Chapter 133 Yingzhou breaks

Qin San, or Tudan Masan, was originally from Khitan, his real name was Yelu Masan, and he was also an aristocrat of the Liao Kingdom.

After the fall of the Liao Dynasty, he surrendered to the Kingdom of Jin. Because he was educated and literate, he joined the Tudan family and became a house slave who was actually a housekeeper.

In the fourth year of Jianyan, when Qin Huinan returned, he was one of the few people who were ordered to return to the Song Dynasty with him. Even Qin Xiangye himself only regarded him as a slave given to him by Wanyan Wushu and served as an eyeliner. true identity.

Captured that day, he should have committed suicide.

But Emperor Zhao of the Song Kingdom saw him and Qin Da once, and the two of them gave up the idea of ​​dying to protect their family in the North.

Emperor Zhao said: "If you are dead, I will write a letter to the emperor of the Kingdom of Jin, telling him that you and I have talked a lot, saying that you said that the eldest princess of the Kingdom of Jin had an affair with Wanyan Wushu, saying The reason why Qin Hui died is all because you guys revealed the news to Lao Tzu."

"Not only that, I also want to build temples for your statues, and every New Year, I will ask people to give you a lot of money for burning paper."

To some extent, Liu Bang did thank them a little bit.

After all, the reputation of killing the whole family is not good after all, and the two solved a lot of troubles.

But the so-called "compared with self-inner, not self-loss", the enemy's internal contradictions are often fatal.

Qin San also thought clearly, according to the nature of the fourth prince, no matter whether the words are true or not, as long as Emperor Zhao really said so, it must be true to him.

Anyway, if the family can't keep it, it's better to live.

From Liao to Jin is to live, from Jin to Song, also to live.

All the same, all the same.

Although he said he was just a family slave, neither Han Chang nor Saili dared to treat him as a family slave. After all, this man has changed his surname, and his real surname is Tudan... They all say that beating a dog depends on the owner Now, Tu Shan Gong, the head of the Tu Dan family, is notorious for not being a human being, but he takes up all the shortcomings that he has, and doesn't let him down in the slightest.

Among them, it naturally includes being stingy and holding grudges.

The two hosted a banquet in Yingzhou government office to entertain this unexpected guest, and they didn't ask why he appeared in the south.After drinking for several rounds, I kept saying some polite words.

As for the people in the city... Han Chang felt that it was nothing. Anyway, killing or not killing was not important to him. He had already made up his mind. The prince ran away by himself, and if he withdrew at that time, no one would be able to say anything.

Thinking in this way, Han Chang thought about building a relationship with Qin San. After all, everyone came from Liao Kingdom, and they can be regarded as half fellows. He raised his glass and said:
"Someone had a relationship with the eldest son-in-law back then, and he could often think of his demeanor, and he wanted to visit him again when he returned to Shangjing, but he didn't want the eldest son-in-law to die young. It's true that things are unpredictable. This time, we will be together. Raise your glass, respect the spirit of the Prince Consort, and bless my Dajin for thousands of years!"

Although Brother Tu Dan Ding took the eldest princess of the Kingdom of Jin, he was a short-lived breed, and he didn't even have a son left behind. Apart from a daughter, he only had an adopted son.

Poor Wanyan Wulu was born beautiful and became a widow at the age of 35. It is a pity that no one will say anything when he sees him.

The three of them and the generals had a drink together. The soldiers of Saili came in and whispered something in his ear. Go forward.

"It is said that the Song army has already begun to organize troops, and it is estimated that it will come soon."

Chenjia Town was not far from Yingzhou, and Jin Bing was not blind, so many scouts had been placed on the road less than tens of miles away, and Song Jun's every move was watched by them.

Han Chang froze for a moment: "Even if it is to build siege equipment, it is not so fast... Could it be that we have prepared for it?"

Those siege fortifications are so heavy that they are inconvenient to carry, so they are generally made on-site.

But Song Jun just showed up yesterday, how could he make an action today?
If it is said that it has been prepared... how is it possible!

There were already 8 to [-] people who showed up yesterday. These people didn't bring equipment at the time. Could it be that besides these people, there were any Song soldiers who showed up? !

The more he thought about it, the more flustered he became, Han Chang put the cup away and said to Qin San:

"Sir, don't blame me. Song Jun has made some moves, so I should go and investigate."

Qin San smiled and said: "The general should put the military situation first... But I don't know what happened, the villain can help."

I don't know what kind of work this guy is doing in Tudan's house, but King Zhenguo's mind is spinning quickly, thinking that Zhang Jun's soldiers are all like wolves, tigers and leopards, why not take this guy to see...

If he doesn't know about soldiers, he will inevitably be frightened, and if he knows about soldiers, he should also understand the strength of the opponent.

In this way, even if the battle is defeated, there will be a testimony. It's not that he, Han Chang, is incompetent, but that the opponent is too powerful.
Thinking of this, he dragged Qin San along and told him about the battle between the two armies yesterday.

Qin San had lived his whole life wearing a mask. He pretended to be confused in front of this man without showing any timidity. Before the few people reached the top of the wall, he heard loud shouts of killing from outside.

The two great kings were taken aback. The voice seemed to be from the south, and it seemed to be from the west...there was also a voice from the east!
Good, good Zhang Jun, good Zhang Taiwei!

Even if he had 10 people, he couldn't surround the city of Yingzhou, but he did it anyway.

What does it mean?
It shows that he doesn't regard himself as an opponent at all!

After all, he also came from a family of generals, so Han Chang is not just an idiot, otherwise, it would be impossible for Wanyan Wushu to let him be the marshal.

At this moment, his heart was full of anger, and several city gate guards rushed over at the same time, and he waved his hand:
"One by one, where are the most people?"

"Marshal, the East Gate, the East Gate is the most! The East Gate is estimated to have 4 to [-] people!"

As soon as this person finished speaking, another person stood up over there:
"Ximen, Ximen is the most! There are probably 5 people in Ximen!"

Han Chang was about to start scolding, when he heard the man from Nanmen say:

"The South Gate is the most! The South Gate has at least 10 people!"

"My mother!"

The king of Zhenguo couldn't bear it any longer. The total number of troops in the Song Dynasty was only a few. According to their counting method, 20 people have all arrived in this Yingzhou city. !
It's normal that there is no one at the north gate. If there are no special circumstances, encircling three ques and one can prevent the defenders in the city from having no way out and fighting to the death.

He also thought that Liu Kai was really difficult to deal with, he had better avoid him, Saili had never seen that person so powerful, so he should let Saili take Uncle Liu Xin's move.

As for myself...he said in a deep voice:
"Yesterday the opposite side was flying Zhang Jun's banner. This person is the Taiwei of the Southern Dynasty. I heard that he was promoted to the Privy Envoy. This person must be the commander of the southern bandits' attack. I will meet him! Zhang Jun Which door is it, tell me quickly, don't delay!"

After hearing his question, the three guards fell silent, and Han Chang was very surprised:
"Could it be that Zhang Jun didn't come? That's right, this person is humble and cowardly, and he should be hiding in the big tent at this time... He is not here, Wang Yacha is always there, which door Wang De is at, tell me quickly!"

The three of them were still silent. Now, Han Chang became even more suspicious:

"Isn't even Wang De here? Who is the leader?!"

The guard at the east gate paused, bowed and cupped his fists and said:
"Marshal, I don't know about the east gate."

"Simon doesn't know either."

"Nanmen... I don't know."

Why is it so abnormal!He slapped the east gate guard's face with one slap:
"Are you blind or illiterate! Can't you even see the flag?! Didn't even hit the flag on the other side?!"

The sound of killing was getting closer and closer, and Han Chang became more and more anxious when he spoke.

On the contrary, it was Saili, who might not be as thoughtful as Han Chang in the court, but he was very calm at this moment.

"Tell me slowly what is going on."

"Reporting to Marshal, Your Majesty...the opposite side did display a flag, but I have never heard of the number on that flag, let alone seen it, so I really don't know who the leader on the opposite side is!"

Sai Li narrowed his eyes: "What is the number?"

The three guards said in unison: "Han!"

The troops of the Song Dynasty changed their numbers, and now they are all called the Han Army. This is nothing new. Saili was about to ask again, but they learned how to behave this time, and took the initiative to continue:
"There is a row of small characters next to it, it says, it says..."

Han Chang yelled: "What is it!"

"It's... Marshal of the Army and Horses, the ancestor of the Jinren."

Generalissimo? !

Although the military system of the Song Dynasty was very messy, there were only so many military ranks.

Han Chang lowered his head and thought for a while, but he really couldn't think of anyone in the Song Dynasty who was in this position, who could be older than Zhang Jun and command Liu Qi. Could it be the prime minister from the opposite side?
Saili also deliberately ignored the second half of the sentence... Song Jun is becoming more and more incomprehensible now. Although he is always taking advantage of small things, these Nanman will never let go of where he can take advantage.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning seemed to flash across his head, and he looked up at Han Chang. Their eyes met, and they thought of the same person.

Zhao Gou!

Emperor Song!

In November of the first year of Jingkang, when the city of Kaifeng was broken, Song Emperor Zhao Huan worshiped King Kang of Xiangzhou as the Generalissimo of the Army and Horses, and Zong Ze and Wang Boyan as Deputy Marshals, leading the troops into the guard.

That's it!
Fighting against the Southern Dynasty for more than ten years, no matter Han Chang or Saili can think of the post of Generalissimo of the Army and Horses, the Southern Dynasty Emperor Zhao Gou is the only one!
The city of Shouzhou was destroyed, and it was rumored that the emperor of Song Dynasty personally led the soldiers.

No matter whether it is the fourth prince or them, no matter whether it is the wise men in the court or the military divisions of the various armies, no one will believe it.

They all thought that Emperor Zhao took the credit of others and wanted to use this to motivate the generals of the Southern Dynasty.

Moreover, even if he really came, and took down Shouzhou, how could Emperor Zhao have no reason not to retreat?
But the facts are here, but they have to believe it.

While talking, the two had already climbed up to the south gate, where the loudest voice was, and they saw the Song army's momentum outside, and Liu Qi and Wang De were both there!

Just like what the guards said, the flag these people are flying is the Generalissimo of the Han army. In this way, they can command Zhang Jun and Liu Qi, and they can also bring Yue Fei's soldiers here. , except for the emperor of the Song Dynasty, who else has such ability!
Everything makes sense.

Seeing the people below, although there are hundreds of steps away from the city, at a glance, it is really a sea of ​​people, even 10 people may be a little conservative.

How could this happen!
Han Chang's hands were tightly gripping the wall, wishing he could break a brick. It must be said that he was really panicking now.

Like a wild animal, it smells panic like a fatal crisis.

No, no!
Saili was the first to react. While instructing the archers to prepare, he hurriedly urged people to ask Minfure to prepare golden soup...that is, water boiled with excrement, and rolling stones.

Then, he ran to Han Chang's side:
"Don't worry, commander, the Song army is not here to attack the city!"

How could Han Chang not be in a hurry, he clearly saw that there were at least tens of thousands of cavalry on the opposite side!

Ten thousand cavalry, Han Chang, who has dealt with horses since he was a child, knows what this is.

Song Guo doesn't talk about all his wealth, but he has two or three net worths, all of which are here.

This Yingzhou City, they came here with the determination to take it.

"Prime Minister You, don't be joking. Hurry up and tell the other city gates to prepare as well. Don't let anyone in!"

"Marshal!" Saili grabbed his wrist, "There is no siege fortification on the opposite side."

Hearing this, Han Chang was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately realized, yes!
Without siege tools... Then Emperor Zhao is really a fool!
It's fine if you don't know the military affairs, and if you don't know the military affairs, you will bring the soldiers of Song State to die... There is no fortification, let alone these people, with another 10 people, Han Chang is also confident that he can hold it.

But soon he realized that the emperor didn't know soldiers, so Liu Qi, Zhang Jun and Wang De, who wasn't a general who crawled out of the dead, they couldn't know soldiers, right?
Before he could be confused, he saw that Song Jun on the opposite side suddenly stopped, and his voice became quiet.

Except for the cavalry who were still running left and right behind to cheer, the scene was much quieter.

Seeing a man riding a horse over there, holding the flag of the Generalissimo of the Han Bing Ma in his hand, knowing that this is the envoy of the Song Dynasty, Saili wanted to shoot him directly, but was stopped by Han Chang:

"It's not too late to listen to what they say."

The man reined in his horse and stopped when he reached the bottom of the city tower, looked up at the golden man above, and when he opened his mouth, it really sounded like a drum beating:

"Except for Jurchen, the rest will surrender and not be killed!"

"Except for the Jurchen, the rest are meritorious for surrendering!"

"Except Jurchen, the rest surrender and give money!"


He hadn't finished speaking when he saw that the man on the top of the wall had gathered his magic arm and bow, he quickly turned around and ran, and kept talking while running.

"If there are people who are stubborn and ignorant, the day the city is broken is the day when you will die. Do you really want to die with the Jin people?!"

He yelled this loudly, and almost everyone on the south gate heard it. Some Han people and Khitan people looked at the people next to them, but they didn't speak, and they had already said a lot.

"The Nanman bullied me too much!"

As Saili cursed, he heard the rest of the city gates fall silent, knowing that they must have heard the same words.

Angry and anxious for a while, he shouted: "Only those who surrendered to Dajin in the south, I have never heard of Dajin surrendering to the south! Look out, all governors, whoever dares to lay down their weapons will be shot!"

As he spoke, he scolded again: "Where is the man?! Why hasn't Rolling Stone Throwing Wood and Golden Soup been brought up yet? Are you trying to seek death?"

As soon as the words fell, there were shouts of killing in the city.

Knowing that Song Bing had sneaked in, everyone was a little flustered, but at this moment the Song Army outside had stopped, and they were not in a hurry.

Han Chang drew his sword out, and was about to turn around and go down, but someone grabbed his wrist firmly.

He looked back, frowned and said:
"Sir! This is the moment of life and death, don't..."

Before he finished speaking, Qin San took out a piece of paper from his chest and said:

"Marshal Han, didn't you hear the people below shouting?"

"What did you say?"

"You are a Han, why do you have to accompany the Jurchen to die? Since the Son of Heaven, why not open the city gates to welcome the king? This time the offensive and defensive changes, the situation of the weak in the south and the strong in the north, is no longer returning."

Seeing Saili walking towards this side, Han Chang fell into a great entanglement.

His family and life, his wealth and glory, his wife and children are all in the Kingdom of Jin, how can he surrender without saying surrender!
"Aren't you from the Tudan family?"

"Of course it is...before."

As Qin San said, he handed over the paper again:

"If you can bring troops to surrender, you should continue to be your general, your number will continue to be maintained, and your position will be more important than in the Kingdom of Jin..."

"But... my son..."

Qin San also had a similar struggle, and said with a smile: "You are in the age of dragon and tiger, as long as you live, you will have everything."

"But..." Qin San changed the subject, "If you die, then there will really be nothing left."

Looking at the mighty Song army below, Han Chang has led troops for many years and has never seen such an formation.

Then I heard a voice from below:

"Your Majesty is here, let's kill the golden dog together!"

Wang Qi yelled loudly and woke up thousands of people in the city. He didn't rush to open the city gate at the first moment, but rushed to the top of the east city, killing the soldiers holding the command flag and blowing the horn. .

In this way, they blew the horn and waved the command flag indiscriminately.

Han Chang thought that the east gate had been broken, and then looked at the Song cavalry below, and finally heaved a long sigh.

Saili stepped forward: "What is the marshal doing in a daze?"

"Be your mother!"

King Zhen Guo's saber was already out of its sheath, at this moment it wiped King Gaitian's neck and took his life lightly.

He looked at Wanyan Saili who was clutching his neck in disbelief, and told his soldiers:
"Open the door, descend."


In Chenjia Town, Liu Bang took off his outer robe and only wore the inner lining.

At this time, his body was covered with red, white, black, all kinds of colors, and it looked extremely messy.

But he didn't care about it at all. Whenever a horse came back from the front, he would color the horse himself from a dozen large vats filled with dye next to it.

Not only him, thousands of people from the Imperial City Division did the same job without even showing their faces.

Where did the [-] cavalry come from? It's just the effect of [-] cavalry running back and forth, dyeing the color.

When another team of cavalry came back, although his arms were sore, he got up immediately, took a bucket of dye, and rushed over.

"His Majesty……"

"Huh? You are red, if you dye it black, it will be easy to reveal your secrets. It is better to dye it white."

As he said that, he turned around and wanted to change a bucket.

"Your Majesty, don't dye it! The city is broken!"


The man jumped down from his horse:
"Han Chang has surrendered, Yingzhou City is broken!"

The generals of the Song Dynasty recognized that it was a hard nut to crack, and they all wanted to go around Yingzhou.

Not a month, not half a month, not even five days.

From fighting to breaking the city, it only took more than a day.

And within a day or so, Yingzhou was broken.

Liu Bang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly laughed out loud.

Seeing that Wang De was the first to run back, he turned around and picked up half a bucket of red dye:
"You idiot like to smear your body with human blood, and now I will wipe it thoroughly for you!"

A bucket was poured over, and Wang Yecha, who was originally a red person, immediately became even redder.

Everyone finally reacted, yelling non-stop, and whenever someone came back, there would be dye to serve him immediately.

Later, the people who came didn't do it anymore, got off their horses, took the bucket, and splashed dye on each other with them.

Everyone seems to have inexhaustible strength, and they seem to be very childish, especially His Majesty, because no one dares to splash him, he splashes people everywhere, and when he finishes splashing, he has to be thanked for the reward.

But it was such a rogue act that aroused everyone's interest, and all the energy that was not exhausted on the battlefield was used here.

Everyone has color, and Liu Kai, who came back at the end, looked at the crowd staring at him with a certain ominous premonition in his heart.

"Marshal Liu, we have all changed colors, but you are the only one who is still clean, is that plausible?"

Zhang Taiwei became much more cheerful, and now he even joked with Uncle Liu Xin.

Liu Kai wanted to say something at first, but when he saw the emperor, Yue Yun and Zhang Jun, standing behind them were the people of Yingzhou who were also dyed, he suddenly felt relieved.

He got off his horse and said, "Except for His Majesty, no one will be soft-hearted when they throw a blow on XX!"

This threat was not threatening, Zhang Jun sprinkled a bucket of white towards him, and soon, Cao Cheng and the others, those without tongues just carried the bucket, and those without legs climbed on other people's backs, Those who lost their hands asked someone to take some with a bowl, hold it in their mouths, and splash Liu Kai on whatever they said.

Cao Cheng lost his eyes, but he knew that everyone was very happy now.

He is also very happy.

But he can only stand here... He is already very satisfied to be able to stand here.

Just a voice came:
"Come on, this way."

The man said while holding his left hand.

Without giving himself a chance to refuse, he put the bucket in his hands:

"What color do you want to use to greet your Marshal Liu?"

Cao Cheng was grateful in his heart: "If it is red, it will be great. When forging iron, you must burn the iron red!"

"That's red!"

When the bucket was filled, the man led him forward again:
"Get out of the way, get out of the way, let me fucking get out of the way!"

"Liu Qi, come here!"

"Come on, pour it here, here is his head, pour it here, and he will turn red all over!"

Cao Cheng has only his left hand, and he tremblingly raised the bucket to his shoulder:
"Marshal Liu, you've offended me!"

Then the whole body turned away, and the bucket of blood-red, bright red, and scarlet paints were all spilled out.

Liu Kai hurriedly stood in front...he couldn't see, so even if he was in front of him, he would be crooked.

Fortunately, after standing this far, he managed to catch all of Cao Cheng's buckets. He wiped off the redness in front of his eyes with his hands, but felt that his eyes were still very blurry, and he couldn't wipe it off no matter how much he wiped.

And this has become a colorful Chenjia Town, with Cao Cheng's bucket down, finally burst into cheers.

(End of this chapter)

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