Bone Picker

Chapter 131 Appreciation Dinner

Chapter 131 Appreciation Dinner
The venue for the dinner is the Chinese restaurant on the second floor of Jushi Hotel.

The scene was quite grand, starting from the gate, there were banners hanging: Appreciation Dinner for Sea God Worship Event and Lujiang Business Representatives Meeting.

If you want to enter, you need an invitation letter, and the people you invite are naturally big shots in various industries.

We belonged to the co-organizers, so we didn't need tickets, so we were taken to the second floor by the receptionist.

The welcome staff may not know us, but they definitely don't know the popular Master Zibuyu.

When we entered the Chinese restaurant, it was already full of people.

As soon as Zi Muyu entered, everyone stood up and applauded.

I followed Zibuyu, and the five maids let us go first in order to avoid suspicion. After we attracted everyone's attention, they quietly entered through the side door.

The organizer and people from the five families, that is, my five father-in-laws, specially came over to welcome Master Zibuyu and greeted him at the main table.

As for me, as his Xiaodao boy, I don't have a sign, so it is impossible for me to sit at the main table.

I can only sit wherever there is an empty seat.

It happened that the people at the Taoist table saw me and waved at me.

Especially Murong Yuanshan, who specially ran over and invited me to their table.

Others may not know it, but their table saw me go into the sea and chop up that giant stingray.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, I am just a little Taoist boy.

But the people at this table know my true strength.

They know that it is Zibuyu who is presiding over it, but I am the one who actually contributes. My realm and strength are even higher than Zibuyu.

Naturally, I am also very happy to sit with them, after all, they are all like-minded people, so it is worthwhile.

Moreover, the seven Taoist priests invited by Zibuyu were distinguished guests. Although they didn't make much effort, they came all the way to support the field.

Zibuyu is sitting at the main table and cannot entertain him, so I should be the one to entertain him.

I cupped my fists at this table, and they also cupped their fists in return.

I just sat down.

I looked around for a week and found that there were about sixty or seventy tables in total, without a detailed count.

I was just curious that there were three empty tables next to us.

Compared with the full seats at each table, these three tables looked particularly abrupt.

You know, how many people are trying to get an invitation letter, spend money, find a relationship, etc., may not be able to get it.

But these three tables are empty, is it because no one has arrived yet?

I checked the time, it was 45:[-].

The banquet is about to start, I'm afraid these people won't come.

"Who are the guests at those three tables?" I asked Murong Yuanshan next to me.

Murong Yuanshan turned his head to look, heaved a sigh, and said: "Those people from our association will definitely not come today."

When I heard it, I was instantly taken aback.

I didn't take it seriously, and the atmosphere was even worse when it came.

Just when I thought that all the people who should come came, I didn't expect that three people came in at the end, wearing Taoist robes, and walked to the three empty tables respectively.

Good guy, sitting at a table alone.

This makes every table's dishes have to be served on time and according to the amount.

Ever since I was a child, I have never eaten such a banquet for one person per table.

Although everyone around looked at them with strange eyes.

But they don't care, they think about their own discretion, ignoring everyone around them.

When the time came to eight o'clock, the city leaders took the stage to speak.

Next, people from the five major families spoke again.

It went on for half an hour, but fortunately, at eight o'clock, the banquet had already started, and dishes were being served one after another.

I haven't eaten today, and I've exhausted all my profound energy, and my body is very weak.

I didn't care what the people on the stage were talking about, and started eating with those Taoist priests.

They also toasted each other. They knew that I was weak and not suitable for drinking, so they didn't force me. I used drinks instead.

In this kind of business wine bureau, eating is not the main thing, the important thing is business conversation and the grasp of business opportunities.

There are many cooperations and business opportunities are contacted on such occasions.

They walked to each other to toast, smiling, glass after glass.

City leaders and people from the five major families also came over to toast us.

Although Zibuyu is the main thing, we people are also helpers.

After a lap, wealthy and business tycoons came over to toast us and pass business cards one after another.

In fact, they all want to make friends.

Just imagine, how many truly capable Feng Shui masters and Taoist priests are there in such a degenerate age.

Since Zibuyu is so powerful, the people he invited here must not be ordinary people.

What I didn't expect was that I saw honeysuckle, beside her was a young man, and in front of her was an old man with silver hair and gold-rimmed glasses.

I saw them coming towards our table after toasting with the people at the main table.

I knew in my heart that they must be looking for me.

There is no other purpose, the Jiuxianshan mine has been suspended, and now it is completely unable to start work.

In addition to obtaining permission from the city to resume work, the most important thing for them is to solve the troubles in the Jiuxianshan mine.

To put it bluntly, it was the obstruction of Patriarch Li Huai and my grandfather.

Now Zibuyu has become famous all over Lujiang City, and he is in the limelight.

Terminated us before, and they couldn't find someone to solve it.

I just took advantage of this reception to get in touch with the city leaders on the one hand and improve the relationship between me and Zibuyu on the other hand.

It must be begging us to help them again.

They walked in front of us, and the old man at the head raised his wine glass to us, smiling all over his face, and said politely: "Masters, you have worked hard on this sea god worship event, and I would like to offer you a toast."

Without hitting the smiley faces, our table stood up and had a drink with them.

The honeysuckle behind is still secretly looking at me.

After the toast, the old man said to me: "You are Master Li Mobai, right? This old man is Jin Shan, the chairman of the Northeast Jin Mining Industry. Next to me is the little girl Honeysuckle, and the dog Jinyinlai."

"Master Li, long time no see." Honeysuckle greeted me.

"President Jin, long time no see." I smiled at her.

"Master Li, it was a misunderstanding last time. It's all my fault. It's also the old man who can't teach his son well. I don't know that this kid has offended you and Master Zibuyu. Please don't be as knowledgeable as them." Jin Shan smiled , introduced me, then turned to Jinyinlai and scolded: "Yinlai, apologize quickly, and punish yourself with three cups."

Jin Yinlai lowered his head, adjusted his glasses, then slowly raised his head, and said to me: "I'm sorry, Master Li, I was blind and made a wrong decision. Please forgive me. To show my sincerity, I will Three glasses of fine."

After speaking, he picked up the Moutai on the table, poured himself three glasses, and drank it all at once.

That puts the problem on me.

(End of this chapter)

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