Chapter 151
After that, Yu Yueling did not express any objection to En Siruo and Ren Sui's falling in love.

But seeing that En Siruo, who only knew how to read books and play games in the past, is now able to work steadily and has more friends gradually, I feel somewhat changed in my heart.

What's more, En Siyu often persuaded her by her side.

After going back and forth, Yu Yueling reluctantly agreed to this matter, but she never expressed her opinion to Ensiruo, which made Ensiruo think about this matter every day.

I was thinking about how I could persuade my mother to agree if my mother really objected to being with Ren Sui.

Another week passed, and the dance troupe's tour in Nanjiang City ended.

On the day Ma Hao, the head of the dance troupe, took the high-speed train to leave, neither En Siyu nor He Mingzhan could go due to work reasons.

Thus, En Siruo and Ren Suisu took on this great task.

You Ren then drove, accompanied by En Siruo, and the two cooperated to personally send Yu Yueling to the high-speed rail station.

"Remember to go to bed early and get up early on weekdays. Don't rely on three or four alarm clocks to get up every day. If you do this every day, your wages will not be deducted."

Before leaving, Yu Yueling couldn't help exhorting.

En Siruo smiled, nodded in agreement, and at the same time told her mother to be careful.

Ren Sui followed silently, carrying Yu Yueling's suitcase and bag in his hand.

Before entering the station to check the ticket, Yu Yueling took over the luggage from Ren Sui.

"Xiao Ren." Yu Yueling called him.

Ren Sui said, "Auntie."

"Our family, Shushu, you have to take good care of it." Yu Yueling said, her tone was obviously much gentler than that in the backstage that day, and she also had the earnestness of an elder.

His words were full of care and reluctance for his daughter.

Ren Sui was stunned for a moment, looking at the serious expression and eyes of the other party, and realized the meaning of this sentence only belatedly.

In an instant, it was as if something exploded in his heart, and turbulent emotions surged in his chest.

En Siruo reacted very quickly. After hearing this, he immediately leaned forward and hugged Yu Yueling tightly, and said excitedly, "Thank you, Mom!"

Yu Yueling was hugged suddenly, and she was in a place like the high-speed rail station, so it was inevitable that she would feel unhappy on her face. She patted En Siruo's hand and said dissatisfiedly: "Don't keep hugging! There are so many people Let's go!"

"Hey." En Siruo laughed out loud, showing a little foolishness, his appearance was no different from that of a coquettish child.

Yu Yueling turned to look at Ren Sui, and asked again: "Did you hear what I just said clearly?"

Ren Sui nodded heavily, his green pupils trembled slightly, and the suppressed excitement was revealed in his eyes.

He spoke with a trembling voice: "I heard you clearly, thank you, Auntie."

"I'll take good care of her."

Seeing that his eyes were flushed with excitement, Yu Yueling felt confident and breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, let's send it here. It's a working day, you two should hurry back to work."

En Siruo nodded, watched Yu Yueling turn and leave while waving goodbye: "Goodbye! Pay attention to your body!"

After finishing speaking, she glanced at Ren Sui who was beside her, and after noticing the change in his mood, she took the initiative to hold Ren Sui's hand.

"If you cry here, I will despise you." She said, but her tone was light and mischievous, without any intention of teasing.

Ren Sui smiled lightly and didn't speak, but his hand was a little bit harder, just like En Siruo took his hand on his own initiative, and tightly held her soft palm back.

Not far ahead, Yu Yueling, who had gone far, couldn't help turning her head back before entering the station.

Across the sidewalk, cars shuttle, and everyone walks in a hurry.

Yu Yueling was still wearing the suede coat she wore the day she came here, and she frowned impatiently. After raising her hand and making a fast-moving gesture to the two of them, she turned around and left in peace.
Perhaps because of the approval of the elders, in the next few days, when En Siruo and Ren got along with each other, there was a little more warmth than before.

Except when they are not in the company, the two are almost inseparable.

Inside the company, Ensiruo worked under the guidance of Zhu Yue as usual, and went to the cafeteria with Zhou Ran for lunch.

On this day, En Siruo returned to the office with Zhou Ran after lunch as usual.

The two had just walked not far from the entrance of the company building, separated by about the distance of an ordinary sidewalk, and saw the commotion crowd at the entrance of the building.

"what's the situation?"

Out of his keen sense of gossip, Zhou Ran noticed something was wrong immediately.

En Siruo also looked over, "Why are there so many people over there?"

"Let's go, let's go and have a look!" Zhou Ran hurriedly pulled up and walked over.

It's winter now, normal people who have nothing to do have been waiting in the wind to get cold.

Something must have happened!

Thinking of this, the two walked faster.

But before they got there, there was a sharp curse from the middle of the commotion——

"Congratulations! You unfilial daughter!"

Congratulations? !
Shouldn't it be
The moment they heard the name, En Siruo and Zhou Ran widened their eyes at the same time, and turned their heads to look at each other.

The two exchanged glances, cooperated without saying a word, squeezed a place out of the crowded crowd together, and barely moved to the center of the crowd.

Looking up again, the person standing in the center of the crowd tightly surrounded was indeed the 'blessing' that the two of them knew and thought about!
And standing opposite Zhu Yue was a middle-aged man wrapped in a white coat.

The middle-aged man's hair is half-white, with dry wrinkles covering his old and drooping face. The black eyes and thin cheeks make him look as dry as a dying tree, but the eyes that look at Zhu Yue seem to eat people as terrifying as a monster.

Straightforward and fierce, there is no gentleness and kindness of middle-aged people at all.

On the contrary, he seemed to be looking at an enemy, cold and sharp.

The middle-aged man seemed to be out of breath. With trembling hands, he pointed at Zhu Yue and scolded in a hoarse voice: "You unfilial daughter! I worked hard to earn some money to raise you! When I am old and have no strength, you can't even kill each other. I can’t bear to give me a month’s pension money!”

Zhu Yue was standing opposite the middle-aged man. The plump down jacket couldn't cover her slender body, and her short hair was blown into a mess by the wind.

The legs covered by the jeans are as thin as chopsticks, and there are always a pair of clean white sneakers under his feet.

At this moment, she was also trembling slightly due to emotional agitation, clenching her teeth to endure the vicious words that were about to blurt out, her eyes flushed.

But her silence didn't bring any pity. Instead, it made the man in front of her, whom she once called 'Dad', fall into a more insane state.

Even, there are endless cursing——

"It's fine if you don't give pension money! You even sold my house! Make me homeless!"

"You! You! You are simply a white-eyed wolf!"

Listening to these curses, En Siruo and Zhou Ran frowned at the same time.

Something bad
 _(:з」∠)_The secondary cp field begins!It's almost over!
(End of this chapter)

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