Chapter 447 Hold on!Acting takes off!

"What do you mean, sir?"

"What do you mean? Don't you want compensation? I want her. Compensate her to me. Even if this matter is revealed, I will not pursue it anymore. Otherwise -" The man gave a cold sound and threatened him with malicious intent. How many people have I been in charge of?
"If you offend me, you don't want to know the consequences!"

The supervisor looked ugly.

Of course he knew.

If you can live on this floor, everyone is a big shot!If he really cared about it, he would definitely not be able to apologize enough.

"Besides, you are dressed like this to go to the after-party to accompany someone, right?" The fat man suggested generously: "Anyway, if you don't tell me, I won't tell her, she will be wanted sooner or later, so she should be chosen by me first. !”

The manager looked hesitant and glanced hesitantly at the woman following him. He finally persuaded her softly: "Yueyue, what he said makes sense. You don't have to go to the banquet later. You can stay here to apologize to our distinguished guests."

The woman who was called Yueyue stiffened and said with an ugly expression, "Supervisor!"

"Stop talking, think about the overall situation! Don't offend the distinguished guest. It's our fault in the first place. It's a mercy that they didn't pursue it."

"I am a senior receptionist and have passed the examination. I should go to the after-party—"

Repeated refusals made the supervisor look stern and yell angrily: "That's enough! Have you forgotten what the training is before boarding the ship? The first one is to unconditionally serve all the needs of the distinguished guests! As a senior greeter, this is your responsibility Learning results!”



In the room, Yueyue looked at Yueyue with red eyes and gritted teeth.

Gu Nanci felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

Because the person in front of me is not someone else!

It's an actress who is very familiar to her. She made a lot of mistakes against her in Hongguo and was even suspected of having a close relationship with Brother Ziyi - Yin Yue, known as the Iceberg Goddess.

What's the situation?
The first thought that popped into my mind was that maybe they just looked alike.

Having been an actor, I have to pay more careful attention to some details.

They look alike, not even in their demeanor or conversation.

When I saw Yueyue's subtle expression, it was almost the same. He had rolled his eyes angrily at me several times before, and even the tone of voice and words he used to curse when he was extremely angry were almost the same.

Some absurd and shocking facts became more and more certain: this was clearly a person!
Gu Nanci was stunned.

At this time, the situation outside had evolved into the supervisor laughing and apologizing, and helping the pot-bellied man send Yueyue into the house.

Seravis, on the other hand, prepared to close the door without any concern after confirming that the surroundings were safe.

Then Gu Nanci stood up.

Seravis looked surprised: "Your Highness...?"

Gu Nanci gestured to Seravis to stop, walking gracefully and slowly towards the door, pretending to be calm and unhurried.

Nothing else, if things go as they are now, that Yin Yue will most likely be pushed over to make amends.

As for pushing behind the house, you don't have to think about what will happen.

Although, she didn't like Yin Yue who targeted her inexplicably again and again.

However, if you can't stand it, she might be the love story of Brother Cheap!

Forget it if you didn't see it.

Now she can see that, in case they haven't separated yet, she is just watching helplessly as Yin Yue goes into the fire pit and becomes a cuckold for cheap! ... immoral and immoral.

I still hope that one day that guy will come back and clean up the mess!
After almost a moment's thought, Gu Nanci reluctantly accepted his fate. Maybe he would have to get involved in this matter.

However, even at the moment when he was forced to be a hero to save the beauty, Gu Nanci has not forgotten his image of a weak and resting young highness.

She almost admired herself: What a commendable professionalism!

Gu Nanci's steps were as smooth as the wind, his face was pale and weak, and he was covering his cheek with one hand half-clasped. As he walked, he coughed softly and asked in a weak voice:

"What's going on outside?"

Seravis paused, but quickly responded with an expression, not raising any questions about the change in the man who was almost lying on the sofa holding a fruit plate one second, and why he was about to die the next second.

Instead, he stepped forward very cooperatively and said, "Your Highness, be careful!"

Then he supported Gu Nanci, who was staggering and seemed unsteady, to the door, and replied succinctly: "That gentleman was unhappy about the accident just now, and wanted to invite a greeter to accompany him to make up for it."

"Cough cough cough..." Gu Nanci turned his head and coughed several times before he could hold his breath. His eyes fell on the people at the scene of the dispute.

The moment he saw Gu Nanci come out, the supervisor's eyes almost stared straight. His body bowed fiercely faster than his brain could react, his lips began to tremble, and he said in a respectful and surprised voice: "Your Highness... Your Highness!"

The other greeter who was following him, the people watching the excitement in the nearby lounge, and the passers-by all looked in disbelief as if they were seeing gods, and then they bowed to each other in an unlimited manner.

Only Saravis behind him, Yin Yue who was pulled away, and the middle-aged man with malicious intentions stayed where they were, not knowing why.

Gu Nanci was panicking in his heart. He really didn't expect that just one appearance would lead to such a big battle.

Fortunately, she had learned some etiquette from Yuan Lao before, so she supported Seravis's palm, which gave her the center of gravity, and waved her other hand lightly, making a gesture of no courtesy.

Everyone stood up one after another, their eyes still had hot eyes that refused to look away, bright and unblinking, staring at Gu Nanci with passion.

...Hold on!
Gu Nanci, whose acting skills are very good, looked calm and said in a hoarse voice: "It doesn't matter, you are busy with your business, I will come out and take a look."

Having said that, no one was willing to move.

It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet His Highness Donglai in person!

Especially for every Donglai person, it is almost the most sincere belief!
Even Xilai has heard a lot about the deeds of the young highness. Except for those who are involved in interests and extremes, most of them respect and envy him, and at the end they will be full of curiosity.

I wish I could open my eight pairs of eyes and carve this mysterious little Highness into my memory.

Gu Nanci had no choice but to look at Yin Yue in the face of the hot gazes around him. He coughed twice and asked weakly, "Are you unwilling?"

Yin Yue was stunned, her angry eyes turned into blank stares, and a bit surprised.

Then he nodded sharply.


Before Gu Nanci could speak again, the middle-aged man next to him turned red, "What? What do you want to do?"

"No matter what kind of person you are, Your Highness! You have to be reasonable, okay? This is obviously the person I like first! I want to rob him by force, but I can't!"

Before he could finish his glaring curses, he was scolded by the supervisor, "Shut up!"

The supervisor who was humbled by rules and customer status not long ago seemed to be a different person now, with his back straight, his face red, and he shouted angrily:

"What qualifications do you have to be disrespectful to His Highness! I declare that you will be expelled from the Royal Ship immediately! Please pack your things immediately, and someone will be sent to take you off the ship at the next port! Access to royal shipping-related business will be permanently denied in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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