Chapter 105 Repaying the Debt (Eight Thousand)

The Hening Gate is never open unless there is no sacrifice, New Year's Eve, or court meeting.

Everyone can only go to the Donghua Gate, the official road in the middle, so naturally no one can leave.

But today, many people are staring at the imperial city of Song Dynasty.

Not to mention the envoys from other countries who came out from the Sifang Pavilion, officials from the three provinces and six ministries who are not qualified to go to the court, local officials who go to Lin'an for official business or to report on their duties, the city gate guards in the east, west, south, north, and stationed around Lin'an The three ya imperial guards... one by one, their ears were pricked up.

Whenever someone says something about "golden man" or "imperial palace", they will immediately get the attention of quite a few people.

If you look at Nawasi Goulan, Neihe Shangxia, temples and folk squares, restaurants and restaurants, and the eunuchs, everyone is still busy with what they should be busy with.

Running around for a living, studying for reading, working for work...

Life is like this, even if the sky is falling, how to live or how to live.

Everyone understood, but they all maintained a wonderful tacit understanding.

No one said anything, everyone knew it, and they were all waiting for definite news from the palace.

On May 11, [-] in Shaoxing, the sun was very poisonous.

After the peace talks three years ago, Zhang Tonggu once again set foot on this avenue, which can directly lead to the imperial palace and enter the Daqing Hall.

If he is a person from the Song Dynasty, and he takes this path, it means that he is at least a high-ranking official;

If he is a student, if he embarks on this path, he will be on a path to heaven.

But he is a golden minister, and a capable golden minister.

It's the same as Yaoshi Guo, but a little different.

Guo Yaoshi was born in the resentful army of the Liao Kingdom. He was a serious Jinshi of the Daliao Dynasty, and he was the official history of the Privy Council of the Liao Kingdom.

Guo Yaoshi's investment in gold ended up killing all the victorious troops, and his investment in gold...Whether it is Wanyan Zongwang or Wanyan Wushu, they all value him very much. He also served as the minister of the Ministry of Industry of the Kingdom of Jin.

In fact, Zhang Tonggu once asked himself, if he followed Tong Guan's order and became an official of Song State, where would he be?
Or, following the captivity of the Zhao family and his son to the north, he became a slave to others;
Or... the faces of Qin Hui, Wang Boyan and others appeared in his mind, and it was nothing more than four words:

It will last forever.

He was wearing the official uniform of the Kingdom of Jin, a purple robe, a red and black rhinoceros belt around his waist, and a bright goldfish bag hanging on his waist, which swayed with his steps. Futou...

If no one said it, no one would be able to connect this person with a senior official of the Kingdom of Jin.

Naturally, the conspicuous left lapel always reminds everyone that no matter how well dressed this person is, he is not from the Song Dynasty.

The imperial guards on both sides of the avenue were solemn, and when they entered the gate of the palace, there was another sound of horns... The horn blowing not only welcomed me, but also reminded the emperor and Song officials in the Daqing Palace,

The Jin people have arrived.

Liu Bang was dozing off and was about to wait... These few days he couldn't treat Chen Miaochang badly, and he had to be pestered by Wang Chan to tutor him when he was free.

In addition to the other noble concubines and female officials in the harem,

Alas, wine and sex mislead the country!

"Golden envoy, chief performer of the Privy Council, military punishment room Chengzhi, minister of the Ministry of Industry, deputy left guard of Zhongjing..."

Zhang Tonggu said a bunch of names and kept his eyes fixed on the emperor above.

It is both disrespectful and provocative.

"Jiangnan Fu Envoy Zhang Tonggu, by order of my lord, hereby has an audience with Emperor Song!"

Forget about the previous ones, the last sentence...

Just at the very beginning, the entire Daqing Palace was almost blown up.

Jiangnan, what Jiangnan?
Fu Yu?

Emperor Song!

The last time the Qin Hui Emperor was canonized, Song and Jin were distinguished.

Song is only called Song, and Jin is called Dajin; the Lord of Gold is the emperor, but the Lord of Song cannot be called the emperor.

But as I said, that was last time.

I was humiliated again last time, if the peace agreement is fulfilled, then I will admit it, after all, my emperor has cooked raw rice into cooked rice.

But since you, the golden man, have reneged on the alliance, and now you are licking your face to ask for peace, how can you, how dare you!
Humiliation, no doubt humiliation.

A group of civil servants blushed with anger, the veins on Han Shizhong's neck bulged, Liu Qi frowned, and Zhao Mi, who was in charge of the guard, subconsciously touched his waist...but found that his saber was not there.

The two deputy envoys who came with Zhang Tonggu, Xiao Yi from Liao Dynasty and Xing Juzhan from Han Dynasty, could not help taking a breath under the pressure from the civil and military forces of Song Dynasty.

They are different from Zhang Tonggu, this is the first time they have come here as envoys.

When he came, the gold master gave thousands of exhortations and exhortations, and this trip is based on peace, and must not anger the emperor of Song Dynasty.

After all, they were defeated, and the people of Ruo Song wanted revenge... Can the current Da Jin really be invincible?

But now, Zhengshi has annoyed everyone from the very beginning... What if the big event is delayed!

They were nervous, and Zhang Tonggu was equally nervous.

But the anger he received yesterday, coupled with the experience of dealing with the Zhao family, told him:

That's the way it should be done, it's the right thing to do.

He kept staring at the emperor, watching his reaction.

After a while, Liu Bang yawned a long time and stretched his waist...

He admitted that he was a little distracted, just now he was thinking about what to do tonight, and then drifted to what method should be used to take down the rain... This woman is a little oily, should she use force... Later, I remembered something else.

All in all, he only reacted now.

But he can't be blamed for this, things that can be clearly explained in a few words after meeting, these people insisted on waking him up early in the morning, and even changed into a crown suit for themselves... After a lot of tossing, His mother has no spirit.

Not falling asleep is Liu Bang's greatest respect for everyone present.

I also saw my ministers on both sides:

Su Fu's old man's beard was blown up again, and he always looked like this every time he was angry; Lu Zai's brows were twisted into several slits; even Zhao Mi and his group of warriors had very dark faces.

It's just a godsend, as for? !
Thinking about it again, he disliked his misbehavior and lost the face of the Song Dynasty. Liu Bang cleared his throat and said to the people below:
"Excuse me……"

Before everyone could react, he asked Zhang Tonggu again:

"What did you say just now, say it again."

Zhang Tonggu was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked at Qin Xiangye beside him, but Qin Hui pointed to his head and shook his head at him again.

Thinking of what he said about the old nine of the Zhao family having hurt his head, Zhang Tonggu swallowed his throat, and then he was about to say:
"...All right, all right, don't talk about those useless words, let's get down to business."

What a retreat!

Zhang Tonggu praised secretly, this guy has been in the south for a long time, but he has really practiced some skills.

After pretending to be deaf and dumb, he deliberately omitted this humiliation... Humph.

But if you don't even dare to deal with it, why should you think highly of yourself?
Clearing his throat, Zhang Tonggu took the gold master's letter from Xiao Yi:

"The Jin and Song Dynasties were originally friendly neighbors separated by a narrow strip of water. Since the maritime alliance, the two countries have had good relations for [-] years."

"The peace between the two countries was settled about three years ago. Although there were some misunderstandings in the middle, but fortunately, our Lord is kind, for the sake of the people of the world and the people of the two countries. We should continue to discuss major issues."

"Except for the tedious details that need to be discussed again, my lord has also given me a copy of the oath form that Emperor Song presented last time. Therefore, I also came here to perform the canonization ceremony."

As he said that, Zhang Tonggu put the national book in front of him, and everyone noticed that the plates carried by the two deputy envoys of the Kingdom of Jin clearly contained crowns of crowns, pendants, treasures and jade books. Four!

Under Zhang Tonggu's strong suggestion, Jin Guo specially prepared the canonization accessory for Emperor Zhao...

Everyone said it was useless, even Wanyan Wushu thought so.

But he was the only one who persisted.

Now he wants to prove that his persistence is right.

"Dog thief!"

Su Fu couldn't bear it anymore, stood up, bowed to the emperor, then pointed at Zhang Tonggu and cursed:

"But those who make friends with neighboring countries should be good at the beginning and end, and those who keep the country's map should be faithful. The Lord broke his promise, and my court has not yet asked him to be responsible. How dare you come to insult my lord! It is true that you are so light on me, the Song Dynasty. To bully me and no one in the Song Dynasty really has not tasted the power of my sword!"

"As a Han, you carry your Han name on your shoulders, but now you are doing this to the barbarians in the north, destroying your family, exterminating your ancestors, selling your ancestors for glory... Zhang Tonggu, Zhang Tonggu, people are rude. Trent! If you are under the Nine Springs in the future, what face will I have to meet your ancestors!"

After scolding this, the old man bowed to the emperor again:

"Officials! Let's kill these evil sons who have forgotten their ancestors, so as to rectify my great Song Dynasty!"

The emperor was not even given the choice of harmony or discord, Su Fu gave individual options:

To kill or not to kill.

The last time when we were making peace, this old man stopped him, forbidding him to pronounce an imperial edict, and even broke his hand with a rattan cane.

If it weren't for the reputation of the grandfather who read old things, he would be very popular in the Kingdom of Jin. Zhang Tonggu would force Zhao Laojiu to kill him no matter what he said.

He was about to swear back, but unexpectedly, someone moved faster than him... Qin Xiangye, who stood at the head of all the officials, stepped forward:
"Your Majesty, this matter should be decided by the Holy Spirit, and there is no need to seek it in court."

He knows the nature of the sour literati in Song Dynasty too well. If they are allowed to get involved, the peace talks will not come to fruition in the last 100 years.

Now that we have met each other, and the proper etiquette is in place, then we should drive this group of people out and close the door to talk about business.

Anyway, that's what I did last time...

"God damn Qin Huizhi! You should have chopped off your dog's head long ago!"

These words were cursed loudly, and everyone looked into the corner where the voice came from, only to see a bearded civil servant staring at Prime Minister Qin with wide-eyed eyes.

Hu Bangheng... He wasn't Ren Zhizhou in Zhaozhou, when did he return to Lin'an?

Whether it is Qin Hui's party or the rest of the people, it is very strange to see this person come out.

Three years ago, he wrote a letter requesting that Prime Minister Qin be beheaded, and he was exiled later.

Today he is back!
Qin Hui was scolded, but he was not angry at the first moment, what flashed in his mind was Liu Ziyu's face.

Lao Jiu called them all back?

Why call me back!
He felt a little uneasy in his heart, but at this time, he didn't have the rest of his mind to think about other things. As long as the peace talks can be achieved, no one in the Song Kingdom can stop him.


Hu Quan strode out, walked forward for a while, until he came to the side of Zhang Tonggu, and gave him a hard look:
"The golden dog does not go to Yunguo, but goes directly to the south of the Yangtze River. This is the gift my Taizu gave to Li Shi in his later years. He was never allowed to be Sun Quan!"

Sun Quan...Liu Bang thought about it briefly, and remembered this person.

It's just short-sighted and mediocre.

"If you follow their words this time, Song and Jin will use the rituals of monarchs and ministers without the distinction of monarchs and ministers, and have the reality of father and son without the name of father and son!"

"This man's intentions are vicious. He wants me to be a courtier and concubine, and he wants Sun Quan!"

He mentioned Sun Quan's name again... Liu Bang felt that Hu Quan's resentment towards Sun Quan was deeper than his own.

Hu Quan came out, and Qin Hui's party members also quit. They released you last time, but this time?

Standing up one by one, the ministers on both sides followed to Caishikou, arguing like shrews.

Only a few generals, as well as Qin Hui and Zhang Tonggu, were quiet and tense.

They knew in their hearts that even if these people quarreled all day long, they would not be able to make any sense out of it. The only person in this temple who could speak effectively was one and only one.

Liu Bang also listened for a while, but he didn't have any useful information, so he waved his hand and stopped everyone.

Whether it's Jiangnan or Dasong, no matter how loud they talk and how loud they are, it won't help the matter.

Such things as humiliation can only be fought back, or else they will suffer.

If only one mouth is useful, why raise so many troops.

"You mean, your emperor wants to confer on me?"

The emperor seemed to have just reacted, but Zhang Tonggu laughed at him, who was still pretending to be stupid at this time.

"Aren't we negotiating peace? How come it's about to be canonized?"

"Who is that, what you are holding in your hand, is it a peace book or a surrender table?"

He really didn't understand before, since it was a peace negotiation, it would be fine to stop fighting.

Great, give some money to appease, or give a city or something.

I have never heard of the truce between Qin and Qi, and the king of Qin is going to be canonized as the king of Qi.

In Liu Bang's view, it is already a bit unbelievable to be able to write the words "must kill the flying, and only then can be reconciled" into the conditions of the peace negotiation.

It's still a thousand years later, so it's fun to play!

Zhang Tonggu paused:
"What does Emperor Song mean? We have come from thousands of miles to extend our favor, and what we promised was the grand plan of peace talks in the south of the Yangtze River! The two countries have divided their borders, and the army and horses have returned to the country. They will see peace early, and the whole world will lead the land to make them happy... Emperor Song did not think about it." In order to repay my lord's great favor, but such words are not self-inflicted? If my lord raises the teacher to question the crime, what will the emperor of the Song Dynasty say?"

This is a threat, a naked threat.

Zhang Tonggu spoke righteously, those who didn't know, thought that their Kingdom of Jin was already approaching the city.

The two deputy envoys who came together, Xiao Yi and Xing Juzhan exchanged glances, then shook their heads secretly... just as the words went too far.

Han Shizhong was confiscated and learned from Qin Hui that if he reconciled this time, he would lose his head.

At this time, he became the first warrior to stand up:
"Officials, if the gold thieves dare to raise troops, the 120 members of the minister's family are willing to serve the country and fight to the death!"

If you make peace, you may die.

On the contrary, if there is a fight... How many people in the world are better at fighting the Jin people than Han Shizhong?

Liu Bang stood up: "I'm talking to envoys from other countries, so don't interrupt."

As soon as these words came out, the ministers who stood up looked at each other, knowing that the emperor had to make a decision.

Each bowed and bowed, and stood back to their positions.

Instead, Su Fu quit: "Officials! We can't get along with each other"

Liu Bang blinked at him: "I will care about the old man when he goes back."

For some reason, I remembered the absurd behavior of the emperor a few days ago, and what I said to myself that day, when the battle...

Su Fu suddenly calmed down a little.

In this way, there were only three envoys from the Kingdom of Jin left in the middle of the hall.

"Since you want to make peace, then come out as if you want to make peace..."

"It's useless to pretend to be in front of Lao Tzu."

This was said in a lukewarm manner, but Zhang Tonggu was a little startled... The old ninth of the Zhao family seemed to be a different person from the one three years ago!
Three years ago, even if the whole court of the Song Dynasty opposed it, he had to please himself.

Instead, today... Zhang Tonggu looked at Qin Hui with some hesitation, as if he understood something.

Why, Qin Hui gave up half of his wealth and ran to him for help.

Seeing him in a daze, Liu Bang ordered Lu Zai:

"Get the letter from their emperor and read it to me."

After receiving the order, Lu Zai went forward to get the letter...Unexpectedly, Zhang Tonggu panicked, and subconsciously wanted to put away the credential.

Jin Zhu and Wanyan Wushu had high hopes for this trip when they came.

In any case, it is necessary to talk about success.

In this way, even many prices have been suppressed... Speaking of it, there is no reason why it should not be successful.

After all, in the eyes of the Kingdom of Jin, the ruler and ministers of the State of Song had absolutely no reason to refuse to be able to put down their face and ask for peace.

But today, in order to seek merit, I temporarily added some words, but it didn't achieve the effect I wanted.

If this letter of credence... or the book of letters really angered the ninth son of the Zhao family, he would fight to the death...

To be honest, Zhang Tonggu regretted it a bit.

Lu Zai snatched the letter, but Zhan Xin glanced at it, and frowned even more than before.

Liu Bang saw his expression and urged: "Read! You don't know how to read?"

After taking several deep breaths, Lu Zai bowed and said:

"Your Majesty forgive me."

In this way, he bowed to the courtiers again, and then said:

"Zier...Song Kangwang Zhao Gou. If you don't hang up, the sky will be lost in Erbang, and you will blaspheme the Qi League, and you will subvert yourself. Bieryue is in Jiangbiao. Work hard on my division, and it will last for ten or eight years. I use the shock to mourn, what is the crime of the people of Si. Today, he regrets the misfortune, and he is tempted by the birth, and he is engraved with the emperor, and wishes to be listed in the assistant. Today, Zhang Tonggu, the envoy to the south of the Yangtze River, is sent to the south of the Yangtze River to order you to be the emperor , the name of the country is Song, the world serves as a minister, and will be a Pinghan forever. Woohoo Qinzai, he respectfully obeys my orders..."

All the princes of the Manchu Dynasty were in an uproar.

Even those who followed Master Qin to make peace, now feel sympathetic.

What kind of credential is this? This is clearly a minister's register!

Although the last time the emperor was proclaiming himself a minister, but, in the past three years, the Song army has won consecutive battles, which clearly shows that it is a situation of changing offense and defense!

Even if there is a peace, it is like an alliance at sea, a peace between brothers and sisters.

The letter from the gold master is really just like what Hu Quan said, but it is just to confirm the distinction between monarch and minister, and the reality of father and son!

Liu Bang became a little confused, waved to Han Shizhong, and called Liu Qi and Zhao Mi together.

The three ran to the steps in low voices, and Liu Bang ran down directly:
"You guys have to tell me the truth, did Song win the battle in the past two years, or did he win the battle of Jin?"

"If anyone lies about military information or fakes military achievements, let me tell you about it today, and I forgive you for not being guilty."

How could the three warriors dare to tell lies, and hurriedly defended themselves.

"Officials, it is true that we won. If we lose, then there is no reason for Yue Pengju to leave the Fengfu closer to his defeat!"

"Even if I have ten heads, I can't do such a thing as lying about the military situation!"

"Yes, yes, Uncle Liu Xin won the elite of the Kingdom of Jin! With his Jurchen clan, the only one who suffered the most defeats in the past two years was all defeated by us!"

Liu Bang nodded. If the state of Song really couldn't beat it, then the people of the state of Jin would have no reason to seek peace. They just keep fighting.

He was also confused, mainly because of the patron's register and the performance of that Tonggu, which almost deceived him.

He really thought that the Jinren were unstoppable, and that the peace talks were really here to show favor.

After driving the three of them away, Liu Bang now has a clear mind and glanced at Qin Hui:
"I didn't read the regulations on the peace negotiation yesterday, so tell me today."

"I want to see if it's his mother's peace book, or if it's really the Jiang Shu!"

Qin Hui's legs trembled, and he looked down at Zhang Tonggu's waving hands, knowing what he was thinking.

Taking a deep breath, he said:
"Officials, there are five regulations. One is to use the Huai River to Dasan Pass as the boundary and never invade it; the other is to return the four prefectures of Tang, Deng, Shang, and Qin that Yue Pengju obtained this time to Jin..."

"For the third, 15 year-old coins and silver silk each year, and for the fourth, return to the late Emperor, Empress Xiansu, Empress Xianjie Zi Gong, and return to the Empress Dowager Xuanhe."

"Fifth... if there is no major event, no... you can't change your appearance."

The last item was obtained from Mr. Qin Xiangu at the expense of his capital and from Zhang Tonggu.

Lao Jiu listened to Jinren's words the most, and now he has included himself in the agreement... No matter how much he resents him, he probably won't touch him again.

Qin Xiangye was extremely quick-witted, and took out a peace agreement that he thought the emperor would never refuse.

It not only erased the previous matter of professing a minister, but also said that the old coin is not called the old tribute, which gave Lao Jiu a great concession on the surface.

Also halved the old coin that was originally added to 30...

To be honest, if this peace treaty had been made three years ago, Master Qin would have been given the title of a minister capable of governing the world, at least.

Even if this is the case, the ministers who were a little bit persistent in the DPRK and China have already moved their hearts, let alone those who were already vacillating.

This is much more face-saving than when it was negotiating peace with the Liao Kingdom.

If it weren't for those who wholeheartedly wanted the Northern Expedition, they would all be on the side of peace this time.

After finishing speaking, Qin Hui secretly glanced at Zhang Tonggu, who nodded his head slightly, which seemed to agree with Qin Xiangye's arrangement.

Liu Bang almost laughed.

You are not allowed to change your appearance... You, Qin Hui, are close to engraving the word "golden man" on your face.

"No, Aiqing, is there something missing?"

Qin Hui was stunned: "That's all, nothing less."

"Not a lot, if not a lot, why is this man from the Kingdom of Jin clamoring to give me a canonization?"

"Is there any regulation about becoming a minister? Think about it...Since it's a peace negotiation, everything can be negotiated."

Master Qin shook his head like a rattle: "Report to the official family, there is no such thing."


Liu Bang nodded and saw two people standing outside the hall.

The recovered servant Huang Yanjie also saw it, and said in a low voice: "Officials, it is Zhang Taiwei and Yue Shaobao who have arrived."

"Call in."

Huang Yanjie ran quickly, and Liu Bang looked at Zhang Tonggu again:

"Last time, I had some unhappiness with Prime Minister Qin, and then Jin people attacked me in Shanghai Pu and Mingzhou Port. Do you know about this?"

Zhang Tonggu didn't know, this was arranged by him himself.

Just as he was about to answer, the emperor preempted him:

"While you are talking about making peace, you are also sending people to carry out some sneak attacks..."

Liu Bang shook his head: "This time we said we were going to talk, and I set out such conditions..."

"Since there is nothing to be canonized in the regulations, then the things you prepared, and that letter...are you here to humiliate me?"

"Tell me, it doesn't look like there is a peace talk!"

As if he was heartbroken, the two deputy envoys hurriedly bowed and said:
"His Majesty the Great Song Emperor calm down, His Majesty the Great Song Emperor calm down!"

"Tsk tsk," Liu Bang looked at Zhang Tonggu who was still insisting, "Look, talk to you well, you have to bully people."

"I haven't done anything yet, you have learned to speak human language."

It's the Song Dynasty again, and it's the emperor again. The titles that Zhang Tonggu didn't bring were all made up by these two people.

Zhang Tonggu rolled his eyes, he had just finished the draft... Since he doesn't want to eat hard things, let's talk about soft ones.

It's just that today's revenge, he has written it down.

However, he still didn't get a chance to speak.

"Minister Zhang Jun!"

"Chen Yue Fei!"

"See Your Majesty!"

The two of them came here on a hurry again, and they didn't even change their armor, let alone sleep.

There was still dried and black blood on the armor, Liu Bang waved his hand, and asked straight to the point:

"Zhang Jun, how about going to kill the enemy this time?"

Zhang Taiwei knew what the emperor wanted to ask, but seeing the golden man standing next to him, he didn't know what the situation was.

Say no, don't say no.

Instead, seeing that he didn't answer, Yue Fei helped him and said:

"Officials, the Taiwei fought the enemy bravely and did not let a thief escape."

He still kept a low profile, not only did he not let go of one person, he didn't even let go of an ant.

Zhang Jun seemed to be possessed by a demon, regardless of whether he surrendered or not, he would not leave a single person alive.

Yue Fei, who likes to recruit the enemy's army, felt a little heartbroken.

Those who jumped into the sea were all caught up by him by boat, and those who drowned and fell to death were not spared, and their heads were all cut off.

At the end, Zhang Taiwei still counted, and there were only more than 270, and he was still quite angry.

If Yue Fei hadn't been watching there, he would have suspected that Zhang Jun wanted to kill him and take credit for it!

Liu Bang looked at the old boy: "There are only about 270 people there, am I right?"

Zhang Jun made a bow and said, "The officials are really gods and men! It is indeed this number!"

"Then... there are still thirty, how can I say?"

No one knew what kind of riddle the monarch and his subjects were playing, so Zhang Jun tentatively said:
"The next time I go to the battlefield, the minister will make up for it?"

"That's all there is to it... But, there are ready-made ones here!"

Zhang Jun was startled, and subconsciously looked at the several golden envoys.

It was like looking at a dead body, and the three of them were so unaccustomed to seeing it.

Liu Bang walked down, and everyone lowered their heads. He looked at Zhang Tonggu, who kept avoiding his eyes, and he didn't know how many bad things he had done.

"Are you Chinese?"

When Su Fu scolded him, Liu Bang really listened.

Zhang Tonggu didn't understand what he meant, he cupped his hands and said:

"Born in Huayi, with its own divisions, not where I live."

After taking the book form from Lu Zai, Liu Bang folded it in half several times, and then raised his head again, but this time, he was facing two deputy envoys:
"If you want to talk, you can."

"I'm still saying the same thing, pretending to be two, can you decide?"

The two bowed and said: "Your Majesty clearly learned that it is not we who are in charge, but our lord."

"Then," he held the list between his fingers and shook it in front of the two, "is that what your emperor meant?"


The two were speechless, but looked at Zheng Shi in front of them.

Liu Bang understood it, turned around and went up the steps again, snatched the golden hammer from the golden melon guard, and threw it directly to Zhang Jun.

Zhang Taiwei's hands sank, and he almost didn't catch it.

"The official family..."

"Pay off the debt!"

Zhang Jun's eyes widened and he still couldn't believe it:

Liu Bang stared at him firmly, and squeezed out the same two words from his mouth:
"Pay off the debt!"

Zhang Jun endured it for several days, his eyes were already red.

At this moment, he turned his head to look at Zhang Tonggu, as if he was going to eat him raw.

At this time, no matter how slow the reaction was, the envoy of Jin Guozheng sensed that something was wrong, and yelled:

"Song...Your Majesty, what do you want?!"

It's a pity, no matter how you look at it, it's a bit harsh.

Zhang Jun waved his hands, and hit Zhang Tonggu's head with a hammer. Immediately, a stream of blood left from the top of his head.

The hammer knocked everyone into silence, before they could react, Zhang Taiwei seemed to have lost his mind, and struck with the hammer again.

Zhang Tonggu couldn't stand anymore and fell to the ground.

The moment he closed his eyes, he suddenly remembered many things.

He thought of Emperor Tianzuo of the Liao Kingdom, Tong Guan and Liu Yanqing, and Wanyan Zongwang.

If he had been summoned by Tong Guan back then, what would happen to him today...

He didn't have an answer, and he didn't even feel any pain. It was a wonderful feeling just watching Zhang Jun keep beating his head.

The two deputy envoys wanted to pull people, but Yue Fei stared at them, how dare they act recklessly!
Zhang Jun rode directly on Zhang Tonggu's body, one hammer, one hammer, another hammer...

His nose was crooked and his mouth was smashed, and the flesh and blood on his face was smashed into a paste.

The blood was the same color as the official uniform, and the bones and pieces of meat flew together.

A group of civil servants, the timid ones almost vomited out, and the courageous faces turned into a pig's liver, and they couldn't bear to look at it any longer.

Instead, it was Yue Fei's eyes... Every time Zhang Jun hammered down, his eyes lit up a little.

And Master Qin...

Every hammer seemed to be hammered on himself. Seeing that Zhang Tonggu was not breathing, his whole body seemed to fall into an endless abyss.

it's over...

I don't know how long it took to hammer, but Zhang Taiwei almost lost the strength to lift the golden hammer.

But like this, he still wanted to drag the hammer and swing it towards the dead man on the ground.

Winking at Yue Fei, Liu Bang signaled him to pull Zhang Jun away.

Don't drive Zhang Taiwei crazy just because of yourself.

In this way, he looked at the two deputy envoys again:

"Now, state your terms."

 On the last day of May, thank you for your votes and rewards.

  Thank you very much for the leader of brother 20230507162750239, I am really flattered.

  happy june everyone

(End of this chapter)

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