Bug Rescue Team

Chapter 379 The Future

Ian was calculating the possibility that he would kill Fifth Yue, and at this moment, he heard Fifth Yue's mumbling.

What if Estral is extremely powerful and I don’t want to go against her, will you send me to death for the sake of the entire universe?

When she asked this question, Fifth Yue already had the answer deep in her heart. Ian might not let her die, but Lin Shen would most likely make this choice.

In the future, she and Lin Shen will have children. Perhaps in Lin Shen's eyes, children are the hope of the universe...

Ian gave up the calculation and asked: "Once Estral wins, you will die sooner or later, why are you not willing?"

"Perhaps I will choose to devour the planet that humans rely on to strengthen myself... Anyway, I won't take the initiative to die."

"Then have you ever thought that maybe this was the reason for your death?"

What Ian wants to express is very simple. Fifth Yue doesn't want to die, he doesn't want to die, Lin Shen doesn't want to die, and all humans transformed by Fifth Yue don't want to die. When they discover that Fifth Yue is trying to devour them and strengthen themselves, they will most likely join forces to send Fifth Yue to his death!

Fifth Yue suddenly laughed and said to herself: No wonder the Zerg race is a collective intelligence, all the Zerg soldiers must obey the queen's orders. It's not that they are not afraid of death, it's that they have to die. The Zerg Queen is also afraid of being betrayed by the population, so she does not dare to give the population wisdom and the ability to think independently.

Being able to say such words clearly shows that she has calmed down. Ian asked: "Feeling better?"

"It won't get better! Why do you ask?

"Continue editing the insect soldiers, today's work is not finished yet."

"How can you do this?"

"The future can be changed. If you edit one more bug soldier now, your future will be more secure. Instead of wallowing in things that haven't happened yet, it's better to make yourself stronger."

"I don't want it. I'm in a bad mood and don't want to hatch."

"Give me a time when you'll be in a better mood."

"You have to promise me that no matter what happens, you can only help me. Even if the entire universe is going to be destroyed by the Zerg, you still have to help me."

The body of Fifth Yue has been lying on the canopy of the tree. Ian looked at the body and said softly: "Such a beautiful body, this is my most outstanding work, how can I tolerate letting others destroy you."

"Does this mean you can destroy me?" Wuyue is now a warrior... God knows when technology reaches the end, Ian will break free from the shackles of mental power and send her to death.

"I won't. Constantine is gone. You are the most important person to me." After hearing Ian's promise, Wuyue felt much better. She is not afraid of Estral, but she is extremely afraid of technology and humanity.

She must have been willing to get pregnant and have children because of love, and she wanted her children to become stronger because of her motherly nature... How could she expect that in a few generations, her descendants would eat her as energy? Such a future is really terrifying!

She remembered how she felt about killing Fifth Ji, so naturally she would not bet that the light of human nature could overcome the darkness, nor would she expect that she could have filial sons and grandsons...

"Have you ever thought that the future Nilka gave you was false and that he wanted to deceive you for some reason?" Ian suddenly asked.

"It's possible, but I can't find a reason for him to do this. He can see countless futures, and this may be the one he least wants to see."

"Since he can see it, it means the beetle is still there. Where was he at that time?"

"I'll find out soon enough."

Multitasking is the norm for Fifth Yue. When she was talking to Ian, Evans was planning to take several Aquamarine people to experience the virtual world. I saw that she and Lin Shen were not dealing with each other before, and no one dared to run into trouble. Even Lu Xukun was a little more well-behaved.

Lin Shen didn't know what happened, but he was hurt by Wuyue's cold eyes. Compared to Ian, who is more rational than emotional, he is obviously more emotional. Seeing that Wuyue didn't want to talk, he chose to sit quietly aside in a daze.

Ya Ruina controlled a puppet bird to fly to Lin Shen's shoulder and asked Lin Shen if he wanted to enter the virtual world. And told him that for players who enter the virtual world for the first time, the system will randomly combine players and arrange them into the same world...

He also said that the virtual world is an excellent tool for observing human nature. If Lin Shen wants to understand these Aquamarine people in depth, he should enter the virtual world. Lin Shen: "They are just passengers, and their quality has nothing to do with me."

Yarina: "It seems that I misunderstood your relationship. Have you thought about how to take these two little guys away?"

"You'll help figure it out, won't you?"

"Soft red gold can take them away. As for whether their consciousness can be revived, I'm not very sure. Soft red gold is a specialty of Conseix. I won't give it to you for free, but you can use the items on this list. In exchange for supplies, what is your decision?”

Lin Shen glanced at the list and found that at least two-thirds of the materials were produced in the Haitu Galaxy. Yarina even thoughtfully marked which materials were produced on which planet, how much they were worth, etc.

"Can you leave Conseix?"

"As long as there is an Internet connection, I can be anywhere."

"I'm going to meet a friend first and get back to you later."

"Thank you for your generosity. It's been a pleasure working with you!"

After watching Lin Shen leave, the puppet bird flew to Wuyue again, "Queen, can your people make the decision for you?"


"Anything is okay?"


"I thought there was a conflict between you. It seems that my understanding of interpersonal relationships is still not thorough enough. I think he is brewing something big. Will you participate?"

"you guess."

"Is this a joke? Or is it some kind of unique communication method that only belongs to Aquamarine people?"

"I dare you to guess, which means that your strength is not as good as mine. So, you'd better be obedient and try not to cause trouble."

"Is this a threat?"

"When you used the mental power of the former Zerg Queen to attack me, did you ever think that I could also use my mental power to invade your server?"

"Did you succeed?"

"You want to give it a try?"

"Yes, I really want to know what the power of the Zerg is like."

Fifth Yue is a militant, and Yarina will naturally not be afraid if she dares to provoke him.

When she rushed into Yarina's server, she found that there were no numbers here, but inscriptions layered like flowers, covering up the true path to find Yarina. For her, whether it is an inscription or a number, it is a form of expression of energy.

Mental power can engulf and transform all energy bodies. She immediately used her mental power to start transforming these "flowers". Seeing the colorful "flowers" turn white instantly, more "flowers" fell from the sky like raindrops and instantly drowned these white "flowers".

Yarina: "Queen, the magic lines on Kangsai Star are endless. How long are you going to stay here?"

Fifth Yue: "The origin of the Zerg is to devour. These magic lines may give hackers a headache, but in the eyes of spiritual power, they are all food. I will transform them into delicious food, and then swallow them bit by bit. You You should ask yourself, how much energy does Conseix have to support your existence like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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