prisoner in the door

Chapter 372 Chapter 371: "The rise of peasant girls?" 》

Mo Zhenzhen didn't ask, and Mo Mingfu, who was immersed in happiness, didn't say anything. Of course, it's very possible that he didn't know either. After all, he was still young, and adults wouldn't tell him many things.

It wasn't until Mo Mingzheng came back that Mo Mingzheng happily told her what happened. At this time, both brothers had a pile of meat in their noodle bowls. Mo Zhenzhen fished out a few wild vegetables to eat (she wasn't hungry, For show, those few wild vegetables have never been put into my mouth).

It turned out that it was getting dark, and the villagers were not sleeping, lighting torches and talking about the village chief.

The village chief has been working hard for more than 20 years. His father used to be the village chief. When his father died, he became the village chief. It is expected that if nothing happens, his son will become the village chief after his death.

But this time the village chief was dismissed dishonorably. I heard that the situation at that time was quite miserable. The village chief at such an old age was pushed and pushed. He almost fell down several times but no one helped him. His face was stripped away for the rest of his life. When we got down, this family said that on such-and-such day, the village chief took away ten kilograms of meat from their family, and the other family said that the village chief’s son took away a chicken from their family...

There are many things going on. If the power is spread in a certain family, then this family will enjoy privileges. It is impossible not to get some benefits.

Corruption was not a bad thing. There were many people who bullied men and women, and took advantage of widows and young girls. After they were all brought out, everyone felt that it was natural to dismiss the village chief.

The village chief was dismissed and imprisoned directly in the ancestral hall for reflection. As for the new village chief, the clan elders still need to discuss and select.

There is no such thing as democratic voting in this era. Positions such as village elders and elders are all selected internally and belong to a small circle of interests, and others cannot get in.

After finishing the meal of boiled rabbit meat, Mo Zhenzhen asked Mo Mingzheng and Mo Mingfu to boil water. She would go out first and come back to wash up before going to bed.

Mo Zhenzhen went out at night, walked along the dirt road, and came to Uncle Mo Guang's house based on her memory.

Mo Guang is not from the Mo family in this village. He moved from the main Mo family and is considered a wealthy household in this village.

The reason for the move is not very clear. They say it is just an ordinary separation, which is normal.

After all, people from the main family often move to the side branch.

The place where the master's house is is only so big, and it is inhabited by people from the main lineage. As the clan has more people, there will inevitably be concubines and side branches. These people have no place to live, so they have no choice but to move out and pursue their future.

Mo Zhenzhen knocked on the door of this house, and the person who opened the door was an old sister-in-law. She was Mo Guang's wife, but she was not his first wife but his stepwife. I heard that when he first moved here, his wife couldn't adapt to the climate and died of illness. The wife was married in the village and was from the same village.

Mo Zhenzhen smiled and said hello to the old sister-in-law. The old sister-in-law looked at Mo Zhenzhen with a cold face and then said that Mo Guang was not at home and asked her to come back during the day.

But Mo Zhenzhen said that she wanted to come and see the child.

Mo Guang and this old sister-in-law have a son. The wife he married two years ago just gave birth to a son this year.

The old sister-in-law still had a serious expression on her face and said that she would come during the day to take care of the children. The daughter of a good family would come to visit at night (this was because Mo Zhenzhen was good-looking and she was on guard).

At this time, Mo Zhenzhen opened her hands, revealing the golden lock piece in her palm, which directly caught the old sister-in-law's eyes.Mo Zhenzhen was still smiling, and what she said was still wanting to see the child, saying that it was between relatives, to see the child and give the child a gift.

After talking about this, Mo Zhenzhen finally entered the house. When the new wife didn't know what happened, Mo Zhenzhen entered the house and looked at the child, and then stuffed the thin longevity lock into the child's chest. In swaddling clothes, everything you say is flattering and admonishing your child.

The golden light passed by in a flash, and even if the new wife felt that Mo Zhenzhen's arrival was sudden, she still greeted her with a smile at this time.

After meeting and talking to the child, Mo Zhenzhen left. Before leaving, the whole family was very warm to her, and the old sister-in-law and the new daughter-in-law even said they would move around more often in the future.

Mo Zhenzhen responded and left with a smile. When she returned home, the water in the iron pot was almost boiling.

Mo Zhenzhen scrubbed first, followed by the two brothers. After washing, the two of them were responsible for cleaning up the mess in the kitchen.

Mo Zhenzhen had a good sleep after returning. When she got up early in the morning, she woke up the two brothers. Then she carried the basket up the mountain while the two brothers were busy with household chores at home.

When Mo Zhenzhen returned home, she brought back a deer.

It was the first time for the two brothers to see a deer alive, and their mouths were watering.

But Mo Zhenzhen stopped the two brothers from hunting the deer. Mo Zhenzhen told the two brothers that their studies would come from this deer.

Upon hearing this, the two brothers stood up immediately and looked at Mo Zhenzhen eagerly, with identical smiles on their faces.After selling the deer, Mo Zhenzhen earned 30 taels of silver. She took her two brothers to buy books, pens, inks, paper and inkstones and spent [-] taels. Then she took the two brothers to the wife where Mo Mingzheng went to school before and asked if she could come. The problem of going to school.

After getting permission, Mo Zhenzhen organized some bundles (including shoes and socks for the wife - this can prepare fabrics - then wine and meat chicken and eggs, and finally two taels of silver for each person. Here are the shoes and socks There is no need to prepare. If you prepare, it means that you hope that the master can take more care of their children. This is the same as giving gifts).

When she went back, Mo Zhenzhen also tore cloth (there were no ready-made clothes for sale here) and sold embroidery thread and embroidery fabric. If nothing else happened, her future source of income would be her embroidery skills.

Mo Zhenzhen's embroidery skills can't be said to be very good. She can only be said to be good at it, and she has embroidered large pieces, such as the auspicious cloud runes on the Buddhist robe (a class assignment for the science and technology products and weapon refining manufacturing department of Evil God College, which both men and women have to make).

She doesn't know any special stitches, and she hasn't learned color matching, but Mo Zhenzhen's hands are steady and precise, and she is smart enough to look at the embroidery patterns on the screen fan handkerchiefs on display, and then look at the bookstores. Mo Zhenzhen basically had an idea of ​​the paintings and calligraphy displayed inside.

She may not necessarily be able to color the mandarin ducks and peonies, but the color matching of landscape paintings is still very easy, and Mo Zhenzhen is very confident about this.

As for the sales issue, Mo Zhenzhen has also thought about it. If the round fans cannot be sold at a high price, they can make fans for young gentlemen. Landscape embroidery and a few poems are enough, so it doesn't take much effort.

As for the price issue... this is a business on the surface, as long as it is available, Mo Zhenzhen doesn't care so much whether it makes money or not.

Of course, Mo Zhenzhen still hoped to make money, so after returning home, Mo Zhenzhen studied the fabric for a long time (about three to ten minutes), and then used charcoal to make a sample on the fabric for making clothes for her two brothers. .

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