After the draft became popular, he was secretly favored by the paranoid boss

Chapter 392: What is this about a collapsed chapter?

There were too many people, and it was useless to call security. There was no way to clear a path.

Upon seeing this, Gu Nanci hurriedly communicated with the staff, then got out of the car and walked over. Lin Qi slowly moved to the garage.

Where have ordinary art museums seen such battles?
The staff who didn't know what to do were completely confused. Gu Nanci did whatever he said, completely flipping identities and letting them be arranged.

Seeing Gu Nanci get out of the car, the crowd burst into excited cheers.

Worried that it would be unsafe if there were too many people, Gu Nanci waved and patiently said to the surrounding fans:
"Everyone, please pay attention to safety! Go back early. No one can enter because the capacity has been restricted. This event will be broadcast simultaneously on Lai Vision! Everyone can see it!"

The cheers were too loud, and I didn’t know if I heard them.

Gu Nanci was a little worried and thought about sending an aik to give instructions when he went in later.

Just as he was talking, the waiting security guard crossed the sea of ​​people and finally came to Gu Nanci. Several people surrounded him and opened a path to welcome Gu Nanci in first.

Dongnae Art Museum

Glancing at the scene outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, there was endless yelling and yelling coming from inside.

"I'm just saying that these traffic people shouldn't be looking for it! It's useless to deal with all these superficial troubles!"

"If I hadn't closed the art museum early to prevent anyone from entering, with the number of visitors, there might have been some kind of safety incident inside today!"

"Don't talk about what's going on inside. Just the way it looks outside makes me worried that something will happen! Is there any way to get those onlookers to disperse first?"

Several older leaders looked out the window and looked worried.

"I just don't understand. Everyone has two eyes and one nose. What's so interesting about them? Everyone is so crazy. I don't think there's anything good about the ones we invited!"

"Who knows, we don't understand the world of those young people, what is it called, chasing stars! My little granddaughter was fascinated by it."

"Ha! They don't look good at all. They are neither male nor female, and their faces are all smeared like ghosts. If you ask me, you should find some respected old artists to make these exaggerated young people have any good - —”

An upright old man curled his lips and complained: "Okay, you got a bargain and behaved well, but you are looking for it! If you really invite a bunch of old guys to die just in our Dongnai Art Museum, how can we extend the exhibition time now?" Touring the country!"

"...You old thing, why are you turning your elbows outward!"

"Okay, I'm satisfied. Besides, the photo taken this time is really good, isn't it? I looked at the picture Xiao Cheng took, that mermaid, how good it is! Young people also have good ones!"

I couldn't refute this, so I kept silent.

"...So, are you really planning to do some kind of joint cultural and creative project?"

"I think currently, the group is really good. They are sunny and energetic. They look like young people and can attract some young audiences."

"Of course, in terms of risk, Ye Shishi's side is definitely more reliable. Who knows when those young people will collapse? Take Zhou Hang as an example, isn't it a living example?"

It was not on display for long.

Cutting off vermicelli and leeks was criticized as a hot search topic.

Then the former company almost lost its reputation, and the art museum was not happy about it. When they found out, Zhou Hang's exhibition was immediately removed.

Once the exhibition pictures are taken, they can be withdrawn.

But this joint cultural creation doesn’t work!
If I really decide, I will be the spokesperson for half of the art museum!When the time comes, planning is done, products are produced, and things are sold.

Then you collapsed.

What is this called?

Does it demonstrate the credibility of a selection that is even official rubbish?

"...If you say so, that's true." The old man, who had always been a strong supporter of the new blood, sighed, "And since it is a group, the probability of something going wrong is multiplied. In the entertainment industry..."

Each one is a headache.

group?Just sit there and wait to collect the broken walls!
"Forget it, it's really too risky, let's use Ye Shishi."

Several people made the final decision.

Then when I heard the sudden increase in decibels outside, I subconsciously frowned and looked outside. I saw a black vehicle slowly approaching, surrounded by stars and the moon. "This is?"

Many people from the entertainment industry participated in the shooting of Sen. Hai Exhibition.

But none of them can cause such a big reaction from those outside.

It was as if the entire audience was here for the person below.

The expressions of several leaders were not very good.

This caused the scene to boil over. In the eyes of these leaders, the main positions boiled down to one identity:
The culprit who made them fearful of safety problems!
It’s you who co-authored it!

One leader was a bit incredulous, "Who is this person? Why do I think the cheers are louder than Xiaoye's just now?"

Below, Gu Nanci got out of the car.

Looking at the young figure, curiosity instantly turned into speechlessness, "Another small flow."

"It looks familiar...but it's too far away to see clearly." It was so exciting and lively that one of them couldn't help but stretch his neck and look down.

"Wait, this seems to be -" Before he could finish his words, he saw the young man trotting to the gate in three steps and two steps at a time.

The blurry face became clear, and then froze on the spot.

"What's wrong? Why are you so dumbfounded? Are you seduced by a little ghost?" People on the side joked with a smile.

"No." The man murmured blankly, almost instinctively.
"I seem to...see a god..."


"You don't have a fever. Why are you talking in your sleep in broad daylight?"


10 minute later.

At the entrance of the exhibition hall, watching Gu Nanci recording a promotional video for the tour, the leaders who came down to inspect fell silent.

Damn, this face is really divine!
Although Firebomb arrived early, they put it on hold because Gu Nanci never arrived.

I just came here and was quickly roped in to record.

To be an artist, you really need to have a very high psychological quality and regard the outside world as nothing.

For example at this moment.

Standing at the entrance of the Senhai exhibition, there is an oversized introduction picture in the background, and opposite is the sound of a shutter and a camera.

Looking further up, there are dense crowds of people standing at the railings upstairs, as well as fans and spectators on the same floor looking in and out of the fence.

Listening to the chorus of "Baby, I love you!" and "Husband, you are so handsome," one after another, some even shouted excitedly by name.

The rightful owner himself appears to be serious, but in reality he is almost building a castle.

After being unable to hold back his laughter for the third time, Firebomb surrendered and made stop gestures one by one, or clasping hands to beg for mercy, in an attempt to gain forgiveness from the fans at the scene, and quickly recorded the embarrassing scene to end it.

Listening to the voices of many rough and crazy male fans who were excitedly shouting for their husbands and babies, Gu Nanci was already relieved after being shocked many times.

It's okay, just be happy.

Waving his hands, Gu Nanci, who thought he was invulnerable, read the words very calmly.

Little did he know that the tip of his ear had already betrayed his true feelings and was stained there alone.

Then the audience became even more excited and crazy.

The leaders who came down also stayed where they were.

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