Chapter 9 Cute Pet Paradise
"Is the project in the Guangming area very simple?" The fashionable woman took the initiative to speak, and Ye Luo followed suit.

The woman showed a puzzled look: "I don't know."

do not know?
Ye Luo was a little puzzled.

The fashionable woman was a little confused: "It's just... the task was completed inexplicably. Let me think about it now, I don't even know what I went through at that time."

Ye Luo frowned.

For her, this situation was much more terrifying than the danger that was on the surface.

"In short, in the bright area, I feel that my mental state is not right. After dancing with the frog, my mental state is even more wrong." The fashionable woman smiled wryly, and said: "But when I came to the dark area, I was temporarily awake Yes. I suspect that once I return to the light, I will go insane again. So, if you can not go to the light area, don’t go to the light area. I suspect that there is something wrong with the light.”

The fashionable woman was reminding Ye Luo.

Such kindness made Ye Luo stunned for a moment.

She was silent for a while, then said, "Thank you for your reminder. I will pay attention."

The fashionable woman nodded, and she said in a low voice: "I probably... can't get out. If you can leave the dungeon alive, can you, for the sake of my reminder at this moment, go to see my daughter for me. "

"Okay. When you meet someone, just talk about your daughter." A person next to him said impatiently, "I've heard you say these words several times. I'm so annoyed."

The fashionable woman smiled wryly, but she didn't argue, but looked at Ye Luo cautiously.

Ye Luo pursed her lips and asked, "Where is she?"

The fashionable woman looked happy, and she said softly: "I asked a few people before, most of us in our thousand people are from Jiangcheng. Are you from Jiangcheng too?"

Ye Luo nodded.

The fashionable woman hurriedly said: "If possible, please come to my place first..."

The woman whispered her address, the combination to open the door, and the combination to the safe.

Then the woman showed a bitter smile: "When I divorced, because I had been a housewife for several years and had no income, my daughter's custody was taken away by my ex-husband. I haven't remarried these years, and I just want to do more. Earn some money. Now, I have earned money, but the world has undergone such a big change, and money may not be useful. Forget about the money. In the safe, there is a jade pendant carved into a rabbit. My daughter is a rabbit. If you can, bring this jade pendant to her, and tell her...I...I love her."

Saying the word love, the woman was slightly ashamed, but she still said it firmly.

"My daughter, she lives in the next city. The address is... If it's convenient, you can walk for me. If it's not convenient, forget it." The woman said softly.

Ye Luo thought for a while: "If I can, I will help you."

"Thank you." The woman looked at her gratefully, then stepped aside.

After that, three more people came one after another.

Every time the woman saw a person, she had to repeat what she had said to Ye Luo.


She had completely lost confidence in being able to leave alive, and had pinned all her hopes on strangers.

"Okay, ten people are already here, you can just shut up for now." The fashionable woman was still talking to the last person, and one of them reprimanded impatiently.

The fashionable woman gave a wry smile and temporarily closed her mouth.

"Ten people have arrived. Welcome to Cute Pet Paradise."

A mechanical sound sounded.


The door opens.

Ye Luo glanced inside.

Under the blood-red moonlight, it seemed that some living things could be seen in the dim light, but it was too far away to see what kind of living things they were.

"Ink marks, ink marks, I'll go in first." A spirited guy walked in directly.

The others hesitated for a moment, and followed in succession.

Ye Luo was mixed in the crowd.

Just entered the gate.

I saw a sign.

Ye Luo walked over to look.

"Play rules:
1. The cute pets in this paradise are all normal animals.If you see a cute pet with a human face, please look at it until it leaves.

2. It is forbidden to feed cute pets.

3. It is forbidden to harm cute pets.

4. Cute pets are sometimes irritable. If you see a cute pet whose eyes turn red, please feed it immediately.

5. There are staff.The staff uniformly wears green overalls. If you see staff wearing red overalls, please ignore them.

6. There are absolutely no small frogs in the Pet Paradise.

7. If you see a little frog, immediately take the little frog to the green clothes staff.

8. You must visit at least three animal halls before you can leave. "

"Why are there so many rules?" The spirit boy said impatiently: "This bullshit dungeon is still letting people live!"

"It's not just that there are many rules. These rules are really hard to tell." A man with glasses pushed his glasses: "Just looking at the rules themselves, there are several rules that are contradictory. For example, the second and fourth rules , One said that feeding is prohibited, one said that when the eyes of animals turned red, they should be fed immediately. Sixth and seventh, one said that there would be absolutely no small frogs, and the other said that if you encounter small frogs, you should go to the staff.”

"Then what should we do now? If we really encounter the situation in the code, should we follow it?"

Everyone panicked.

The man with glasses narrowed his eyes and said, "In this way, we have ten people. We all act together, and we can discuss with each other in case of any situation. What do you think?"

The man with glasses looked very smart, and everyone really didn't want to be alone, so they all agreed.

Ye Luo and Lin An mixed in the crowd and nodded along with everyone.

With everyone's approval, the man with glasses lifted his spirits and said, "Let's make sure which animal venue we go to first. There is a map here, everyone make sure."

Ye Luo looked at the map calmly. In this cute pet paradise, there are a total of eight animal halls.And they, at least go to three of them.

She had her own ideas in her heart, but Ye Luo didn't plan to stand out at this time, she should just hang out with the big team first.

"Let's go to the nearest venue first."

"Yes, the nearest one first, finish early and end early."

The man with glasses nodded, and pointed to the map: "Then our first stop is Monkey Mountain."

No one objected.

Everyone set off cautiously towards Monkey Mountain.

Nothing happened on the way.

Ten people arrived at Monkey Mountain neatly.

At the gate of Monkey Mountain, a staff member in green overalls stood.

According to the game rules, the staff wearing green overalls are safe.

The staff looked at them with a smile: "Do you want to enter the Monkey Mountain? After entering the Monkey Mountain, it takes at least half an hour before you can come out."

(End of this chapter)

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