If the Qin State occupies Shangdang, then the connection between the east and west sides of the Wei State will be cut off, and the part of the Wei State's territory close to the Qin State will be in Qin's pocket sooner or later!

But Shangdang belongs to South Korea, and it is useless for Wei to worry.The King of Han ordered the governor of Shangdang to hand over Shangdang to Qin.But at this time, the Shangdang County Sheriff suddenly became very clever and did not listen to the king's order.

This guy was also thoughtful, so he changed hands and gave Shangdang to Zhao Guo.

The king of Zhao was sitting in the court, and the pie came from the sky.Qin State fought against Wei State and South Korea for half a year, but the Shangdang changed hands and was taken over by King Zhao who sent troops!
When King Qin Zhao heard the news, he was so angry that he wanted to smash everything in Zhangtai Palace!Naturally, the State of Qin couldn't swallow this breath, and immediately sent troops to attack the State of Zhao!
Li Mu of the State of Zhao was using troops against the Huns and was unable to do anything at all. Lian Po was also entangled in the battlefield and couldn't escape. The strength of the State of Zhao was instantly stretched.

Jiang Anrao had previously rescued Qin's wounded soldiers. Naturally, it was impossible to hide such a thing from others.In view of the tense situation between Qin and Zhao, Jiang Anrao did not go to Zhao anymore, but returned to Qin with the Mo merchants and wounded soldiers.

Although the wounded soldiers are somewhat disabled, they are all young and strong men after all. They are still strong laborers even if they are not on the battlefield.With more than [-] people, the Jiang family's pasture farmland is now not what it used to be, and there are many industries. In fact, these people have completely arranged it.

However, the number of wounded soldiers who retired from the war was far more than these 1.

It turns out that the army's medical treatment cannot keep up, so when people are seriously injured, they no longer intend to live. They simply fight against the enemy until they die.

But because Grandma Jiang has been working tirelessly to improve Qin's medical conditions, some first-aid medicines are always available on the battlefield, and people in the army have also been taught some first-aid methods, so slowly those who were injured in the battle have a chance to survive. .

This is actually very rare among other countries.After all, everyone knows that human life is worthless.

However, because Jiang Ruoyang is in a high position and has been vigorously promoting these, generals like Bai Qi who are close to the Jiang family have gradually adopted this system of rescuing wounded soldiers. Therefore, after the war in Qin in recent years, there will be some The wounded soldier returns.

Although these people have missing limbs, some of them have military merits.

According to Qin law, if you have military merit, you must also divide the land.Many people fight desperately just to give up their lives and give their families a good life.These men with military exploits went home, and because they had land and money, they could live a comfortable life.But those who have no military merit will become a burden on their families if they return home after being injured.

Among these people, there are actually fishermen, woodsmen, hunters, cooks, diners, and blacksmiths. Many of them were actually the mainstay of their families.But if a person is injured, it is equivalent to being disabled.

So in fact, ever since the wounded soldiers returned, there has been some unrest down there.

Husbands and wives are birds of the same forest, and when disaster strikes, they fly separately.

There are many couples in Qin, and many wounded soldiers have returned home with their wives married to others. Even if their wives are not married to others, few would be willing to keep a disabled husband.

Therefore, the initial joy of these wounded soldiers returning with their lives was slowly turned into resentment by life.

The more than 1 wounded soldiers Jiang Anrao brought back this time can be regarded as the largest number in history.These were all soldiers who had been saved by Jiang Ruoyang, and most of them had no military exploits.

At this time, if they were simply returned to their place of origin and returned home, I am afraid that most of them would not be accepted by their families.So when Jiang Anrao returned to Qin, he was discussing with Father Jiang how to place these wounded soldiers.

Not only the current group, but also the war will continue in the future, which means that more people will have to be resettled, and these people cannot be allowed to wander around like this or be riddled with grievances.

These people have been on the battlefield and have seen life and death. If one day they really feel that they are cornered, they might do something out of cynical attitude!

After staying up for a few days, Jiang Ruoyang and Jiang Anrao came up with a set of arrangements for the placement of injured people during the war.

On the morning of the second day after the plan came out, Jiang Ruoyang went to the palace to find King Qin Zhao with the plan in hand with red eyes.

My leg is injured, but my hand is still there. Can I do some craftsmanship?Is it possible to weave baskets, baskets, and straw sandals to weave mats?If one of your hands is broken and you still have one, can you lead a cow and breed it?Order some seeds?
Although we want these disabled people to spend the rest of their lives in peace, this is the way the world is and there is no way the country can feed so many people for nothing.In fact, these people who have returned from injury do not like to face the pity or disgust of others. They also hope that they can exert their own value.

So not long after, King Qin Zhao issued an edict.In various cities in the Qin State, the county government opened some restaurants, restaurants, inns and other shops. These shops were built with money and materials provided by the state and were specially operated and managed by wounded soldiers.

As long as these shops are operated legally, they can receive preferential tax treatment.In addition, wounded soldiers would be given preferential treatment if they rented land, and their taxes would also be reduced.

Some people tried to go to these shops out of curiosity.

Sure enough, there were all kinds of people with various injuries inside, but they were all young and strong young people with good attitudes, very efficient in doing things, and the quality of the things in the store was very good.Just like restaurants, the food there tastes good and is plentiful and affordable, so even ordinary people can afford it.

The items in other stores are also of high quality and low price.

Gradually, people in Qin liked to go to such shops to consume.

Some families with quick thinking went to select suitable young men and marry their daughters.

As long as you marry these wounded soldiers, you will get discounts on renting fields at home in the future!All taxes can be partially deducted.

Not to mention that when a child is born, you need to give the child food, um, some anti-epidemic drugs, and you can get discounts!
The wounded soldiers who were originally very easy to arouse people's disgust have slowly become an existence that all Chinese people can accept.Now they no longer feel uncomfortable because of their disabilities, but have gained people's respect.

These scars have also turned into their medals!When some wounded soldiers accidentally recalled the scene when they returned to Qin State with wounds and a daze, they felt very happy!At the same time, I am grateful.

Of course they know how all this came about. It was the Mohist tycoon and the right prime minister who helped them fight for it!
Therefore, the Mohist family and Jiang Ruoyang's prestige in Da Qin is even greater. The people of Qin may not be able to explain the truth, but if you ask him to talk about some Mohist scriptures, he might be able to recite a large section for you!Although not everyone in Qin is a Mohist, the Mohists are highly respected in Qin!
After Jiang Anrao and Father Jiang studied how to properly arrange the wounded soldiers, they began to inspect the Qin area.

She plans to try it next year and plant two crops a year in Hanzhong! (End of chapter)

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