Morbid pet

Chapter 286

Chapter 286

The spring boudoir exam is coming soon.

The atmosphere in the Imperial College where Elegy and Bian Ning were located was unprecedentedly tense, and even those young masters who usually idle around began to study hard.

Elegy is a master of chess, calligraphy and painting, and is very talented. She has accepted Master Li as her master early on. Her future is not a problem, but she also wants to pass this exam to prove herself in front of her adoptive parents.

Needless to say, Ban Ning, he studied hard in order to one day do something practical for the country, and his dream was right in front of him, and the stepping stone was this important exam.

Although Chang Le brought his younger brothers and sisters to school to see them several times, and each time he told them to stop working so hard, relax a little more, and relax a little more, but Elegy Banning is to study hard, get the results of this exam, and do well in the exam. Come.

Prove to Changle that he is not a waste, but someone who can be relied on.

Changle specially held a banquet in the western suburbs courtyard today and asked Elegy and Panning to come and play.

Elegy Ning readily agreed.

Western Suburbs.

"Brother, look, how beautiful this flower is!" Elegy pointed to the peonies blooming in the garden.

"Yes." Wan Ning agreed casually, his eyes falling on the peony.

The peony blooms extremely brightly, its stamens are as red as rouge, and it is as delicate as dripping blood. It has both color and fragrance. It is indeed a first-class flower, but...

Wan Ning frowned slightly, feeling an inexplicable uneasiness in his heart.

"What's the matter? Brother, don't you like peonies the most? My aunt grew them. She is the best at peonies." Ban Ning introduced happily, but did not notice that Ban Ning's face was getting paler.

"Elegy, you go back to the house first, I'll go find my wife."

Wan Ning suppressed the panic in his heart and whispered to Elegy.

Without doubting his presence, Elegy turned and walked toward the house.

Wan Ning took a deep breath and moved slowly.

"Miss! What are you doing? Come in quickly! Master has been waiting for a long time." Qiu Shuang sighed with her forehead in hand. When did the lady become so timid?In the past, she would bravely stand up to protect the young lady no matter how vicious the gangster was, but now she is so scared that she really doesn't know what to say.

"Miss Qiu Shuang, please help me take care of my sister, please."

After finishing the elegy, he ran away.

"Hey... Young Master... you haven't eaten yet? Young Master..." Qiu Shuang shouted after him, only to see Wan Ning's back fading away. She shook her head helplessly. Alas, the Young Master is really getting better and better. .

"Second Young Master, please sit down."

The master of the Imperial Academy, whose surname was Wang Bowen, was over fifty years old. He was full of knowledge and read poetry and books. He was a famous Confucian in the capital.

"Thank you, teacher." Wan Ning bowed his hands and sat down obediently.

"Do you want to listen to the Analects of Confucius or Mencius or the Book of Songs or the Book of Songs first?"

"Teacher, let me start with the "I Ching". I have been studying the "I Ching" during this period, so it is better to listen to the "I Ching" first." Ban Ning said with a smile, showing two tiger teeth, looking very cute.

Wang Bowen glanced at Ban Ning in slight surprise. He originally thought that the second young master would choose something more profound like "Shang Shu" or "Mencius", but he did not expect that he would choose the Book of Changes, which was beyond his expectation.

"Since the second young master chose the Book of Changes, let's start with the Book of Changes. The Book of Changes, also known as the Book of Changes, is the foundation and core theory of ancient arithmetic. It is an important philosophical system in world history and has extensive application and evolution. role and the cornerstone of socialist science and technology.”

"Yes, I remember. Teacher, please continue." Ban Ning listened carefully.

"Our country has a very long history since the Qin Dynasty. After the division of the north and the south at the end of Qin and the beginning of Han, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty Liu Xiu worked hard to govern, founded the State of Qin, and established a new regime - the Qin Dynasty. During this period, the Qin Dynasty ruled the six countries. Sweeping across the four seas and conquering eight wastelands, he established his hegemony. The Qin army was destroyed during the reign of King Qin Zhaoxiang. The Qin army general Liu Bang fled to the west to avoid disaster and established the Chu state. The Chu state was established in the hands of Xiang Yu and unified the world. During this period The State of Chu established the State of Western Chu."

"After the establishment of the Western Chu Kingdom, the Chu and Han Dynasties fought. Xiang Yu was defeated by Han Xin, retreated to Guanzhong, and fought with the Xiongnu. Both sides had their own victories. However, Xiang Yu lost the land of Heluo and his strength was greatly reduced, so he lost to Han Xin. , Han Xin took the opportunity to break through Hangu Pass, occupied Guanzhong, and became the third overlord in Chinese history. During this period, Qin Shihuang once led millions of troops into Guanzhong and launched a fierce war with Han Xin. Both sides suffered heavy casualties. In the end, the Qin Army Defeating Han Xin with a slight advantage and capturing Guanzhong, Qin Shihuang changed the Yuan Dynasty to 'Da Qin', made Liu Bang the prince, and established the Han Dynasty."

"During the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Qin Shihuang took charge personally and implemented new policies, which made the world rich and the people's living standards improved many times. The achievements of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty were recorded in the annals of history, and the Qin State also benefited from it and gradually became stronger."

"But after Qin became strong and powerful, it aroused dissatisfaction with other vassal states, especially Zhao, Wei, Han, Wei, Shu, Wu and other countries. They united to fight against Qin, which eventually led to the disintegration of Qin. Qin Shihuang died of illness, and Emperor Qin Xiaowen ascended the throne and established the Han Dynasty. Emperor Wu, the Qin State declined, but due to historical reasons, the Qin State still left many relics, such as Chang'an City."
The sound of books is loud here, and the other side is warm and pleasant.

Changle was carefully laying out the dishes, and there were traces of her careful arrangement everywhere.

"Go and ask them to come for dinner."


Die Shi retreated sideways.

The dining room is very large, but Changle still prefers to eat in the courtyard at night. It has the most family feeling. No matter how rich the meal is, it must be accompanied by beautiful scenery, and the beautiful scenery of the Western Suburbs Villa is the most unique.

Xie Zhao is also here today, which is rare. He made two dishes by himself. He will not talk about the preparations and will let Elegy Bianning come to eat them later.

See if their guess is correct?
Wan Ning followed Mrs. Wang out uneasily, followed by Elegy with a smile on her face.

Chang Le watched the two of them walk over thoughtfully. Ban Ning had grown a head taller than Chang Le. The child who was still between Chang Le's knees seemed to have grown up overnight. Chang Le was quite emotional.She sighed: "Elegy, Elegy, come and have a meal. After dinner, we'll go sit in the flower hall. Didn't you like listening to opera the most? I'll ask the opera troupe to come over later. I'll just come to the flower hall to sing opera. Over here You haven’t been to the flower hall yet, it’s very elegant.”

Wan Ning's thoughts were pulled back, and he suddenly laughed, with the corners of his mouth stiffened. "Well, thank you, auntie."

Changle raised his eyebrows and said, "Auntie? Are you so out of touch? Didn't we always call her aunt before?"

Wan Ning changed her words: "Aunt."

Changle shook his head imperceptibly: "Well, hello, aunt."

Wan Ning smiled slightly: "Auntie, don't think too much, the recent study pressure is too great, just wait until the Chungui exam is over."

Of course, Chang Le didn't want to get angry with an adolescent child. She smiled and said, "Come and eat. Guess which two dishes were cooked by my uncle. If you guess, you will win a prize."

The children were all excited, especially Nini and Tuantuan. The two innocent little dumplings could not eat the food that everyone was eating. What was placed in front of them was complementary food for young children, which was basically fruit puree and chicken breast. It's extremely light, and I don't even dare to add too many seasonings. Because children are growing older and cannot eat spicy foods such as heavy oil, salt, and chili.

But the two little dumplings also said with great interest: "Mother, concubine, father! Can we also guess!"

Changle shook his head: "You can't even eat, so why are you guessing?"

Nini was unhappy and pouted: "No! I just want to guess! You don't have to eat it. I guess the red dish in the middle was made by my father."

Xie Zhao shook his head: "No, honey."

Nini was frustrated.

Tuantuan saw his sister pouting her little mouth, frowning and pointing at the food in her bowl and said, "This is what your father made, right?" Xie Zhao's eyes lit up for a moment, "Cheating."

Changle laughed loudly, "Two little darlings, please don't guess. Let your sister and brother guess."

Everyone started to move their chopsticks.

In the end, Elegy guessed two unrelated dishes. In the end, Ban Ning guessed correctly. Xie Zhao only made two inconspicuous side dishes this time, but his knife skills for these side dishes were so good that no one went to him. Think about it, didn’t think about it
Changle finally asked: "Wan Ning, how did you guess it right?"

Wan Ning said without hesitation: "Because these two dishes feel like they were cooked by the same person as the baby food for my younger siblings."

Changle: "."


Wan Ning smiled and said, "Auntie, I'm full. I'll go to the flower hall to make tea and wait for you."

Changle nodded slightly and continued to eat the food in small bites.

No one thought there was anything inappropriate. Many dogmas and rules were equivalent to zero here in Changle. She herself was not a person who followed rules and rules, so of course she would not ask those around her to abide by the three obediences and four virtues. dogma of meaning.

In the flower hall.

The entire flower hall is built very grandly, almost as big as a small palace in the imperial city. Everywhere is full of rare flowers and plants, beautiful and coquettish, but these precious treasures raised in Changle cannot be touched. They are all highly poisonous, and a piranha flower is placed in the center.

Wan Ning's forehead twitched. The opera singer would come later. He didn't know how the opera singer would face the piranha in the center.

The southeast is the place where Changle rests, drinks tea and enjoys flowers.

Ban Ning walked over. Although he had never been to the Western Suburbs Courtyard, based on his understanding of Changle, he knew that Changle would definitely set up a tea and rest place here, so he came over in advance to make tea for them.

Banning's tea-making skills were outstanding. When Changle fled the Ming Dynasty, he was forced to enter the palace by Xie Zhaoxuan and learned it from Xie Zhao. Although Xie Zhao was so depressed at that time that he almost went crazy, but making tea The gestures were also more elegant than the others, which gave Wan Ning, who was still a child at the time, endless reverie.

Now, almost every movement he makes is as smooth as a copy of Xie Zhao, and this copy is more elegant than the original owner.

Xie Zhao also finished eating early and came over. He saw Ban Ning sitting alone in the corner making tea, looking a little lonely. He walked over and asked, "Ban Ning, what's wrong?"

Wan Ning was shocked for a moment, and then quickly adjusted his expression.

"Uncle, you are here. What you are making is white tea. Do you like drinking it?" He asked sincerely, because in the few times he and Xie Zhao got along, he remembered that Xie Zhao liked drinking black tea, not black tea. This white tea.

Xie Zhao was noncommittal, "The way you make tea makes me look like I was young. You don't need to worry about me. I'll be leaving soon. Your aunt will come over to watch a show with you in a while. I'm going to go to the study next to me to take care of things." It’s official business, you go ahead and play, no need to be restrained, it’s just like your own home.”

Wan Ning nodded, "Thank you, uncle."

Xie Zhao asked: "Have you encountered any difficulties in life or study recently? When I saw you today, why do you feel that you have no energy?"

A blank flashed across Wan Ning's handsome face for a moment, but soon the blank was filled by other magical things. He shook his head, scalded the tea cups in his hand one by one, and then started to make tea. .

"Uncle, I have to take the Chungui exam recently. It is indeed very stressful, but I have not encountered any difficulties in life and study. Thank you for your concern, uncle. You and aunt are already good enough to my sister and me. Really, The only thing I want to do now is to come out on top in this Chungui exam so that I can enter the imperial court on my own merits and contribute to the country in the future."

Xie Zhao suddenly felt a little emotional, "Do you still remember the first time we met?"

Xie Zhao said softly, his voice was the same as a few years ago, but his mood and tone had changed a lot. "You and Elegy were still just a little dumpling, a little bigger than our current kids. You were like a little glutinous rice dumpling. You followed Master all day long and were very cute. Later, I saw you again, but The master passed away. Before, I always thought that you would follow the master to preach and become a hermit or a Taoist priest. You would not be able to enter the imperial court, because Xianyun Yehe is used to being a filthy person in the imperial court. It's a matter of fact. However, you give me the feeling that you are working very hard now, and I admire you very much. Come on, I hope that you can use your own strength to walk up to my uncle in the hall with dignity this time. "

The blood all over Wan Ning's body seemed to start boiling with the water in the copper stove at hand, and white bubbles bubbled up.

Ban Ning: "I remember, when I first met you and my aunt, I felt that you two must not be from our world. You are too beautiful, like jade sculptures. I remember that I asked Master about it at that time. Asked if you are gods, Master said you are gods, and asked me if I like you? I nodded affirmatively, Master smiled mysteriously, and I still remember those words today."

Master said, "As long as you like them, after all, these two will be with you for the rest of their lives."

Ban Ning shook his head helplessly: "I didn't know what the master meant at the time. It was only after so many years that I suddenly remembered that the master had known about his physical problems for a long time, but he never said anything. He uses various optimistic methods to confuse everyone around him into thinking that he is just an old man. In fact, he is already very old and his body cannot bear it, so he always knows that he will leave, just like all of us. Everyone has thought of a way out."

Xie Zhao's heart was shaken.

Changle had just walked to the door when she heard the words inside, and her footsteps stopped instantly. At this moment, she wanted to cry. It turned out that the master had known everything that happened next, and he had calculated everyone's fate.

It was also considered that Changle would personally kill Gongsun Yu.

How painful that must be.

The pain after seeing through it is no less than those painful things happening to oneself.

Changle found it difficult to breathe just thinking about it.

Master has always been so optimistic.

Changle wiped his tears silently and walked over as if he hadn't heard, "Oh, just in time to drink hot tea."

"Auntie, you are here."

"Chuchu, you play with the children, and I'll go to the study to handle some official business first."

Chang Le sent Xie Zhao away with a smile, and then looked at Huan Ning, who was sitting next to Chang Le, "Auntie, I think my brother's tea-making skills are getting better and better. Last time in the tea art class, my brother was beaten back and forth by the master. I praised him for a long time."

Changle: "Did my uncle teach you how to make tea?"

Wan Ning responded calmly: "Yes, it was my uncle who taught me. My uncle is very patient with us and we all like him."

Changle nodded, "That's great."

Elegy suddenly said: "Auntie, after finishing the Chungui exam this time, I want to follow Master Li on a tour across the country. He said he would take me to pick up the style and find the feeling of painting. I want to paint a realistic picture through my own brushstrokes. The Ming Dynasty world."

Changle happily agreed: "My dear, you go ahead. Life is a wilderness. You don't need to be confined to a small place like Chang'an City. It's a good thing that you want to go out more when you are young. If you need any support, tell us. If you want to travel, please tell me. Everything will be arranged for you and Master Li, so you don’t have to worry.”

Elegy refused again and again: "Aunt, it doesn't have to be like this. I have already agreed with Master Li that we will set off as two people. I can take care of myself and take care of the master, but this journey may take several years. Auntie, I can't stay with you to fulfill my filial piety, will you blame Elegy?"

Changle frowned: "How can I blame you? My child, it is very encouraging to chase your dreams, and your life is for yourself, not others, you know? You don’t have to live in the eyes of others, just be yourself. I hope these few years of studying at the Imperial College will be helpful to your future.”

Elegy smiled and nodded, with tears in her eyes. "Thank you, aunt. Aunt, you are so kind. I don't know how to thank you."

Changle: "Fool, there's no need to thank you. My aunt is nice to you not because she wants your thanks. On the one hand, it's for the sake of the master, and on the other hand, it's just because she loves you."

After a pause, the opera troupe arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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