in the second year of Fuchang. He was not famous for his bravery, but he was rude."

'Ding Yu Jisheng, the governor of the left-behind division of Shouzhou. He has the merit of destroying thieves, but he has no knowledge of writing and ink, and does not know sages.'

It's all about wanting to suppress first, talking about the bullshit that the generals of the Xiang army say, it's all about the superiority of scholars.

Seeing this, Chen Chu couldn't help but wondered: "Mr. Liu Chuan, the court let Qiyao magazine slander the general's reputation, aren't you afraid that the general will complain to the court?"

"The Qiyao Journal is the Qiyao Journal, and the Chaotang is the Chaotang. If the military commander mentions this matter, the Chaotang can say that the Qiyao Journal has nothing to do with the Chaotang."

Chen Jing'an took a sip of his tea, and then he got to the point, "Besides, what reputation do you generals want? What are you going to do for your reputation?"

Chen Jing'an said the truth, but he was reminding Chen Chu that the military general was stigmatized, maybe the court would like to see it, otherwise you have soldiers and hope, is it possible that you are going to replace Da Qi?
It would be even better if the rift between literati and warriors could be exacerbated.

Seeing that Chen Chu was deep in thought, Chen Jing'an reminded with a smile, "Chen Dutong will continue to watch. Say something first, don't get angry."


Out of curiosity, Chen Chu turned a page.


Qiyao Magazine commented on five Dutongs in total, and Chen Chu was at the end, but took up half of the space.

"Chen Yuchu, the governor of the left-behind department of Caizhou, returned from overseas, did not know the Chinese culture, and had no words"

Damn, the opening chapter is full of aggression!

Just because there is no sign, I became an 'uneducated' barbarian?
Below is a rough introduction to Chen Chu's resume. Zheng Yi's case has already been settled, and Wang Jingrao naturally dare not reverse the case for him.

But he still secretly described Chen Chu as a murderous monster.

Compared with other generals, Chen Chu also added a description of his appearance: "he is six feet six inches tall, six feet six inches wide, with leopard eyes and beards, fists as big as bowls, and arms as thick as beams."Eat one sheep every day, ten chickens and ducks

I am more than two meters tall and my waist is more than two meters. I am a ball?
I eat one sheep a day, ten chickens and ducks each. Well, I'm still a fucking idiot!
After writing the text of the review, Qiyao magazine also thoughtfully attached a little news of "according to the person concerned" at the bottom.

Since you can eat so much, you still need to be 'capable' to be liked by the public.

In the small news, what is Chen Chuye's imperial ten daughters, and what is Diaochan on the waist.
"Haha. This group of people is still talented."

Chen Chu couldn't hold back and laughed.

Chen Jingan was quite surprised by his reaction, and then he laughed too, "Aren't you annoyed?"

"What's so annoying about such a fake thing?"

Chen Chu laughed.

If the Qiyao magazine came up with some real evidence that he had disobedience, Chen Chu might be a little nervous.

But this kind of gossip, apart from reducing the credibility of Qiyao Magazine itself, can't hurt him at all, and can even help him act as a cover.

Seeing Chen Chu being so open-minded, Chen Jing'an nodded appreciatively, and said, "Since that's the case, what should Dutong do next?"

"Oh? Mr. Yanagawa, please tell me."

"While there is nothing to do these few days, Dutong might as well walk around with the courtiers, anyway, Dutong is not short of money." Chen Jingan laughed himself first after speaking.

Being rich means asking Chen Chu to give more gifts.

"I'm a border military general dealing with ministers, isn't it eye-catching?" Chen Chu asked.

"No problem. Now in Daqi, who wants to be promoted, who doesn't want to curry favor with the court princes? You have done this, and you are a military general who is dedicated to the camp."

Chen Jing settled down for a moment, looked at Chen Chu and continued, "In addition to flattering you, you also need to bully you to be considered as one of the warriors of Great Qi."

He flattered his superiors and gave Caizhou more room to maneuver.

Domineering towards his subordinates, made the court feel that Chen Chu was no different from other rough generals.

For generals with stains and shortcomings, the superiors can rest assured.

Chen Chu understands this truth, but it takes an opportunity to bully this kind of thing, you can't just go to the street and rob women and beat passers-by, right?

"Other than that, we can't just let the Qiyao magazine continue to be dirty." Chen Jing'an said again.

"What does Yanagawa-san mean?"

"Ding Weiqian, that Wang Jingrao has studied with my family uncle for several years. Speaking of it, he can be regarded as the same school."

"Mr. Yanagawa is going to lobby for something?"

"Ha ha."

Chen Jingan got up, walked to the window, looked at the night and said slowly: "Scholars are different from scholars. I will go to lobby, and maybe he will sell me some face in a short time. But we will leave Tokyo sooner or later, and we want him." , If you want the Qiyao Journal to be used by the capital, it is still a word of 'profit'."

"Owned by me?"

"Well, when Dutong needs them to scold, they scold. When they need them to shut up, they shut up. When they need them to praise, they brag."

Daqi's newspaper serves Chen Chu, it's exciting to think about it.

Chen Chu chuckled, looked at Chen Jingan's back, and said leisurely: "Mr. Liu Chuan said that, I think we have a kind of organization in Aolai."

"Oh? What organization?"


"Huh chicken?"

"Well, also called non-governmental non-governmental organizations."

"What do you mean? Tell me in detail."

"National organizations that have nothing to do with the government on the surface are good at throwing money to raise dogs."

Worried that Chen Jing'an wouldn't understand, Chen Chu gave an example with a smile, "For example, we set up a 'Foundation for the Promotion of Newspaper Industry' in the name of private commercial companies such as Sihai Commercial Bank. Funding in the name of support.

There is no need to rush to interfere with their operations in the early stage. But as long as they take our jobs, they are put on a dog leash.

Of course, literati who are too strong and strong need to be suppressed. If one day the editorial department of Qiyao Magazine is only left with profit-seeking people, Qiyao Journal will become our voice. "

Chen Jing'an felt a little uncomfortable with the sentence 'the literati with strength of character need to be suppressed'.

Chen Chu got up, walked to his side, and said indifferently: "Those who are strong may not be knowledgeable. You can organize these hard bones to go to Luliuwei to hold an academic seminar. Eat, drink, and give gifts. Compared with other withered prefectures and counties, this kind of principled literati will probably tout Tongshan as a holy place in the world."

People with strength of character may not be knowledgeable. Tongshan is indeed easy to brainwash people without knowledge. When scholars see that a place is well governed, most of them will start from the perspective of "government and education".

But it may not be able to see the underlying reasons for the prosperity of Tongshan. It is a relatively mild and hidden economic plunder to benefit the world.

There is no leapfrog development of productivity at the root, and the Tongshan model does not have the feasibility of large-scale promotion.

"Although this matter will take many years to implement slowly, I still need the help of Mr. Yanagawa when I am in contact with Qiyao Magazine."

Chen Chu cupped his hands.

Chen Jingan sighed, turned around and returned the greeting.

Chen Chu was able to give gifts to civil servants, after all, this was the norm at the moment, but he couldn't rush to make friends with a bunch of down-and-out literati. That would be too heavy a mark.

But Chen Jing'an didn't have such worries, he was originally a member of the scholar bureaucrats, and the Yingchuan Chen family was quite famous.

He went to fund the Qiyao Journal, which can be seen as mutual assistance among scholars.

Besides, most people like Wang Jingrao have a literati common problem and are extremely good-natured. If a warrior rushes to give them money, they may not accept it because of face.

Cultivating public opinion is not feasible by brute force.

It is labor-saving and decent to do it with the Chen family's scholarly reputation and scholarly family.

This is the reason why Chen Chu did not let Chen Jingan and Chen Jinyu leave
(End of this chapter)

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