Morbid pet

Chapter 226 I think it's strange that he looks like this.

Chapter 226 I think it's strange that he looks like this.

On the eve of the expedition.

Royal Garden.

The sky is full of stars tonight, and the stars flicker dimly, as if they intend to show something.

Changle's small white face was dotted with moonlight, she looked pure and holy, and she was not easy to get close to. She just sat on the stool holding a golden pearl fan, her back was slightly bent, and she looked lazy.

Footsteps approached.

She looked sideways.

The bright and clean face, the bright red lips, the straight bridge of the nose, and the pair of scissored pupils that make people reluctant to take it away at a glance, are so beautiful that Xie Zhao's breath shudders.

"Chuchu, it's cold outside, why do you want to come here at night?"

Chang Le got up without saying anything, the round fan fell to the ground, she went straight to Xie Zhao, and hugged him forcefully.

She said nothing.

Xie Zhao didn't say anything either.

Everyone agrees.

A lot of words need not be said.

It is the answer itself.

Xie Zhao lightly kissed the top of her head, and the refreshing sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance lingered on the tip of his nose, lingering for a long time.

Changle slowly let go of his hand.

Xie Zhao bent down to pick up the round fan on the ground for her.

Chang Le took the round fan and patted his arm with the fan, showing a shy look of a little girl: "You still don't praise me? You solved such a big matter for you."

Xie Zhao listened to the third watch report.

Really shocked.

He suddenly felt that he had protected the girl for half of his life, and when he grew up, he could actually help him now.

For a while, he was at a loss.

"Chuchu. You are really powerful, but will it make me look really useless?"

Chang Le looked at Xie Zhao feigning anger, his mouth puffed up like a small puffer fish.

"Why are you useless? If the person in the position of emperor is Li Tianren, the rebels would have directly entered Chang'an City! You worry about the country every day, and everyone sees it. Even I think you have worked too hard, too hard. Yes, and you're really good. Tomorrow is my hero's day."

"Hero." Xie Zhao repeated with a smile. The smile on his face was three parts sincere and seven parts mocking. Of course, he was mocking himself. He felt that he was not worthy of the word hero. "Chuchu, don't praise me like that. I'm not worthy. What kind of hero am I? People like General Gongsun before are considered heroes. I can be considered a hero at most."

Chang Le was teased by him and leaned forward with a smile, "Xiaoxiong? You are awesome."

Xie Zhao shook his head, "Well, it's Xiongxiong. By the way, do you really want to go out with the army?"

Changle nodded, and said firmly: "This time, I went there with a mission. I'm going to meet Qian Sen, and I'll also go to the local area to help you raise granaries. This matter can't be sloppy. If the front line How can you fight a war without the most basic food? Isn’t it a real loss to my own people? I have to go, you don’t need to refute me, now that the country is in crisis, I have to take this responsibility on myself. I am the Empress of Ming Dynasty."

These words set the cold blood in Xie Zhao's body on fire and gradually boiled.

He didn't want to refuse any more, Daming's empress was also his lover, they were going to resist the hardships and dangers in the future together, at this moment, he felt indescribably happy.

Xie Zhao suddenly lifted Chang Le's waist, he carried him around in the air several times, and then planted a thin kiss on Chang Le's face before giving up.

Changle was amused by him and laughed.

The emperor and empress were in the imperial garden, looking at each other with smiles.

Changle felt so happy that she finally did something useful to Daming, the common people, and the country, which was much more fun than being a useless princess for 20 years.

It turns out that exerting one's own strength is such an exciting thing.
Set off.

Loud horns, mighty troops, people seeing off, cheering courtiers
They all engraved this exciting expedition in their hearts.

Some people wiped their tears, some people laughed heartily.

Xie Zhao took command and set off in person. He sat on top of a black steed. His horse was covered with thick and terrifying iron and masks from face to hoof, looking like a majestic knight.

And Xie Zhao was dressed in silver armor, and his hair was simply tied up with a black ribbon on his head, looking neat and heroic.

Changle is sitting in a carriage. There are so many people, not everyone rides a horse, so Changle's carriage does not look so cumbersome, but she is dressed in riding clothes, waiting to go out of the city, and then Riding his little red horse.

The little red horse is now big enough to be her knight.

After leaving the city, Chang Le opened the curtain and said to Dian Cui beside him: "Dian Cui, tell the coachman to stop, I want to ride Sun Chasing Red Flame!"

It took Dian Cui a long time to realize that Zhu Ri Hong Yan was the tall reddish-brown horse.

Chang Le sat on the horse as he wished, but a familiar figure suddenly appeared beside him.

Chang Le frowned and looked at the "acquaintance" beside him. "How did you come?"

Changsheng smiled and took off his helmet, revealing his bronzed face, "Hey, I'm here to join the army."

Chang Le frowned: "Join the army? What kind of army? Is there any army here that you can vote for?"

Chang Sheng covered his face and said: "Don't yell, I will ask you to ask His Majesty for help if they really want to deal with me by military law later!"

Changle also tried not to cause trouble with the army. She knew that Daming's military law was strict, and it always killed such foreign replacement soldiers without mercy.

Chang Le leaned to the side of the team on horseback, looked around and confirmed that no one could listen to their conversation with sharp ears, then whispered: "Changsheng! What are you crazy about?! Do you know what military law is? Who did you impersonate?"

Changsheng said in a low voice: "No, it's just a kid from his hometown. He himself doesn't want to join the army. I was drinking too much in the tavern that day, and I heard his conversation, so I took some measures to replace him. Don't worry, He's just a little soldier with no reputation, no one in the army knows him."

Chang Le looked cold, "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

Changsheng frowned, "You only informed me when you came! Marching and fighting is such a dangerous thing. Of course, I can't worry about you running in as a woman. Besides, I have brute force. If I can protect you, it will be worth it." .”

Chang Le did not speak, but pursed his lips tightly, and then sighed: "We have so similar thoughts, we both want to do something good for others. Hey, it's true. I won't talk about you anymore, but it will take three years to give birth. Can you make it back in time? Will she blame you for it? You have to think about it, it’s still too late to sneak back now."

"What sneaked back?"

Xie Zhao's calm voice sounded suddenly.

The people around slowly backed away.

Xie Zhao turned the horse's head around, and then stood side by side with Chang Le. "Changsheng?" He turned his head to see a familiar face.

Chang Sheng also nodded his head in embarrassment, "Your Majesty, you don't mind if I come to protect Chang Le?"

Xie Zhaoxiao didn't even have time, why would he mind?He immediately said happily: "Really? That's really great! I'm happier than anything else when someone is protecting me."

Chang Sheng: "Well, thank you Your Majesty."

Chang Le looked at the two people who were thinking about each other with a speechless face, but her heart was warm. These people are all people who care about him, how could she not feel it?

Xie Zhao: "By the way, Chuchu, we have to hurry up and go to Nan'an to join General Zhen. During this time, you should sleep in the carriage, don't ride a horse, you're too tired."

Chang Le held the rein firmly with his hand, and shook his head stubbornly, "I want to exercise on horseback, if I don't exercise now, what will I do in the future? I have to go a long, long way, even though I went to Tianshan before I have ridden a horse for a while, but I have never been through such a strong time. This time is just for me to practice the tricks of riding a horse. Besides, I haven't had a lot of time to get used to it, and it almost doesn't know me. "

Xie Zhao: "Okay then, don't leave the team by yourself. I can't help but keep watching you for twelve hours. Changsheng, you have to take care of Chuchu for me, and I'll leave it to you, brother."

Chang Sheng was caught off guard by Xie Zhao's brother, and got goosebumps all over his body.

He rubbed his arm and said, "well, I know how to protect her."

"That's fine."

Xie Zhao rode his horse away, and continued to walk forward to communicate with the envoy about the terrain.

Those styles of play are all subjects that Chang Le doesn't understand.

She didn't have any interest in books like 36 Strategies, Sun Tzu's Art of War, and Zuo Zhuan. When she was a child, she would fall asleep or be in a daze when she listened to the teacher's lectures. But if you let her go back to her childhood, She vowed that she must study Sun Tzu's Art of War carefully, at least she can stand up when the country is in trouble, even if her physical strength is not enough to support her to actually go to the battlefield to meet the enemy, but behind the scenes, she can at least contribute her strength.

Changsheng: "Changle, with your body, I'm really worried about you."

Chang Le shook his head, "Don't worry about me, I'm not as weak as you think."


During the three-day march, Changle never complained of suffering or being tired once.

Other people are discussing in secret, the women holding the platform are all first-class and strange, beautiful in appearance, but extremely strong in physical strength, because Changle has two girls with her, one is Die Shi and the other is Dian Cui .

While they are on their way, they will also take care of Changle.

But they seem to never know how tired they are, they always wipe off their sweat and continue.

It made the other soldiers who were shouting tired feel ashamed.

This journey was stimulated by women in the team.

Everyone walked faster.

This surprised and delighted Xie Zhao.

In this way, they can do a good job of guarding Nan'an before the enemy army reaches Nan'an.

Xie Zhao also received a secret tip that the enemy's granary was in the occupied Lin'an City.

That's better.

As long as there is time.

There is hope for everything.

Chang Le didn't know that because of his own existence, the whole team was advancing like crazy.

The atmosphere in the army was unexpectedly high.

On this day, Xie Zhao ordered to rest and eat at the same place.Then an hour's rest time, and then continue on the road.

The team stopped in a wilderness.

The cook lit a fire and started cooking.

The aroma of white rice porridge soon lingered in the wilderness, making everyone salivate after eating dry biscuits for three days.

Chang Le was so tired that he had no appetite at all.

But she didn't say it all the time, for fear that others would say that she was hypocritical, and she competed with herself.

Xie Zhao strode over, holding a food box in his hand, it didn't look like an ordinary big pot of rice.He came over and handed it to Changle, "Chuchu, eat some of these, eat in the carriage."

Chang Le took the food box, then dragged the people into the carriage.

Xie Zhao opened the food box on the carriage, inside was a bowl of white rice, a piece of meat bun and a stack of side dishes, although compared to the private chefs in Chang'an City, this meal was extremely rare.

Xie Zhaowen said: "The sentry bought this from the town in front, not much, that's all, eat it up, I'll go down to drink porridge later."

Chang Le refused: "You eat, I'm not hungry. This is brought to you by the sentinels. You have to watch the army all day and think about countermeasures. You use your brain too much. You just want to make up for it. I have worked hard all day, but everyone has worked hard." Ah, I'm still just rushing to pack myself up, but you are different, Lord of Ten Thousand Vehicles, hurry up and eat." Chang Le pushed the food box.

Xie Zhao pushed back again, "I'm going down, eat quickly."

As he spoke, he walked out.

Chang Le held him back, and her hands were getting stronger now, such a small person could drag Xie Zhao back alive.

Xie Zhao: "Grandma, eat quickly, I really hate to see you eat those dry biscuits and porridge every day, it looks like I have treated you badly, you are pitiful."

Changle burst out laughing, "I'm not pitiful. But, I'm really not hungry and I can't eat. How about this? Let's discuss it. We each eat half of the Roujiamo, and then you eat all the rice and vegetables. Light, okay? If you don’t eat it, then I won’t either.”

Xie Zhao was getting more and more helpless with Changle, he just said: "Okay, my aunt, do what you say."

Changle happily took the Roujiamo and began to chew on it in small bites.

Xie Zhao smiled, "Eat slowly."

There is not much time for the two of them to be warm, just one hour.

Then soon to be on the road again.

As soon as Xie Zhao saw the evil fire in Changle's heart, he couldn't restrain it.

However, now he must restrain his desire.

Changle also knew what the forbearance in his eyes was.

The kiss between the two was instant.

Changle decided to lie down on the carriage in the middle of the night, and now is not the time to do coolies, anyway, the carriage driver must drive a horse, so why not sit?
She took a blanket and lay down in the carriage. The road in the second half of the night was unexpectedly flat, and the carriage hardly felt bumpy when sitting on it.

Three hours later.

The twilight of the morning sun appeared in the sky, and some fish-belly whiteness appeared.

Chang Le opened her eyes suddenly, she rubbed her eyes, opened the curtain of the car and looked out, the familiar figure from her back suddenly woke her up.

"Xie Zhao, haven't you slept yet?"

"You were the one who drove me last night?"

Xie Zhao smiled without looking sideways, "My Highness, did you sleep well last night?"

Changle's heart was pounding, and she was a little incoherent, "Okay, very good, really good."

Xie Zhao smiled, and then drove the carriage to the side of the road. He turned on the black horse by himself, then turned around on the horse, and said condescendingly to her: "After washing in a while, I will eat in the carriage. The sentinel who went to buy breakfast I'll be back soon, and we're going to Nan'an City too, congratulations to my little princess, it's awesome to have made it to Nan'an."

After all, he drove away.

Chang Le sat there blankly, and Dian Cui came over with a copper basin to wash her up before recovering. "Ah. How could the coachman last night be Xie Zhao? Did he stay up all night?"

Dian Cui rubbed his eyes, "Ah, yes, His Majesty said that he drove the car by himself, and said that you haven't slept well these days, so we didn't want to wake you up, and then changed the driver, what's wrong?"

"No, nothing."

"I think it's strange that he looks like this."

(End of this chapter)

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