Bug Rescue Team

Chapter 365 Ontology

Chapter 365 Ontology
There are no unintelligent people on board the spaceship heading to Conse. Depending on their personality and upbringing environment, they will use their intelligence in different ways.Like an insect awakened by spring thunder, Chen Sixing finally learned to shift some of the wisdom spent on IQ to emotional intelligence.

Faced with everyone's doubts, he asked: "There are only a few people on the spaceship. Who do you think will tell me that the real purpose of this trip is to find artificial intelligence?"

Wang Qian: "Yi Ling can't tell. The captain depends on the faces of Yi Ling and Liu Ling. Did Liu Ling tell you?"

Chen Sixing: "Since you know everything, think of a way to get Liu[-] to speak. Aren't you very powerful?"

Wang Qian felt that Chen Sixing was ridiculing him. If Liu Ling was an easy talker, would he be guilty of making excuses?
Lu Xukun thought they were boring and said loudly: "Let's go find Liuli now and see what he says."

Shelly: "Sixty is at the bottom of the bilge, but he locked the door and told us not to go look for him..."

Lu Xukun: "What is he doing in the bilge?"

Shelly: "It seems like she's singing!"

Lu Xukun: "Is this person sick? Can't he go back to his room to sing? We finally established contact with No. 97. Isn't this a delay?"

Wang Qian: "Lu Xukun, No. 97 was not on the spacecraft... There is something wrong with your memory." Hearing what he said, Lu Xukun was shocked and immediately began to check the memory of this period with everyone.

Except for forgetting that No. 97 did not land on Xino 39 and whether he went to the bilge, the rest of his memory was consistent with everyone else's.

Lu Xukun covered his head, always feeling that he had forgotten very important news, but he still could not remember what he had forgotten.He suddenly asked: "Do you think Yi Zero is an artificial intelligence? Do you still remember how he controlled the spacecraft? He avoided all meteorites with almost zero mistakes. Except for artificial intelligence, I'm afraid no living thing can do this... …”

Nancy wanted to leave quietly, but she was worried that her unsociable behavior would arouse the suspicion of these people.After a long while, she said, "The gap between higher civilization and lower civilization is far beyond what we can understand and imagine. We should have an attitude of learning and understanding towards them, and doubting their behavior is irrational. Because they never asked for anything from us, what do you think?”

Chen Sixing agreed with Nancy's idea and said: "Let's end it here. We are still two months away from Conseix. We should do whatever we have to do in the meantime. Even thinking so much can't change anything."

Lu Xukun: "You don't care about my amnesia?"

Chen Sixing: "What if you saw something you shouldn't have seen?"

Lu Xukun wanted to say something else, so Nancy took the initiative to ask Chen Sixing, "My mecha is broken, can you help take a look at it?"

Chen Sixing: "I can't see this... Remember you all brought two sets of mechas, and you only have to wear the other one."

Fred: "It's fair now. Let's go to the training room and have a fight. Let's see how you recover?"


When the spacecraft was still a few days away from the Kangsai planet, Wuyue finally cleaned the "room".As long as you are not affected or tempted by the whispers, it is not difficult to transform your mental power.Practice makes perfect, but pain becomes a habit...

During the transformation, Lin Shen's singing replaced the murmuring and was an important element supporting her hard work.In order to thank Lin Shen for his efforts, she decided to give the void beast to Lin Shen to play with!
Lin Shen: "..."

I don’t want to. This thing requires no less energy than you do, so I can’t afford it!

"Take us to see your true body. I really want to know how beautiful your true body is."

"You really don't want the Void Beast?" "Didn't you say that the Void Beast can be given to various galaxies? Firstly, it will help them solve the problem of interstellar communication, and secondly, it will show your attitude of wanting to get along well with them."

Lin Shen has always been good at talking, and with a few words he transferred the unwanted void beast away, in exchange for a promise from Wuyue.If they find a planet that can support civilization in a dead star system, that planet will be his.

In addition to this, the planet surrounded by trees discovered on No. 97 is very suitable for raising insect soldiers.After Ian learned that Wuyue's body transformation was completed, he was planning to go there to help him edit the insect soldiers.

Lin Shen said he also wanted that planet.Fifth Yue said grandly: If you want it, take it.Lin Shen immediately named the planet - Giant Tree Star.

The Interstellar Federation stipulates this for ownerless planets: as long as any species can occupy the planet and no other species complains, the planet will be deemed to be the property of that species.

To put it simply, advanced civilizations can unscrupulously occupy unowned planets or planets with low-level civilizations.

There is no civilization on the unowned planet, but it is actually quite difficult to find one that is rich in resources and has development value.There are quite a few planets that have given birth to low-level civilizations. Under the cosmic law of the weak and the strong, if the indigenous people are unable to complain, they can only hope that their planets will not be discovered by advanced civilizations.

When Evans learned that he was going to visit the Queen's body, he took a shower specifically, fearing that the "human smell" on Mark would make the Queen hate him... The long-lost teleportation made him full of desire for power, and he couldn't help but ask Yi En: "If I become the Queen's retinue, can I teleport?"

Ian's response was silence.

Lin Shen gave him a "did you dream" look.

No matter what race you are, you can become the queen's dependent. Whether it's strong or weak all depends on whether the queen is willing to put in the effort to help edit genes, and also depends on the talent of this race.

Estral is very strong because the orcs' original genes are very strong.

When Estral uses her mental power to fight the mecha warriors of the Four-Eyed Star, she can destroy all the surrounding buildings and kill the mecha warriors and robots that besiege her.

If it were Lin Shen, in the same situation, Lin Shen could at most kill the besieging robots and mecha warriors, but he would not be able to collapse all the surrounding buildings.

The strongest thing among Aquamarine people is their brains. Even if Evans becomes the fifth Yue's dependent, he is only suitable for mental work.If you want to teleport, unless Fifth Yue is willing to perform complex gene editing for him and spend a lot of mental energy to help him transform...

For now, Fifth Yue has little interest in transforming her dependents.One is the lack of ambition, and the other is the reluctance to use mental power.

The fifth Yue's body was right above the spacecraft. Chen Sixing reminded Evans several times that there were living things around the spacecraft and asked Evans to pay attention.

Evans deceived him and said that the life form detected by the spacecraft was a void beast. After Sixty let the void beast run away, Five Zero captured it again.

The void beast was obviously not as big as its main body. Chen Sixing hesitated to speak several times... but finally chose to believe it and didn't mention it to anyone.

As soon as Evans landed, he felt like he was in a dense forest, with pink pillars all around him.

When he learned that this was the hair on the head and neck of the body, he opened his mouth wide. Whose hair is pink and so hard?Shouldn’t the down be soft and very touchable?

Ian doesn't mind what others think at all. The fur is indeed soft and tactile!It's just that after being magnified tens of thousands of times, no matter how soft the fluff is, it can't be what the Aquamarine people imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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