Bone Picker

Chapter 128

Chapter 128
My water skills are not bad, if the water in this shallow sea is not deep, it shouldn't be a problem for me to go down and hold my breath for a minute or two.

I didn't even think about taking this thing away, so I just went down to see what was entangled in the fishing net.

If it is a big fish or something, if it still resists, I will give it a sword directly to reduce the time of struggling and consuming each other.

Anyway, as long as the king of kings is decided, the activities of offering sacrifices to the sea god will basically be over.

But I know it must not be that simple, everyone's compass has detected the evil spirit.

If this is a big fish, it should also be a big fish that has become a climate.

I climbed the fishing net and dived down. The water was relatively clear.

After all, this bay is a place for worshiping the god of the sea, and it is not developed on weekdays. If there are no tourists coming in, it will not cause pollution, so the entire sea area is still well protected.

The fishing net kept shaking violently, and the entangled things underneath kept struggling. I grabbed the fishing net with both hands, and my whole body shook accordingly.

When I dived to a depth of four or five meters, I vaguely saw a huge black shadow struggling below.

This black shadow is huge, because in the water, I can't measure its volume.

However, according to the first instinct, its volume is definitely several times larger than the speedboat it pulls.

No wonder the weight of the steel speedboat was measured in tons at the very least. Even when the horsepower was exhausted, it was unable to pull it, and it was even pulled backwards by it. The waterline sank, and half of the speedboat had already entered the water.

My heart is pounding, and to me, it is a giant.

Moreover, it is an underwater battle, my own strength is very limited, the key is that it is still a creature in the water, occupying the advantage of the home field.

Although the water is not deep, I have to breathe. If luck fights, it will intensify the consumption of Yang Qi. Once I am dragged by it, the longer it takes, the more unfavorable it will be for me.

I don't have time to think too much, even if its body is dozens of times larger than mine, even if it has a powerful monster aura, since it has come down, there is no way out.

I dived quickly, and when I got close, I finally saw what it was.

A gigantic stingray, also known as a manta ray.

It has a long tail with a thorn on it, and that thorn is poisonous.

It stands to reason that with such a huge body, it is impossible for the gillnet to catch the stingray. Coincidentally, the long tail of the stingray was caught by the gillnet and completely entangled to death.

So it can't escape, it can only struggle desperately.

The back of the stingray is black, but on the huge black back, there is a group of green shadows, like a piece of water grass.

But upon closer inspection, it looked like the outline of a person.

Although the aquatic plants would sway with the current, the outlines of the limbs did not move, and the more they looked, the more they looked like people.

At this time, the head of the piece of water plant slightly raised its head and saw me.

Then a thought suddenly entered my eyes.

My eyes went dark, and my whole body was spinning, and I couldn't tell east, west, north, south.

Fortunately, my hands firmly grasped the fishing net.

You bastard, this thing sneaked up on me.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely unpleasant voice came: "You are a descendant of the Qiangu Li family, aren't you?"

This voice is ugly because it is like the voice of an old man who is too old to be old. It is extremely hoarse.

When I heard this sound, my first feeling was discomfort. Goosebumps all over my body in the water.

The second feeling was shock, the other party asked me if I was a descendant of the Li family who picked bones.

This is obviously a trap.

The first thing I thought of was a trap by the local Lujiang Feng Shui master.

No wonder these people didn't show their faces, and when Murong Yuanshan came forward to help me, he didn't make a show.

Made, dare to wait here.

They can activate spells to make black and white impermanence come to catch me, so they definitely have the ability to drive a monster that has become a climate to ambush me.

"Yes, who are you?" I grabbed the fishing net with one hand, and the handle of the Seven Star Sword was already in my right hand.

"Who am I? Hahaha, then go ask Li Huai of your family!"

When Li Huai was mentioned, I was shocked.

And according to the breath of the other party's thought just now, it seems a bit similar.

I seem to be familiar with this breath, but I can't remember exactly where I smell it.

The main reason is that I am very nervous now, and the situation is very critical, so I can't allow me to think about it in detail.

"It's Li Huai, the devil, who turned me into the person I am now, a ghost and a ghost, and made me live like this." The extremely ugly voice came again.

After such a reminder, I have a little clue.

Li Huai's puppet art is well-known throughout the world.

The person in front of him is one of the puppets he created.

In the Jiuxianshan mine, I saw a bone bean, which is a kind of puppet.

I accepted Zhenjun Mu'er, that is another kind of puppet.


Why is his aura so similar to that of Mu'er?
It is in the water again, could it be that it is the True Monarch Shui'er?
Although the concocting of puppets requires specific medicinal materials or minerals, each type of puppets uses different materials.

There may be some medicines that make the same potion, but there must be some potions that are different, and they will be added differently according to the purpose of the puppet.

But the materials used by the Five Elements and Five Evils are basically the same.

It's just that it is in the water at this time, and the breath on its body is covered by the water.

If it wasn't for attacking me with a mind just now, I could feel its breath.

In addition, as soon as it opened its mouth, it asked me if I was a descendant of the Li family who picked bones, and also mentioned the ancestor Li Huai. The hatred for the ancestor in the words was obviously True Lord Shui'er.

"Are you True Lord Shui'er?" I used my mind to transmit the sound.

"As expected of a descendant of the Li family, you actually guessed my identity! Now that you know my identity, you know the sins that your Li family has done to me. I will take your life to pay for the debt you owe, and die!"

After speaking, I saw the stingray charging towards me with it on its back.

I was startled, pulled out the Seven Star Sword, and slashed towards the bottom of the water.

Although the stingray's tail is entangled in the gillnet, if it wants to escape, the fishing net will hold it, restricting it from running deep into the seabed.

But it floated towards me at this time, the fishing net was relieved, and it became loose, and it could move.

At the same time, the water plants on Shui'er's body seemed to be alive, and they were growing rapidly. The dense water plants made my scalp feel numb.

I had been holding it in for a long time, and I was at the bottom of the water again. The pressure of the water at the bottom made my lungs almost explode.

If it weren't for the profound energy circulating in his body, an ordinary person would have been suffocated to death long ago.

I wielded the Seven Star Sword and chopped the water plants, but the more I chopped, the more I chopped.

Shui'er's true strength must have not yet been brought into play. The most powerful thing about Five Elements and Five Era's True Monarch is the exclusive five-element virus and germs that he carries on his body.

as predicted……

The ports of the aquatic plants that I cut off burst out bursts of black juice, like ink entering the water, quickly spread out, and floated towards my position...

(End of this chapter)

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