People are writing diaries in Douluo, Qian Renxue is spoiled

Chapter 134 Bibi Dong's Top Priority, Deep-rooted Concept

Chapter 134 Bibi Dong's Top Priority, Deep-rooted Concept
"Not like..."

"It's really not normal."

In Bibi Dong's bedroom.

Looking at the contents of these diaries, her expression suddenly calmed down.

Such content has affected her state of mind.

Unable to restrain herself, she blurted out an answer.

With the export of this sentence.

Bibi Dong found that she seemed to see herself clearly at this moment.

Father, like son.

The more trapped in the bureau, the more unable to see yourself clearly.

What's happening right now.

After asking herself these things, she found that what her disciple seemed to say was not wrong at all.

Chopping the grass does not remove the roots, but the spring breeze blows and regenerates.

Yu Xiaogang's family had already been wiped out, but he still didn't think about taking action against Yu Xiaogang.

What is your future self hoping for?
Blood feud and want to be forgiven by the other party?
Bibi Dong found herself stupid.

The silence at this moment signaled a change in her state of mind.

"I didn't expect that I can't see these things clearly than Wei Feng."

"I'm afraid it is other people who can see this matter clearly at this time, but I have been deeply involved in it."

"The me now, the me in the future, what are you thinking?"

Bibi Dong sighed softly.

With helpless eyes, he fell on the copy of the diary again.

"So much has been written about me."

"Next, this kid Wei Feng probably won't continue writing!"

Bibi Dong hoped so much in her heart.

While hoping for these things, she also dared not imagine how the owners of other copies of the diary would react when they saw these contents.

Qian Renxue has a copy of the diary.

Hu Liena also has a copy of the diary.

These two are the closest people in my life.

Bibi Dong suddenly discovered that when these things were exposed, her former majesty would no longer exist.

It was as if Bibidong was guessing these things in his mind.

Inside the Heaven Dou Palace.

Qian Renxue saw Wei Feng's latest complaint.

Seeing that Bibi Dong didn't cut the weeds, she couldn't help but let out a cold snort.

"What a disgrace."

"Under the absolute strength, I didn't even think about cutting the weeds and roots."

"I really don't know what she thinks, for a waste to affect the progress of the great cause."

"If she has been truly accomplishing her great cause, I am afraid that the miserable things that Wei Feng said at the beginning would not have happened just like that."

"Now that I know these things, I can't let her continue to behave like that. I have to seek change in this kind of thing!"

Qian Renxue was very upset.

Of all those who had a copy of the diary, she was one of the few who knew what happened to her future.

Even knowing the miserable ending in the future, she naturally has a lot of changes in her mood.

So Wei Feng's complaints at this moment made her disagree with Bibidong's behavior even more.

Putting herself in Bibi Dong's position, she firmly believed that sitting in Bibi Dong's position, she could definitely do things better.

However, she didn't wait for her to firmly believe in it.

Wei Feng continued to write in the copy of the diary, and the expression on her face suddenly became stiff.

[Speaking of the matter of cutting the weeds but not the roots, does our Spirit Hall really have such a tradition? 】

【My teacher cut the grass without cutting the roots, and my wife Qian Renxue also cut the grass without cutting the roots. 】

[I vaguely remember that when the Heaven Dou Palace changes in the future, my wife Qian Renxue will have two Douluo titles by her side, and she will be able to let Tang San leave just like that in the end. 】

[There is also the matter of subduing Tang San, has this become an obsession in the hearts of my teacher and my wife Qian Renxue? 】

[It's really outrageous that his mother opened the door for Outrageous, Outrageous has reached home, what can a Tang San subdue, how dare he want to subdue Tang San in the case of bloody hatred! 】

[There is something wrong with Chunchun’s brain, so he rushed to Tang San to leave the Slaughter City and destroy the Slaughter City, so that thousands of evil soul masters can break free from it. This kind of person kills a thousand times ten thousand times It's not an exaggeration! 】

[Wuhundian, which takes eradicating evil soul masters as its own mission, has been dedicated to its career for so many years, but when it came to my teacher and my wife Qian Renxue, I really forgot all about it. 】

[If the ancestors of our Wuhundian knew about it, they would probably be so angry that they would crawl out of the grave directly. 】

Qian Renxue: "..."

The expression on his face was stiff and stiff.

Staring at the contents of the copy of the diary that took a sudden turn, the belief she had just firmly established suddenly became numb.

Am I laying down again?
This guy Wei Feng, analyzing her matter, how could he involve me?
Cutting the weeds without eradicating the roots, I will do it in the future?
Qian Renxue didn't know how to describe her mood.

Just now I was so determined that I would definitely be able to do better than Bibi Dong.

It's only a few breaths before and after.

Well, Wei Feng started attacking right away, without giving him any time to relax.

Whether it's Bibi Dong or her Qian Renxue, in this kind of matter, they have become evenly matched existences.

Can you really be so unreliable?

Qian Renxue asked herself.

For her future self, she couldn't understand it at all.

everywhere else.

All the girls who had a copy of the diary were also dumbfounded at this time.

Weeds and roots.

They still know very well what this is.

If they were in Bibi Dong's position, they would be in Qian Renxue's position.

In the case of absolute strength, the power that cannot be controlled must be crushed with the most direct power!

Continuing to give time to the opponent who has a blood feud, and finally let the opponent come to cause trouble, where in the world is there such a reason?
As long as the brain is a little bit normal, this kind of thing can't be done!

In particular, Wei Feng mentioned Tang San's destruction of the Slaughter Capital.

They already know the rules of the Slaughter City, and they also understand why the Slaughter City exists, and they also know that it is a place where evil soul masters can be restricted.

But after knowing the rules of the Slaughter City, a benevolent person like Tang San can still destroy the Slaughter City, and let thousands of evil soul masters break free from the Slaughter City.

Not to mention not standing on the standpoint of Wuhundian.

Even from the standpoint of their respective sects, they can still label such behavior as a heinous crime.

Under the many actions, he still wants to subdue the other party, and it runs counter to the principles that Wuhundian has abided by for many years.

The three women in Wuhundian are really abnormal.

Today, it is a long experience.

[The matter of Qian Renxue's wife should be put aside for the time being. Today is the special session of my idiot teacher. I accidentally passed it, so I can't get off topic. 】

[Today, if you don’t sort out all the things about my crazy female teacher, and don’t analyze all the details of all places and finally seek changes, there is really no way to change my crazy female teacher’s deep-rooted concepts. 】

[By the way, speaking of deep-rooted concepts, I seem to have almost forgotten the most important point. It is because of that point that my teacher has been able to be a fool for so many years. 】

[Sloppy, really hasty, such a top priority, how can I forget it. 】

The four words "deeply rooted" and "the most important" came into Bibi Dong's eyes so directly.

Such words made her pupils shrink uncontrollably, and her heart beat crazily faster.

(End of this chapter)

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