Bug Rescue Team

Chapter 172 Can You Sing

Chapter 172 Can You Sing
Where have the Confederate and Imperial armies gone?

Wu Yue was also very curious, she just asked Dalia to tell Lu Tong that the half-orcs seemed to be looking for uranium in Planet Aquamarine...

Even so, the empire couldn't be so passive, doing nothing and letting the half-orcs kill wantonly in the downtown area.

oh!She suddenly remembered one thing.

In order to solve the black spot problem, Ian had asked her to empty all her mental power.In order to complete this task, she seems to have arranged a lot of tasks for her mental power, one of which is to prevent all nuclear weapons of Planet Seablue from being activated...

In other words, the most powerful weapon of the Federation and the Empire is nuclear weapons, but under her restrictions, they cannot use nuclear weapons!
Thinking that the two superpowers are going crazy because they can't activate their nuclear weapons, she feels extremely guilty.Secretly said: This matter depends on me, and I don’t know if it’s too late to let the spiritual power leave now?

Estella obviously knew which base the Federation's nuclear weapons were kept in, and she was flying in the direction of that base.

Ade didn't like Seablue Stars, but he didn't accept so many innocent lives dying under his nose. "Queen, if the orc keeps flying towards this place, she will pass by Constantine's hometown... Are you really not going to save it?"

"Wait a second." Wu Yue suddenly invaded Tang Jingning's brain, "Can you still sing now?"

Tang Jingning and his band were huddled in the cabin anxiously waiting for the plane to land, when he suddenly heard someone talking in his head, he was startled and screamed.

"Be quiet." A soldier shouted loudly.

The imperial army has already entered a state of combat readiness... Yunan and the others did not return directly to the country, but circled around the federal border.Once the Federation needs it, Yu Nan will put on the mecha and go to stop Eltrall as soon as possible.For some reason, the Federation has not yet given an official answer.

Watching Estella flying in the air, constantly tearing down various buildings and damaging everything in the city.Seeing the crowd running away like ants in the rainstorm, the soldiers on the helicopter were all resentful. Although those people in the city were not from the Empire, they were sad to death. Alien life forms were slaughtered regardless of nationality. The next step would definitely be the Empire...

With such an angry mood, the soldier's attitude towards Tang Jingning would naturally not be very good.

The soldier's loud reprimand actually calmed Tang Jingning down, and it wasn't the first time he heard the voice in his mind, so what's there to be afraid of!He whispered, "Who are you?"

Fifth Yue: "Answer me, can you still sing?"


"Do you want to save Lin Shen?"

"Of course I want to save."

"Don't you hate him?"

"I just hate his wealth, not him as a person."

Fifth Yue: "..."

To be honest, I didn't understand.This sentence means that Lin Shen is a good person if he has no money.

"Singing, I love that song where it keeps repeating lighet `em up up up up I`m on fire."


"Don't you want to save Lin Shen? I want to listen to music! You ask me for help, and the reward is the song."

Wu Yue knew that if she did something, the human neural network repaired by Xiaoyue would probably fail, and she would miss the chance to change the fate of the Zerg race.But with so many people on the verge of life and death, it was difficult for her to remain indifferent.

After the call ended, Tang Jingning looked around in a daze, with some guesses in his heart, but he didn't know who to ask for confirmation.

Seeing that Yunan was constantly making phone calls, he raised his hand and whispered to the soldier, "I have important information to tell Chief Yu."

The soldier glared at him, and reluctantly walked to the front of the fuselage to report the situation to Yunan.

Yunan opened her mouth and said, "What time is it? Why are you making trouble? Is there anything I can't tell you?" Cursing turned into cursing, but thinking of Lin Shen's insistence on taking the band to board the plane, he still walked towards Tang Jingning, without any hesitation. He asked angrily, "What's going on?"

"A voice asked me to sing just now, and also pointed out what song to listen to. Can I sing?"

"You..." Yunan wanted to scold: You are crazy!Fortunately, his brain is faster than his mouth, "Is the person talking to you a man or a woman?"


"What else did you say?"

"She asked me if I wanted to save Lin Shen? I said yes. She asked me to sing, saying that it was used as a reward, and there was nothing else."

"Sing, just sing the song she wants to hear, if it's not enough, you can sing it a few more times."

When Yunan gave an order, all the soldiers came to help.He even opened a bottle of water for Tang Jingning with his own hands, "Sing well in a while, the future of Planet Aquamarine depends on you."

Tang Jingning: "..."

Are aliens really talking to me?

The future of Planet Aquamarine rests on us, will it be too hasty.

Yunan let the helicopter fly back to the imperial capital, so as not to be affected by the war between humans and insects...

Wu Yue had seen the floating white bird, and after Estella turned into a beast, she felt that this half-orc was a combination of the floating white bird and the giant.

Thinking of fighting a half-orc, her whole body became excited, and then she was troubled by what kind of body should be used to fight a half-orc.

The main body, whether it is a worm or a human body, she does not have it now.

In order to avoid losing the horse, the best way is to defeat the half-orc with the appearance of a beast.

Not long ago, she swallowed a rotten egg, and she still has the genetic map of the Wind Clan in her brain.Yinyue said that the Vermilion Bird is accompanied by the glow and hot rocks... The half-orc is the Floating White Bird, she is the Vermilion Bird, and the birdman is against the birdman, just in time for a fierce aerial duel!

Tang Jingning's music was long overdue. When the familiar melody was played with instruments, the passionate feeling was much better than when Lin Shen sang a cappella.

Hearing again, "Lighet`em up up up up I`m on fire", she felt her whole body was ignited by the music.Can't help urging Xiaoyue, "Hurry up, don't you think Vermilion Bird is pretty?"

A blinding beam of light suddenly appeared in the sky above Seablue Star. In the center of the beam of light, Wu Yue turned into a red bird.

She flapped her wings lightly, and when she saw flames still burning on the edges of the four wings, she couldn't help saying to herself: Xiaoyue, the glow is pretty good, forget about the flames!
Turning into a huge red bird is enough to be enchanting, if the wings are still burning...it's completely a bad movie with special effects and no money, she can't accept it!

When thinking this way, she was even rejoicing, fortunately, she didn't watch many cartoons, if Xiaoyue added, give me strength!The Marisanian Ade star has almost become the second representative of the middle school.

It was rare for Xiaoyue not to lose the chain. Seeing the flames on her wings go out instantly, she rushed out of the beam of light and flew towards Estellar.

Passing through a city in the Federation, when she saw a statue that was not bad, she pulled it up, held the torch in the statue's hand, and hurried to the battlefield like a warrior with a sword.

Estral has arrived at a certain federal garrison base, where there are missile silos.The federal army, which has not responded for a long time, saw Estella arrive there, and countless fighter planes took off from various bases, just to stop her...

When Wu Yue arrived, she saw Estella masturbating.Unfortunately, Lin Shen became her tool for masturbation. Fortunately, the quality of the four-eyed star's mecha is good, and Lin Shen himself is also resistant to beating.

When Lin Shen collided with the fighter jet, it was the fighter jet that was destroyed, and he was still able to continue to shoot down the next plane with all his body and tail.

Seeing another fighter jet emitting black smoke and preparing to flee, Estral picked up Lin Shen and smashed the fighter plane into the silo... After a series of explosions, Estral finally found the nuclear bomb.She reached out to grab it, but found that the nuclear bomb without any power plant actually flew away...

Fifth Yue suppressed a smile, imitating Estella's appearance, swung the sculpture in her hand and threw it at her, and ordered the nuclear bomb flying towards her to follow Ade to leave.

Estella couldn't bear the nuclear bomb flying away from her mouth, so she dropped Lin Shen to chase Ade.But Wuyue picked up the statue and blocked the way. Seeing that Lin Shen would fly towards Ade like a nuclear bomb, she shouted: "Zhu Niao, you are colluding with foreigners?"

(End of this chapter)

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