Morbid pet

Chapter 151

Chapter 151
Changle just lived on the mountain for seven days.

For the past seven days, she followed the monk's schedule, got up early to chant scriptures every day, and performed rituals for the dead in the afternoon. Her heart gradually calmed down, as if she no longer wanted to be entangled in the fetters and love in the world of mortals.

During this period, Zhou Yu came to look for her.

She did not see.

Today, when she was going down the mountain, she learned from Zipin that Zhou Yu came to Changle three days ago to pick her up and go back to Chang'an City together.

Changle just smiled when he heard the words, "Chang'an City, I don't want to go now."

"That's not my home either."

Back in Tazhao Mansion, she saw an old friend, an old friend who was too familiar.

"Chuchu, I've heard about it." Gongsun Yu looked up at her, "Are you okay?"

Changle's mood, which had calmed down after being raised on the mountain, surged again, "Gongsun, where have you been this year?"

Gongsun Yu smiled wryly, "Take the Son of Heaven to command the princes."

Chang Le pulled him into the empty tea room, pushed him to sit down, and said, "Say it again?"

Gongsun Yu said lightly: "What Zhou Yu can do, so can I. Although my temperament is not suitable for being an emperor, it is okay to hold a little emperor hostage."

Chang Le raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you trying to rebel?"

Gongsun Yu smiled, "Don't talk about me, let's talk about you. I heard that Rong Wei died, and the child in your belly also fell out. Is it true?"

Chang Le sighed and spread her hands, she can now calmly accept the fact that the child who was six months pregnant died. "Yeah, it's true. If the child is gone, I'm dead."

Gongsun Yu frowned and said: "Zhou Yu is really a rare scum in the world, and at this time, he is still protecting Rong Wei."

Chang Le sneered and said: "He saw me poking Rong Wei's eyes out with his own eyes. He must have suffered a lot of psychological shock. Some overreactions are understandable. However, I don't want to understand him. Why should I understand him? Understand He's killing myself."

Gongsun Yu patted her arm to express his comfort. "Chuchu, come with me. Hua'an is just a small place, why should we abandon the hometown where we really grew up in order to hide from someone?"

Chang Le raised her eyebrows, "Where are you going?"

Gongsun Yu took out a map of the frontier from his pocket, and he pointed to a place called the Department of Capricorn. "I live in this place now. There are a total of 23 similar tribes around. I have lobbied their leaders this year. A total of [-] tribes are willing to fight for their future!"

"One battle." Chang Le murmured, "You want to start a war with Daming?"

Gongsun Yu patted Chang Le's arm, "No, I will fight for myself, and you."

Chang Le lost her voice, she said in a hoarse voice: "Gongsun! This is not a child's play, do you know how many innocent people will be killed or injured once a war breaks out? Also, the construction of the country has just begun, and it is the establishment of a new dynasty. When I was in prosperity, if I punished the people in a disguised form because of my own selfish desires, I would not accept it, nor would I support it!"

Gongsun Yu had long expected Changle's compassion for the world.

"I know you are reluctant, but sometimes, someone must stand up and end this troubled world. If you go to the Border Tribe with me, you will know that those people's life is very hard, but they have developed a strong body because of it." The body has obtained the infinite strength from the grassland and the desert. These are gifts from the gods of war. Their soldiers and horses are many times stronger than Daming's, but they are trapped in a small place by Daming all the year round. Everyone can only live in groups. Living in a tent, the scenery they see every day is exactly the same vast expanse. It is hard to tell whether it is a shackle or a gift. Their ambitions are also slowly growing. Even if they don’t fight now, they will have another one when they mature. war."

Chang Le asked: "Aren't you collaborating with the enemy and traitor to the country?"

Gongsun Yu smiled, "I just negotiated with them. After the matter is completed, I will allocate some normal cities and land to them, so that their people can live in the Central Plains instead of staying there every day. Sha feeds Huang Sha. Afterwards, I will recommend a child to take office. I originally wanted to push your child, but now that the child is dead, things have returned to the original point. The only blood of the Li family is you."

Chang Le frowned and said, "Gongsun, are you planning on me?"

Gongsun Yu laughed, "How is that possible? I didn't have any intention of attacking you, but I was thinking that the people in Biansha don't know that your child is dead, so we can take any child away in the Central Plains at will and become a puppet emperor."

Chang Le frowned and said, "Is this something his mother can change?"

Gongsun Yu: "It's not so exaggerated. There are puppets on the left and right, so what's the problem? Zhou Yu doesn't have the surname Li, and he can sit still. Then it's the same if I find someone with the surname Li for him?"

Chang Le bit her lip and said nothing. "are you sure?"

Gongsun Yu smiled and said, "Idiot, of course I lied to you. Baldy Biansha is not so easy to deceive. They all have their own ideas, and they are well-informed. So, I want to choose Li Wanning."

Chang Le sullenly said: "Wan Ning?"

"Hey, Wan Ning is in Zhou Yu's hands, and I still have a headache."

Gongsun Yu: "Zhou Yu will not hurt Elegy and Wanning, and will educate them well."

Chang Le didn't mention this matter again, "Let's have lunch together, I have to think about it carefully."

Gongsun Yu nodded, "I will definitely take you away when I come here this time. Let's see who you met and what happened?! When I heard it in Biansha, I almost died of anger. Can rush to the palace and scrape Zhou Yu's skin off."

Chang Le laughed and said: "Who did you meet? It's just a rotten person. Maybe this is a bad fate. The encounter between me and him was not smooth. I thought that a catastrophe would come, but I didn't expect it. Waiting for me It’s still a sea of ​​flames, with karma everywhere.”

Gongsun Yu raised his head incomprehension, "Bad man, you are right. Nie Yuan shouldn't continue anymore, why bother, you have to suffer yourself."

Die Shi came in and asked: "Miss, Qian Sen is at the door and said that he must see you today."

Chang Le said lightly: "What is he doing here?"

Die Shi: "He has actually been here for several days. I heard from the concierge. But we just came down from Cheng'en Temple, and he came again today. Did you see it or not?"

Chang Le raised his hand: "See, let him come to the tea room."

Gongsun Yu tapped the table with his fingers, "Who is this?"

"A person I invested in before, I met Rong Wei in his place, and it is only natural that he would come to plead guilty."

Qian Sen quickly followed Die Shi in. He seemed to have aged several decades overnight, and his hair had turned gray. "Miss! I was wrong. You should have let me stay by your side that day, and you would never have encountered such a thing. I heard that the woman has been executed. Are you feeling better?"

Chang Le raised his eyes to look at him lightly, as if watching a joke. "Qian Sen, time, luck, and fate. What do you want me to say? Do you blame you? Actually, it's none of your business, but do you want to be involved? You really make me hate you, but in the end, it's all about me It’s just my karma. I have nothing to do with this child.”

(End of this chapter)

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