I opened an elf breeding house.

Chapter 734 Qian Dong and the Young Thief

In addition to the flame chicken girl being an acquaintance, there is another acquaintance who is Qian Dong, the young master of the Qian Family Farm in the Magic City.

Hua Jianming hasn't seen Qian Dong for a long time.

There has been no news from this guy since he traveled with Nong Li for half a year.

This welfare activity for purchasing quotas for elves in the Xianlin Breeding House has been hosted by Han Xin, so Hua Jianming did not know in advance that it was Qian Dong who grabbed the quota for purchasing mini dragons.

So when Qian Dong appeared in the Xianlin Breeding House, Hua Jianming was very surprised.

Qian Dong's character is still as out-of-the-box as the one he saw before, but he is also a lot more calm. His whole person has become dark and thin, and he looks very capable.

Hua Jianming asked Qian Dong to sit down and said with emotion: "I didn't expect that the person who got the spot in the end was actually you."

Qian Dong scratched his head and said happily: "Actually, I didn't expect that I would be able to grab a spot in the end, and I just happened to pass by here this time. I just wanted to give it a try, but I didn't expect it to happen!"

Hua Jianming smiled and replied: "This kind of thing depends entirely on luck. Hundreds of trainers are trying to grab it together. I can only say that your luck is really good."

While Hua Jianming and Qian Dong were reminiscing about old times, Han Xin brought a mini dragon from the ecological park.

The first meeting between Qian Dong and Mini Dragon left a good impression on each other.

However, for the sale of any elf cubs, Hua Jianming adheres to the principle of mutual selection between humans and elves.

So whether Qian Dong can successfully take away the mini dragon depends on how well he gets along with the mini dragon.

Even if they are acquaintances, the rules of the breeding house must still be followed.

The end result is that one person and one dragon get along very happily.

After passing the test, Qian Dong successfully took away the mini dragon after paying the money.

However, Qian Dong did not leave Jiangxin Peninsula.

After playing with the mini dragon in the fairy forest breeding house for a while, he went to the Peninsula Hotel to settle down temporarily.

Early the next morning, he came to the Xianlin Breeding House again.

In addition to asking Hua Jianming for some advice on the living habits and training methods of the mini dragon, Qian Dong also helped the breeding house very briskly.

Fortunately, the breeding house only sells elves, and other businesses such as energy cubes and move learning machines are all in the commercial street, otherwise it would be too busy.

After helping in the breeding house for a while, Qian Dong took the mini dragon to the busy commercial street.

He wanted to buy some energy cubes and snacks for the mini dragon, and also see if there was a suitable move learning machine.

As the young master of the Qian Family Farm in the Magic City, Qian Dong is not short of money at all.

After Qian Dong left, Hua Jianming stayed in the breeding house to help greet the guests. There were a lot of guests today.

But within 2 minutes, Hua Jianming heard a fierce quarrel outside the breeding house.

After hearing Qian Dong's voice, Hua Jianming knew that Qian Dong had a dispute with someone.

He put down what he was doing and hurried out to see the situation.

Sure enough, in the small ecological garden in the front yard of the breeding house, Qian Dong was holding a young man's hand and talking continuously.

There was still a lot of dust on the young man's body, and it looked like he had been beaten badly by Qian Dong.

The young man kept struggling.

After seeing that the struggle was fruitless, the young man yelled at Qian Dong with a ferocious face.

The onlookers also pointed at the two people.

However, Qian Dong remained unmoved and had no intention of letting the young man go.

After all, Hua Jianming trusted Qian Dong.

He pushed aside the crowd of onlookers and allowed the Cangyan Blade Demon to take over the young man and control him.

When Qian Dong saw Hua Jianming coming, he immediately said angrily: "Brother Hua, you came just in time. This bastard just wanted to steal Nidoran. I found out and caught him and he still wanted to deny it."

Although the young man controlled by the Blue Flame Blade Ghost was very scared, he still explained stiffly: "You are talking nonsense, I am not, I just wanted to play with Pippi." "Woof!"

At this time, a Nidorino ran up to Hua Jianming and said something to him. Several Nidorans and Nidorans around him also kept barking at the young man.

Hua Jianming saw that the young man was wearing equipment to prevent contact. He had obviously come prepared, and he immediately understood that the young man had not been wronged in any way.

When the young man saw Hua Jianming's expression change, he knew that he might not be able to escape.

It shriveled up immediately.

In fact, even if the young man succeeds temporarily, he will not be able to successfully take Nidoran out of the Jiangxin Peninsula.

Because during the Chinese New Year, inspections on the Jiangxin Peninsula have been intensified a lot.

The purpose is to prevent crimes from happening.

As for putting it in the elf ball and taking it out of the Jiangxin Peninsula?

That is even more impossible.

Each elf in the breeding house is bound to a breeding ball. When sold, it will be replaced with a fairy ball or the buyer will be able to bind his or her own elf ball.

Therefore, any elf belonging to the Fairy Forest Breeding House cannot be secretly subdued and taken away.

In fact, this is not the first time that this kind of thing has happened in the Fairy Forest Breeding House.

In order to allow customers to understand the elves more intuitively, Xianlin Breeding House has arranged many elf cubs in the small ecological garden in the front yard.

There are many rare ones among them.

Facing these cubs with little strength, how could something like this not happen?

This kind of thing has become more and more common in the past two years.

This is related to the fact that the Jiangxin Peninsula is becoming more and more prosperous and the flow of people is increasing.

However, it was impossible for Hua Jianming to take back all the cubs, nor to prevent people from coming in, so he could only increase the patrol work on the Jiangxin Peninsula.

But Hua Jianming didn't expect that there would be people who felt uncomfortable during this Chinese New Year.

However, Hua Jianming did not call the police to arrest him for the sake of celebrating the New Year, but punished him to a certain extent.

After all, even if he was sent to the police station, if the theft was attempted, he would only be fined a small amount and imprisoned for ten and a half months at most.

The most important thing is that I can't let myself vent my anger.

Hua Jianming asked Cangyan Blade Ghost to escort the young man to the battle tower and ask him to help clean up the battle tower.

He promised the young man that as long as he helped diligently in the battle tower for half a month, he would no longer be held accountable for stealing the elves from the breeding house.

Although the young man was very reluctant, he still accepted Hua Jianming's punishment in order not to go to jail.

Anyway, half a month of "reeducation through labor" in the battle tower won't delay him.

Although Qian Dong was a little regretful when he saw this, he still volunteered to take over the job of escorting the young man.

It just so happened that he was going to stay in the Jiangxin Peninsula for a while, and planned to go to the Battle Tower to hone himself.

He happened to supervise the "re-education through labor" of young people.

Seeing that Qian Dong was "never forgetting", Hua Jianming agreed.

The young man's unwilling appearance will definitely lead to cheating during the "re-education through labor" process. It would be great if Qian Dong supervises him.

So, Hua Jianming took Qian Dong and the youth and walked out.

After Li Luoke, the person in charge of the battle tower, learned about Qian Dong and Qian Qian, he happily left the two behind.

In short, whether it is a Qian Dong looking for hard work or a young man undergoing "re-education through labor", both of them will have a "good" time in the future. (End of chapter)

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