LOL: This man is too reckless

Chapter 15 Everyone, watch the video, Quinn is really pulling

Chapter 15 Everyone, watch the video, Quinn is really pulling
"Jian Ji's fight against Quinn depends on individual operations, but Cui Zijian's pressure is a little bit greater. If the laning stage does not develop, and Jian Ji leads the line in the mid-term, then EDG will be very passive."

"Just look at the duel after level six. If Quinn suppresses Sword Princess until the first wave of level six doesn't make Tiamat, then there is still a fight."

"It depends too much on the individual's operation. At least 10 minutes must suppress Jian Ji for more than [-] knives."

"To tell you the truth, Fly's last Swordsman's counter position is quite enough."

The commentators all expected Quinn's laning suppression in the early stage, so why didn't the players expect it?
Mala Xiangguo red buff starts the game, and directly starts the three wolves plus the toad super three.

Even though Cui Zijian worked hard to control the line, the line of soldiers began to move closer to the blue side.

"Brother Kai, if you don't come to support this wave, I will really explode."

"Hee hee, didn't you say you want to educate Looper?"

"My buddy will let you squat back for this wave. I will call you Dad again in this game."

"Got it!"

Qijiang's intention to protect Quinn is also very firm. After driving the blue, he went straight to the red, and then brushed the stone man to act as Quinn's bodyguard.

Obviously, before the third level, Quinn did a good job of suppressing, not only hitting Jian Ji to half health, but also suppressing nearly ten hits.

Looper didn't expect that Quinn's proficiency was so high, and every vulnerable passive was played just right.

Fortunately, there was still a bottle of red medicine left in his hand. After knocking it off, he quietly waited for the excavator to be in place.

"The factory manager came towards the road after brushing the stone man, but Quinn's position is too aggressive. This angle can easily be lifted up by the excavator."

"The top laners on both sides are tentatively making up swords. Anyway, there are junglers behind them, so there is no panic."

"This wave is very critical. Whether it's Sword Fairy or Quinn, as long as one of them gets the kill, the lineup behind them will be much more comfortable."

The director also consciously took the camera to the road, and also gave the perspective of the excavator by the way.

Under the effect of ground listening, blue ripples continuously emerge on the road.

The excavator outside the partition wall is a hunter, but this hunter knows that there are bodyguards behind him.

Mala Xiangguo was quietly waiting for Quinn to reveal his flaws, and at the same time waiting for the troll's footsteps.

In ten seconds, Jian Ji had finished dealing with the line of soldiers in front of the tower.

But Quinn's passive vulnerability appeared on Jian Ji.

"He still wants to suppress my blood volume, get him!" Looper said excitedly.

The excavator dug a tunnel through the wall, and just as the ground was about to break through, Quinn handed over Flash at the same time.

The commentators were stunned, did EDG have vision?
The answer is no!
This was just a wave of extremely quick reactions from the players, who instinctively handed over the flash to avoid the knock-up.

There was a short interval between the excavator's burrow and his displacement. Cui Zijian subconsciously flashed when he saw the burrow while concentrating on it.

If the Spicy Hot Pot flashed at the moment it rushed out, there might still be a chance to knock Quinn into the air.

But Mala Xiangguo was too confident, he couldn't think of the possibility that the third-level excavator and the third-level sword girl could not drop an AD top order in seconds.

Even if there are trolls behind Quinn, it doesn't mean Quinn's personal frankness.

"Brother Kai, save me!"

The Frozen Realm appeared the moment Quinn handed over the flash, and the troll slapped its butt and came out of the grass.

"If you can fight, kill Quinn first!"

Without the flash, Xiang Guo couldn't think of the possibility that Cui Zijian could survive.

We are all old acquaintances, I didn't catch you in the last game, I will make up for this wave of brothers.

Isn't that too much?
Although the excavator is positioned as a tank in this period, its level [-] explosion should not be underestimated.

Especially the real injury of the E skill bite, one of the most famous players in the league once said.

True injury is the most real injury in this game.

"Help me block Jian Ji's attack first, and leave the rest to my brother."

Cui Zijian had no expression on his face, which was only when he put all his energy into it.

Quinn got into the grass, but the next second, Jian Ji inserted the jewelry eye in it.

Qijiang's troll and Sword Fairy fought together, but Looper chased after Quinn as if he didn't see the troll in his eyes.

Walking A all the way, knocked out a lot of Jianji's blood, but it was not enough to kill in seconds.

In particular, Looper's Laurent Mind-Eye Knife has not yet been handed over. The most terrifying thing is that Sword Fairy has already gotten close by relying on the piercing slash.

Will it die?
The troll's pillar pushed up in front of the wall, just restricting the pace of Sword Fairy's pursuit.

With the help of the control brought by the pillar, Laurent made a sharp shot.

This is an extremely tricky angle, and it is impossible for Quinn to move and twist the position against the wall.

As long as it is controlled, RNG's upper field damage is enough to kill it in seconds.

"Is Quinn dying?" Miller said regretfully.

But the baby cried out excitedly: "No! Cui Zijian still wanted to operate, and the E skill [Swiveling Looting] used the excavator to force himself to move, and he actually avoided this deadly Laurent's mind-eye knife."

"The first vulnerability was hit on the excavator, and the Q skill [Dazzling Offensive] was shot. Not only did the excavator lose his vision, he was hit by Quinn for the second vulnerability."

The passive movement speed effect brought about by the two vulnerabilities made Quinn quickly pull away the distance.

At this time, the state of RNG's Ueno was no longer able to fight, but Looper was on top, and he didn't want to just admit defeat like this.

Besides, the excavator still has a flash.

If Quinn is not controlled, he can use the flash to forcibly kill the opponent with damage.

"Turn flash, hard kill!"


You Cui Zijian can play a reckless man, can it be that I am not a reckless enough spicy pot?

Going wild on a hunger strike is not a big deal.

The excavator flashed and quickly fired a set of bursts, but Quinn had already burrowed into the next bush.

Looper gritted his teeth and no longer kept his skills.

Even if the troll might reap the endgame, he couldn't let this kid go.

Bidu let you pretend, if you run away again, I can't get along in this professional circle.

Sword Princess' damage was dealt out at the same time, and Quinn's blood volume plummeted to less than [-].

But the stars and green dots lit up on Quinn's body, which was an animation of taking drugs.

"Quinn's passive is fixed! Sword Princess was put on vulnerable by Hua Luo, it's over, Quinn played this vulnerable, and the speed continued to increase."

"The wave of RNG Ueno has been dragged numb by Cui Zijian."

"Sword Ji retreated back, trying to escape by relying on the eye position without EDG in the grass."

But Quinn opened his arms, Hua Luo took off from his shoulders, and a bird song illuminated Quinn's nearby vision.

The fog of war dissipated, and the bloody sword girl appeared in the grass.

A crossbow arrow was shot out of Quinn's hand, and the arrow blade pierced through the sword girl's chest, and the sword-wielding noble lady fell to the ground.

"First blood was born, and it was taken by Quinn."

(End of this chapter)

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