Ordinary observers in fast time travel

Chapter 580 The world is on the verge of being broken

The smell of meat wafted from the ruined temple in the wilderness, making people's stomach growl.

A group of dusty children gathered in a circle, swallowing their saliva as they looked at the hot iron pot in the middle.

"Where are your bowls? Eh, so dirty? Go wash them and wash your hands. If you don't wash them, you won't be fed!" Shi Jia glanced at the children's dirty broken bowls and little hands with disgust.

The children were reluctant, but for the sake of stuttering, they had no choice but to wash them off. At worst, they would rub some dust on them after eating.

The dirty dolls rushed into the backyard, where there was a well. Only Shijia and two children standing in strange postures were left in front of the iron pot.

Resentment and regret intertwined on the child's face, but there was no trace of shame.

Well, in their opinion, there is nothing shameful about grabbing food. Shame is an expression only seen by those who are full.

Shi Jia saw that the porridge in the pot was already a little thick, so he took out a small jar of salt from his backpack and dug a spoonful into it with a small wooden spoon. It was a bit bland. Forget it, these children didn't know how many days they had been without it. You’ve had a full meal, so don’t be too salty.

At this time, there were a few more breaths around him, and Shi Jia knew they were back without raising his head, "Come on, stretch out your hand and show me."

Hearing this, the dirty dolls spread their hands in front of Shijia, "Well, they're quite clean."

"Give me the bowl, and I'll scoop out the meat porridge for you." Shi Jia stretched out his hand to take over their cracked bowls, and scooped the porridge into the bowls with a newly made wooden spoon.

The off-white porridge is wrapped with the cooked meat and falls into the bowl. It becomes more and more attractive against the brown and black pottery bowl. If you can sprinkle some chopped green onion as a decoration, the porridge will be full of color, flavor and flavor.

"Be careful because it's hot and eat slowly."

When the child took the porridge, tears flowed out involuntarily. He opened his mouth, wanting to say something but nothing came out.

"Sister Fairy, I want it too." The child next to her was anxious.

"No hurry. We have everything." Shi Jia took the bowl and continued to ladle the porridge. Those who could walk quickly ate the porridge, while those who couldn't walk became anxious. They didn't even cry out, they just crawled over little by little with their hands on the ground.

Shijia didn't go to help, but quietly held the spoon, watched them approach, and took their bowls. Their bowls were clean, their hands were clean, only their elbows and bodies were dirty.

The ladle filled the pottery bowl with porridge, and then handed it back to their owner.

Soon, everyone except the two standing children drank the hot, thick meat porridge, and there was only one bowl left in the pot.

After finishing the porridge, the dirty dolls all stared at the pot, probably thinking about how they could eat the porridge in the pot.

"Sister Fairy will help you wash the dishes. Can you give me the porridge?" asked the fatter child just now.

Others are eager to try.

Shi Jia shook his head. Perhaps these precarious children wouldn't care about whether their companions had food. She glanced at the two children who were standing unable to move, "Do you know you were wrong now?"

The two children immediately shouted, "I was wrong."

Regardless of whether it's wrong or not, it must be a mistake if you don't eat something delicious.

Shi Jia laughed and threw a straw stick over the two of them. The next second, the two children fell down softly. Don't get me wrong, it was just because they stood for too long that their blood was not flowing smoothly.

When the other children saw this scene, they secretly swore that they would never disobey the fairy sister in the future.

"Ouch~" The two children stood and rolled on the ground for a while before they recovered. After they recovered, they immediately crawled to the pot, "I want to eat!"

"I want to eat it, it's mine!"

"I came first, it's mine."

Shi Jia is not the kind of person who likes to test human nature, so he directly said, "Go to the back and wash your hands and bring two bowls of water!"

After what happened just now, the two children did not dare to disobey Shi Jia's orders. With their support, they limped and walked to the backyard with three turns.

Shi Jia used a spoon to scrape the large iron pot. The porridge at the bottom was actually quite thick. Adding some water would make it less watery for two people to eat. Soon the two children came back. Not only did they wash their hands and bowls, but they also washed their faces. Each of the two children carried a bowl of water and walked carefully for fear of leaking a drop of water.

The two children stood in front of Shi Jia with water in their hands. They said nothing and looked directly at the porridge in the pot.

Shi Jia took two bowls of water, poured it into the pot, and said, "Bring it on!"

As the flame burned, the gruel in the pot also boiled. Shi Jia used a spoon to stir it from time to time to prevent it from sticking to the pot. Thinking that after adding water, it might lose the taste, I added some salt to it.

"Okay, bring the bowl."

As soon as he finished speaking, the two children brought the bowl to Shi Jia.

After dividing the porridge in the pot, Shi Jia looked at the little fat man, well, let's call him little fat man, "Go and wash the pot."

"I come"


As for who got the pot in the end, Shi Jiake didn't care. She looked around. The ruined temple was in decent condition, and most of the bricks and tiles were intact. There is also a water well, and the water well alone is very good.

It's just that it's so close to the official road that it's not very secretive.

Shi Jia shook her head. She still had to choose another place, preferably one close to mountains and rivers... Wait, something seemed wrong. It was her turn to reach out to a place close to mountains and rivers.

It is estimated that either the village was built or it was occupied by the bandits.

By the way, bandits!

Isn’t this just robbing the rich to give to the poor?

Well, let me think about what mountains are nearby that would be suitable for harboring bandits.

A map of the border between Yudu and Yidu Prefecture immediately appeared in Shi Jia's mind. There seemed to be quite a lot of mountains here! What's Xianshi Mountain, what's Wanxian Mountain, Pingshan and so on.

However, most of these famous mountains have temples built on them, worshiping the Dongling God Emperor.

Forget it, it's better to find some bandit dens to attack first. Wait until enough manpower is recruited to build the Dongling God Emperor's temple.

While Shijia was thinking, the dolls had already washed the pot and their faces.

All of them were sallow and thin, as if there were only bones left under the skin. Several of them even had blue-black faces, obviously they had been poisoned for a long time.

Shi Jia looked sad, but this was the way the world was, and a group of children were lucky to be alive.

She looked around and said, "Okay, let's talk about the process of how you ended up here."

Some children were hesitant after hearing this. It was a wound they didn't want to mention.

Of course, there are also children who are eager to give it a try, and the most active one is the little fat boy, "Let me talk first."

"Because there was a severe drought in my hometown and the imperial court was recruiting troops, my father and mother took me to flee. But on the way to escape, we encountered the army again, and they took my father forcibly. Later, my mother took me to flee, because she gave up all her things to I ate and starved to death.”

The little fat man pointed to the big iron pot, "Our family used to cook food, and my father made delicious food. Woohoo..."

In the end I couldn't help but cry.

Shi Jia let him cry, and the children next to him also let him cry. They were not touched by his story because their experiences were more painful and they had become numb after wandering for so long.

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