Chapter 326 Can I?
"What do you think, Wen Tao?"

The black eyes stared at the little girl from Wenjia Village without blinking, as if waiting for someone's answer.

After hearing the words, the little girl looked up at Bai Su blankly, and choked with a cry. She opened her mouth and stopped crying.

The emotion in the girl's eyes was unclear, but it was definitely not the uneasiness and fear that she should have had originally.

The light in the girl's eyes flickered twice, and then she closed her eyes.

The process of closing the eyes was extremely brief, just two or three seconds. When they were opened again, they were filled with confusion and innocence.

The girl didn't seem to understand where she was or what the situation was, but when she saw the big yellow dog that was held like a dead dog in Bai Su's hand, her emotions surged out, and she cried louder than before.


Crying with deep emotion, without any trace of falsehood.

Bai Su had a slight headache from the noise. He lowered his eyes and looked at the girl a few times, confirming that "Wen Hong" was now just "Wen Hong".

Alas, it's a bit boring.

The black-haired young man put the dog away, knelt down and touched the girl's head kindly.

The little girl was a little confused by his touch, and her crying stopped for a moment, but what followed was pain in the back of her neck and darkness in front of her eyes.

Bai Su touched the top of the girl's head twice and then moved all the way down the back of her head, finally reaching her neck and giving her a heavy blow.

The human girl fell down softly and fell into Bai Su's arms.

Perhaps because he felt that holding someone in his arms was a bit occupying his hands, the black-haired young man turned his attention to the big yellow dog thrown aside.

The native dog lay on the ground and shivered with its tail between its legs. When someone looked over, it even put its two front paws on each other and buried its face in it.

But it was useless even if it buried its face in it. When Bai Su wanted to throw it away, it was useless no matter how far it ran away.

Now that there are no waking humans around, it's easy to get rid of the big yellow dog.

Hanging the little girl in his arms, Bai Su stretched out his hand towards the native dog lying on the ground.

When the palm of his hand touched the dog's fur, his hand was still in the shape of a human palm, but in the blink of an eye, the black-haired young man's hand cracked.

Like an exploding flower or like cotton wool being pulled apart, the swelling white instantly covered every corner of the big yellow dog's body, completely covering it.

The sound of eating is endless.

After a few seconds, Bai Su raised his hand, and the white cotton that had lost its prey slowly retreated, finally turning back into the form of a human hand.

The black-haired young man opened his fingers to make sure that his hand had resumed the various functions of a human palm.

He had kept this dog transformed from black sludge before just because it was difficult for him to bite in front of people. As for the dog's quality... it was just to deceive humans.

From beginning to end, he only took one hostage with him.

But strictly speaking, this little girl is not a complete hostage, but more like a carrier.

After knocking the person unconscious, Bai Su didn't even bother to take the person away. He just picked it up in his hand and ran forward, as if parading on the ground, shortening the walk that originally took more than ten minutes to five minutes.

Bai Su stood outside a deep cave entrance.

This is where Xia Chengyin and Tang Nuo came before. Bai Su observed the two of them going in. It was unknown what happened inside.

From the perspective of the eyeball he placed on the treetop, the whole process was that the duo entered, and a fake villager who was being chased attracted the village chief and others below.

It is self-evident what happened next. With such a suspicious cave in front of us, everyone wanted to go in and check it out.

After that, the duo was caught by the villagers and brought back to the village. Now they have been pushed to the place where the sacrifice was held... Oh, by the way, they also brought "Qi Zhuyue" with them.

Bai Su stood at the entrance of the cave and thought about it. What he just said to Gao Tianyi was wrong.

The only people Gao Tianyi needed to save were Xia Chengyin and Tang Nuo.

As for Qi Zhuyue... Bai Su raised his hand in front of his eyebrows and looked down at the bottomless hole for a few times.

Invisible objects to human eyes can be clearly seen by monsters, such as steep slopes and various points where you can stay.

The black-haired young man did not step down step by step. Instead, he jumped forward with the little girl in his arms and fell straight, but landed on the ground at the bottom as lightly as a feather.

Bai Su stepped on the ground, and the ground responded to him with its elasticity relative to the force.

Well...if that's the case, wouldn't anyone who comes in be discovered?
He looked up and saw that the stalactites hanging above his head were dripping with black mud and were about to get entangled in them.

Looking at the ground again, the ground is simply covered with a shallow layer of black silt. The difference is whether it is flat or not. You can step on it no matter where you go, unless you are floating.

There's no need to float away, he's not here to be a thief.

Baisu is open and generous, strolling in the cave as if it were his own back garden.

Walking from the entrance to the depths of the cave, the sound of footsteps could not be heard due to the material of the ground. What echoed in the empty cave was the soft humming of young people.

The tune of the humming changes every moment, but unfortunately there is no human audience.

Bai Su looked around as he walked. There seemed to be something floating in the shadows of the empty cave, but it didn't mean to attack him.

Walking deeper into the cave, he saw a chair.

This is a pretty weird scene.

There was a chair in the middle of the empty circular platform, and there were a few broken short ropes scattered around the chair, which were cut off by people.

Why is it called a platform?Because the surrounding area is really hollowed out and collapsed downwards, if you look closer to the edge, you can see the flowing mucus continuing to fall.

Bai Su walked around and then walked to the chair in the center.

This is indeed the chair that Qi Zhuyue once sat on.

Bai Su leaned over and looked at the back of the chair, then put the girl he was holding on to it.

The chair is neither big nor small, just big enough for people to sit on it, but the children's legs are short, so they definitely can't reach the ground.

"Then..." Bai Su clapped his hands and turned to a certain direction.

He walked straight over without any hesitation and stopped in what looked like an open space.

Just as he raised his hand, wanting to swing down the knuckle bow like an eagle's claw, a person staggered out of the shadow in the distance.

"Wen Tao" with messy hair ran out from there. She pressed a lighter and looked panicked.

It was difficult to see in the dim environment, and it wasn't until she got closer that she recognized the person. The moment she saw Bai Su, she seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

"B-Bai Su." The woman shouted, "Finally, I finally found you." The woman trotted all the way to Bai Su and told Bai Su her previous experience incoherently.

She was taken away by Wen Rongxuan and hid here. When she woke up for the first time, she was tied to a chair and unable to move. Because there was no light around, it was difficult for her to see her surroundings clearly until Wen Rongxuan lit the candle.

"Then...then I saw..." the woman was stuck as she spoke. She was silent and mute, unable to say a word for a long time, "I saw something..."

Bai Su didn't wait for a response. He patted the woman on the shoulder with great understanding: "It's okay. People find it difficult to accept when they see something beyond their own understanding."


"That is to say - it's normal that you don't remember anything." After patting him twice in relief, Bai Su reviewed the development of the matter and asked, "What about Xia Chengyin and Tang Nuo who came to see you?"

The woman was at a loss: "Senior Xia...Senior Tang?"

The black-haired young man chatted patiently: "It's Xia Chengyin and Tang Nuo who came to save you. Why, didn't you meet them?"

The woman shook her head. She said that she couldn't remember exactly what happened after she met Wen Rongxuan's eyes. All she could remember was that she felt some memories and memories.

"I haven't encountered them yet -" Bai Su prolonged his syllables, "That's strange. They came to find you, and they seem to have found you."

The black eyes looked at the woman flatly, and the already emotionless eyes became even more indifferent, as if they were looking at an unrelated person.

The woman tried her best to think about it, but still said she didn't know.

"I just woke up there. It was pitch dark everywhere. I only had a lighter for lighting and felt the darkness before I walked out." The woman continued to say, "Oh, by the way, I have all my cell phones and everything." Gone.”

As if to prove it, the woman rummaged through the messy pockets of her clothes, and found that they were all empty. Everything inside had been taken away, leaving her with only clothes and a lighter... or so.

Bai Su calmly listened to the woman's story, nodding his head and responding perfunctorily. Only when the latter wanted to reach out to grab his cuffs, the black-haired young man took half a step back.

"Bai...Bai Su?" The woman's gaze turned to Bai Su, not understanding why Bai Su wanted to dodge, "What should we do now? Can you contact Senior Xia and the others... By the way, where is Xiao Gao...? You should be in a group. ? Did something happen to him too..."

The female whispers continued in her ears. She couldn't touch Bai Su, so she folded her arms to hug herself, as if helpless.

"...We'd better go out first. Maybe Wen Rongxuan will come here later -"

"What a resemblance." Bai Su suddenly interrupted, "What a doppelganger, what a resemblance."

It wasn't the first time I'd had a close encounter with a conscious doppelgänger, but it was the first time I'd seen a doppelgänger who was familiar with humans.

The appearance of "Wen Tao" is consistent with that of Wen Tao, and the memory of "Qi Zhuyue" is also consistent with that of Qi Zhuyue. She even remembers her own identity and never revealed her special identity from beginning to end.

The woman's eyes flashed twice, and she said in a panic: "What doppelgänger?"

Bai Su nodded towards her: "You."

The woman paused for a moment and retorted: "No, I don't think I am. In terms of time..."

"After entering this village, the original ones can no longer be used as evidence." Bai Su shook his finger, "Besides, how do you know that nothing happened when you lost consciousness?"

The woman with a "gentle" appearance fell silent. She opened her mouth to argue, but was hugged by the black-haired young man who had lost his patience.

"Huh?" A short voice of surprise, "Bai Su...?"

With a click, the lighter fell to the ground and went out.

In women's memories, Bai Su has always been a person who didn't like to have contact with others. He usually put his hands on the shoulders through clothes. Such a large-scale touch... was unprecedented, and it was also a hug.

"It smells so good..." The black-haired young man lowered his head and breathed on the woman's shoulders and neck, and he sniffed twice.

The woman held by him did not dare to move. There was no ambiguous atmosphere between the two. The latter only felt that cold hairs stood up from the side where the warm breath spread.

"Bai..." As soon as the woman opened her mouth, she was interrupted again.

"It smells so tastes like orange." Something wet was licked on the skin, and then the woman heard a deep male voice ask in her ear, "Can I eat you?"

Eat... what does eat mean?
The Chinese language is broad and profound, and the same words can have multiple meanings in different contexts, but at this moment, women do not feel that the verb "eat" has erotic connotations at all.

It hurts... it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!
The woman was further pressed into the arms of the black-haired young man, and then spread around.

But soon, the pain disappeared.

Rather, many of the senses have disappeared.

The woman raised her neck back for a while.

Why does the head fall off?

As her eyes fell together, the woman once again saw a scene beyond her comprehension—her body, most of her body, was trapped in the body of the black-haired young man.

The word trapped is not wrong, or melting is used more vividly.

White...everywhere you look is white.

Human blood is red.

When the body was almost dispersed, the red blood turned into black sludge, further confirming the woman's identity.

The falling woman also saw this scene, and her remaining consciousness suddenly became clear.

It turns out that she is really... but Bai Su is... Huh?

At the end of her consciousness, a pair of hands gently picked up her head and held her up.

"I'm sorry." The black-haired young man with no blood at the corner of his mouth tilted his head and smiled, "The rest of the place was scattered into an indescribable mass, with erratic white threads stretching out to trap the escaping people. The black silt pulled them all back into the wriggling white envelope.

What is the white center?The woman couldn't see clearly. She was not a normal human being. The fact that she could still have consciousness in this situation was beyond human capabilities.

Her vision gradually blurred, and finally, she saw the black-haired young man who spoke without much apology holding her head in his arms.

When she came into contact with the white world, she... seemed to see an eyeball in a distant place in the field of vision, observing everything around her indifferently.


Finally, the black-haired young man licked his fingertips.

To be honest, the existence transformed into a doppelganger is much more delicious than the black mud that can be seen everywhere in the mountains and forests, just like the big yellow dog, which is also missed by Bai Su.

Then... Bai Su turned around. Before continuing to look for someone, he felt it was necessary to deal with the burning gaze on the side.

He waved over there and said, "Come out, what's the point of hiding over there and watching?"

"Everyone, please be honest and come out to have a chat?"

"Wen Rongxuan—you are here, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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