Trying to pretend to be human today

Chapter 340 Explosion and Fire

Chapter 340 Explosion and Fire

What does it mean to have thick smoke that dyes half the sky?
Explosion, fire, dust... Some relatively recent guesses were as the fire truck passed by with its siren honking, and the surrounding vehicles gave way. The road rage curses became quieter for a while.

People began to wonder what happened ahead to cause congestion on the road.

It seemed that the incident happened not long ago. I was searching for news on the Internet. The search engine was too spammy and pushed irrelevant topics.

The others arranged and combined nearby street names and words such as fire and explosion, and finally found some pictures and scenes in one of the groups.

It was said on the Internet that an explosion occurred on a building in a nearby community. The explosion caused a large-scale fire, which burned so fiercely that the fire truck had just driven in.

The netizen didn't say which community it was in, but Baisu flipped through it and felt that the scenery in the picture looked a bit familiar.

This seems to be... the community where he lives?

Looking up again, he compared the distance from where the thick smoke was rising. It seemed to be where he lived.

It's not... is it?

The black-haired young man's eyelids drooped and he half-closed his eyes, as if he were taking a nap.

White dog... White dog is indeed around here.

The white dogs that were fostered in other people's homes under the excuse of Baisu actually stay at home every day and only come out during the day and night.

Every night, he avoids all surveillance and possible locations where his figure may be recorded, goes downstairs with great skill, hunts "game" in the surrounding area, and returns before dawn.

The people who knew it was being lodged couldn't really find Qiao Jiang to confront him, and maybe they couldn't find Qiao Jiang either.

At this point in time, White Dog is theoretically staying at home.

During the whole trip to Wenjia Village, Bai Su, who had not seen Bai Quan much and had not received any warning from Bai Quan, just passed his sight and saw blazing fire and large amounts of smoke.

If the white dog had been a real dog, he would have been burned to death by now.

The short limbs stepped on the flames, and the outer fur should have been burned and curled up, but when the white dog walked by, nothing happened, and the dog was clean from top to bottom.

He is now standing in his own home.

If only this place could still be called home.

The walls and ceiling were scorched black, and among the crackling sparks, you could occasionally hear the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground. It might be a piece of cement falling from above your head.

Where exactly is this?It seemed to be next to the sofa in the living room. There was a broken piece of cloth at his feet. It looked like the material was from the sofa.

So, here is what happened——

"Mr. Bai?" The human cry was still in his ears, and the black-haired young man opened his eyes, "Are you in a hurry?"

Even if you say you're in a hurry, you won't be in a hurry.

If the house was on fire, he had to rush to the scene to check the situation, but considering how long the fire lasted... it was not extinguished so quickly. If he rushed over now, he could only stare downstairs.

If you don't rush, it really doesn't matter. The white dog is at the scene of the fire. If it can leave any clues... I don't want this clone.

The black-haired young man turned away to look at the pedestrians passing by outside the window. After an unknown number of bicycles passed by, he couldn't sit still.

If you sit down again, who knows how long you will be stuck here.

Bai Su said hello to the member of the special department who acted as the driver, and turned the door handle from the right door. The car happened to be parked in the rightmost lane. He looked at the non-motorized vehicles that were not passing by and opened the door. .

After getting out of the car and breathing in the fresh air, the black-haired young man slowly walked forward with the human.

He didn't run away, so he wandered to the gate of the community where a large group of people were gathered, many of whom were watching the excitement.

The community security guards dutifully stopped the spectators at the door and tried to drive them away, but the effect was limited.

Bai Su stood behind the crowd. His hands were empty and he touched his pocket, which also contained nothing.

Speaking of which, where is his bag?
Bai Su packed a small bag with him before going to Wenjia Village with the humans from the special department. It contained a few changes of clothes and necessary supplies.

Those things seemed to have been taken away by the special department after leaving Wenjiacun, because there were no valuables except mobile phones. In addition, the special department was very happy to pay for the task and paid 30.00% more money. Naturally, Bai Su didn't say much.

However, he just remembered now that his community access card seemed to be in the bag. Wouldn't it be too late to go back to the special department now?

The black-haired young man was thinking as he walked through the crowded crowd. Some of the onlookers who were pushed away by him with undeniable force were about to turn around and ask who pushed them, but when they turned around, no one was there.

Strange, who took a separate road.

It took a few minutes to squeeze from the back of the crowd to the front of the crowd. The black-haired young man looked at the firefighters busy in the community. After a while, an ambulance also rushed over.

The door was cleared immediately, and Bai Su took advantage of the crowd to look the other way and went to find the security guard.

The community security guard looked familiar to him. He wanted to shoo him away, but looked at Bai Su's face and recalled, " seem to be from this community. Are you...that, that one keeps forgetting to bring the access card?" of?"

After rummaging through his memory, the security guard finally came across the fair face in front of him.

The black-haired young man was speechless.

He didn't bring the access card and he didn't do it so often, only one, two, three, four, five or six times?

The first few times, he was fished in by community worker Xiao Jiang, and the security guard let him in after he looked familiar... He asked the community worker, has the hospitalized human woke up?

Xiao Jiang, a community worker who collapsed at the door of his house, still asked Bai Su to go to the hospital to visit him.

Just as he was thinking about it, the security guard asked him to go in quickly: "Okay, I don't need you to swipe your card. Come in quickly. The accident happened to be in the building where you live."

With that said, he opened the door and waved for Bai Su to come over.

The black-haired young man bent down and entered, and the door was closed behind him again.

A bystander who saw this scene asked how this person could get in without swiping his card. After a few more questions, the annoyed security guard replied: "His house was burned down. Was your house also burned down?"

The onlookers looked at each other in confusion and couldn't help but move their eyes upward.

The thick black smoke in the sky was a bit evil. The fire truck had been driving in and had been working hard for a while, but the smoke and fire were getting stronger and stronger, threatening to burn everything down.

If the young man who just entered was a resident of this building, the loss would be huge.


What expression should you make if there is a fire in your home?
As Bai Su walked along, he heard sounds of people whining, feeling depressed, or crying loudly. More people looked up at the top in disbelief.

It was too sudden. This fire or explosion happened too suddenly.

During the day, luckily it was daytime, and it was still half a day on a working day. Many young people were going to school and working. There were not many people left in the building, mainly the elderly and some children under school age.

The lucky family just happened to go out at this moment and were not there. The unlucky ones stayed at home and were affected by the rising fire.Bai Su heard someone crying. The people who arrived behind him looked at the tall building blankly and asked how such a thing could happen.

No one answered him. Before the investigation results came out, everything was just speculation. Some people guessed that it was a gas explosion, while others speculated that the fire was caused by electrical failure.

All in all, there were any conjectures, but none of them were allowed to approach the burning building, so as not to hinder the rescue.

Bai Su thought for a while, with a blank expression on his face.

It's okay as long as you don't laugh, it's okay as long as you don't show happy emotions.

The black-haired young man watched expressionlessly as others held the fireman's hand, crying that his relatives were still upstairs, or above the tall building.

Looking around, he saw that it was seven or eight stories higher than where he lived, and the ladder on the fire truck was working very hard.

The firefighters only said a few words of comfort before rushing in to put out the fire again, leaving the comfort work to the community members who came later.

Later, the community member was not the Xiao Jiang that Bai Su was familiar with, but he also preached that there would be a few acquaintances, that is, he knew the other person's face and could call him by his last name.

For example, the surname of this somewhat familiar community worker is Jiang, which sounds very similar to Jiang, and they are often called the wrong person.

Community worker Xiao Jiang managed to escape from the crowd. It was probably the firefighters who rescued someone from the building. Many people rushed up to take a look. Only then did the other person have some free time to look at Bai Su.

"Ah... Mr. Bai, Mr. Bai." The human's voice was so dry that it was almost smoking. He said hello, "You... oh, you live here too."

Community worker Xiao Jiang carefully looked at Bai Su's expression and found that the black-haired young man had a blank expression without much sadness.

He realized it and felt that he hadn't yet reacted.

Human emotions always have a birth process. Some people are more emotional and their emotions explode faster, while some people are slower and are still brewing.

I don’t know what category Baisu belongs to, but community worker Xiao Jianggu still lowered his voice and advised: "Take a deep breath... take a deep breath, don’t be too excited. He was taken away just now after he took a breath."

Hearing the human voice, the black-haired young man groaned and blinked slowly.

"No," he said, "I'm thinking... about compensation."

Perhaps because he felt that the compensation issue was going too fast at the moment, Bai Su frowned and immediately changed the topic and asked about the cause and course of the fire.

People outside made a lot of confusing remarks, many of which were in conflict with each other. If you want to know the truth about the accident, you still have to ask the relevant personnel.

When Xiao Jiang, a community worker, was asked such a calm question, he inevitably looked at Bai Su twice and lamented that the young man's psychological endurance was quite good.

As he narrated, the context of the accident became clear.

It all started with a loud bang.

The residents moving in the community below looked up and saw only a few flying black figures. They quickly dodged and waited until they retreated to a place they thought was safe. Then they stood up and looked back. They saw half of the building embedded in the ground. wreckage.

If the resident hadn't hid quickly, his head would have been chopped off by now.

Then, there was a crackling explosion, and everything in the building exploded outward.

It is said that the first explosion occurred when... Community worker Xiao Jiang reported two numbers.

"The smoke was too big. By the time anyone noticed, the two floors were on fire." The human said, turning to look at Bai Su, "Speaking of which, Mr. Bai, you seem to be..."

The black-haired young man nodded calmly: "Yes, I live on the two floors you reported."

Community worker Xiao Jiang was silent for a moment, coughed twice, and forced the topic to change: "I heard that the situation inside is not good, but Mr. Bai, you are quite lucky and don't live at home... I remember you are the anchor?"

"Ah, yes, anchor." Bai Su nodded, "I usually stay at home and do live broadcasts unless there is an accident."

"Yes, if you stay at home, maybe..."

The human couldn't help but sigh as he spoke, and a burst of crying suddenly broke out around him. The two looked over and saw that the firefighters had lifted something down. When they looked closely, they saw a middle-aged man with half of his body severely burned. .

The wailer was probably a relative of his, and he was being held back by his neighbors to avoid causing secondary harm.

This is still alive.

According to the description of eyewitnesses in the community, the fire that was ignited when the explosion occurred was so hot and brilliant that it almost instantly engulfed several nearby floors.

It was also a bit strange. I had never seen a fire that burned so unyieldingly. Onlookers wondered if there were any flammable materials piled in the corridor.

But guess what, fire fighting and rescue are still going on.

"Mr. Bai, do you have any valuables at home?"

"...Some electronic equipment, nothing else." The black-haired young man rubbed his head, lowered his head and took out his mobile phone.

Does he need to contact Wang Muying?

Before contacting the person, he first searched online to find out who would pay if the rental house was burned down.

After searching for a while, the monster fell into deep thought.

It seems... a bit expensive.

The next moment, the monster's eyes became sharp. Don't let him know who bombed his place!
The notice to Wang Muying was sent out temporarily, but there was no immediate reply. Maybe he was in class. As for the old man who was no longer very clear-headed, he didn't bother him.

The human girl didn't know when she would arrive. Amidst the crying, Bai Su watched the firefighters coming in and out of the building.

Sometimes they carried or carried something out, and sometimes their hands were empty.

Suddenly, the black-haired young man turned his gaze.

His head turned abruptly from one side to the other, almost ninety degrees, causing the community workers opposite him to look sideways.

What's wrong?what happened?
Following Bai Su's line of sight, he saw another firefighter coming out of the building.

The firefighter was covered in soot and was holding something in his arms. When he let go and a loud cry sounded, bystanders saw that the firefighter was holding a child... and a dog.

I couldn't tell whether it was black or gray, but the dog with fur that wasn't white rushed to the ground. After landing, it shook its body deftly, shaking off a lot of dust.

Seeing that the gray was about to fall away, revealing the clean colors below, the black-haired man quickly hugged the dog into his arms.

At first glance, it looks like a touching scene of the reunion of the main pets.


Bai Su lowered his voice and whispered to Bai Quan: "Show me how your fur is burnt."

To escape from such a strong fire unscathed was like having suspicion written all over him.

(End of this chapter)

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