lady, please calm down

Chapter 153 Strong walls and clear fields, actively preparing for battle

Chapter 153 Strong walls and clear fields, actively preparing for battle

August seventeenth night.

Hour two quarters.

It is recorded in "Da Qi Law" that those who knock on the door at night will have fifty rods, and those who force the intruders will be killed.

There are exceptions to everything.

For example, the left-behind division of Caizhou who suddenly appeared outside the city tonight is in charge of Zheng Yi, and the soldier who opened the city gate at night as an exception was only slow in his movements, so Zheng Yi whipped him on the face, and his left eyelid was slapped. burst open.

After entering the city, Zheng Yi and Zheng Ding led twenty soldiers galloping through the city and entered the county government office.

The county magistrate Li, who had already received the news, was waiting outside the hall with all the county officials and officials. Zheng Yi, who was dressed in plain onyx, was as heavy as iron, and entered the hall and sat straight on the head seat.

This was originally the seat of County Magistrate Li. Zheng Yi's move was very disrespectful and domineering, but the coldness on his body was as real as it was real. Who would dare to touch him at this moment?

Sitting down behind the case, Zheng Yi swept all the officials of Zhonglang Mountain with his cold eyes.

The people below did not dare to breathe, and in the end, County Magistrate Li bit the bullet and said: "Zheng Tongzhi, please mourn."

"Li Xianzun, my family suffered such a disaster, why did the county lord explain it to me?"

Zheng Yishi stared at County Magistrate Li, but his voice was still calm. County Magistrate Li breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said, "Controller, after interrogation this morning, the family members of your mansion confessed that the perpetrator was a bandit from Yuquan Mountain."

"Do you think I'm a three-year-old child!" Before the magistrate Li finished speaking, Zheng Yi was suddenly furious, and he picked up the inkstone from the official case and threw it at him.

County magistrate Li was still cautious and dodged sideways, but there was a slanted ink mark on the green official robe.

What he said, Zheng Yi had just learned from the female relatives in Yinma Village, but Zheng Yi didn't believe a word.

For one thing, Zheng Yi knew the relationship between his family and Yuquan Mountain, and the latter had no reason to go against the Zheng family.

Secondly, those thieves don't have this ability.

Among the bandits in Yuquan Mountain, only Zhang Lisuan, the original leader, was brave, but he had already died a long time ago.

That Mao Yanrong is just a level of playing tricks along the street, there are three veterans who retired from the army in Zhengjiazhuang Dingzhong, Mao Yanrong and others don't have the ability to kill through Zheng's family and go away.

Moreover, Zheng Yi inspected Zhuang Ding's wounds, all of which were located on the neck and chest. They were fatal, and there were no sword marks or sword wounds in the non-fatal parts, which showed that the perpetrators were extremely calm and possessed crushing force when they did it. Advantage.


County magistrate Li stood in awe, his beard was also stained with a little ink, which was extremely embarrassing.

Although Zheng Yi's fifth-rank official rank is several ranks higher than that of Li County Magistrate, the rank of military officer has always been falsely high.

Furthermore, the two of us are not in the same system. County magistrate Li couldn't help but miss Da Zhou when many of his colleagues were so belittled. How dare you be so presumptuous in front of civil servants!
Hey, how domineering this warrior has become now, if things go on like this, the country will not be a country!

The hall is oppressive and dull.

Zheng Yi glanced at the officials who were silent like cicadas, and suddenly said in a deep voice: "Li Xianzun, has my family had any conflicts with others recently?"

County magistrate Li raised his eyes when he heard the words, and looked at Zheng Yi for a very short time. He seemed to have realized something in his heart, and hurriedly lowered his head and cupped his hands and said, "Speaking of which, something really happened at the beginning of the month. On the sixth day of August, in my County Boundary Monument Store."

County Magistrate Li didn't believe that Zheng Yi would not know about this, but the latter obviously wanted to use County Magistrate Li's mouth to say it, so he cooperated.

During a cup of tea, County Magistrate Li narrated the matter. From his standpoint, Tongshan County is naturally a domineering villain.

After Zheng Yi listened silently, he suddenly said sadly: "So, my family's matter has nothing to do with Tongshan County?"


County magistrate Li looked up at Zheng Yi in astonishment, and suddenly realized.

Although he was annoyed by the Tongshan officials, he didn't think in his heart that the brothers of the Zheng family were killed by the other party.

After all, there are also public people there!
How can you act like a bandit?
However, at this moment, he already understood that Zheng Yi was coming for Tongshan.

'Revenge for father and brother' is face, but 'Sihai Commercial Company' is the face!
Regardless of whether the case of the Zheng family has anything to do with Tongshan or not, for the greedy meat of 'Sihai Commercial Company', the murderer must also be from Tongshan County.

But County Magistrate Li dare not say this. Once he says this for Zheng Yi, there will be a big disturbance between the two counties, or even the two prefectures. A small county magistrate like him may not be able to handle it. .

Zheng Yi, who was sitting behind the case, saw that Li County Magistrate did not dare to reply, so he smiled and looked at Wang Butou, "Wang Butou, you were there on the sixth day of August, right?"

Wang Butou, who was suddenly named, didn't know what to say, he quickly bowed and cupped his fists and said, "Master Huizhi, the younger one will be here someday"

"Well, let me ask you, during the conflict that day, all the officials in our county were injured, and my third brother even got an arm broken, why did you survive without a hair?"

"." Wang Butou.

Ask me this question, can I avoid it cleverly?

Seeing that Catcher Wang couldn't answer, Zheng Yi suddenly yelled: "Tell me, are you in collusion with Tongshan bandit officials? First report to them and beat up my county magistrate. Then lead them to slaughter my Zheng family!"

"Master Commander! You are wronged!"

This huge cauldron, Wang Butou can't bear it.

Zheng Yi didn't listen to his explanation, and shouted directly: "Come on, give me a hundred sticks for this pickled food!"

"My lord is wronged!"



All the officials in Langshan looked at each other in blank dismay, this Zheng Yi is completely talking nonsense.

Holding a stick and soap clothes, Zheng Ding hesitated to move forward, but Zheng Ding led a few soldiers to snatch the opponent's water and fire stick, and hit Wang Catcher's leg with one stick.

Wang Catcher knelt down in pain, and immediately two more guards stepped forward and pushed him to the ground, and the guards with sticks swung their round arms and hit Wang Catcher hard on the back.

"Ah, my lord, I am wronged"

At first, Catcher Wang could still shout.

After a dozen sticks, the sound faded away.

In less than thirty sticks, blood was already vomited from the mouth.

If it goes on like this, let alone a hundred sticks, I'm afraid that if it doesn't last fifty sticks, people will die.

County magistrate Li naturally knew that Zheng Yi used this move to put pressure on him.
When everyone in the hall looked at Wang Butou, they couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness.

Tonight, if Wang Butou was allowed to be maimed and killed in front of so many people, he, the county magistrate, would not be able to command the subordinates in the future.

However, it is absolutely impossible for him to say with his own mouth, 'Perhaps the Duke of Tongshan County killed the brothers of the Zheng family'.

After thinking about it, County Magistrate Li finally thought of a compromise, and hurriedly said to Zheng Yi: "Zheng Tongzhi, there are indeed many doubts in this case, why don't we write in my county, and it is said that Ximen Yasi and Chen Dutou of Lin County will come to visit you?" , Ask about it?"

Zheng Yi seemed dissatisfied, he frowned and thought for a moment, then waved his hand, signaling his subordinates to stop for now, but said: "That's fine."

County Magistrate Li let out a sigh of relief and finally had an explanation.

He can write the official document of "assisting in the investigation", but he can't control whether people come or not.

What Zheng Yi thought was: I have a blood feud, and if they don't come after seeing the official document, I will send someone to arrest them, and no one else will be able to say anything!
August eighteenth.

Four Seas Trading Company put up two notices in the city and on Shizipo respectively.

A notice stated that the price of new rice purchased by commercial banks this autumn is [-]% higher than in previous years, but the purchase time is only within five days.

The rice near Tongshan matures in mid-to-late August.

This year, due to the large number of young laborers employed in Shizipo Market, half of the rice fields are still unharvested.

However, as soon as the news came out that the commercial banks were harvesting new rice at a high price, the local farmers quickly started harvesting work, even if some fields were not mature enough, they were immediately cut off.

And another notice, many people can't understand
"The Prospectus of Four Seas Commercial Bank."

Outside the convenience service hall of Shizipo Market, Miao Kui, his father and son, and Chang Dechang crowded among the bustling crowd, and heard the staff of the commercial firm under the notice board shout: "This time, a total of [-] shares are issued, and each share is priced at ten guan. The certificates are registered securities, which can be bought and sold through free bidding, and can enjoy dividends from commercial firms."

The notice was densely written with a thousand words, and elaborated on dozens of clauses such as transaction rules, responsibilities and obligations.

After the crowd below roughly figured out what was going on, most of them immediately lost interest and turned around and left.

joke!You are such a big business, and if we invest ten or twenty, we can neither read the accounts nor grasp the real business situation. When the time comes, whether to make a loss or make a profit, why don’t you have the final say?

Also enjoy the fart dividends.

But there are some exceptions, such as Miao Kui and his son and Chang Dechang.

"Brother Chang, what do you think?" Miao Kui smiled and looked at Chang Dechang who seemed a little moved.

As the number one 'Tongshan Blow' among foreign merchants, Chang Dechang smiled heartily and said, "I'm going to buy a few shares. If it wasn't for Chen Du's first-class Tongshan Lord, the money I brought to Tongshan would have been seized by the evil officials of Lin County. Go, but Chen Dutou and the others don’t take any money. Now, it’s the time when Tongshan Sihai Trading Company needs support, and Brother Yu has to support it as a way of repaying his kindness.”

It can be heard that Chang Dechang doesn't seem to have much expectation for the 'dividend', and just highlights a 'gratitude'.
Miao Kui asked a little strangely, "Is this Sihai Trading Company related to Chen Dutou and the others?"

"Hehe~" Chang Dechang smiled mysteriously, and said in a low voice: "I asked, the big shopkeeper of this firm. Uh, they are called the chairman, and they are the eldest lady of Chen Dutou. Do you think it has anything to do with it?"


Miao Kui made a long tail, expressing that he was a 'brother understand', and then said with a smile, "Then I will also buy a few shares."

"Oh?" Chang Dechang looked at Miao Kui suspiciously.

Lao Chang bought stocks not based on commercial considerations, but out of the irrational thinking of 'emotion', so he didn't understand why Miao Kui did the same.

Miao Kui looked back at the busy cross slope, but said: "Brother, although my younger brother is not well-informed, he has traveled thousands of miles in his life and has been to dozens of counties, but he has never seen Tongshan. New weather, I always feel that some earth-shattering events may be achieved here in the future. I also want to board this big ship. This stock should only be my boarding fee."

"Hahaha, brother Miao, I also have the same intention."

"Haha, Brother Chang, we are called heroes who see the same thing."

In addition to foreign businessmen like Miao and Chang who subscribed for the stock, the employees of Luliuwei Agricultural Reclamation Group actually became the main force, such as Zhou Zongfa's wife Wang, Liu Siliang's wife Zheng, Liu Lanzhi and others immediately went to the company after learning about the incident. Luliuwei's four major banks withdrew the money and subscribed for stocks of varying amounts.

They didn't even understand the rules of the notice.

Being cautious by nature, they are willing to exchange real money for 'securities' pieces of paper made of mulberry paper, only because of their unconditional trust in the boss couple.

Although they have different types of work and different positions, they have very similar experiences. They all started from a state of abject poverty without food and clothing, and followed their masters step by step to eat enough, wear warm clothes, eat well, and dress well. A prosperous day that was unimaginable in the past.

The experience of development can be described as unforgettable.

Just like Liu Lanzhi's family, a family of five works in the Agricultural Reclamation Group, and has already saved a considerable amount of money, and plans to build a new house in the spring of next year.

When the days are good, people become more emboldened.

A few days ago, the former parents-in-law who kicked Liu Lanzhi out of their home did not know how Liu Lanzhi was now the head of the logistics department of the Land Reclamation Group with a monthly salary of four consecutive months, and asked Liu Lanzhi to bring her eldest daughter back to live with her in-laws.

He also said brazenly: Although my son beat her, Da Ya is my granddaughter after all. If you want to remarry my family doesn't care, but Da Ya must go with us.

Liu Lanzhi is not stupid, she knows that the other party is begging her away because she is treating her as a cash cow, so she will beg for money from the Liu family from time to time.

Hearing what his ex-in-law said, Uncle Liu immediately took a hoe and beat him out
Uncle Liu, a good old man who used to laugh at people before, can be so confident, firstly because life is better now, and secondly because he has a boss who protects the calf.

So this time when I heard that the owner's wife and several partnership firms were offering shares, Uncle Liu didn't ask about the compensation, and directly ordered Liu Lanzhi to withdraw money to buy shares.

However, before Liu Lanzhi subscribed for the stock, she specially found the big sword.

"Wood, the big lady's firm is offering shares, shall I buy some for you?"

"Oh, you call the shots"

Dabaojian was rescued by Liu Lanzhi at the beginning, and he lived in Liu's chaifang for several months. Although he has moved into the newly built single dormitory of the group, the money he earned has been handed over to Liu Lanzhi for safekeeping.

On the same day, a public official from Langshan County handed over a book of official documents to Chen Jingyan.

It is mentioned in the official document that Ximen Yasi and Chen Dutou from your county are invited to come to our county to assist in the investigation of the case of the Zheng family in Yinmazhuang.

Chen Jingyan looked at the back with no expression. Now that the five golden flowers know that Zheng Yi is in Langshan, there must be no good fruit for the two of them to go.

And the five people each assigned tasks, and Chen Jingyan was in charge of 'delaying'.
Therefore, that day, the messenger man lived in a single room with no kitchen, no bathroom, solid wooden fences, and straw beds in the prison in the county government office, and a pair of black iron shackles as a gift.

The official who sent the letter could not return to Langshan to report, so he, Chen Jingyan, pretended not to have seen the official document.

It is conceivable that Langshan County will send someone to deliver the official document in a day or two, and at the same time ask for the news of the previous official.

After tossing back and forth like this twice, wouldn't the time be dragged by in a few days?
On that side, Chen Chu was also very busy.

On the morning of the [-]th, he and Huang Huihong found an uninhabited wasteland and tested land mines.

However, the land mines manufactured by Luliuwei naturally do not have the advanced effects of "pressing hair" and "stirring hair", so they can only be ignited artificially by leaving a long lead wire in a stupid way.

For concealment, lead wires are set in dry hollow bamboo poles, and then buried under the soil.

This can ensure that there is a certain hidden distance between the ignition personnel and the explosion point.

In fact, this thing is more like a dynamite kit, the only similarity to a landmine is that it is also buried in the ground
In the afternoon, he went to Shuanghe Village again.

Qing Zhuang of Shuanghe Village is digging a tunnel according to the drawings drawn by Chen Chu.
The tunnel on the drawing is divided into upper and lower floors, the lower floor can be used for water and smoke, and the upper floor can be used for short-term storage of food and people's residence.

Personnel communication also relies on hollow moso bamboo.

The entrances and exits are all designed in hidden places such as the stove, under the animal troughs, and at the base of the wall. The entrances and exits are narrow, and only one person can pass through each time. The personnel built stabbing spears inside.

There are also some exits left in the graves and inconspicuous ditches outside the village.
Right now, the rush to harvest rice is busy, and the Shizipo Market also needs a lot of manpower, but Zhou Zongfa's city management team has been transferred back to Shuanghe Village to dig tunnels.

Zhou Zongfa was keenly aware of a sense of crisis that was about to come.

However, the boss who directed everyone to work on the spot seemed very relaxed, humming a strange little tune, "Hey! There are millions of magic soldiers in ambush, and guerrilla warfare is launched on the Great Plains. How dare he invaders?" Come on, beat him until his guts tremble."

Zhou Zongfa was infected by Dong's appearance, so he couldn't help laughing and asked, "Dang, what is the name of this little song you sang?"

"Hey, Brother Fa, this little song is called "Tunnel Warfare"."

 Today, my partner flew more than 1000 kilometers to find me for the holiday.

  So, only one update
  Can you understand?

  After all, my readers are a group of warm, qualified, caring and kind people
  Everyone, don't forget to eat big white meat dumplings at night.

  Tomorrow's Dragon Boat Festival, I would like to wish you all a happy new year
(End of this chapter)

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