The pharmaceutical workshop previously established in cooperation with Xu's family is running well.

But at the beginning, it was all relying on Xu Chun and even the Xu family's stewards to successfully prepare for the establishment.Today, although she has pharmaceutical experience, she still knows nothing about the construction of large-scale pharmaceutical workshops.

Are you going to ask the Xu family for a few stewards who are good at this to pass on their experience?
Fang Yuanzhi instinctively refused.

When she got home, she heard that Mrs. Gu had come to visit, and she never left at Fang's house.

Fang Yuanzhi has a big head.

She and Xu Chun were strangers, and she didn't want to see anyone in the Xu family again, especially Mrs. Gu who had supported her when she was most painful and helpless, and threatened to marry her as her daughter-in-law.

Fang Yuanzhi avoided seeing him.

Mrs. Gu is very tenacious.He left Fang's house at Haishi on the first day, and came back early the next morning.

Fang Yuanzhi simply went out to Jimin Medical Hall.

As soon as I arrived at the medical hall, some acquaintances visited me.

Fang Yuanzhi felt even more dizzy.

The person who came was the deity of Zhang Mao, the British public.

She had given the British Duke a pill in the palace, but that pill had been dropped, and she was almost poisoned herself.

I don't know if the Duke of England holds a grudge against her.

The British prince came in and sat down in front of Fang Yuanzhi's consultation table.

Fang Yuanzhi got up and saluted: "The villain pays his respects to the British lord. The medicine given to the lord was exchanged last time, and the villain was also caught. Please forgive me."

Bring the matter to the table first, so as not to get deeper and deeper in the future.

Zhang Mao raised his eyebrows slightly.He didn't dare to take the antidote given by Fang Yuanzhi at that time, instead, he asked a trusted doctor to test the properties of the medicine after returning home, and Fang Yuanzhi's motives were somewhat uncertain.

He had to suspect that she wanted to set herself up as a pillar of shame on the dirty palace curtain during the national mourning period.

But he knew that she had no such motive.

The British government and the Fang family had always been on good terms, and they were also married, and she personally expressed her support to her, which was completely unnecessary for her.

Or is it the emperor's order?Empress Dowager Ciyi is dead, so why not destroy the British government?
After escaping that day, the British prince has been watching the situation with a cold eye.

The emperor stopped the new policy of salt law, Fang Yuanzhi went out of the palace, but went to Sun's house for medical treatment!
Even the emperor went to Sun's house!

That is to say, after the bitter admonition of the Wenhua Gate, the emperor made a huge compromise to the Sun family.

Fang Yuanzhi, who once greatly offended the Sun family, was expelled from the palace and asked to treat the Sun family!
Is there still a chance for the British government to rise?
It is not that he has no chance to meet the emperor.

But even though he expressed his allegiance to the emperor through Fang Yuanzhi, the emperor never gave him a look.

This made the British public even more uncertain.

Does the emperor intend to accept the surrender of the British government?

This puts the British government on pins and needles.

It is true that he can wait for the day when King De takes the throne, maybe the British government will have another day.

However, King De, a perfidious person, could even kill the Empress Dowager Qian who had raised him, so he might not be able to show his knife to the British government.

After thinking about it, he still felt that the broad-minded Zhu Jianshen was a better choice.

In the past few days, he saw that Fang Yuanzhi was in close contact with Liu Yongcheng's house and the Imperial Horse Supervisor, and his mind became active again, so he took the initiative to visit Fang Yuanzhi.

He didn't expect Fang Yuanzhi to be generous, telling him that his original medicine had been stolen.

He asked: "Mr. Fang, how can you see that this guild will believe you?"

For Fang Yuanzhi's men's clothing, he called her son.

Trust is hard to build, but easy to destroy.

He and Fang Yuanzhi were the olive branches he handed over first, but they haven't reached the point of trusting each other yet.

Fang Yuanzhi said: "I took the medicine myself first that day. If the Duke hadn't escaped swiftly and the emperor came to rescue me in time, Yuan Zhi, who broke the scandal with the Duke, would have no way out. .Yuan Zhi is also the prostitute of the Fang family, is it necessary to knock the Duke into the dust at the price of his own life?"

British Duke Zhang Mao also agreed with her words.

"I came here today, and I want to ask Mr. Fang, what are your plans for the future?"

Zhang Mao already knew about Fang Li's injury.Fang Yuanzhi's reputation is extremely bad now, and he was once the emperor's lover, so he will definitely not be able to marry anyone in the future.

However, she has close contacts with Liu Yongcheng and Yumajian, and it seems that she has another plan.

Fang Yuanzhi smiled faintly.In the troubled times these days, all forces are like taut strings, probing everywhere.

"Yuanzhi just negotiated a deal with Yumajian, renting their Huangzhuang to set up a pharmaceutical workshop. It's just that I don't have any money, and the money is limited. If the Duke is interested, he can buy a share."

Zhang Mao's pupils shrank.

This is not a stock, but an alliance of interests.

Now that she has the support of the Imperial Horse Supervisor, having an extra self is just icing on the cake.

"Mr. Fang has a way to make money to share, and I am naturally happy to join in. It's just how much capital and manpower do you need? Please also ask Mr. Fang to express it."

Fang Yuanzhi smiled embarrassingly: "This matter is only a general outline now, and the specific matters will be discussed with the Duke after it is clear. What do you think?"

Fang Yuanzhi sent Ying Yinggong off, but soon received an invitation: "Mrs. Lu from Shange's hometown is ill, please come and ask Doctor Fang for a visit."

Fang Yuanzhi was puzzled.

You can invite an imperial doctor to come to Ge Lao's home.Mrs. Lu, Shang Ren's wife, is too sympathetic to her, so would she be willing to invite her to her door?
Out of respect for Shang Ren, Fang Yuanzhi went to see the doctor anyway.

It was only when Fang Yuanzhi came to Ge's hometown that he realized that he was thinking simple.

Mrs. Lu's face was full of red, her eyes were clear, her body was healthy, but the way she looked at Fang Yuanzhi was a bit complicated.

According to her standard of judgment, this daughter of the Fang family who has no regard for etiquette, justice, and shame cannot be her guest.

Outside the screen, there are a few men indistinctly.

Shang Ren's gentle voice came from the other side of the screen: "Miss Fang, the old man invited you to his home today with an excuse. I have a few questions that I would like to clarify, and please give me your advice."

Fang Yuanzhi replied respectfully: "Elder Ge is being polite, please ask Elder Ge, but it's okay to ask."

"Miss Fang has been on duty in the palace for a while, and she is not at fault. Why did she suddenly leave the palace?"

Fang Yuanzhi said heartily: You ask me, I still want to ask the emperor!
She thought for a while and replied: "I was originally favored by Empress Dowager Ciyi and stayed in the palace to serve. Now that Empress Dowager Ciyi has passed away, there is nothing to do in the palace. She wanted to come to the palace and not support idlers, so she was sent out of the palace." gone."

Shang Ren couldn't laugh or cry.

What he asked was why Fang Yuanzhi and the emperor broke up, but she got involved with Queen Mother Qian?

"I heard that Miss Fang went to the Sun's residence for a visit a while ago, and the emperor also went to the Sun's residence. Did you say anything?"

I said yes, but do I need to tell others?
Fang Yuanzhi thought for a while, and said simply: "At the end of July, my father was assassinated in the suburbs of Beijing. The emperor ordered me to go out of the palace to serve. He also asked me to go to Jiangnan with my family.

A few days ago at Sun's house, Lord Huichang said that the emperor asked him to keep Fang's family safe.The Marquis of Huichang has agreed. "

Fang Yuanzhi couldn't see the expression of Shang Ren on the other side of the screen, but Fang Yuanzhi could see the shock on Mrs. Lu's face on the other side of the screen. (end of this chapter)

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