Gundam: The Wind That Blows Through Space

Chapter 238 Give Gist a Little Shock

Chapter 238 Give Gist a Little Shock ([-])

"How could this be... You haven't even told me about these things."

"It's fine as long as I go through this kind of thing alone."

Lika gently hugged Zhibao. Even those who have not experienced the flesh and blood mill of JachinDue know its horror. There are also many teaching videos of this battle in ZAFT. Before the meteor of freedom and justice appeared, ZAFT It was simply because of the appetite to use human lives to feed nuclear bombs, so Shiho returned to PLANT after the war to recuperate. She even visited several times as a senior senior.

"By the way, aren't you the test pilot of the Savior Gundam? Can Orb allow you to move freely?"

Lika changed the subject bluntly. Originally, she was thinking of asking if she could meet with Shiho during the test of Juag. After all, they were all outsiders. She didn't think Orb would let them both go around. walk around.

"I'm somewhat related to Aub, and besides, don't there still be people who follow us?"

After finishing speaking, Shiho gestured in the direction of the ODR trio, and then added, fearing that Lika might misunderstand, "Actually, it's not really surveillance, they are also a team with variable mobile suits, and they have been very happy to get along these few days. Their presence is a form of protection for both of us."

The test flight of the Savior has come to an end. Today is the last day that Shiho and Nigel stay in Orb. After tonight, the Savior will be dismantled by the Dawn Society and sent to PLANT. The two of them will also follow Orb The transport ship returned to the Gibraltar base, and then returned to the universe from Victoria Harbor.

So Shiho actually just casually asked if she could go to Orb's beach for a walk, and there was no other reason, just because she didn't know if she would have a chance to return to this country again, and when she came back to this country that was willing to take Lei Gretel, a country that is willing to trust him and give him another chance to drive a MS.

As a result, her application was quickly approved. Although she was asked not to leave the sight of the ODR team and the coastline of Yarafas Island, Shiho still felt a great sense of satisfaction.

What makes her even more gratified is that she can still see her senior sister Lika here, and Miss Lacus, who can be said to have lived and died together.It's just that the 'Lax' right now obviously doesn't have the time to care about the gaze from behind, and all her attention is on Lars.

"My test work is estimated to start tomorrow, and we can have dinner together tonight~"

"What about security work?"

"Don't worry, I'm not the only security guard in this team, it's just because I'm a girl, it's more convenient to protect Miss Lacus personally, I'll just ask her to stay in the hotel at night and not go out, don't tell me, close contact It was only later that I discovered that Miss Lacus still has a willful side, but most of the time she is very talkative, no problem."

"Well, then I'll make a reservation tonight, but I think we'll need two tables."

"It's such a stingy country. We are test drivers. We don't even give you this little freedom."

"After all, we are all active soldiers, so let's understand Orb's difficulties more."

At the same time, Siegfried's plan to go back to sleep completely failed, because just before he had left Matican and walked a few steps, another acquaintance "coincidentally" appeared in front of him, it was in East Asia Gist-Evans who had met once.

"Don't say that this is a predestined meeting. I can't bear to use such nasty words on two men."

"In East Asian terms, it's called karma. Who would have thought that the test pilot was the famous Crimson Cub? No wonder I always felt something was wrong when I talked about the relationship between Lars and you. Now everything makes sense gone."

Gist, who was 'bought' back to Orb by Mina at an unknown price, is also in a slightly awkward situation. On the one hand, it is not easy for individuals to accept the disgust of being shaken off by his own country as soon as possible. On the other hand, On the one hand, his current status is still an 'exchange officer', that is, he has not obtained any legal position in Orb.

In this way, it is obvious that East Asia does not need him to go back, but due to the lack of an official procedure, it is not easy for Orb to blatantly include him in the National Defense Forces. It is not the eve of the Orb Defense War in 71. The guarantor can join the Orb Defense Force without inspection. It was at that time that Jiang Kaili was guarantored by Siegfried and took a shortcut to pass the approval.

But now it has been more than a year since there has been a big war. Gist said he came to exchange studies, but everyone knew that he was actually left in Orb, but an identity problem blocked all his follow-up operations. The National Defense Headquarters needs a transitional period to determine his military rank and position, and the executive government has to wait for the East Asian side to acquiesce in this matter as an established fact before handling the status for him.

So even though Gist didn’t have to worry about food and clothing after coming to Orb, and even the so-called expatriate allowance had been directly issued to him by the Orb government, he couldn’t stand this kind of idle life. After meeting Jiang Kaili once, he finally got Siegfried here today, because only people from the Asha family can shorten this difficult time for him.

"Can't you take a good rest for a few days? We old acquaintances won't talk nonsense. You know that I have a psychological problem in the dense forest area. The doctor said that I didn't get enough rest time. You have to follow in my footsteps to be comfortable?"

"Hey, you can't say that, do you know that I have not been able to get more than three official combat opportunities in the past year, especially after the Asima column you developed, where I need to adjust people It has become less and less, and the Gaplan team has already been fully staffed, so I"

What Gist didn't say was actually his desire for his teammates and his envy for a stable team, so when he was on Garuda, he showed envy in the very natural interaction between Siegfried and Lars more than once. At that time, he thought that the two were brothers and sisters or teammates with a good relationship. If he had known that they were a couple, he probably wouldn't feel so sour.

"In this way, the personnel of the Ministry of National Defense ordered me to ask Mina for you, but I will not use my privileges to fight for anything. The observation period is a system that must exist, otherwise anyone can join the army. If things go on like this, the Orb Defense Force will become Not to mention the private armed forces of the Asha family, it is not a good choice for the stability of the country."

"I see. I don't mean to make things difficult for you. Then please notify me as soon as you have news."

Just when Gist was about to turn around resentfully, Siegfried changed the subject and said, "But HCLI is currently short of test pilots, Canard went to the Heavenly Pillar, and Hilde happened to have no suitable test driver." The test staff, um manpower, so if you don't mind, come here for a while?"

Although I don't know why Siegfried paused at certain key points, Gist was still very excited when he heard about this opportunity. After all, it is every fighter's dream to get in touch with the latest mobile suit.

"Can you drive .MS?"

"What's the matter, what else can a test driver do without driving an MS? Do you still remember what I promised you back then? Five social insurances and one housing fund are well paid."


 Pay attention to a description. In the teaching video of ZAFT, the meteors are mounted on freedom and justice, and the covenant has been erased. It will be tested in the future.

  Yesterday I suddenly didn’t want to code, I couldn’t write a word, it’s reversed

(End of this chapter)

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