After thinking about it, Mo Ran raised his head again, his tone full of firmness that could not be refused:

"You will bring him a lot of danger. If you are wise, get out of here."

Hearing this, Fang Liang seemed to be awakened from confusion, and returned to being cold and fierce. Then, like a beast awakening, the pressed fist turned into a strong wind again.

"Do you want to take action? Just in time, when the people from Jizhou arrive, you won't be able to escape at all."

Fang Liang's fist paused, and there was an indistinguishable light in his eyes.

"Either get out of here, or I'll clear the door for him."

"People like you have no choice."


The incident happened suddenly and almost killed someone. Not to mention the audience, even Le Jue was frightened.

There are even some conspiracy theories coming out.

Could this be some new type of targeting method?
Led by dik, everyone on the Internet is hacking firebomb, and only your family was invited to participate in the event.

I thought I was a good party with eyes, but unexpectedly, this participation directly caused a criminal case!

The idol club is very popular.

Such a big person, such a big chandelier.There were so many security guards, but someone could rush up and stab them and almost smash them.

If it weren't for the fact that everyone in the company was really friendly from the beginning, we would have suspected that this was a wolf in sheep's clothing, taking off everyone's guard and bringing in a wave of real bosses.

Lord Le Jue was almost on the verge of tears: We really didn’t do anything!
Sese didn't dare to speak.

You can only express your innocence through practical actions.

After all... this kind of safety issue is not a trivial matter. If you don't handle it well, who artist will dare to come to your place in the future?

Not to mention, the security supervision of the royal family must be listed as a key observation target.

I'll give you whatever you want. I wish I could take everything you want and give you what you don't want. I won't wait for Qian Yueliu to come forward and directly propose full reimbursement, trying to provide the best medical treatment without any harm.

If Song Zhixian hadn't appeared too quickly and swept the person away, even the royal ambulance would have been called.

...By the way, the one who was almost injured was the artist that his boss wanted to recruit over and over again!
What is this all about!
Le Jue was worried about his boss's accountability and the public opinion that would follow. His hair was turning gray.

And the parties at the center of the incident.

Gu Nanci fell into deep silence. house is as big as a square meter...

Where have you been?
Song Zhixian still has two brushes. Although he usually calls himself a quack, he can still count on him in real time.

I don't know where I got the ambulance from, and it was driven by a trustworthy young apprentice. He looked at Song Zhixian with a face of admiration and followed the instructions as he drove around the city.

Song Zhixian, who was free, followed him and sat in the back.

Nothing else, it focuses on an immersive mourning experience.

Lao Gao grinned and cried more brilliantly than he smiled. He grabbed Gu Nanci who was lying on a stretcher and answered the phone and howled at the top of his lungs:
"Nan Ci! It was so miserable for you to leave! I was the one who was almost lying down!"

Lin Qi: "..." His eyes were dull.

Gu Nanci: "..." His face was expressionless.

Gu Nanci said indifferently: "...If you want to lie down so much, I wouldn't mind letting you experience it myself."

"...No, no, no, I don't think it's that sad anymore." Song Zhixian quickly changed his mind.

"Have your people done it?" Gu Nanci rolled his eyes.

Naturally, she was referring to the people at the hospital who helped her fake her identity.

"Don't worry, I am a miracle doctor after all, I still have some abilities." Song Zhixian patted his chest.

Gu Nanci: ...I always feel that your quack doctor's ability is sometimes good and sometimes not good, purely Schrödinger-style.

But it can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

On the side, Lin Qi's eyes turned several times, he opened his mouth, wanted to say something and then closed it again.

He sat stiffly on the spot, looking like he had been kidnapped.

Finally, I remembered that there was another person at the scene.

Gu Nanci raised his head and smiled harmlessly.She chose Lin Qi for no other reason.

This person has some more unique ideas than Song Zhixian, and can always give him unexpected answers. I believe he will have a more satisfactory answer to this matter.

"What do you think...about this...?" Gu Nanci smiled and gave an excuse.

As expected, Lin Qi, who was stiff and stiff, suddenly raised his head, his eyes full of hesitation, "You..."

Gu Nanci's eyes were encouraging.

Lin Qi took a deep breath.

"You're going to see that person again..." Lin Qi, who tried hard to hold back the word "puppy", felt heartbroken and helpless, with a sense of anger and sadness.

Gu Nanci: ...? ? ?
not sure what it is.

But it must be outrageous.

now it's right!

Gu Nanci paused, pretending to be shy and nodded, "You... know..."

"I knew it!!!" Lin Qi's voice was high and filled with sadness and anger:

"You are... hurt like this and you still want to see him! You--you!"

Gu Nanci had no time to say anything and noticed Song Zhixian's gesture.

We're almost at the meeting point.

Gu Nanci held Lin Qi's hand affectionately, "Brother... you will keep it a secret for me, right?"

Lin Qi is a good man with outrageous ideas, but for some reason he is extremely tolerant and unconditional towards her.

She trusts him so much!

Lin Qi: "..."

Finally, under Lin Qi's sad and angry gaze, Gu Nanci pushed off and got out of the car.

Well, from the stretcher, someone who not long ago had pretended to be so weak that he couldn't stand up, jumped off with a strong leap, and jumped into a parallel car next to him.

The series of movements were as fast as ghosts, and no one could see them clearly.

Then Lin Qizhen became a kidnapped person, following Song Zhixian's roaring ambulance all the way to the designated hospital.

This is an intersection with few people, so I specifically chose this intersection after contacting Chi Junming.

As soon as he got in the car, he saw Chi Junming's dark face with a cold expression.

The joys and sorrows are not the same.

Gu Nanci had a bright expression as if he had successfully escaped.

For Brother Tiaozi, it may be that we have encountered many extreme situations together, and we are born with a strong familiarity with our comrades.

They are all in the same camp, and they are not outsiders. Gu Nanci said in a pleasant voice:

"Why do you have such a bitter and hateful expression! Come on, come on! Smile?"

This escape was very successful, thanks to the enemy who suddenly appeared, although I don't know who it is yet.

But this is definitely the cutest enemy in so long!

Seeing that Gu Nanci was still smiling, Chi Junming couldn't help but darken his face and spoke harshly:

"Can you cherish your life?"

"...Don't I cherish it? I'm so positive!" Gu Nanci was confused and didn't know the reason for this accusation.

This messy life would have been sorted out by someone else.

And she is still alive so tenaciously to this day, her spirit is so commendable!
"You..." Chi Junming choked, gritting his teeth and tapping his index finger hard in the air.

Forget it, you are a heartless person and don’t want to say more.

Brother Tiaozi: In anger, he became angry.

Finally, he made a 360-degree drift to vent his anger. (End of chapter)

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