lady, please calm down

Chapter 166 I'm a Waste

Chapter 166 I'm a Waste

September twenty.

Autumn rains continuously.

Youshi is just around the corner, the rainy sky is almost dark, and the pedestrians on the street are in a hurry.

Sajin Lane in Caizhou City.

The second time Chen's mansion entered, he saw that the candlelight in the emerald hall was bright and noisy.

Sitting here are the eldest son, Yang Youtian and other Qifengling brothers and uncles.

There are also Erhu and Siliang who were born in Luliuxu.

There are also Shen Zaixing and Pang Shengyi who have escaped from the Eight Mountains and Nine Villages, as well as Xu Mingyuan, Zhang San and Zhang Four brothers from several other families.

Standing in front of the window, Yang Dalang dusted off the water droplets on the black oil chain armor, turned his head to look at Chen Chu who was wearing a pile of silver dragon scales and gold armor, and said enviously, "Saobao."

Chen Chu's armor was originally intended to be bestowed on Zheng Yi by the Emperor Qi in order to appease him.

However, since Zheng Yi died, there was no need to appease him. He gave it to Chen Chu.

"You don't flirt?" Chen Chu glanced at the standard chain armor on Da Lang's body.

It is said that this product has been put on two days ago and has not been taken off at night.

Compared with bows and arrows, armor is a forbidden item that is not easily accessible to the people. At least before the Battle of Tongshan, only Tie Dan had a set of silver armor passed down from his ancestors.

Others are only greedy.

But now that Da Lang and others have infiltrated the Da Qi army, getting a few sets of armor is not a trivial matter.

Compared with the Qi State’s imperial court who sent a supervisory army and appointed Chen Chu, who was indifferent to others and set up a “generational capital control”, Zhang Chunxiao, the appeasement envoy of Henan Province’s economic strategy, was much more generous. On the basis of the army, a Zhenhuai army was re-established, and the appointment of officers in the new army was almost entirely decided by Chen Chu.

Dalang became the commander of the Zhenhuai Army, and Liu Erhu was the deputy commander.

The Zhenhuai Army followed the military system of Qi State, and one army had five battalions.

Shen Zaixing, Peng Er, Zhou Liang, Wu Kui, Liu Daniu and Ren Yuhou each led a battalion.

In addition, there is also a barracks for relatives, and the eldest son is the Marquis of Yu.

The battalion led by Shen Zaixing was the Majun battalion. Originally, Chen Chu wanted Tie Dan to be the Marquis of Ma Jun, but Zhang Chunxiao rejected it. This was the only appointment that the latter objected to. The reason was that there was no precedent in Da Qi for a woman serving as an officer in the army. .

Therefore, after discussion between Chen Chu and Shen Zaixing, the latter took up the position first.

This is the general framework of the Zhenhuai Army at present, but it is only a framework. At present, the Zhenhuai Army has a serious shortage, and the adequacy rate of troops is less than half.

The two stood by the window and chatted for a while, and they naturally talked about this issue.

Looking at the continuous rain outside the window, Chen Chu said: "In this battle, we have captured more than [-] soldiers of the former Shenrui army. In the past few days, Da Lang has carefully screened them and selected some young and honest ones to enrich the Huai army."

"They? They are not good at fighting, but they are good at running for their lives."

Da Lang somewhat looked down on these defeated troops.

"We don't want officers, we only want grassroots soldiers. They also have two arms and two legs, no worse than us. They flee and break up at every turn because they only work for their superiors, so naturally they don't have the determination to fight to the death.

Brothers like us, why dare to fight others?Because we know that the current situation in Tongshan is hard-won, that if we don’t fight to the death, the Luliuxu and Shizipo we built with great difficulty will be destroyed, and we know that our parents, wives and children will suffer.”

"But this Caizhou is not our Tongshan after all."

"Well, then let's turn Caizhou into Tongshan"

After Chen Chu finished speaking, Da Lang was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "Brother Chu, tell me, will the people in this world live like our Luliuxu one day?"

Looking at the pattering rain outside the window, Chen Chu smiled and shook his head, "I don't know either. This is a road that no one has traveled."

Da Lang also looked at Yu Mu, and then said: "The other three armies stationed by the Huai River, haven't come to visit yet?"

"Not yet." Chen Chu smiled and said, "It's the wife of Zhu Da, the commander of the Jing'an Army, who visited Yunong a few days ago, and her words were quite affectionate."

"Oh? Men don't show their faces, let the mother-in-law show up? This Zhu Da hides his head and shows his tail, making people look down upon him."

Dalang said indignantly.

Caizhou's left-behind division is in charge of the four armies. In addition to the finished Shenrui army, there are Jing'an army, Wuwei army, and Ningjiang army.

Ordinarily, after Chen Chu took office on September [-]th, the commanders of the three armies had to pay a visit.

But four or five days have passed so far, except for the Jing'an Army Zhu Da's wife who visited Yunong once, the commanders have not shown up.

It was as if Chen Chu, the new official, did not exist.

If they didn't come, Chen Chu wouldn't invite them either.

"I guess, there should be some kind of offensive and defensive alliance agreement between the three of them." Chen Chu smiled.

"No, just get them."

Feeling that his brother has been neglected, Da Lang said in a low voice.

"There's no rush. Our top priority right now is to complete the formation of the Zhenhuai New Army first. We can also use this time to find out the details of the opponent, pull what can be pulled, and fight what should be fought."

Seeing Da Lang's angry face, Chen Chu couldn't help laughing and said, "Da Lang, why are you so angry? Hurry up and find a woman to marry, if you continue like this, you will go crazy sooner or later."


Yang Dalang lowered his head, caressed the mighty armor on his body, and said cynically: "What's so good about getting married? How can I go to Goulan to find my sisters? The sisters are nice to talk and good at serving people. It's over, let's go You can leave with just a few bucks on your pants”

Can serve people?

You mean, do they move by themselves?
"Hahaha." Chen Chu was happy, and then patted Da Lang on the shoulder, "We still have to get married. The niece of the Xu family failed last time. Maoer apologized for a long time, and she still paid attention to you."

"Hey, don't let my sister-in-law worry about it anymore, I'm fine now."

The matter of the Xu family's niece happened several months ago. Mao'er was entrusted by Aunt Yang to help Da Lang find their marriage.

Mao'er and Xu Wan'er have the best relationship, so naturally I mentioned it to the latter first.

Xu Wan'er was very optimistic about Chen Dutou back then, so she told her cousin about it.

No, the young lady of the Xu family heard that Da Lang had escaped from the household, and now he is only a farmer in Luliuwei, and immediately said bluntly: "What does my cousin think of me? Even a poor householder can use it to marry me."

At that time, Xu Wan'er also persuaded him, meaning that Chen Dutou might have a bright future in the future, and Yang Dalang was his dead brother, so he would not be able to get rich in the future.

But Xu Xiaoniang said: "He is only a head, so he can have a bright future."

Seeing this, Xu Wan'er didn't persuade her anymore.

Talking about kissing, there are too many things that can't be done, and it's okay to stop here.

Unexpectedly, after a while, Xu Xiaoniang actually told the matter to the little sister, and the central idea stood out: the toad wanted to eat swan meat.

As a result, the rumors about this matter spread uproar, not only embarrassing Da Lang, but also making Mao Er very angry.

Mao'er, who seldom speaks harsh words, also lost her temper with Xu Wan'er once, "Your cousin is so ignorant! If you can't do it, you can't do it. If you talk like this outside, will my officials feel comfortable if they know about it? How will the two of us get along in the future?"

Xu Wan'er can only make repeated compensations.

Both she and Mao'er knew that if Da Lang and Xu Xiaoniang got married, the two alliances would be the best of both worlds, and it wouldn't matter if they didn't.

But if you insist on saying it out and making it known to everyone, you will mess up.

In this way, bystanders thought the Xu family looked down on the Chen family.

See Cuitang.

More than ten steps away from Chen Chu and Da Lang, Yang Youtian, Yao Sanbian, Shen Zaixing and other old brothers were sitting together talking in a low voice, sighing from time to time.

The only thing that can make these gentlemen frown is the marriage of their children.

The three elder brothers share the same illness.

"I can't find a wife to get married, but I've learned how to go shopping! That jio of your mother!"

Uncle Yang looked at his son's back and cursed in a low voice.

As in the past, Uncle Yang would never deliberately lower his voice when scolding his son, but now that Dalang Yang is also the commander of the first army, Uncle Yang has to save Dalang some face in front of the room full of colleagues.

"Hey! Brother, when did you become blind? Can't you see that I have such a daughter?" Shen Zaixing put on a shy face, and began to promote Tiedan again.

"Hey, I'm getting old, I have tinnitus recently, I can't hear clearly"

Yang Youtian pretended to dig out his ears, pretending he didn't hear it.

Seeing this, Shen Zaixing turned to look at Yao Sanbian again.

Yao Sanbian was the first to say: "By the way, there are signs of my son's matter! Do you remember the Ding family who joined the village in August?"

"Old man Ding? The one whose son is Ding Peng?" Uncle Yang regained his hearing instantly.

"Well, the day before yesterday, Ding Peng approached me and wanted to tell his eldest son about his sister."

When Uncle Yao talked about this, he grinned with thick lips.

Isn't that right? In the past, it was so difficult to run away from home to marry a wife. It was often said that going to four or five families would not make it. Now, the elder brother of the woman's side offered to marry his sister over.

My son is really promising!

Uncle Yao is both happy and proud.

"Old man Ding's daughter." Yang Youtian thought for a while, got a little impression, nodded in approval and said, "She has a nice face and a big butt, she looks like a good-bred girl."

"Hey, when I go back to Zhuangzi tomorrow, I will talk to my wife. If she has no objection, I will make a marriage agreement with old man Ding."

Uncle Yao is having fun.

The ungrateful Shen Zaixing drank a glass of wine and muttered, "Brother Yao, why don't you ask the eldest son's opinion first? What if he already has someone he likes?"

"Hey~ It's the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker. Ask him to be a sac! I told him about marriage, how dare he refuse?"

Yao Sanbian said domineeringly, and took a look at the noisy neighboring table.

Yang Youtian happened to be looking at the group of young people at the next table, and suddenly angrily cursed in a low voice, "Those who are not married are not married, and those who are married have no children yet!"

It is still necessary to guess who the "not married" refers to. After all, many people are not married.

But it is clear at a glance who is being scolded by "married and no children".

Seeing Chu Ge'er's power spread now, but there is no heir behind him, especially no son, which is worrying.

Young people may not realize it, but elders like Uncle Yang always feel uneasy.

When I go back, I have to ask my wife to ask what happened to the cat, Uncle Yang thought.

Over there, Chen Chu and Da Lang had just sat down at the table belonging to the young people, and the eldest son was having a drink with Chu brother with a smile.

Chen Chu ate a cup, held up the cup again and said respectfully, "Brother Xu, Brother Zhang San, and Brother Zhang Si, please leave tomorrow for now. Let's have a long day together. Let's have a drink together."

Xu Mingyuan is the commander of Tongshan's signing army. At this time, Caizhou has gradually stabilized, and he will go back tomorrow.

Zhang San and Zhang Si don't like the restraint in the army and have no intention of joining the army. They will also return tomorrow.

But Uncle Yang, Yao Sanbian and others are old, and they would rather go back to Luliuwei to fiddle with the crops than to be subordinates to a bunch of juniors.

In fact, Chen Chu had tried to persuade them to stay, but several of them had made up their minds, so they arranged a farewell wine tonight.

Most of the young and strong fleeing households in Bashan and Jiuzhai stayed in the Zhenhuai Army.

Chen Chu arranged a Zhuangzi for them outside the city, so that they could bring their family members from the mountain to make a living.

Seeing all the people sitting in Cuidang and the various forces behind them, it is Chen Chu's entire family property at the moment.

"Brother Tiedan, let's have a cup too."

Chen Chu touched the wine one by one, and when it was Tie Gan's turn, the baby hesitated for a moment, then stood up with the bowl.

As soon as she got up, all the brothers booed.

"Yo yo, she didn't even eat wine with Tie Dan just now, why did she eat it when she met Chu brother!"

Pang Shengyi screamed ghostly.


He had already picked up the wine bowl and put it down again, with a blush on his cheeks that still had a little baby fat left, "Uncle Pang, come out for a moment, let me tell you something"


Pang Shengyi's face changed, and he was about to refuse immediately, but he felt that all his brothers and nephews were watching him, and he would be too timid if he didn't dare to go out.

Then he bit the bullet and followed Tie Dan out of Jiancui Hall.

After a while, Pang Shengyi returned alone.

"I fought a few tricks with Tie Dan, but she lost and went back to her room crying."

Pang Shengyi, with black and purple eyes, puts his hands behind his back and raises his head at 45 degrees, looking like a master.

There were a few titters in the hall, and Shen Zaixing said rather shamelessly: "Old Pang, it's not shameful not to beat your niece, but it's shameful to brag. Can you wipe your nosebleed first before talking?"


Laugh out loud.

At the end of Haishi.

back house.

Hearing from Cuiyuan that the young master wants to take a bath, Yunong hurriedly ran down from the room.

In the washroom.

Two maids were helping Chen Chu remove his armor, and that was quite dishonest.

When Yu Nong came in, she coughed lightly, recalled the cat's usual appearance, and said with drooping eyelids: "Go out, you don't need to serve here."

Trying hard to put on a majestic look.

The two maids looked at Chen Chu coquettishly, seeing that Chen Chu didn't say anything, they bowed to Yunong and left the bathroom reluctantly.

Such a big house must require a lot of people to clean and maintain it.

At this time, the servant girl in the house is still the same as Zheng Yi. The old owner just left, and the new owner just arrived. Everyone wants to take a shortcut.

Compared with Zheng Tongzhi, who is over forty years old, has a pot belly and has a bad temper, Chen Tongzhi, who is young, good-looking, and always smiling when he talks, is undoubtedly more attractive.

In the past few days, once Chen Chu returned to the back house, the maids from all over the place would try to move closer to him.

Even the nurse was always dangling before his eyes.

Sister, I don't even have a child, do you want to feed me?

While thinking wildly, he felt that Yu Nong, who was helping him remove his armor behind him, stopped moving.

Chen Chu couldn't help turning his head curiously, seeing Yunong's anxious oval face flushed.

"What's wrong?"

"Nununu don't know how to unload"


Chen Chu was speechless, and called Bai Lu who was waiting outside for help, and then took off the sassy bag armor.

The water temperature in the five or six-foot-long tub was just right, and Chen Chu couldn't help but snorted contentedly as he lay in it.

Yunong was beside him helping him wipe his back.

This vile and rotten life!

Chen Chu closed his eyes and enjoyed it for a moment, but felt a few drops of warm water falling on his back, and couldn't help turning his head.

But I saw Yunong with her head down, like a child who made a mistake, with tears gushing out of her innocent big eyes, dripping down her face.

Chen Chu asked in surprise, "What's wrong?"

It's okay if he didn't ask, but when he asked Yunong, he grinned and cried, "Young master, is Nunu very useless? You can neither manage the house like your sister, nor help you earn money like the third lady, Nunu Can't even take off the armor. I'm a piece of shit, wow wow."

 Thanks to the two students '1701192007521730' and '20180223004744479' for their rewards~
(End of this chapter)

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