Chapter 188 Yu Yunwen

It has been three days since the Yu family was smashed, and it took Yu Yunwen three full days to rush to Bozhou.

This place was already under full martial law at this time. He came from Suzhou, and the two cities that were so close to each other seemed to be two completely different worlds. Apart from soldiers along the way, they were still soldiers. No one can see it.

Except for himself.

So this road, he walked very lonely.

But loneliness is loneliness, he doesn't care about it. Compared with the loneliness along the way, he spends more time observing the terrain along the way...Where is suitable for setting up an ambush, where can camp, where is there water, and where there is water? He remembered all the wood used to make siege equipment.

It’s impossible for him to invest in gold. It’s none of anyone’s business. What he has learned over the past 30 years, and the books he has met and read does not allow him to do so, not to mention others, even himself. This first hurdle is impossible to pass.

It's like when he figured out that people pretended to be golden men to surround Lin'an, and the person who took the life of Emperor Xiaociyuan was his monarch. After the object of his allegiance, his whole state was the same Patriarch Yu who had the plaque of Jiulie Sanzhen smashed was exactly the same,
Exactly the same.

Most importantly, the Empress Dowager, the emperor's own mother, also died in that camp. Even in the time when the order collapsed and the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms broke down, even the cruelest monarch had never heard of a mother-killing!
Yu Yunwen's sky collapsed, along with him, and everything about him, everything he saw, knew, believed, all collapsed.

Until that day, when he had just entered Suzhou City, the emperor approached him.

From a student without any fame, to the emperor jokingly asked him to be the parent officer of Mingzhou. The kindness of this time made him mistakenly think that he could perform a show with the emperor like Zhuge Wuhou and Zhaolie Emperor. There is a good story about meeting fish and water... There is no way, he is studying, so it is inevitable that there will be moments of innocence and fantasy.

"I don't want to explain anything, but you are quite capable and kind-hearted, so I wasted this time to talk to you."

"If you don't believe it, then forget it. If you believe it, then you can make your own choice."

Facing the ashamed Yu Yunwen, Liu Bang didn't put on any airs. As he said, he didn't want to explain anything, so he didn't even cover up. When facing this person's questioning, he Almost without any hesitation, he admitted his inference.

"If it's possible, it's not impossible for me to guard the comfort of Lin'an for the rest of my life. It doesn't really matter whether I fight or not."

"You have to believe what I say, because at the beginning, I really didn't think about fighting. Speaking of which, I am the emperor of the world, but in the final analysis..."

Until now, Yu Yunwen didn't know what the emperor wanted to say in the second half of the sentence, maybe he would never know, because the emperor obviously didn't want to say too much.

"If you think this way every day, if you persuade yourself like this every day, maybe I will forget it, but it doesn't count, it really doesn't count, everyone in the world says I am Han, do you know Han? I never thought about it, after 1000 For many years, people in the world did not call themselves Qin people, but called themselves Han people!"

"I heard Lu Zai said a lot about history. The more I heard, the more I knew that Tang was Han, and Song was also Han. Song could be useless, fail, or even perish, but Han couldn't."

"So on that day... on the boat in the Sibei Building, the day I met that prostitute, maybe it was later, maybe it was the day I heard about Zhong Shizhong, or maybe it was the time when the golden man's envoy came, The day when all the people in the world took their treasures and wanted to sell them to them... I can’t remember when it was, but I did think clearly that this battle must be fought, and all the men who fought in the Song Kingdom would die It’s all gone, the land is gone, and we have to fight all the way to the north, until the Jin people are destroyed, and no one dares to covet this piece of land.”

"If you lose in the end, you will lose the throne in the end..."

Speaking of which, Yu Yunwen had already set his eyes on His Majesty the Emperor. He could clearly see that Zhao Guanjia smiled at himself, maybe it was an illusion. This His Majesty is so self-confident and arrogant, how could he laugh at himself? ?

"I never regret the things I did, only the things I didn't do, so you have to know, I'm ready to give up my life, and whoever makes trouble will be He is my enemy."

"No matter who he is, as long as he dares to hinder the Northern Expedition... If the Minister of War is not enough, then use the prime minister's life; if the prime minister's life is not enough, then use the emperor's life, the queen mother's life, no matter what kind of god he is Ghosts, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, all have only one end, all must die, all must die."

Yu Yunwen naturally knew that after the death of those two incomparably noble people, there would be no more obstacles in the court, and the emperor might even intentionally release news to intimidate the next Zhao Shicheng, the next Zhao Huan, and the next Queen Mother Wei.

But he just couldn't convince himself that he must kill his brother and mother. If he killed a golden man, he wouldn't bat an eyelid, but this is not the case. The emperor aimed his knife at his own people... At least, Also his family.

It was only today that he realized that the official Zhao family's determination to make the Northern Expedition had become so determined. Yu Yunwen didn't have the energy to distinguish which of these words were true and which were false. He just opened the mouth for the first time after being silent for almost a month. mouth, for the first time asked his own emperor a question.

"What should I do when the gold man is finished?"

That's right, even if it is true, as the emperor said, after killing all the golden men, can these things be covered?
What has happened, will others judge it differently?
Stronger than Qin Shihuang, still inseparable from the evaluation of a tyrannical king, stronger than Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he will also be said to be a militaristic generation, stronger than Tang Taizong, how many people mention him, the first thing that flashes in his mind is not Xuanwu The change of the door?
Throughout the ages, there has been no one else who has abilities surpassing these three, but the things they have done, how can they be forgotten because of their merits!
It's strange that Liu Bang didn't get along with this kid for a long time, but he had an inexplicable tacit understanding. He actually realized the meaning behind his question, so after thinking for a while, he told Yu Yunwen:

"If 1000 years from now, people in this world will still be named Han..."

It was the first time for Yu Yunwen to see the emperor so firm, it was as if there was a thunder in his ears, and his three souls and seven souls were all trembling.

"That's worth it."

It will be worth it!

"So, do you want to try it?"

"Try to be with me, tidy up the old mountains and rivers, and go to the sky...or you can seal the wolf and live in Xuxu, or..."

He didn't go on, because he also saw that the scholar was already lying on the ground, crying bitterly.

Yu Yunwen looked at the Bozhou city gate, which was full of murderous spirit, and finally walked up.

(End of this chapter)

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