Chapter 104

Junxin naturally noticed her changes and became more enthusiastic and unrestrained.

But the anxiety deep in my heart gradually became stronger.

She couldn't ignore her origin, her family, and the relationship that was left in mid-air.

She and Xu Chun naturally had nothing to do.

It's just that she felt a little ashamed of Xu Chun.

Although all of this happened too unexpectedly and was not what she wanted, but after all, it was her who lost her body to others.

She thought that it would be good to hide in the deep mountains and old forests in the future, so that she would not have to face the accusations and contempt of others embarrassingly.

But she is not a person who likes to escape, and she must face it bravely.

This day Fang Yuanzhi put his arms around Junxin's neck and asked in a low voice, "When will you send me back?"

Junxin's body froze, and after a while, he looked at her expressionlessly: "Isn't it good here?"

Fang Yuanzhi gently stroked his side face: "I still have my parents, many people, many things..."

Jun Xin didn't speak, just got up, dressed and went out to leave.

Fang Yuanzhi was stunned, and when she chased out the door with bare feet, Junxin had disappeared.

Fang Yuanzhi was angry.

Is this what he said to leave everything to him?
Just leaving like this is also called processing? !

Fang Yuanzhi returned to the room, turned around a few times in anger, and wanted to throw something to vent.Only then did she realize that the room was empty and there was nothing in it.

Except for the pillows and bedding on the bed, and a set of tables and chairs, there is really nothing.

Usually, her energy is mainly focused on dealing with Junxin, and she hardly pays attention to the surrounding environment.

She suddenly discovered that the relationship between her and Junxin was just like this room. When they were together all day long, they didn't feel anything, it was enough.

It is also warm enough. When it is warm, it burns like a flame, melting people's body and mind together, like a phoenix nirvana, reborn from the ashes.

The kind of enthusiasm that makes people tremble in the depths of their souls makes her willing to turn into a raging fire, become one with him, experience the flames of hell with him, and admire the colorful clouds with him.

But once there is some disturbance, as long as that person leaves, there will be no ties between the two of them, and nothing will be left.

Not even warmer memories.

Fang Yuanzhi felt that this couldn't be done, the two had to communicate well.

At this time, she finally understood why those marriages required the orders of the parents and the words of the matchmaker.

Even if the relationship between husband and wife is not good, there are still these foreign fetters, so that life will not be empty.

But she and Junxin are not even considered husband and wife, at most they are adulterers and adulterers, and they are together in private without a matchmaker or a job.

This may not matter to the Miao and Yao people with open folk customs.

But she is a pure Han Chinese.Even though she has memories of her previous life, her parents, brothers, relatives and friends in this life, as well as those love relationships that she couldn't let go of, should always be explained.

She also doesn't want them to be like this, only today and no tomorrow.

Fang Yuanzhi stayed in the room for three days in a depressed mood.Someone delivered the daily meals, but Junxin never came back.

On the afternoon of the third day, after the hottest time of noon, Fang Yuanzhi walked down the mountain leaning on crutches.If he doesn't come back, she will go to him.

Less than halfway up the mountain road, I saw Jun Xin striding towards me.

The white clothes are elegant, the black hair is flowing, as if a breeze is blowing, and the hot air on the mountain road seems to be swept away.

Jun Xin supported her: "You can throw away the crutches and try to walk by yourself."

Fang Yuanzhi refused.

She prefers to be a lovely and pitiful cripple.

She looked at Jun Xin's expression carefully, her face was peaceful, but she still saw a trace of joy in his dark eyes.

Is he waiting for himself to find him?

Fang Yuanzhi's mood was a little jumpy, and the corners of her lips could not help but curl up.

Junxin helped Fang Yuanzhi walk up a small path: "I'll take you to see it."

There is a cliff at the end of the path, and there is a pool of clear water under the cliff, which is clear and bright, and the water surface is sparkling with the breeze.The colorful aquatic plants in the water are clearly visible and very eye-catching.

Junxin looked at her with a smile: "Dare you jump down?"

The cliff is also tens of meters high, and her calf was shaking a little, but she still said unconvinced: "If you dare, I will dare!"

Jun Xin's eyes were shining brightly: "Okay!"

He threw Fang Yuanzhi's crutch aside, put his arms around her, and with his head down, the two of them fell down together.

The two fell down extremely fast, and Fang Yuanzhi couldn't help screaming.

The moment she entered the water, she held her breath, and after entering the water, she exhaled slowly.

As the sinking momentum slowed down, she gradually saw the aquatic plants in the water swaying slowly, and the fish were frightened by them.

Jun Xin looked at her with a smile, and even leaned over to give her a sigh of relief.

The two of them blew bubbles, paddled their limbs and slowly emerged from the water.

Fang Yuanzhi gasped for breath.

But the heart is extremely excited.

It's so exciting!
Ultimate tension and ultimate freedom!
This kind of hearty, free and unrestrained wandering between life and death is unprecedented!

At this moment, she is not Fang Yuanzhi, nor is she anyone from her previous life.

She is herself, soaring in the blue sky and white clouds like a bird, swimming in the green mountains and green waters like a fish, unrestrained by the mortal body like a fairy, not governed by secular morality, completely free , complete laissez-faire.

This jump, as if she jumped out of the secular cycle, out of the world of mortals.

who I am?I am me!
Have nothing, yet seem to have everything!
If she experiences these alone, she may be afraid and not experience so many feelings.

But with the calm and calm Jun Xin beside him, he didn't feel scared at all!
With a full smile on Jun Xin's face, he let out a few long whistles.

He roamed freely in the water like a fish, and mischievously splashed water on Fang Yuanzhi's side.

Fang Yuanzhi also started to swim, occasionally tugging at his feet and his hair floating in the water.

Junxin suddenly sank into the water and disappeared.

Fang Yuanzhi was a little worried about his safety, so he yelled a few times on the surface of the water to no avail, then took a deep breath and sank below the surface, intending to search in the water.

Someone suddenly hugged her from behind.

Fang Yuanzhi knew it was Junxin, turned around slowly, and floated out of the water with her arms around her.

The two swam in the water for a long time, and they didn't go ashore until it was getting dark.

It was the first time that Fang Yuanzhi was so free after his leg was injured, and he felt much more at ease.

Junxin carried the tired Fang Yuanzhi into a cave.The cave is connected to the pond, and the bottom is the water surface, where fish swim, and several stone piers protrude from the water surface.

At the end of the stone pier is a large rectangular hammock with pillows and bedding on it.

On the stone pier next to the hammock, there are melons, fruits, snacks and tea, as if you can live here.

Jun Xin took a handkerchief to dry Fang Yuanzhi's body, rubbed her hair until it was half dry, and then carried her to the bed.

Fang Yuanzhi looked at the towering boulder above his head, and tilted his head to look at the fish swimming happily under the water, and the handsome man beside him who was feeding grapes to him, feeling like everything was in a dream.

The light at dusk rippling with the water, cast circles on the surrounding stone walls, like a rainbow in the dream.

In the most beautiful and splendid dreams, there has never been such a scene.

She glanced at Junxin occasionally, and dared not speak, for fear that the loud voice would wake her up from the dream.

Jun Xin opened his mouth first, and asked with a smile, "Do you like it?"

How can you not like it?
Fang Yuanzhi kissed her lightly.

It was the first time that Junxin saw Fang Yuanzhi taking the initiative, so he simply relaxed and handed over the initiative to her.

Half asleep and half awake at dawn, Fang Yuanzhi drew circles on Junxin's muscular chest with his fingers, nestled his head against his neck, and asked leisurely, "Is this a dream?"

Jun Xin sneered: "No."

"who are you?"

"I am your valley."

"Who am I?"

"You are my O."

Fang Yuanzhi looked up, looked into his eyes and asked with a smile, "What do Gu and Ao mean?"

"It's a couple."

Junxin was very relaxed, his eyes were half-closed, with a kind of psychedelic beauty.

Fang Yuanzhi kissed his eyelids.

The next day at dawn, Fang Yuanzhi pestered Junxin to take her to the cliff to dive.

Jun Xin laughed and said, "You are so bold!"

(End of this chapter)

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