Trying to pretend to be human today

Chapter 374 The New Nurse

Chapter 374 The New Nurse

"Being sick in a mental hospital is a very dangerous state..."

"What did you say?"

The short-haired woman who had just finished breakfast put down her dishes and chopsticks, and the stainless steel items made a collision sound, which just sealed the black-haired young man's soliloquy.

Bai Su finally withdrew his gaze, put the spoon in his hand into his mouth, and said vaguely that it was nothing.

The black-haired young man poured down the porridge in the bowl in twos and twos. The lukewarm porridge was no longer very hot, and he poured it into his mouth without even the process of swallowing.

Bai Su put down the bowl, stared at Chen Zi for a while, and asked, "Have you been rubbing your abdomen these two days?"

"Oh, this..." Chen Zi continued to move his hands, and pressed and rubbed an unknown area of ​​his abdomen twice, "I was in the hospital before..."

She stopped talking as soon as she started, thinking about that incident.

Chen Zi remembered... Bai Su was also in that hospital at that time, just as a patient, and then... he seemed to be found unconscious in the hospital?
As Chen Zi recalled, some past memories came to her mind, making her feel that Bai Su was closely related to that incident.

"Do you still remember...that time at the Central Hospital?" Chen Zi reminded him a few words, "I don't think you were a member of the department at that time, but that time we hunted down the 'ghost baby' in the hospital."

Bai Su didn't react at first. Hearing Chen Zi mention the ghost baby, he was still thinking about what it was?Then he remembered a slightly less pleasant taste.

Ghost baby, a ghost baby that tastes like chewing gum.

The story of the short-haired woman continued. She said that she was slightly injured during the chase. The ghost baby was mysteriously obsessed with women's uteruses and escaped only after it collided with Chen Zi.

After that, they were never found again.

"Hey...didn't you find it?" Bai Su's eyes flickered twice.

"Yeah, who knows where the ghost baby escaped to." Speaking of this, Chen Zi was a little puzzled, "It's a coincidence that Xia Chengyin and the others were chasing the ghost baby, but they ended up at the place where the ghost baby disappeared. I found you and that girl."

Chen Zi couldn't remember the name of the girl at the moment. It seemed that her surname was Wang and she was a young man who had not yet graduated.

Speaking of young people, Bai Su is actually not very old.

The black-haired young man nodded as if he knew it for the first time.

Chen Zi then talked about the ghost baby. The ghost baby that was supposed to continue to wander around various hospitals disappeared without a trace, which made the special department suspicious for a while. However, many supernatural beings disappeared during that time, and the ghost baby also disappeared. Those in the list would not be so eye-catching if they were not picked out individually.

"Anyway - since then, I have often felt uncomfortable in my abdomen. I have checked several times and found nothing special. I can only say that it is... the sequelae caused by the ghost baby."

With that said, the short-haired woman rubbed her face twice more before standing up from the table.

"Let's go, you won't find anything by sitting here." Chen Zi urged, "There is still work to be done on the surface."

The work on the surface refers to the excuse they used to enter the mental hospital.

When I mention this Baisu, I feel that human beings are really interesting. One dares to say the reasons and excuses, and the other dares to believe them. There is a tacit understanding on both sides.

Before the black-haired young man followed the short-haired woman out of the cafeteria, he raised his hand abruptly and waved back.

Most of the people were eating with their heads down. A few saw the black-haired young man and didn't know who he was greeting.

Only the bespectacled doctor loosened his grip on the chopsticks and almost dropped the thing on the table.

He...he is saying goodbye to himself!

The bespectacled doctor quickly lowered his head. He didn't take a breath until someone called him Xiao Li.

Bai Su, who knew that he had scared people but had never thought about how scared they would be, followed Chen Zi without interest.

Today, the position between the two of them has changed, and Bai Su has been a bit passive and slow in his work.

When the short-haired woman asked, he just said he didn't sleep well last night and was not in good spirits.

Is it really just mental illness?Chen Zi, who had planned to observe the behavior of the mentally ill patient, paid some attention and put it aside to do the same work as her, but... he just seemed to be distracted.

Bai Su was sitting in the activity room. Opposite him was an adult who behaved childishly. He said he had some mental problems and always thought he was a child who had just entered kindergarten.

The patient wanted to play ball, but Bai Su got entangled with him as soon as he entered the activity room.

Bai Su looked up and saw a young man who was taller and stronger than him, trying to tug at the corner of his clothes with a naive expression.

Of course, Bai Su didn't let the opponent's hand catch him, but took a step back.

The opponent didn't worry when the ball was empty. Instead, he raised the ball in his hand and said "play" to Bai Sulian.

The nurse on the side explained that these were the symptoms of this patient. Just play with him, otherwise he might cause trouble.


"Yes, that's..."

Before he finished speaking, the young man who didn't wait for a response looked like he wanted to cry. He lay down on the ground and started rolling around, just like a child.

"...That's about it." The nurse on the side skillfully lifted up her sleeves, tugged her slender arms towards the young man's collar, pulled him up from the ground, and pushed him onto the stool.

The nurse accompanied the patient to shoot the ball twice, and the patient immediately smiled. However, the patient still looked at Bai Su, not knowing where he was looking.

Bai Su, who happened to be in a bad mood and didn't want to work seriously, thought this patient was a good choice, so he sat across from the man and patted the ball repeatedly.

This reaction is a bit passive in the eyes of others.

Chen Zi glanced at him several times, always feeling that Bai Su seemed to be distracted, but when he looked over again, he saw that his eyes were open, but there was no clear focus, as if he was in a daze.

"That...that new one?" Suddenly there was a shout from the side. The nurse on the other end was dealing with a patient who was acting up and asked Chen Zi for help.

Chen Zi saw that the patient seemed to be making trouble, so she decided to go over and help.

Before leaving, she took one last look at where Bai Su was sitting, making sure he was still sitting there safely before leaving.

What is Bai Su doing?
Bai Su was indeed in a daze.

From time to time, he half-closed his eyes and watched the scene on the other side like a movie.

In the past, he used Bai Quan's eyes like this, but today it was a different person.

The old movie scenes reappeared. Due to the special way of possession, the scenes became clearer little by little. With the help of human eyes, he could see humans moving.

Just after watching it for a few seconds, the person stopped.

Here it comes... Here it comes again, here it comes again!
The senses that were peeped from the inside out were nauseating. The human being coughed several times, but nothing could be vomited out.

--Continue to go.

A command-like consciousness came through, and the person moved his legs uncontrollably.

People seem to be heading towards the place where they live, and are getting further and further away from the building where they work.

The road leading to the dormitory building is so white when you walk during the day, which is completely different from the dark state at night. After walking for a long time, your eyes are dazzled by the white.

I feel like I'm going to be snow blind.

Human beings could only continue to quicken their pace and returned to the dormitory building. Even though most people went to work, the building was empty. No matter how unwilling human beings were, they could only go back to their rooms.

The optician's room is not much different from the others. If I must say, it has a stronger atmosphere of life. It can be seen that he has lived here for a long time.

The feeling of voyeurism did not leave. Human beings walked around the room several times, picking up and putting down their mobile phones, moving their knuckles again and again. In the end, what was left in the electronic document was just a string of meaningless text.

When the optician saw it, he looked even more shattered.

He feels that his current state is very delicate. Once the existence of the weirdness itself is involved, he can't say or write anything. He can't write it down in normal words or encrypted words. There is a power in the dark. Stop him.

After a moment of incompetent rage, the spectacled doctor decided to go to bed.

Showing off is a good way to escape. Maybe when he wakes up, he will find that everything was just a dream within a dream.

No ghosts, no possessions, no scares, nothing—"Tuk-tuk-tuk."

There was a knock on the door in the silence.

The people outside knocked several times, and finally called the optician's name.

"Xiao Li? Xiao Li - come here and open the door."

The human wanted to fall asleep heavily on the bed, but the onlooker didn't think so. The monster behind the scenes had an idea, and the human had to get up from the bed and run to open the door.

Outside the door was a colleague I knew, not a strange person.

But this colleague didn’t come empty-handed. He had something in his hand, a document like paper and pen.

The monster heard the man outside the door express his intention through human vision.

He came to see the optician for examination.

The trance-like state of the optician was eventually discovered by people in the hospital, so they sent someone to chat and observe the situation.

The monster wanted to do it for him.

But when he heard that there was a psychological evaluation, he narrowed his eyes.

His psychological evaluation... can be used as a typical negative example from human beings. I heard that he has not been removed from the list of antisocial personality.

The monster thought about it again and decided to give the opportunity to chat back to humans. He could just be a behind-the-scenes observer.

There is nothing wrong with other human beings. He answers the questions and gives warnings.

As he watched, the other side of his body suddenly moved back.

Then, Bai Su opened his eyes.

I saw someone knocking on the door in front of me. The black-haired young man closed his eyes but kept moving his hands.

Perhaps his state of "closing his eyes and concentrating" deceived people, and someone made a move.

Bai Su grabbed the man's hand.

His fingers pressed on the other person's wrist, grabbing the other person through the hospital gown.

The patient who was playing ball with him was holding out his hand.

The ball was ignored by the patient and no one was playing it. It bounced twice on the ground and then rolled away.

"What do you want to touch?" Bai Su asked, staring at the patient opposite with his dark eyes, "Are you going to take this?"

The black-haired young man was referring to the badge hanging on his chest, which was only a few centimeters away from the patient's hand.

If you go a little further, you can meet it.

But according to the patient's original sitting position, it was far out of reach.

The patient didn't answer. When asked, he acted like a child being scolded. His mouth dropped and his face fell, and he actually showed signs of crying.

If she met an ordinary nurse, she might be able to coax him a bit, but Bai Su was not one of those nurses from a mental hospital.

His five fingers exerted slight force, squeezing the human's wrist until it hurt, but the human couldn't scream yet. It was as if a hand was pressing down on his throat, strangling his breathing neck.

Seeing that the patient's face was bruised from holding back, and he was about to die, a female voice from the side saved his life.

"Bai Su...what are you doing?"

After Chen Zi finished helping the nurse, he took a look around the activity room. When he came back, he found that Bai Su was no longer playing ball with the previous patient. Instead, he was grabbing the other patient, not knowing what he was looking at.

Moreover, the patient's condition is quite strange. He can't see clearly from behind and can only see that the person is shaking.

"Ah." Bai Su sighed softly and let go of his hand.

He not only let go of his hand, but also let go of other things.

The patient tried hard to get fresh air as if he had been rescued. He panted for a while before returning to a normal breathing rate. He realized something, and started crawling aside on his hands and feet.

He tried to escape Baisu.

The black-haired young man didn't stop him. He watched the patient crawl to the side and picked up the ball. He found a nurse and started crying. He cried for a long time and couldn't speak.

Chen Zi leaned over strangely and asked again: "What's wrong with him?"

"Maybe I hurt him." Bai Su replied casually, "He almost hit the ball in my face."

The black-haired young man said nothing about the patient's request for his badge.

Chen Zi didn't pay much attention. He just looked at Bai Su's face to confirm that the black-haired young man was not disfigured.

"He wants to hit you...ah, you really picked the wrong person."

Chen Zi sighed with emotion, tilting the paper in his hand to reveal the words written on it. Bai Su glanced at it and realized that it was the face-saving work they needed to do.

Speaking of which...the other human woman I worked with was also serious.

Bai Su was referring to Qi Zhuyue, a woman who usually wore a ponytail and was very versatile when she was his "assistant" last time.

"By the way, where is Qi Zhuyue?"

"Ah? Ask her..." Chen Zi put away the paper, "It seems that the bureau has other tasks that require her, so coming here may not be friendly to her."

This statement is true. As for Qi Zhuyue's highly inspired reaction, it is hard to say whether she would be judged as mentally ill by the mental hospital the next day and be forcibly admitted to the hospital if she went on a mission.

Bai Su didn't say anything, just nodded.

The patients' activity time was only halfway through, but Chen Zi felt that there were no clues here and wanted to look elsewhere.

She asked Bai Su where to go. She personally preferred to go upstairs and have a look.

Bai Su looked over: "Go upstairs?"

Chen Zi nodded. She was still a little concerned about going up to the third floor.

Although Bai Su wanted to say that according to the development of ordinary human movies, there is a high probability that something would happen if they separated, but...

"I want to go outside and have a look." Bai Su pointed to the area outside for outdoor activities.

Chen Zi looked out the window, then upstairs, and finally nodded.

She also felt that it was not good to go separately, but it was more efficient this way.

The black-haired young man quickly walked out of the gate. Chen Zi saw that the other person had found a medical staff to lead the way, and they walked towards the outdoor activity area together.

The short-haired woman walked upstairs.

When she walked to the third floor and then to the fourth floor, no one came to stop her. For some reason today, the nurse on duty on the third floor was not there.

Chen Zi went up to the fourth floor. At first glance, he didn't feel that there was any difference from the one downstairs.

There was no weird atmosphere or scary scenes as imagined, just very quiet, so quiet that there was no--

"Hey, are you the new nurse? I haven't seen you before."

There were no footsteps, no breathing.

An unfamiliar male voice sounded behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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