It's just that after the weather cooled down, he thought about going back to Kongmeng Pavilion in the morning.

Even if it's a desk with Yuanzhi alone, each busy with his own business, it's more comfortable than fighting with those old foxes.

When staying with those courtiers, he has to act as a wise king at all times, dignified and solemn, lenient and majestic without losing his majesty.

Where can I feel comfortable with Yuan Zhi?
Fang Yuanzhi knew that she was wronged yesterday, so she came here early in the morning, wanting to show her courtesy, so that the matter could be brought to light earlier.

Sure enough, Zhu Jianshen came over stepping on the imperial chariot.

Just seeing Yuan Zhi, he got off the chariot, planning to walk back to Kongmeng Pavilion hand in hand with her.

At this time, autumn is crisp and the air is clear, which is a rare good weather in Beijing.

Fang Yuanzhi felt his skin tighten for no reason, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

She asked the servants to surround Zhu Jianshen, and the group hurried back to Kongmeng Pavilion.

Qin Ji was clever, and had already arranged for people to search all the surrounding areas along the way.

Sure enough, thrown arrows and bows were found in a rockery.It was also found out on the same day who was trying to plot wrongdoing.

It turned out to be an unfamiliar young servant.Although the mastermind behind the scenes was not found out, this matter also raised everyone's heart.

Seeing Fang Yuanzhi's face turned pale, Zhu Jianshen comforted her: "Since the second prince was born, I have been waiting for this day. I didn't expect that the days ahead would be peaceful."

Fang Yuanzhi gave him a white look: "Is this still peaceful? If the food and clothing hadn't been carefully inspected by Eunuch Tan and the servants, you would have collapsed long ago. Now you have even resorted to sniping tricks!"

Zhu Jianshen hugged Yuan Zhi into his arms, and sighed, "This day will never escape."

Fang Yuanzhi felt more and more sore in her heart, she said in a low voice: "Your Majesty is exhausted, how can a concubine survive? If you leave, I will go with you."

Zhu Jian was stunned.

Fang Yuanzhi sniffed, and looked at him provocatively: "Do you think I dare not? In ancient times, Concubine Yu resigned from Xiang Yu to death, and now Yuan Zhi vowed to follow my emperor to the death. You are not alone on the road to Huangquan. You should be at ease." Bar?"

It took Zhu Jianshen a long time to come back to his senses, and he smiled silly: "I'm not Xiang Yu. The Han soldiers didn't conquer the land, and they didn't reach the time when all sides were besieged."

After a pause, he gently stroked her face, and added: "Yuan Zhi, I don't want you to die, I want you to live well and live happily."

Fang Yuanzhi glanced at him resentfully: "If you die, it doesn't count. If you get to Huangquan Road, you won't be able to catch me back. I'm the miracle doctor."

Zhu Jianshen smiled foolishly: "My silly Yuan Zhi is really stupid."

But he is also genuinely happy.

In the days that followed, there was turmoil in the palace.The Empress Dowager Zhou carefully screened the maids and servants from top to bottom, and sent out all the illegal items found in the palace.

Many obvious and hidden stakes placed by the Sun family in the palace have been cleaned up.

This was the first time that the Queen Mother Zhou and the Sun family stood on opposite sides.

The Sun family's warning and revenge came soon.

Zhou Yu, the younger brother of the Empress Dowager Zhou, was impeached.It is said that it connives at the family children to occupy the fields of the poor.Zhu Jianshen sent two censors to investigate, but they both said that it was Zhou Yu's crime.

At this time, Zhu Jianshen had a good control over the civil official group, and directly sent several censors to Jinyiwei Prison, completely protecting his uncle.

When the Empress Dowager Zhou heard the result of such a disposition, she finally said to Princess Chongqing with emotion: "Your brother is still very clear."

The Empress Dowager Zhou had been left cold by Zhu Jian for so long, and she also began to really reflect on what she had done.

Especially when she saw her son hiding Fang Yuanzhi, who had been cold for more than half a year, into Xi Nei's pampering, she finally understood that her son seemed cold-hearted, but in fact he had a hot heart.

Someone has to take the first step in breaking the ice between mother and child.

Zhu Jianshen's life was threatened, and it was impossible for her to remain indifferent.

In the end, she still learned from the painful experience and took the first step to break with the Sun family.

On October [-]th, when the Empress Dowager was celebrating her birthday, the Empress Dowager Zhou gave Sun Zan’s wife a few words in front of many court wives, and held hands with Sun Lian’s wife, Mrs. by myself.

This gave a ten-tenth hint to the outside world: the palace supports Sun Lian's future inheritance of the Huichang Hou Mansion, and Sun Zan has been rejected by the palace.

Combined with the actual removal of Sun Zan from his post in Jinyiwei by Emperor Mingsheng last month, all the dignitaries also understood that the Huichang Marquis Mansion did not lose the emperor's heart, but Sun Zan fell out of favor.

Soon after the Empress Dowager's Holy Day, Sun Lian was transferred from Jinyiwei to be the commander of the avant-garde army.This is a real third-rank military officer position!
Those powerful families who had surrounded Sun Zan also became concerned.

The Marquis of Huichang was also meditating in the mansion with a cloudy expression.

He is getting older and older.In the past, he put all his energy on cultivating Sun Zan.If it hadn't been for the Queen Mother Sun insisting on making Sun Lian the eldest son, according to his own opinion, Sun Zan should have taken over himself as the Marquis of Huichang.

At first he thought Sun Lian was a waste.Unexpectedly, in the past few years, the good-for-nothing turned around and his temperament changed drastically.

The two brothers had a vague intention of fighting against each other.

At this time, Huichang Hou finally understood the original intention of his sister, Queen Mother Sun.

She is clearly planning for her own family's children and grandchildren, and let their grandson's family fight among themselves!

Hou Huichang could not help but smile wryly.

I have been shrewd all my life, but in the end I was tricked by my own sister!

But what the fourth brother Xu Zong said is also right.As long as the emperor allows their Sun family to land safely, they don't have to fight the royal family to the death.

How to pass the crisis in the future depends on the emperor's choice, and also on the behavior of the Fang family girl who is deeply loved by the emperor.

They will not sit still in the Marquis of Chang's Mansion, they have to be fully prepared.

These are later stories.

In October, after the hustle and bustle of the Empress Dowager's Holy Day, fierce quarrels broke out in the Mongolian Pavilion in Xi Neikong.

Zhu Jianshen persuaded him earnestly: "It's not that I want you to go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, but I'm going to see the queen mother, what can't I do?"

Fang Yuanzhi's face was somber, as if a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water: "I'm not going! Now I'm a court lady, Li Shumei, doing cleaning work in the Kongmeng Pavilion, how can I have such a big face to celebrate her birthday in front of the Empress Dowager? don't go!"

Zhu Jianshen didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "It's enough to hide this kind of words from outsiders. My mother's eyes are sharp, and she can't see through our little tricks? Not to mention the queen mother, Wan Guifei, the queen, and Bai Xianfei are probably all in their hearts. Like, you ugly daughter-in-law always wants to see her in-laws..."

Fang Yuanzhi became angry: "What an ugly daughter-in-law! I have no matchmaker and no employment. If I am unmarried, how can I have any parents-in-law? A lowly court lady can't afford to be ashamed in front of nobles!"

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