Bug Rescue Team

Chapter 342 Discussion and Hexagram 8

Chen Sixing saw that the bilge of the spacecraft was opened and hurriedly found Evans, fearing that the spacecraft was malfunctioning...

Since the next jump gate is only a few months away from the T5 galaxy, none of them entered the dormant chamber, but gathered together to discuss everything about the T5 galaxy.

Since the Marisanniads and Orcs appeared on Planet Aquamarine one after another, everyone has already acquiesced that there are other life forms outside Aquamarine Star.After the Giant Star appeared, several of them also went there, which could barely be considered as having been to an alien planet.

Although the scenery of Giant Star is shocking, it is a planet that has lost civilization after all. Landing on Giant Star feels more like archeology. The T5 galaxy is completely different from the Giant Star. Orcs live and multiply here. They have a different lifestyle and eating habits from the Aquamarine people. Only when you land in the T5 galaxy can you feel like you are truly on an alien planet.

Whenever they see that half-orcs can freely transform between beasts and orcs, they have to admit that Aquamarine people are a weak group in terms of physical strength... Although half-orcs are not used to growing food and raising livestock, they can leave these jobs to robots manage.

They laughed at the orcs for being stupid, but the genetically modified people were willing to help the young orcs.Teach them how to make machinery and how to use machinery to achieve their goals.The older half-orcs take on the task of transporting goods and establishing friendly relations with surrounding races...

Lin Shen did not allow them to establish contact with the orcs. All these were conclusions they reached through daily observation.Everyone's perspective of observation is different, and the conclusions they draw will naturally be different.

When discussing orcs, Wang Qian suddenly said, "Do you think Liu[-] looks like an orc?"

Nancy leaned back in the corner silently, refusing to answer the question.

Shelly said: "You don't think Sixty is like a half-orc? I don't have much communication with Sixty, but One Zero doesn't feel like a half-orc at all to me... His gene editing technology is simply amazing. The research results on gene editing are very clear, and they even pointed out some errors in the textbooks... It is difficult for me to regard him as an orc."

Chen Sixing: "I heard that the mother goddess of the orcs once disguised herself as a human and stayed on Planet Aquamarine for a long time... Maybe they are all the orcs who are good at disguise."

Fred had a bad temper, but he saw the problem very clearly. He said: "We are all in the same boat, and we have to rely on them to save our lives. Is it important that the orcs are not? Anyway, they are not Aquamarine people."

Nancy: The truth will always be misinterpreted.

Wang Qian touched Lu Xukun's elbow and asked, "What do you think?"

Lu Xukun: "Have you noticed that after the spacecraft landed in the T5 galaxy, Liu Ling's girlfriend did not get off the ship. In addition to this, Yi Ling often went in and out of Wu Ling's room, as did Liu Ling. The three of them stayed together all night, and they what are you doing?"

We were all adults, and the topic suddenly turned to the relationship between the three orcs, and everyone was speechless for a moment.

Lu Xukun continued: "As far as I know, half-orcs are monogamous and extremely loyal to their partners. Is there a possibility that Five Zero is actually Estral's competitor, Sixty and One Zero? They are her followers, and their purpose of going to Kangsai is to accumulate more political capital for Wu Ling."

This was a bit of a twist, turning from a complicated relationship between men and women directly into a conspiracy theory, and everyone was speechless once again.

Wang Qian: "What else?"

Lu Xukun: "Wu[-] is very beautiful. She is my type, so I pay more attention to her."

Chen Sixing: "The bilge was opened. The captain said that Sixty brought other creatures on board. Don't you care?"

Shelly: "Are there other creatures on the boat? Why didn't you tell me earlier? I'll ask Yi Ling."

Nancy finally spoke, "I'm going to the training room later. Do you want to go?"

Fred: "Count me in. It would be great if Sixty came too. It would be really fun to fight with him."

Nancy: I’m pressed to the ground and rubbed every time. Is this a masochistic tendency?
Wang Qian: "Shelly and I went to find the captain."

Chen Sixing: "I'll go too." Lu Xukun: "I'll go back to the room to rest. You can do what you want."

Evans didn't want to hide the existence of No. 97. When he saw Shelly and the others coming, he put No. 97's information on the screen, "They call him No. 97. He belongs to the Zerg tribe. You can ask him to find food along the way. "

Everyone was shocked when they looked at No. 97, which was about the same size as a helicopter in the picture.

Wang Qian: "There really are Zerg in the universe. I thought this was a race made up by the game company."

Chen Sixing: "Are you sure this is a Zerg? I think it's more appropriate to call him an alien life form."

Shelly: "What is the difference between Zerg and other alien life forms?"

Evans pretended to think for a while, "The Orcs said this is the Zerg. As for the difference between him and other alien life forms, you can ask Yi Zero."

Before he could finish his words, Ian walked in and met everyone's doubtful eyes. The man asked, "What happened?"

Shelly: "What is the difference between Zerg and other alien life forms?"

Ian: "To you, there's no difference."

Chen Sixing: "Do we need to worry about the Zerg on the spacecraft?"

"It's useless to worry, your combined total won't be enough for him to eat."

Everyone finally realized Ian's venomous tongue, and discovered that not only was this man venomous, but there was no reason to refute his words.

Seeing this, Evans just like herding sheep, waved for them to leave the cockpit, and then asked Ian, "What's wrong? I feel like you are in a bad mood."

Ian knew that Fifth Yue's choice would cause her great pain, and when she truly experienced it, her mood would inevitably be a little complicated.

He asked: "When you learned that you were terminally ill, what did you rely on to persevere?"

Evans hasn't thought about this question for a long time. If anyone else asked him, he would humorously say, "I make too much money and feel uncomfortable if I can't spend it all, so I survive."

Facing Ian, he couldn't say such a thing.He showed the most embarrassing and desperate aspects of his life in front of Ian.

"I don't want to die, but I will hold on to any hope I have, even if it costs my soul."

Ian understood, there was only one reason why Evans insisted on living: he didn’t want to die!

"You will not die, but you need to endure great pain to have yourself. What will you do?"

"I still dare not recall everything I experienced during that time. When you asked me to choose my body, I would rather become a reptile than become a human again. If I were her, I would choose to give up."

"I understand that the pain that can be endured is called pain, and the pain that cannot be endured is death. If she is really in pain, I will advise her to give up."

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