LOL: This man is too reckless

Chapter 35 EDG Wants a Wild Core

Chapter 35 EDG Wants a Wild Core

"WE can kill LGD. They must have strength, especially their top laner 957, which resisted the pressure in the hands of Marin Rambo."

"Even played a line actor." Qijiang added.

"I haven't even played a game yet. Coaches, how do you grow up other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige." Cui Zijian spread his hands and said, "957, right? I often single-handedly kill him when I rank."

Ming Kai smiled meaningfully: "Before someone came to EDG, I always thought that 957 would be the mainstay of the LPL top laner."

"Brother Kai, are you talking about me? It makes me blush, how can I be so powerful."

"Fuck off, I have to take down WE today, otherwise those little black fans will laugh at me if they don't know. I'm not as thick-skinned as you. If someone sprays me, I will suffer for several days."

Qijiang shivered and pretended to be scared.

However, Maokai watched the last match between WE and LGD several times.

After all, LGD, which ranks No. [-] in Group B, has signed the FMVP top laner this year while retaining the double C. Their strength should be to wreak havoc on the LPL.

WE can win, which shows that this young team that has just been formed is not weak.

Teams formed by young players often do not have as much field experience as older players.

However, youth is their capital.

Being young means they can create more possibilities.

Simply put, young teams tend to have low ceilings, but they also have high ceilings.

As early as version 6.1, the jungle artifact was enchanted with rune echo, which increased the movement speed of AP heroes and allowed them to deal with the jungle faster.

Even the super high magic power and passive damage brought by the rune echo can enable junglers such as Barrel and Leopard Girl to perform blood bar disappearance in the mid-term.

And Kid even used the wine barrel in the battle against LGD, and a big move blasted the middle and bottom duo into half blood.

The designer's enhancements to AP heroes don't stop there.

They also began to lower the equipment prices of AP heroes, as if to increase the appearance rate of AP heroes.

This is naturally inseparable from the emergence of a new piece of equipment.

Draxar's Duskblade.

In several version updates, AD assassins have been in a very awkward situation.

Archers have the Infinity Blade, mages have the Deathcap, and now, Assassins have Drakthar's Duskblade as their core item.

In addition to the passive damage bonus, it also brings armor penetration and movement speed.

You know, in the past, Assassin Phantom Spirit and Last Whisper were necessary equipment.

This is all right, the curtain blade is a combination of them.

Fat General, as a veteran mid laner, his proficiency is self-evident.

After careful consideration, Brother Paper, the coach of WE, does not intend to release Jie.

The last two ban positions were given to Deft's policewoman and Cui Zijian's captain.

Then the problem comes, the three-handed ban position is not aimed at the strong jungler heroes of this version.

On the other hand, EDG on the red side, to prevent WE from getting strong AP junglers such as Wine Barrel and Leopard Girl, they directly choose to ban them.

"Choose one of Nanqiang and Qianjue, and we will play the rhythm of the jungle in this game." Maokai suggested.

Qijiang pondered for a long time and said, "Qianjue."

Compared with the violent output of male guns, Qian Jue needs to plan the wild area in the early stage.

Especially when encountering a young jungler like Kangdi, Qijiang is confident that he can use his brain to play tricks on the opponent.

"Brother Kai is playing Qian Jue, and the opponent's top laner is Dragon Turtle, so how about I play Ice Girl as top laner?" Cui Zijian said excitedly.

"Can you know Ice Maiden?" Maokai questioned.

"Will I...?! Maokai, who do you look down on? Who am I, Cui Zijian! Do Hero Sea understand?"

"Then if you know Ice Girl, that's great. We'll raise Mingkai in this game."

Maokai was in a good mood.

As a coach, the biggest fear is that you have to limit your BP because of the player's hero pool.

If the player's hero pool is rich enough, then the coach's BP system can be varied.

For example, now that the Dragon Turtle has been strengthened, it can go out of the wild.

It's really hard to say if you choose an AD to top the lane.

Rambo can also play, but there is no displacement.

Long Gui came up and made a mockery, that Emperor Kang can come to withdraw money at any time.

Ice Girl is different, his path of glacier has delayed super long displacement.

And the control chain is sufficient, which can help Qian Jue get the early mark.

Faced with Brother Paper's last hand to get Kassadin for Xiye, Maokai turned to a page of pre-match notes.

Xiye's hero pool was impressively written on it.

And Kassadin was circled by a red pen.

This was what Abramovich explained to Maokai before the game, and it seemed that everything was within the expectations of the club manager.

Maokai remembered what Abramovich said before the game.

"If they still dare to take Kassadin in the jungle, they will choose a card master for Pawn."

Remember the manager's words before the game, and ask the players what they think during the BP.

Maokai thinks that the only thing he can do is order takeout.

"Pawn, can you choose a card master?"

The fat general just nodded.

For the fat general, it doesn't matter what he chooses, as long as he can win the game.

After a period of discussion, the lineup was quickly determined.

Blue side WE: top laner Dragon Turtle, jungler Excavator, mid laner Kassadin, bottom laner Wheel Mom + Troll.

Red side EDG: Top lane Frost Witch, jungler Qian Jue, mid lane Card Master, bottom lane Ezreal + Fairy Witch.

"Then EDG is going to be the top laner Ice Girl. With the card master of the mid laner Fat General, this is a clear card to raise Qian Jue system."

Guan Zeyuan further explained: "It's not just about the mid-upper. EDG will take out Izreal to hang up in the bottom lane. I think Lulu will be able to swim after a certain point in time."

"EDG's style has really changed a lot. In the past few games, the rhythm revolved around the top lane, and now the factory manager has begun to take over the game."

"This made me have to call out the directors of S3 and S4, how high-spirited they were at that time."

I remember joking: "What's the matter, isn't the current Clearlove not energetic enough?"

Guan Zeyuan said with a smile: "It is also high-spirited, but it lacks that feeling, but I am looking forward to this game. What kind of sparks can Cui Zijian's Ice Girl cooperate with the factory manager's Qian Jue?"

Before leaving, Brother Paper did not forget to give his team members one last word.

"The strength of EDG on the opposite side is much stronger than that of LGD. You must remember not to make mistakes in the early stage, and you must delay it until Kassadin grows up."

"Xiye, I believe you have the ability to carry the game."

In addition, Brother Paper is most worried about going on the road.

Originally, Dragon Turtle was chosen to target Cui Zijian and turn him into Kangti's cash machine.

Unexpectedly, the single ice girl couldn't beat him with one hand.

Will his Dragon Turtle become a cash machine?
(End of this chapter)

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