Chapter 210
Fang Yuanzhi couldn't bear it, she asked: "King De took refuge in the Sun family, did you know?"

A trace of panic flashed across King Chong's immature face, and he didn't speak.

Fang Yuanzhi continued to pursue: "If the emperor is gone, you will fight with King De. If the Sun family doesn't help you, are you sure you can win?"

"The emperor is your flesh and blood relative, with a gentle temper. As long as he is alive, he will definitely protect your prosperity and wealth for the rest of your life. Do whatever you want."

"Being the emperor is hard work, not so easy to do. Your brother doesn't dare to go out, and he is also cautious when leaving the palace. How can you be free?"

King Chong retorted: "But, if you become the emperor, you can marry whomever you want!"

Fang Yuanzhi smiled: "That's not necessarily the case. Your imperial brother wants to marry me, but he can't do it either."

"Okay, let's go back and rest quickly. Persuade the queen mother to let her mourn and change."

King Chong's eyes were gloomy, and he walked away step by step.

Fang Yuanzhi heaved a sigh of relief, closed the door and went back to sleep.

Even his mother and younger brother are digging pits for him to jump into, Xiao Shenshen, you are really a wolf and a tiger, and there is an abyss under your feet.


Zhu Jianshen sat listlessly in the living room of Wenhua Palace.

Hurts from loved ones are always more painful.

In mother's heart, is she really not as good as her younger brother, and should she even give up the throne to him?
After returning from Huichang Hou Mansion, he has been restless.He thought it was his life and death calamity again.

He is living a happy life now, and he is not willing to die at all.

If he died, what would Yuan Zhi do?

The Marquis of Huichang will definitely not let her go.

He wanted Yuan Zhi and her family to make proper arrangements.

Unexpectedly, it was Empress Dowager Qian who had the accident first.

He breathed a sigh of relief.The civil servants advised him to continue to listen to the government, but he ignored it. He just shirked that he was too sad to govern. In fact, on the one hand, he was investigating the cause of Empress Dowager Qian's death, and on the other hand, he was busy gathering Empress Dowager Qian's influence in the palace over the years.

He didn't expect that Yuan Zhi, who was supposed to be protected by him, gave him a big assist; and his biological mother, who had been in the palace for many years and was very powerful, stabbed a knife in his chest instead.

The queen mother didn't even think about it, even if the younger brother Jian Ze became the throne, how many years of good time would he have?

Once the Marquis of Huichang finds out that his younger brother is disobedient, he will definitely treat him like himself.

If I don't want to be a megaphone and a puppet emperor without a sense of existence, is he willing to see Ze Ze?
Zhu Jianshen didn't indulge in negative emotions for too long.

He still has a loved one to take care of, and he needs to pick himself up quickly.

The Queen Mother of Zhou is the mother, and he is the son. He cannot disobey his mother and bear the reputation of being unfilial.

However, he can push the problem out.

Zhu Jianshen issued an edict to let the ministers of the Ministry of Rites and the civil and military officials discuss the burial place of Empress Dowager Qian, and also let Xia Shi, the most trusted eunuch of Empress Dowager Zhou, come to listen.

After Chen Wen's death, Peng Shi became the chief assistant of the cabinet.

Peng Shi and others took the lead in writing: Please abide by the will of the first emperor, Empress Dowager Ciyi will be the consort of Emperor Yingzong to take the throne, and merge the main temple of Yuling.The empress dowager is the emperor's biological mother, and the empress dowager Ciyi is the original consort of Yingzong, and both of them are the temples of the Mausoleum.Xianzong ruled the world with filial piety, and he could not only honor his birth mother; moreover, there was an example in the previous dynasty where an emperor buried two empresses: Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty and Emperor Renzong of Song Dynasty both buried their birth mother and aunt in the mausoleum.

Yao Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites also called the marriage of the second empress a formal ceremony.

Zhu Jianshen felt more at ease.

When he first came to the throne, in order to establish the empress dowager, Peng Shi argued hard to respect the empress dowagers of the two palaces, and to respect the empress dowager Qian.

At that time, he was still immature, and he cursed Peng Shi in his heart for being troublesome.It is only now that I know that Mr. Peng Ge's refusal to give in to the last decree left by the late emperor is actually fighting for his own living space.

Xia Shi publicly objected at the behest of the Empress Dowager Zhou: "Ciyi has no children and is ill. It is not suitable to enter the mountain mausoleum, but not to be buried."

The courtiers were in dispute with the eunuch.

Zhu Jianshen was silent for a long time and said, "Joint burial is certainly filial piety, but if you lose the heart of the Virgin, how can you be filial? The Ministry of Rites will discuss it with all the ministers and workers."

Yao Kui, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, felt that the problem was serious.

He served as Minister of Rites in the seventh year of Tianshun. He was familiar with the etiquette system of the Ming Dynasty, and presided over important ceremonies such as the funeral of Emperor Yingzong, the enthronement ceremony of Zhu Jianshen, and the honorary title ceremony of the two palaces.In the process of dealing with the Queen Mother for a long time, I have a deep understanding of her temperament.

He urgently summoned 99 officials including ministers of civil and military affairs, the Imperial Academy, and Ke Dao to discuss the etiquette system of the Empress Dowager Ciyi's mausoleum. Almost all the ministers agreed that one emperor should bury two empresses:
"Empress Dowager Ciyi's funeral is buried in Yuling together with Empress Dowager Empress Dowager Long Live. Empress Dowager Ciyi is on the left, and Empress Dowager is on the right. They deserve to enjoy the Ying Temple. The etiquette is also appropriate. This is the best of heaven and humanity."

Zhu Jianshen quickly made a reply: "I agree with the minister's proposal, but the queen mother has not been approved several times; as the emperor, my filial piety and the two palaces are the same, so I can't make the queen mother unhappy, bear the name of unfilial piety, and be ridiculed by future generations; Choose a feng shui treasured place next to Yuling to bury Empress Dowager Qian."

On the second day, 32 people, including Shao Zhan Shi Ke Qian, Guo Zijian Jijiu Xing Rang, etc., made a memorial, with two intentions:
First, there is no precedent in the history of empresses not being buried without fault.

Second, refute the theory of the Queen Mother Zhou.In the battles for fame and position in the previous dynasty, the emperor's birth mother won most of the battles. The Empress Dowager Zhou also tried her best to follow the example of Xuanzong Empress Hu, but these two things cannot be regarded as the same.

Some ministers argued that although Empress Qian had not abdicated, she did not have a prince, so they should not be buried together.Xing Rang and others refuted that this is an unreasonable theory. Since ancient times, the funeral ceremony "although the wife and step-in-law have nothing to do, they will be buried together with their husbands and uphold the righteous style", so they cannot be buried in Yuling together.

In short, the courtiers proceeded from Yingzong's last wish and the ancestral rules and regulations, and suggested that Zhu Jianshen persuade the Queen Mother of Zhou, hoping to "come down Lunyin early to comfort the spirit of the former emperor, and to obey the hearts of the subjects of the world with the virtue of the whole mother and empress."

This is where Empress Dowager Qian's scheming is revealed.

As early as when the first emperor was in power, she persuaded the first emperor to restore the empress position of Emperor Xuanzong's original concubine, Hu Shanxiang. Almost every month, the palace sent people to pay homage to Hu Shanxiang, the empress of Gongrangzhang.

The late emperor's biological mother, the Empress Dowager Sun, took down Hu Shanxiang through a fight before ascending to the throne.

On the third day, Wei Guogong Xu Chu and 35 people went to Shushu to support Peng Shi and Yao Kui.They expressed their understanding of Xianzong's difficulty in choosing between mother's life and ancestral system, but hoped that the emperor would proceed from the overall situation of the country, "respect and filial piety, be kind and graceful, return to the heart of the Virgin, and comfort the hopes of the officials."

Wei Yuan led 39 officials to resist Zhang Ji's remonstrance during the incident of Li Kezuo, with fierce and sharp words.

41 officials, including the supervisory censor Kang Yongshao, also went to fight for the matter of Empress Dowager Ciyi's mausoleum.

Zhu Jianshen sat firmly in the Wenhua Palace, seeing so many civil and military officials opposing the Queen Mother, he was quietly relieved.

However, he also saw that Huichanghou, Hubu Shangshu Ma Ang and other relatives did not move.

(End of this chapter)

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