Morbid pet

Chapter 292 Something happened to An Ying in Jiangnan

Chapter 292 Something happened to An Ying in Jiangnan
Chang Le's abnormality did not escape Xie Zhao's eyes, and Xie Zhao frowned, "Chu Chu, what's wrong with you? If you have something wrong, just tell me."

Chang Le raised his head and glanced at Xie Zhao. Seeing his firm eyes, Chang Le expressed his concerns, "A Zhao, I."

"Chuchu, I will never blame you. Even if something happens to you, it doesn't matter. You just need to remember one thing. You will always be the most important person to me, no matter when and where."

Xie Zhao held Chang Le's hand and said solemnly.

Chang Le looked at Xie Zhao blankly.

She didn't know how to describe her mood at this moment.

Although she had long known that Xie Zhao treated her very well, when she really heard Xie Zhao's solemn promise, she still felt a little dazed and couldn't believe it.


Chang Le came back to his senses, sighed softly, shook his head and said: "That's all, since you have already decided, I will no longer advise you. Don't worry about Chu Yuan's matter. I will support you. I will never It’s dragging you down.”

Hearing this, Xie Zhao looked at her with bright eyes, "Chu Chu, are you really willing to help me?"

Chang Le smiled and said, "Of course, we are childhood sweethearts, and" she blinked her eyes and stuck out her tongue playfully, "and I have something to ask for from you."

Xie Zhao pinched the bridge of her nose lovingly, "You should tell me what you can do for me to help."

Changle sighed and said suddenly: "Of course something happened. Qian Sen saw me at the market last time and told me."

Xie Zhao slowly poured down the water and asked, "What's going on?"

Changle frowned and said, "An Ying had an accident in Jiangnan."

Xie Zhao: "What?"

This time, Chang Le's eyebrows were slightly lame and he said slowly: "He must have been stimulated by Song Yue. He kept playing in the flower house in Jiangnan, and then gave all the beauty pills he brought with him to the oiran. The oiran took them for a few days and saw the effect. She just took a large amount of it. An Ying was half asleep and didn't remind her. As a result, the people were gone. Didn't the governor of Jiangnan change? I don't know why the news didn't come through. We don't know. If you say that in normal times, an oiran will die. But he died because of Bijinwan, so public opinion is like a time bomb, and you don’t know when it will explode.”

Xie Zhao sighed: "I will send someone to investigate this matter, and then try to suppress the beauty pills. This is the only way. Why is this beauty pill so troublesome? If you eat too much, people will die. Don't sell this kind of thing ”

Changle thought the same way, "We didn't know it before. We just ate it as a skin care product. Now that I think about it, I took two pills. So many noble ladies in Chang'an City bought them back, but none of them had any problems. I suspect another problem is that the Oiran's beauty pills are too effective and too easy to come by. She doesn't know that the beauty pills cost 20 taels a piece in Chang'an City. If she knew, she would eat several hundred at a time. Pills? Eating too much of anything has side effects, let alone skin care products? If she doesn’t take care of her body like this, it would be useless if she were replaced by a god."

Xie Zhao held Chang Le's waist and said softly: "Well, I will arrange for someone to handle this matter, so don't think about it."

Changle nodded, "Yeah, okay."

Xie Zhao said warmly: "By the way, what are the plans for today?"

Changle said worriedly: "I want to go to Jiangnan."

Xie Zhao said sharply: "Go to Jiangnan to find An Ying?"

Changle nodded and said, "Yes, I really don't worry about where he is. Now that something like this has happened, I guess he feels bad too. Women are being abandoned and beaten one after another."

Xie Zhao held his head: "An Ying is an adult and should learn to pay for his own choices. He is half asleep himself. I'm afraid he will hurt you."

Changle smiled and said: "Hurt? What did he use to hurt me? You have killed all the worms in his body. I can just bring a team of guards over. It's actually not bad to go to Jiangnan by boat."

Xie Zhao didn't have time to accompany Chang Le there. She had to go there by herself, which made him worried. Xie Zhao still dissuaded her and said: "Chu Chu, you have to pay attention to your safety. I really can't spare the time to accompany you during this period." you go."

Changle shook his head and said in a light voice: "No need, I can go by myself."

Xie Zhao: "Okay, this time I will let you escort you in the middle of the night."

Changle chuckled and said, "How can I be so virtuous? I asked your right protector to take me there."

Xie Zhao knew that Chang Le was teasing him, because there were rumors in the market that today there are two black and white evil guardians, one is Midnight and the other is Midnight, both are Shura from hell, and they can kill people without red eyes. The methods are endless, cold, vicious, and daunting. The key is that these two people have extremely high positions and control the entire public security and punishment of the Ming Dynasty.

In many cases, midnight and midnight took over the work of Xie Zhaozhi's children crying at night.

Changle smiled and said suddenly: "Okay, let's go in the middle of the night. At least there will be an official from Chang'an City."

Changle didn't say the last half of the sentence.

Xie Zhao knew that Changle was determined to go there, so he didn't stop him. "Okay, how long will it take to set off?"

Changle thought for a moment and said, "As soon as possible, tonight."

Xie Zhao didn't say much. "good."
On the ship heading to Jiangnan.

I don’t get seasick in Changle. I spent these two days enjoying the beautiful scenery of mountains, rivers and lakes.

She often sat by the window for the whole day. Dieshi was a little seasick and spent most of the time meditating with the cold wind blowing, so there were no people to talk to and joke with Changle. There were only some new maids, the guards and Ye Midi .

Occasionally he would come over and talk to Changle in the middle of the night, but he would soon walk away.

On this day, Chang Le wanted to tease Ye Ban, so he said, "Ye Ban, do you have any maids who are interested in eating?"

Ye Ban shook his head and asked, "What is counter food?"

Chang Le was surprised and said: "No way, you are a minister of the Ministry of Justice, but you can't even get a wife. Didn't your Majesty say to help you make arrangements?"

In the middle of the night, his face turned blue and red. He didn't understand the food palace maid just now, but now he understands that she is his wife. He saw that many people in Dongchang would look for some little palace maids in the palace every day. People who eat with themselves are called opposites.

Ye Ban shook his head and said, "His Majesty once wanted to introduce me to San Geng, but we rejected him. He doesn't really want that kind of relationship."

Chang Le raised his eyebrows and said, "I don't want to but there is someone in my heart? Huh?"

Ye Ban's eyes unconsciously fell on Die Shi who was seasick on the deck. He felt guilty for a moment, and then said solemnly: "Queen, Ye Ban is a disabled person. I don't dare to say that I like the girl. This is a waste of time for others." , can’t do it in the middle of the night.”

Chang Le: "Midnight, where did your idea come from? How old-fashioned! Look at the little eunuchs in the palace who have found a maid to eat with them. Everyone can play together when they are free all day long. How great? Two people are better than one. A person is good, and your master is the current Holy Emperor, and you yourself can be regarded as inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. This is not called delaying others. Now go out and ask Chang'an City how many noble ladies are rushing to join your kind of society. The door to the new rich.”

Ye Ban still refused: "Thank you for your kindness, but Ye Ban really doesn't have the heart to think about these things right now."

Die Shi walked in not knowing how long ago, her eyes fell on Ye Midi, and quickly moved away. Her eyelashes were a little moist, which was the warmth from the violent cough she had just had. "Mom, it's time for dinner."

Chang Le nodded slightly, stood up and said, "Let's go over and eat together. The dining room is just so big, so don't be constrained." Die Shi, Ye Ban, and Chang Le.

The three people strangely gathered together at a table on the lake.

Midnight was the first to break the silence. He asked Changle: "Mother, do you want to eat rice?"

Changle shook his head, pointed to the black rice porridge and said: "I drink porridge, I don't want to eat rice anymore. You can do whatever you want, don't worry about me."

Midnight nodded, not knowing where to put his hands, and then asked Dieshi: "Auntie Dieshi, do you eat rice?"

Dieshi nodded and said yes, her eyes kept falling on Ye Midi's cramped arms. This man could crush the throat of a [-]-pound man with his bare hands, but his hands would shake even if he was eating in front of the girl he liked.

Dieshi couldn't help but laugh, and Changle looked at her doubtfully.

Dieshi's smile quickly faded, "It's okay, my dear, please eat quickly."

Changle said nothing and continued to eat in a daze.

In the middle of the night, after finishing his meal with Die Shi, he sat far away. From his angle, he could just see Die Shi's side face, which was very beautiful.As her name suggests, when I see her, I think of butterflies flying in April. However, with such a flamboyant appearance, she has a cold temperament, which is very inconsistent with her appearance.

Changle said suddenly: "I'm full, you can eat slowly."

Only Die Shi and Ye Ban were left in the small dining room.

Die Shi had a brief encounter with Xie Lingfeng who was next to Xie Zhao before. Of course, the specific inside story was known in the middle of the night. It was Xie Lingfeng who kept chasing him, so Die Shi reluctantly had a few meals with him, but it was just a meal. After getting along with each other, Dieshi also felt that Xie Lingfeng was not suitable for her, and they soon stopped interacting with him.

Ye Midi has never spoken out his inner feelings because he feels that he is not worthy, and those undeclared feelings are not even worth mentioning.

In the middle of the night, I continued to eat.

Die Shi spoke first, "Thank you for the citrus tea you sent me these past two days. I feel much better after drinking it. When I feel seasick, I can just blow some air and feel better."

Ye Midi groaned, he had never given anything to Die Shi in person, he just did it quietly every time when Die Shi was not around. When the secret was revealed, Ye Midi was still a little shocked.

His eating hand paused, the chopsticks were slowly placed flat on the clean bowl, and then he said: "You know everything?"

Dieshi smiled and raised her eyebrows: "Do you think I'm stupid?"

He said nothing in the middle of the night, "You're not stupid, it turns out I was stupid."

Die Shi thought for a while and said, "Thank you, why are you so nice to me?" Then he casually picked up the food at the bottom of his bowl and picked out the ones he didn't like.

Midnight said warmly: "I don't do anything, I just want to see how pitiful you are."

Dieshi smiled and said, "You are the least talkative person I have ever seen working in the palace, but you can actually hold such a high position beside His Majesty. You are so awesome."

In the middle of the night, he was a little frightened and said, "Miss Dieshi, don't hurt me anymore."

"Just call me Dieshi. Don't call me girl. It makes you look like you are very old. You are obviously two years younger than His Majesty. You wrap yourself in a black mist all day long. Have you ever seen the sun? Do you know that in the sunshine? What does it feel like to take a walk?"

To be honest, I haven't seen him in the middle of the night.

He has lived in the shadows for most of his life.

Prison constituted most of his life.

Or kill someone for Xie Zhao.

How can a person like him, who lives in sin and blood all day long and cannot be washed away, come out into the sunshine?

Midnight laughed at himself: "Die Shi, there is too much blood on my hands, how can I walk out into the sun?"

Die Shi smiled and said: "Who doesn't have blood on their hands? There is no wrongdoing. You have to walk under the sun after all. And your nature is not bad. Otherwise, you will not be allowed to sit in the position of Minister of the Ministry of Justice. You don't have to put yourself in trouble." Wear the shackles at all times, and when it’s time to relax, you should relax, do you understand?”

Ye Ban thought for a moment and said, "What you said makes sense. Thank you Die Shi. What are your plans for the future?"

Dieshi: "What are your plans? No, I will always stay with my mother-in-law. I don't want to get married either. This is good. When one day I can't do anything anymore, I will retire and return to my hometown to go out and see alone. outside world."

Midnight suddenly stopped and said: "Girls can't go out alone, it will be very dangerous."

Dieshi shook her head, "It's dangerous, then why don't you stay by my side to protect me?"

Ye Zi agreed directly without thinking, "Okay, I'll protect you."

Dieshi laughed, with a bright smile, "Well, let's pull the hook. If you break the contract, you will be a puppy."

Midnight also laughed, a rare smile appearing on his face. "good."

Dieshi said warmly: "Shall we go outside to enjoy the breeze?"

He agreed by mistake in the middle of the night. He was originally going to write a letter to Xie Zhao to report on the progress at night, but right now, he couldn't control it.

There is a magic power in Dieshi. The two have known each other for many years, but they have never said a few words to each other seriously. Every time they are business-like, indifference is meaningless.

But today is different.

Without Diancui, there would be no third watch to accompany you.

It was just him and Die Shi.

Dieshi actually didn't think that much. She just felt that this big boy was too stupid, so stupid that he wanted to be alone for the rest of his life. However, inexplicably, it fit his life path very well, so he just became a friend.

The wind at night is very cold, the lake is a dark ink color, the same color as the sky, the green plants on both sides are dull and dark blue without any sunlight, and there is only a full bright moon hanging there.

Dieshi slowly squatted down and hugged herself. In the middle of the night, she thought she was seasick again and supported her and said, "Are you seasick? I'll help you go in and sit down. It's windy outside."

Dieshi shook her head, "No, come sit with me in the middle of the night."

(End of this chapter)

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