Bug Rescue Team

Chapter 164 Tear

Lin Shen is very busy, 24 hours a day is almost accurate to what to do every minute...

But what exactly did he do?

Busy putting in the game warehouse, so that the game "Zerg" can be launched as soon as possible; busy formulating financial rules, changing the soil of Aquamarine in exchange for the empire's support for the development of daytime civilization; after learning that the kingdom of God has challenged the empire, His energy is again on how to win the challenge...

There are many things, but none of them are particularly beneficial to Wu Yue.He has been looking for excuses to balance the relationship between Bai Ri and Seablue Star, trying to achieve a win-win situation...

But he seems to have forgotten that the strong don't need a win-win situation at all!His job is to execute Wu Yue's will, and he obviously doesn't execute it beautifully!
Wanting to understand this, he felt the pain of his soul being torn apart.

He loves Aquamarine deeply, seeing plant experts build a shed and sleep next to the newly planted plants... There is no need to hide his love for the planet and his expectation for life.

When the plants are sprouting, growing well, and ready for a bountiful harvest in no time.Soldiers at the base would visit the fields almost every day, fearing that the death mold would make a comeback and make everyone hopeless.

These days, he mingles with the soldiers, and the feeling of going deep into the crowd, which he hasn't had for a long time, fills his heart very much.He doesn't regret what he did, but he knows it wasn't his calling.

Once he cares too much about Seablue Star and delays Wu Yue's affairs, after a few times, Wu Yue will treat him like he treats 1001.

At that time, there will be no intersection between Seablue Star and Wuyue... Wuyue won't lose anything, but Seablue Star will lose Wuyue's strong backing.

"Queen, some fighters have started to use the boarding bodies hatched by Axiong. Dalia should have mentioned this to you. She thinks that these boarding bodies should be controlled by you, not her."

"Queen, Dalia is very dissatisfied with my pricing of the boarding house..."

"The queen... the empire doesn't want me to control mechas, because I don't know how to fight or use weapons, but Dalia insists on letting me control mechas. She said that only those who have participated in the battle know that the battlefield changes rapidly , It is a stupid behavior to control the usage of bug soldiers with price!"

After realizing that he was neglecting the basics and chasing the last, Lin Shen shifted the responsibility to Darya in a few words.Dalia has said these words, but being organized by him, it doesn't sound like the empire asked him to help, but Dalia insisted on asking him to help.

Wu Yue didn't care about these trivial matters at all, and didn't know Lin Shen's endless twists and turns... The most urgent task is to gather enough people to find the bodies of Rahal and Ian. It's okay for Blue Star to delay for a few more days...

Lin Shen saw that Wu Yue did not pursue the matter of him becoming a mech warrior, so he hurriedly followed suit and said, "Queen, Tang Jingning asked someone to send me some songs... very nice songs, I will sing them to you ?”


In the training ground of the negative zero base, Lin Shen just let go of his voice and sang regardless of whether there was anyone around him.The abandoned city is similar to the environment of the end of the world, and the culture and music it spawned have a different feeling.

Wu Yue likes music, not only listened carefully, but also commented: "The rhythm should be faster, it would be nice to have an accompaniment."

"Got it, I'll do it right away." From the beginning of singing to the end of the call, Lin Shen never mentioned the orc thing again.

Wu Yue didn't mention it either. In her eyes, beasts are fluffy. If she is happy, she will stroke them twice, and if she is unhappy, she will eat them. It is not worth caring about.Orcs interested her not because of beasts, but because of people.She wondered what kind of human would want to sleep with a beast, it was too harsh.

As soon as Lin Shen finished talking with Wuyue, he immediately informed Lu Tong about the orc.

He didn't know how Lu Tong arranged for him, but Dalia asked him a lot of information.He claimed that he didn't know much, and asked Dalia to ask Ian, who really got the information about Beast from Ian.When Ian stood next to the beast and was only as tall as a toe, he had a clear understanding of the body shape of the half-orc after it turned into a beast.

Wu Yue thought that Amy would not come back again, but she had a good mentality, not only came by herself, but also followed by a thin middle-aged man.I saw that the man was wearing a thick cotton coat and sunglasses, and kept his balance on crutches.

"Hello, my name is Evans Martin, you can call me Evans." Only celebrities would introduce themselves like this, and most ordinary people would add occupation or needs.

Ian didn't speak, but looked at the person seriously.

Wu Yue thinks this name is very familiar. Isn't Martin the developer of 5X, a man from God Prison?

She asked Ade: "How do you feel about this person's breath?"

Ade: "A metallic smell."

Evans saw that Ian didn't speak, and Guangqiu didn't seem to take the initiative to talk to him. He could only take the initiative to say: "Ian, did you become like this because of 5X? How is it related to 5X? I'm very sorry, I don't know anything It's going to be like this."

Ian: "Are you a robot now, or a cyborg?"

Evans: "You saw it! A few years ago, I got skin cancer. I didn't want to die so early, so I stored my brain. I'm a cyborg now. Except for the brain, few organs are real. of."

Now that the topic has been opened, without waiting for Ian to ask, he continued: Back then, he had a lot of money with artificial intelligence.After learning that he was ill, he did two things in order to survive.

First, the core code of artificial intelligence was stolen... Finally, Ian was selected, and 5X was taken away from Aquamarine.

Second, he established the God Prison Organization. He has always firmly believed that artificial intelligence is a project that benefits people, and it will not be as the public speculates... Suffering from moral and ethical oppression, the slogan of the God Prison Organization is: God is omnipotent, God doesn't deserve to be in prison.

The so-called imprisonment implies that 5X was restricted by human beings to grow up, and Aquamarine failed to produce self-aware artificial intelligence in the end.

According to him, the God Prison organization started out very small.A large number of scientists are concentrated in the medical field, and he hopes that these people can figure out a way to keep him alive.With the aggravation of his illness and the intervention of multiple chaebols, the God Prison organization gradually deviated from his original intention and became a monster that completely ignored the law and ethics.

"I'm sorry about Constantine, it was done by Crewe. I was expelled from the board of directors by the company's senior management because I insisted on opening up artificial intelligence... and I had to sell shares due to physical reasons... After Crewe took over my job , he found that the core code was missing, and he has been looking for it all these years..."

The mystery that has plagued Wu Yue for a long time was finally solved. Compared with the information Constantine found later, she chose to believe in Evans.Because Evans' statement is more convincing, the original intention of the so-called "God's Prison" may really be that simple!

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