Chapter 62·60

At night, Qiyana's palace courtyard.

Having won the truth duel, and won beautifully and simply, so that everyone can see her talent, Qiyana is obviously in a good mood now, and her appetite has improved a lot.

Holding the knife and fork, Qiyana put the food into her mouth while humming the Ixtar ballad.

Although she has eaten these delicacies countless times in the past, but for some reason, Qiyana feels that the taste is particularly good this time, making people feel comfortable from the inside out!
Sitting on the other side of the table, Yuan Chen was full of emotion.

Although compared to other Alai's palaces, Qiyana's palace is the smallest, and even the most remote.But considering that apart from the servants, there are only Yuanchen and Qiyana here, it is still very spacious overall.

Well, even if you don’t talk about the down payment, it’s still a mortgage that ordinary people can’t pay for after three lifetimes of hard work day and night.

He didn't care too much about it. This kind of institutional problem was too deep, and Yuan Chen asked himself that he didn't have the ability to mix it up.

"If Sane won the duel of truth, then the victory dinner should be full of guests, right?"

Leaning on the back of the chair, Yuan Chen looked at the empty courtyard, Yuan Chen's face was full of casualness: "Unlike us, even if we win, there are only two lonely people drinking together."

"Very good!" Qiyana also had a smile on her face.For Qiyana, this kind of recognition is like a kind of poison, just a rough taste has already made her feel sweeter than ever before.

"As for the guests... nothing to care about. Because I will keep winning! The guests will naturally come! Rather, we should think about how to make my courtyard look more spacious through planning!!"

When talking about Yuan Chen, Qiyana rightfully called it "we".Just like what Lu Pei said to Yuan Chen before, compared with icing on the cake, giving charcoal in the snow is the real preciousness.

It is true that people will change. Sometimes, compared to the friendship that gives charcoal in a timely manner, the later icing on the cake is more loyal and sincere.

But this thing is like an F1 racing car. It is an opportunity to invest in shares. The curve is the time to fight for skills. Who wouldn't step on the accelerator in a straight line?

But even if they knew about it, Qiyana didn't care.Because in her opinion, she will never lose.

"That's not necessary."

Hearing Qiyana's words, Yuan Chen stroked his chin and said:

"Sagne is already packing her things... Losing so embarrassingly, the ugliness was seen by all Yun Tal, for that proud girl, she has no face to continue relying on Ixoken."

"Those nobles who once supported him have lost their allegiance, and the original palace will also be vacant. Judging from the current situation, there shouldn't be any blind people who dare to block your way."

Hearing Yuan Chen's words, Qiyana curled her lips and said, "Even if I get her palace, I will smash it all up and rearrange it again!...Che, she runs fast, and I still want to see her before she leaves." You humiliated and humiliated well before."

Maybe it's a character flaw, or maybe it's a childhood trauma, but Qiyana doesn't pay much attention to etiquette.It's not that the strong want to humiliate the weak, but purely, Qiyana's favorite thing is to watch the defeated dog barking impotently in front of her.

Just like Sane once saw himself.

Although this is not a good character, Yuan Chen didn't care much about it, because Qiyana is still easy to talk to civilians and servants - the premise is that you can accept Qiyana's behavior when you do something bad. vicious.

"But then again..."

After a pause, Qiyana squinted her eyes and looked at Yuan Chen: "Whether in public or in always seem to divide us into two individuals. Since I have already mentioned us, why do you still say yes? Block the way of "me."


Hearing Qiyana's words, Yuan Chen also fell silent.

Qiyana is sensitive, both physically and mentally.

Yuan Chen just said that there will be no blind guys blocking Qiyana's way, which is nothing to others, but it is obvious that Qiyana felt the vagueness in Yuan Chen's words, but There is always alienation.

"Do you think I'm not capable enough? Or do you feel uncomfortable being my teacher under the spotlight?"

Qiyana put down the knife and fork in her hand. Although her words sounded a bit forceful, her eyes were full of doubts and vague uneasiness.

"Obviously you kept saying "we" at the very beginning. Why do I think so now, but you start to change "we" into me and you?"


He rubbed his brows with some headaches—to be honest, Yuan Chen knew that this kind of thing would happen sooner or later.

Because Qiyana's character is like this, it is difficult for her to fully identify with a person.

And after agreeing with a person, any change of heart in the other party is a kind of betrayal in her opinion.

But... some things have to be done.

"Because I'm always going to leave, I can't stay here forever." Yuan Chen said softly: "When we first met, I said so... If I also regard us as a normal, Then the consequences would be unimaginable."


Hearing this, Qiyana leaned back on the chair, with a little thought in her eyes, she said thoughtfully, "Is it because of... the devil?"


"What demon?"

"It's special, I can't say her name." Yuan Chen frowned and said:

"It might startle her...I've gone to great lengths to block her perception of me by accident. If I say her name here, she might re-anchor me."

In fact, the last time Yuan Chen told Nidalee the name of Oxilesh, Yuanchen noticed that when he said the name of Oxilesh, Oxilesh appeared in his own eyes. There was a chuckle in his heart.

But now, through the blessing of the wilderness consciousness, he temporarily does not need to be disturbed by Ochlesh.

Well, at least before going to the west to find the key elements to solve this guy, Yuan Chen doesn't intend to rashly try to say her name.

After hearing Yuan Chen's words, Qiyana also frowned—to be honest, she hated such irrelevant answers.

But after a long silence, finally Qiyana just nodded calmly.

"I see……"

At the same time, there were many thoughts in Qiyana's eyes - just saying the name of the demon will be noticed by the demon, which means that this demon is definitely not an ordinary low-level demon like Yazakana.It is definitely not a subordinate demon who can only hunt and kill humans through inferior means.

The nascent demons only exist in legends, and were sealed by the gods of the heavens thousands of years this case……

"A high-ranking demon?"

Qiyana thought to herself——if it is a high-level demon, it is no wonder that Yuan Chen behaved like this.After all, a high-level demon can turn a city into a purgatory without a sound.

It's just that few high-level demons do this-after all, their food is the human spirit.

Human beings are dead, and the emotions that Runeterra can produce will also be greatly attenuated.Only relying on the instinctive emotions of wild animals, except for some concepts that only exist in ancient legends, all other demons will inevitably starve to death.

Ixoken discovered thousands of years ago that demons and humans are in a twisted symbiotic relationship.

Because the existence of demons is also urging human beings to develop more civilizations...and destruction.

"In short, my performance was perfect, now it's your turn!" Qiyana said bluntly:
"This will be my first time hosting the Elements Festival. If you screw me up, you won't be able to leave Yixaoken for half a step!"

"From what you said, it seems that you don't really want me to succeed..."

"I didn't say that~"

During the speech, Qiyana seemed to have forgotten the unhappiness just now. During the conversation, the topic between the two gradually became more academic.

Qiyana is very interested in Ionia's spirit theory—especially in today's battle, she tried for the first time to transcend the constraints of axiom and integrate the spirit with the ground under her feet.

And the result is that the power of the originally mediocre rock and soil magic has increased dramatically after the fusion of spirit and spirit, and even the feeling of manipulation has become lighter and faster countless times.

How should I say it?If you can feel that you are casting a spell under normal conditions, you are operating and using it according to the formula of the axiom of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

Then, under the blessing of the spiritual theory, all of this is extremely harmonious, and often a thought just appears in the bottom of my heart, and it is completed the next moment.

However, Qiyana can also feel some shortcomings of the spirit theory - in addition to the extremely high requirements for the controller's xinxing, it also has extremely high requirements for the environment.

If the elements in the surrounding environment are restless, even the user will be affected.

And this is also the problem that Yuanchen wants to solve - the constraint method of the axiom of the early Yuan Dynasty can be restrained to a certain extent.

The two chatted for a long time, and in the end they even asked the servant to clear up the meals, and they chatted enthusiastically until late at night.

It wasn't until Qiyana felt a little tired that the two set off on their way home.

Back in her room, Qiyana was silent for a long time, then opened her eyes and said, "Servant,"

"Your Highness."

A stern-faced maid came to Qiyana's bed—except for Yuan Chen, few people could be calm in front of Qiyana's domineering aura.

"Go to the library and bring me the book about demons... don't let Yuanchen know."

"As ordered, Your Highness."

The next day, in the early morning, Yuan Chen glanced at Qiyana who was sleeping soundly through the crack of the door, then turned and left quietly.

Arriving in front of the city gate, Yuan Chen waited quietly.It was almost noon, and finally, he saw the familiar, long motorcade.


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(End of this chapter)

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