Chapter 353

"Huh..." Qi Zhuyue breathed a long sigh of relief and temporarily put away the camera.

The story of why she's here has a little twist.

The last meeting was the last time.

After helping Bai Su handle the follow-up matters of the fire with inexplicable emotions, the two sat in the conference room together.

Regarding the TV station, we had mentioned it a long time ago. Before they went to Wenjiacun, the TV station's interview team was separately taken out for discussion. At that time, they just felt that the TV station's report had something to refer to.

Later, some different records were discovered in Wenjia Village, and the special department was vaguely aware that there was a hidden secret behind the deaths of the members of the TV station team.

When the Wenjiacun incident came to an end, the personnel information of the TV station team was dug out again and compared one by one.

This comparison showed something was wrong.

There were a total of eight people in the TV station's team, seven of whom entered Wenjia Village. However, the young leader who was the main proposer and decision-maker suddenly felt unwell on the way to Wenjia Village and withdrew from the filming and recording.

He handed over the work quickly on his way back, so there is no name of this young leader in the early records.

This was because someone from the special department had infiltrated the TV station. After some inquiries, colleagues found out about the name.

The information about the young leader was quickly uncovered, and he no longer cooperated with the members of that group until the last member of the group died unexpectedly and left the TV station the following year.

Resign?Transfer?I don’t know, the information is vague. I only know that the young leader took a break for personal reasons, and when he came back, he had to go through a series of procedures.

However, it is still easy to find someone for the special department.

Unless a person has no interaction with society at all and hides in some deep mountain and forest to isolate himself from the world, it is still easy for a person to enter the public eye.

It didn't take long for the special department to find such a small leader, who still stayed in S City, but... just started some business.

"So - what do you need me to do?" Bai Su, who was listening to the human's statement from beginning to end, asked doubtfully, "It doesn't seem to have anything to do with me?"

Tang Nuo, who was speaking, turned the manuscript in his hand to the next page and gave him a calm look.

The business that the person does is hidden, and the special department followed the clues and found that the business that the person does seems to have some connection with Tuochuan?
Upon hearing this, Bai Su stopped yawning and sat up slightly.

Human beings have said that there is no clear evidence that humans have any connection with cults. After all, Tuochuan Corporation has many partners, most of which are ordinary companies.

"As for why I asked you to come here..." Tang Nuo pushed up the glasses in front of his nose and sighed inaudibly, "The higher-ups don't really agree with us continuing the investigation."

The human continued to speak, as if explaining to Bai Su.

After all, Bai Su was the only one in the room who didn't know much about the distribution of personnel in the department.

In short, the higher-ups hope that their investigation into Wenjia Village will stop here. After all, the Wenjia Village incident has come to an end. At first glance, the people from the TV station seem to have no connection with it, so there is no need to go any further.

"Oh." Bai Su nodded in understanding, "You want me to go."

It is easier to mobilize personnel who are not in the official establishment. In fact, there are many secret investigations like this. The only difference is whether they are held accountable.

Looking for Gao Tianyi and looking for Bai Su had the same effect. Both of them were insiders, but considering that the former was underage, several people decided to find the latter after careful consideration.

And... Bai Su seemed to be very concerned about Tuochuan at the first glance.

This is indeed the case. The black-haired young man looked through the supplementary information at the back, thought about the words written above for a while, and then agreed.

He said, "Okay, I'll go take a look for you."

The above are some of the reasons why Bai Su would stand in this hotel.

The young leader would come to the event held by the live broadcast platform today to show up and speak. No one expected that the young leader would also have contacts with the live broadcast platform.

Bai Su occupied a spot for himself, and the special department also helped him get an assistant spot, and Qi Zhuyue was also admitted.

He said he was here to help, but in reality he sounded like a supervisor.

This is what others told Qi Zhuyue, but only Qi Zhuyue herself knew how heartbroken she was when she learned that she was going to partner with Bai Su again.

She had already escaped from Bai Su, how could she still be combined.

Qi Zhuyue's appearance has not changed today. She is a face that is not very familiar to people. This person is basically not found in places other than special departments.

Qi Zhuyue put on light makeup today, changed her hairstyle and tied her hair behind her head, then tied up the rest of her hair with a peaked cap, with a bulge sticking out of the back edge of the cap.

Afterwards, she followed Bai Su with a camera in hand and witnessed how the black-haired young man perfunctorily performed the live broadcast.

After entering the hotel and turning off the camera, Qi Zhuyue couldn't help but ask: "Do you usually live like this during live broadcasts?"

"Huh?" Bai Su was studying the patterns on the carpet. When he heard Qi Zhuyue's question, he raised his head, "Absolutely."

Monster recalled his daily live broadcast.

In the early days, he was more concerned about it. After all, when he first took over the human body, this was his only source of income. In addition, he was still in the exploratory stage of the world, so he started to take business seriously.

After discovering White Dog's wealth code and getting a part-time job from a human, the monster slacked off and played as long as he could every month before it was over.

Maybe it's because Bai Quan is really effective, and his fans increased instead of falling even after he was half-baked.

Hearing this, Qi Zhuyue showed an expression that was hard to explain.

Ah...ah, was her previous feeling really correct?
Now, she looks like... She just feels now... If there is something wrong with the black-haired young man, there is something wrong with him.

Some mysterious filters were shattered, and some real feelings came to mind again.

Bai Su felt that the expressions of human women were ever-changing. Sometimes they wanted to say something, then they remained silent, and finally a wry smile appeared on their faces.

He looked at it, but still stopped at the carpet under his feet.

The round and round lines look ordinary, and the soft touch feedback when you step on it gives people a comfortable feeling.

But for Bai Su, the prerequisite is that he doesn't look at those patterns.

The black-haired young man thought for a while, raised his head and asked the human woman: "What do you think this carpet looks like?"

"What?" Qi Zhuyue suddenly woke up from her thoughts. She looked at the ground, "Uh... red? It's quite soft when you step on it. What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Bai Su rubbed his toes on the ground and looked away, "Where are you going next?"

"...Who is...ah ah ok, let me see."

With nowhere to vent her complaints, Qi Zhuyue held back her words, took out her phone and looked through the electronic version of her schedule, like a real assistant.

"At noon, we will go to the XX Hall on the third floor for dinner. It is a buffet. In the afternoon, there will be activities on the live broadcast platform. For dinner, we will have dinner in another hall on the third floor. There will be... Oh, even the little leader will come."

Qi Zhuyue spoke in general for a long paragraph, but Bai Su only focused on the first sentence.

"The XX hall on the third floor... Buffet? All-you-can-eat?" "Yes... wait, don't walk so fast!"

The human woman lowered her head and looked up again, and could only see the back of the black-haired young man walking toward the elevator entrance.

When it comes to eating, Bai Su has always been more focused.

For a monster, this hotel is quite clean, especially in the sense that there is nothing supernatural that can even be tasted.

The entire hotel is clean from top to bottom and every corner.

Now, Bai Su stood at the dining table, holding a fork in his mouth, and the sweet and sour orange fragrance floated into his mouth.

He was holding a plate of fruit cake. He stood in a corner of the restaurant and watched the rest of the people socializing enthusiastically from a distance.

Behind the black-haired young man was a human woman, who couldn't help but sigh when she looked at the dinner plates piled up on their table.

At first, some people wanted to come over and have a few words. After all, Bai Quan is famous for his efficacious abilities. If he could build a good relationship with Bai Su and then touch him in person, maybe his work would improve even more?

However, Bai Su's attitude towards people is indifferent.

In Bai Su's eyes, social interaction with people is indeed not as important as food, especially such a large area of ​​ineffective social interaction.

He echoed while getting the food, his attitude was a bit perfunctory, and over time, humans were turned away by his temperament.

"I said..." Qi Zhuyue witnessed this scene, "Is this really okay for you?"

The black-haired young man responded inexplicably, his voice slurred, and he swallowed a lot of food.

Qi Zhuyue compared the upcoming schedule and asked: "There will be an event later, which will be live broadcast. It should be a team type. Will you be like this now..."

"Ah, this." Bai Su said nonchalantly, "It doesn't matter, right? How do you say that...the soldiers will block the water and the earth will cover it?"

Holding the fork in his hand and waving it, Bai Su bypassed Qi Zhuyue and went to get a plate.

During the afternoon activities, Bai Su probably encountered a little trouble?It doesn’t matter what kind of activity it is, it’s just something that can be performed for the audience and has a program effect.

There is a script, but Bai Su didn't get it.

He didn't know which part had the problem, but for the black-haired young man who was only assigned to physical labor, he repeatedly confirmed whether it was just a matter of knocking the opponent off the platform.

Seeing this, Qi Zhuyue couldn't help but cover her eyes.

You said these people are not good at performing small tricks, and you have to choose those who compete with each other for strength.

What happened next was as expected by humans. The thin and frail black-haired young man knocked down the man who was several times stronger than him with one hand and stood until the last round.

When Bai Su came back with the grand prize, several young people on his team were still confused, thinking they were dreaming.

What happened?Is this activity over?Humans were dumbfounded, but Bai Su had already handed over the gift.

"Well... there seems to be nothing interesting, so I'll leave it to you." Because he didn't remember the names of the humans, Bai Su collectively addressed them as "you", "Then - that's it?"

He had already walked out of the camera range of the official live broadcast room of the live broadcast platform. He tilted his head while standing in the audience and did not see Qi Zhuyue.

What about people?

Looking around, Bai Su saw a human woman holding her hat and waving to him near the hall door.

Qi Zhuyue stood cautiously by the door, looking out from the crack in the door that was not closed tightly, as if she were a thief.

Her posture could not be seen by people outside the door, but those inside the door, especially the anchors who followed Bai Su off the stage, could catch a glimpse of her.

After one of them thanked Bai Su for leading them to victory, he couldn't help but ask: "Is your assistant..."

Bai Su interrupted before the human could finish: "She has something to do with me. I'll leave first."

After confirming that he only had one chance to attend the event, Bai Su escaped before the people from the live broadcast platform came to arrest him for the subsequent event.

Breaking through the crowd, the black-haired young man quickly came to the door and met Qi Zhuyue.

"I saw that person." Qi Zhuyue lowered her voice and said, "He just passed by the door."

The human woman who entered working mode threw away some of her vague fear and uneasiness. She glanced back and found that people on the live broadcast platform were already looking for Bai Su.

Obviously, the effect of the program that just exceeded the platform's expectations gave them some other ideas.

"Quick." Qi Zhuyue opened the door wide and got out first, followed closely by Bai Su.

Because the event was going on, there was no one else in the corridor of the hotel except for some hotel service staff in the distance.

When they saw them coming out, a nearby hotel staff approached them and asked them if they needed any help.

Qi Zhuyue's eyes were still looking into the distance, and she replied: "Where is the bathroom?"

The waiter rarely saw such a pairing of a man and a woman, but he still pointed the way: "Go straight over there and just turn right."

Qi Zhuyue nodded and said yes, then walked in the direction pointed by the waiter.

Bai Su followed behind, and before leaving, he raised his finger at the waiter.

"Please don't reveal our whereabouts to others." After saying this, the black-haired young man blinked, "By the way, if possible, we'd better leave these floors as soon as possible."

Bai Su was a little late when he caught up with Qi Zhuyue, and the human woman asked him what he had said to the waiter.

"It's nothing. I was afraid that the leaders of the platform would come out to find me, so I said hello to the waiter." Bai Su replied casually.

He followed the person and leaned forward slightly. When he turned the corner, he could see the little leader whose face was remembered walking forward. Looking at the direction, he seemed to be going to take the elevator.

"Elevator... This floor seems to be the guest room?" Qi Zhuyue said to herself.

"Guest room, do you want to follow us?" The black-haired young man tilted his head, "How come you are not discovered?"

This is a good question.

Taking an elevator is too eye-catching, and waiting for someone to board the elevator before walking is too slow, so you don’t know the specific room number... Could it be that she is approaching him with a different face now?If she had known she would meet him so early, she would pretend to be a cleaner.

The human woman was still thinking, and the black-haired young man started to move.

Bai Su made a few gestures, and Qi Zhuyue somehow understood.

Bai Su was talking... She squatted down and watched while he ran up from the stairwell.

This... seems feasible.

 Thanks for the monthly ticket reward!
  I'll take another day off tomorrow. Why do I feel so busy at the end of the year...

(End of this chapter)

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