(Extra chapter by Jiang Chiyu)
"One group, everything is normal. Over!"

"Group [-], everything is normal. Over!"

"Three groups, normal. Over!"

Jiang Chiyu listened to the report in the earphones and casually picked up the cup and took a sip of coffee.

After this mission, he was about to change his career, and he was thinking about what he would bring to his family when he went back.

Jiang Anrao is really greedy, and all he wants is food!

He calculated the time. If he drove back, the stuffed goods would be fine. He would buy more for her later.

Although I was thinking about this, my eyes were still paying attention to the surroundings as usual.

The target person has not yet appeared, and each group has not discovered it. I wonder if the target mission will appear this time, so that they can hold the person down.

Well, the coffee in this restaurant tastes okay, but he prefers tea. He took another sip and tried to drink it all before leaving. He couldn't waste money.

When he raised his eyes again, he felt someone shaking in front of his eyes, and then there was another person on the opposite side.

The young and beautiful girl with long hair shawl and big black eyes put her bag next to her and asked tentatively:
"Mr. Jiang?"

Jiang Chiyu was stunned:

He didn't know the girl in front of him, but she actually knew his surname was Jiang?
"You look quite energetic, so why don't you post the photo? Oh, are you afraid of being seen and pestering you?"

Jiang Chiyu blinked, confused. Before he could speak, the girl opposite had already continued talking.

"Let me tell you about myself first. I am 29 years old, 170cm tall, and weigh 60kg. I own a house and a car. I don't smoke or drink. I have no bad habits. I am currently working as a tutor in an educational institution and I have some other income. The monthly salary ranges from 5000 to 15000, which is not very stable, but I can live comfortably."

After the girl finished speaking, she looked at Jiang Chiyu, the look in her big eyes was obvious. "It's your turn."

Jiang Chiyu already understood that this was probably a blind date, and he recognized the wrong person.

He was about to explain:

"Yue Fulan?"

Before Jiang Chiyu finished speaking, a male voice sounded next to him. The girl and Jiang Chiyu both looked over and saw a tall man looking at the girl.

Yue Fulan was also stunned when his name was called, and looked at the man strangely.

The man smiled, looking quite gentle, and said:
"Miss Yue Fulan Yue, right? I am Jiang Tong."

Yue Fulan was stunned, opened his mouth slightly, and suddenly turned back to look at Jiang Chiyu.

"Ah!" Embarrassment flashed clearly on her face, and she quickly stood up, "Ah, I'm sorry, I may have mistaken you for the wrong person. Sorry!"

Then Jiang Chiyu saw that her face was visibly red from her neck to the top of her head.

When the man named Jiang Tong saw it, he also smiled and said:
"Haha, it's okay, this way." He said, indicating to her where his position was.Very close, separated from Jiang Chiyu by an aisle.

The girl quickly lowered her head and walked over there.The man nodded to Jiang Chiyu and followed him.

"Huh?" Jiang Chiyu wanted to remind her that she had left her bag.As soon as he opened his mouth, he noticed that the target person appeared not far away.

The various action groups in the headset have also begun preparing for action.

Jiang Chiyu shut up for the time being, listening to the sound of the headphones, and at the same time checked the distance between himself and the target person.

The girl sat down over there, but because she had just made a mistake, she was probably still embarrassed, so she didn't raise her head to talk to Mr. Jiang. The atmosphere between the two of them was a bit awkward.

The target people have all arrived, and they are starting to open their laptops, take out the USB flash drive, and plug it into their computers.

Each group in Jiang Chiyu's headset began to take up their positions, waiting for the order to take action.

Jiang Chiyu stood up, walked around to the opposite side of the table, picked up Yue Fulan's bag, and walked over.

"Beauty, don't forget your bag."

He placed the bag next to the girl, nodded, and turned towards the cashier.

Walk towards the cashier from here, and you can pass by the target person.

"Oh, thank you!" He took two steps before the girl's voice behind him rang.

Jiang Chiyu looked back and saw that the girl's big eyes were looking at him. Her face had returned to normal, but it was still a little pink.

Jiang Chiyu smiled, nodded, turned around and continued walking on his own way.

It felt like the eyes behind him had been following him, but at this moment, it was impossible for him to look back.


The order to start the operation came from the headset. Jiang Chiyu's gait was still calm, but he was already close to the target person. At the same time, he saw several of his teammates coming from various places.

Some of them were dressed as guests like him, and some were holding trays and cups of coffee. They all vaguely surrounded the target person from different angles.

"Be careful with the computers and USB drives in their hands, they are important evidence."

The leader's instructions came to my ears, but no one said anything. Everyone was not a rookie, so they all knew the importance.

At a suitable distance, several people understood and suddenly acted at the same time. Before the two people could realize what happened, they were already pinned to the ground.

Jiang Chiyu made sure that both of them were done and there were no dangerous weapons, so he checked the laptops on both sides.

"Report, the scene has been controlled and the evidence is intact."

Jiang Chiyu reported to the leader.

After receiving the order, he said to several team members:
"Take it away, close the team."

Everyone here moved too fast. In the blink of an eye, someone was knocked down and then taken away. The cafe was full of people who were busy doing their own things. Some people didn't even notice what was happening here.

But those sitting close to the two people were still startled.

Jiang Chiyu took out his ID and showed it:

"On mission, sorry to disturb you."

After saying that, someone took the evidence bag and put all the laptop USB flash drives into the bag.

"Close the team!"

Jiang Chiyu led people to collect the team.

As soon as I left the coffee shop, I heard someone shouting from behind me.

"That, Mr. Jiang!"

Jiang Chiyu turned around and saw Yue Fulan.

"Your surname is Jiang, right?"

Jiang Chiyu didn't understand what she was going to do, but nodded and asked:

"Excuse me, what's the matter?"

"Um, can you add your contact information?" Yue Fulan asked, his face turning red again.

In the headset channel, I suddenly remembered the booing from my teammates.


Jiang Chiyu's face remained calm, as if he couldn't hear those strange tunes. "Sorry, I don't have my phone with me during working hours."

He really didn't bring it.

Yue Fulan was obviously disappointed, but after thinking about it, he asked again:

"My name is Yue Fulan, may I ask, what is your name?"

Jiang Chiyu was silent for a while, still ignoring the calls in the earphones.

"You just said you were closing the team, right? Now, why don't you just tell me your name?"

"I'll bring Long Chiyu with me later, half brushing the wind and half entering the building." Jiang Chiyu said suddenly.

Yue Fulan was stunned and was about to say, how do you know the origin of my name?

Jiang Chiyu smiled and said:
"Hello, I'm Jiang Chiyu."

(End of Jiang Chiyu’s extra chapter)


Zhao Ji wanted to say something else, but Ying Zheng had already changed his clothes and came over.

She then stood up, tidied Ying Zheng's clothes with a gentle look on her face, and then watched Jiang Anrao take him to the martial arts arena as if nothing had happened.

Ying Zheng had seen and heard the conversation between Jiang Anrao and her, and was very unhappy with Zhao Ji's behavior.But at this time, he acted as usual.

When there was finally no one around, Ying Zheng looked anxious and asked Jiang Anrao:
"Aniang? What happened to my grandma? What did you mean just now?"

No wonder Ying Zheng was anxious. He could hear what the Jiang family was saying, but he had no way to speak!

Seeing them talking about leaving, going back, etc., he panicked.

It was Jiang Anrao who originally told him not to always call him into the palace, so as not to make Zhao Ji unhappy and Ying Zheng would not be able to take care of it.

"Zheng'er, people are born, old, sick and die. This is the law of nature. My mother-in-law and I will also grow old and leave."

"You keep talking about going back, where are you going?"

"That's another world. After people die, they go to a place that no human effort can ever reach."

Ying Zheng looked at her with a rare childish stubbornness on his face:

"Even the Emperor can't arrive?"

Jiang Anrao knew what he was thinking. Although he wanted to leave him a message, he was also afraid that he was like the emperor in history, obsessed with immortality, and in the end he took pills and his life span was greatly shortened.

She solemnly said:

"Zheng'er, you have to remember that there are no immortals in this world, let alone fairyland. So never believe in immortality or elixirs.

Even if you really become the common master of the world and the emperor for eternity, you will still be made of flesh and blood after all.

If you want to live a long life, exercise and eat three stable and balanced meals. If someone tells you in the future that you can live longer and become immortal just by taking a pill, don't believe it.

If you are sick, go to a doctor, not an alchemist.

If we leave one day, don't look for us.Cherish everything while you are alive, and you will have no regrets after death.

The separation may be to prepare for the next encounter.

Do you remember these words? "

Ying Zheng nodded, but still struggled:
"But Aniang, where do you mean you are going back when you say you are going back? Can't you take me with you?"

"Of course I want to take you with me, and I want to take you away now. But if you leave, who will save the people in this world? You still have your mission to complete, and you are still so young, which is great Rivers and mountains, you must take a look."

"Auntie, are you really not an immortal?"

"Haha, of course not. How can there be immortals like us? We are just a little bit special, but we are all mortals. If you don't see us, you will get hurt and tired."

In this case, I don’t know if I can really persuade Ying Zheng.

This child is so precocious that even Jiang Anrao often doesn't know what he is really thinking.

After thinking about it, Jiang Anrao mainly told him not to believe in the alchemist's elixirs and not to eat them when he was older.

"Auntie? How big is this world? In addition to Qin, Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, Wei, there are also barbarians such as the Huns, Yuezhi, Xiqiang, etc. Do I have to pacify all of them before I can be considered the co-owner of the world?"

Ying Zheng finally stopped asking Jiang An about the Jiang family, but asked about other things.

"For the time being, the co-lord of the world is the co-lord of China. Although these vassal states today are in charge of their own affairs, they are all members of the Huaxia tribe. This is what I often say about the Huaxia family."

"Now that the Wei State has been annexed by the Wei State, although Qin helped it recover before, it is now a subsidiary of the Qin State; the Chu State has also destroyed the Lu State and the Fei State, and there are only seven vassal states left in the world. That’s it. As long as I destroy the other six countries, that’s enough?”

"Yes, it will be a great feat for you to end the Warring States period. By then you will be the true co-owner of the world and the emperor of the ages."

"But the Xiongnu, Beihu and other foreigners are also very annoying, and they often harass the Central Plains. They don't do production, they come to rob when they have strong soldiers and horses, and when they can't be defeated, they surrender and demand our supplies every year. If these people are not eliminated, the Central Plains will be difficult to quiet."

"Then fight. After you have stabilized the world and enriched the country and strengthened the army, if they dare to invade again, you will destroy them one by one."

Jiang Anrao knew that if he said this, he would definitely be complained about.After all, her frivolous words might cause a lot of bloodshed in the future.

But if you think about the history books, you will know that the integration of nationalities is also a bloody process. This is the pain of history. If you want to expand your territory, you will inevitably be accompanied by such pain.

"Why does Zheng'er think that no one in the world can compete with Great Qin?"

"The Qin Dynasty has strong soldiers and strong horses."

"Any more?"

Ying Zheng thought for a while:
"Da Qin has enough food."

"In fact, it is not enough. Today's food needs to feed the army and the Chinese people. In fact, many times, farmers who do not go to the battlefield and farm diligently every year will go hungry."

"It's not that Da Qin has enough food to eat, it's just that there have been no natural disasters in these years, so it has accumulated more, a little more than other countries. This is the land accumulated over the past dynasties, and it is not a day's work.

So if you want to fight, you must first prepare enough food.Don't just go to war and collect food, starving the people to death. No matter where you fight when you fall, you will fail in the end. "

"I understand what grandma said, rest and recuperate!"

"Yes. Don't be impatient. Everything must be done step by step. The kings of the Great Qin Dynasty all hoped to pacify the world, but even if they did not see that day, they still contributed a lot to the Great Qin, because when they were alive, they all did After doing what you should do, Zheng'er must also remember that not only must he achieve his own great career, but he must also leave a solid legacy for future generations.

do you know? "

Ying Zheng listened, and even though he didn't understand some of them, he still kept them in mind.Auntie taught me nothing wrong.

"If a teacher comes to teach you how to read later, remember to study hard. If you have any questions, ask carefully. I will look at it later. If the teacher is not suitable, we can change it."


Ying Zheng nodded and told Jiang Anrao to remember to let Wang Jian enter the palace to practice martial arts with him.

"Well, Wang Jian is already seventeen now and is about to go to the battlefield. Before he joins the army, let him come to accompany you often."

"Brother Jian is going to the battlefield too?"

"The edge of a sword comes from sharpening. He has practiced martial arts for so long, so naturally he also wants to go to the battlefield to experience it. When you need a good general in the future, he can charge into battle for you, right?"

Ying Zheng looked at Jiang Anrao and felt a little moved.

It turns out that this adopted son that A Niang has adopted can be used for the future?Really well-intentioned.

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